PubSub + Reliable message delivery to unreliably present subscribers - rabbitmq

I need to build a system that uses a Publish/Subscribe bus (e.g. Mule, ZeroMQ, RabbitMQ), but the literature all implies that subscriber applications are reliably available to receive messages from topics to which they subscribe as soon as the Pub/Sub bus is able to deliver the message.
I have a system where some of the applications will be reliably connected to the Publish/Subscribe bus, but other applications will not be active or connected to the bus all the time.
The obvious solution is to have some sort of "presence" protocol between the unreliable application and the Publish/Subscribe bus so that "present" applications get their messages delivered immediately, and "not present" applications have their messages queued up in a persistent buffer of some kind, and as soon as they complete the "presence handshake", the queued messages are delivered to the newly present application.
Are there any Publish/Subscribe buses which have this kind of feature built in, or are there any open-source add-ons which do this? Can you point me to any URLs which describe this?

You can achieve this behaviour quite easily with any AMQP-compliant broker (such as RabbitMQ).
Choose the correct exchange type for your usage model. You'll want to use a direct exchange if you're always sending to absolutely named destinations, something like chat.messages.
If you want to do pattern-based routing, you'll want to use topic exchange. Then you can route based on patterns such a chat.messages.*.
Routing is described in more detail in the RabbitMQ Tutorials.
To create the kind of persistent subscription that you mention, have each subscriber create a queue that is private to that subscriber. The queue is then bound to the relevant routing keys on your chosen exchange.
Since each subscriber has its own queue, messages will be consumed by the subscriber when active and stored when subscriber is inactive or disconnected.

You haven't mentioned your language of choice, but in Java you can accomplish this with JMS using durable subscribers. Any implementation of JMS (there are many, including the aforementioned RabbitMQ) will support this feature.


Do a wire tap on all exchanges on a RabbitMQ server

I want to create a UI to see all the messages that are flowing through all exchanges in RabbitMQ server (of course other than the management console).
I am also using Mass Transit over rabbit but i am not sure if this matters.
Is this at all possible without having to code a consumer for each one of them one by one? If yes, any starting points?
The message exchanges used for publishing, as well as sending, are all bound to an exchange that has the same name as the queue for message delivery. So you could bind your own wire tap exchange on the broker to any queue exchange, and wiretap the messages to another queue of your choosing.
You can view the RabbitMQ topology layout in the documentation.
It was specifically done this way to make it easy to wiretap any endpoint, since all messages flow through a single fanout exchange.
This is a pretty broad question because it's not entirely obvious what you mean by "see", but regardless, you could create an observer on your bus. It's documented here and I think it's fairly straightforward:
In the observer you can handle various events when any message hits the MT message bus, and perform some kind of operation (like print the message, add logging, metrics, etc). If you have a microservice scenario it might be a good idea to add an observer to your shared library and add it to the bus in your individual applications.

Synchronize microservices with events (RabbitMQ)

We are using a microservice architecture to implement Web-APIs in nodejs. Every service exposes HTTP endpoints so the app / website can interact with it. To synchronize the different databases, we are currently using RabbitMQ. A microservice can publish a message on a fanout exchange and every subscribed microservice receives the message.
There are two problems with this architecture.
What if we want to add a second instance of a microservice (for loadbalancing purposes etc.). If the second service would subscribe to the same fanout exchange, the messages would be consumed two times.
Either acknowledgments do not work with fanout exchanges, or I'm doing something wrong. When I publish a message on a fanout exchange without subscribers, the messages disappears immediately without being acked.
This leads me to the my question. Is RabbitMQ a good choice for microservice synchronization or should we change our architecture. Here is a short example of how I would like it to work:
The user creates a new account
The auth-mc inserts the user in its database and publishes a 'user.created' event
a1-mc, a2-mc (same mc, just loadbalanced) and b1-mc are subscribers of the exchange. Either a1 or a2, as well as b1 receive the event and insert the user in their respective database
The event is only removed from each microservices queue, after its acknowledged
This way I can be sure, that every microservice (loadbalanced or not) receives the message one time. Can such a pattern even be implemented using RabbitMQ?
EDIT: Also looking for good literature about microservices if there are any suggestions.
Let's use topic exchange instead of fanout for your purpose. Only one consumer will receive the message instead of all of them. You could route your messages based on routing_key params for different consumers. For instance, you have an exchange. You have three different queues bound to this exchange with the same routing key. Your message will be duplicated for each queue! Your consumers from different microservices could read the message separately and do what they need. The message will be not dropped until you acknowledge it, but it's a good practice to push message with TTL.

Redis publish-subscribe: Is Redis guaranteed to deliver the message even under massive stress?

Provided that both the client subscribed and the server publishing the message retain the connection, is Redis guaranteed to always deliver the published message to the subscribed client eventually, even under situations where the client and/or server are massively stressed? Or should I plan for the possibility that Redis might ocasionally drop messages as things get "hot"?
Redis does absolutely not provide any guaranteed delivery for the publish-and-subscribe traffic. This mechanism is only based on sockets and event loops, there is no queue involved (even in memory). If a subscriber is not listening while a publication occurs, the event will be lost for this subscriber.
It is possible to implement some guaranteed delivery mechanisms on top of Redis, but not with the publish-and-subscribe API. The list data type in Redis can be used as a queue, and as the the foundation of more advanced queuing systems, but it does not provide multicast capabilities (so no publish-and-subscribe).
AFAIK, there is no obvious way to easily implement publish-and-subscribe and guaranteed delivery at the same time with Redis.
Redis does not provide guaranteed delivery using its Pub/Sub mechanism. Moreover, if a subscriber is not actively listening on a channel, it will not receive messages that would have been published.
I previously wrote a detailed article that describes how one can use Redis lists in combination with BLPOP to implement reliable multicast pub/sub delivery:
For the record, here's the high-level strategy:
When each consumer starts up and gets ready to consume messages, it registers by adding itself to a Set representing all consumers registered on a queue.
When a producers publishes a message on a queue, it:
Saves the content of the message in a Redis key
Iterates over the set of consumers registered on the queue, and pushes the message ID in a List for each of the registered consumers
Each consumer continuously looks out for a new entry in its consumer-specific list and when one comes in, removes the entry (using a BLPOP operation), handles the message and moves on to the next message.
I have also made a Java implementation of these principles available open-source:
These principles have been used to process about 1,000 messages per second from a single Redis instance and two instances of the consumer application, each instance consuming messages with 5 threads.

Pub/sub with durable messages with Rebus

I need a way to publish messages to unknown number of subscribers. The messages should be durable/persisted and categorized into three priorities (high, medium and low). One of the subscribers can only handle a limited load and some messages are just more important. High-prioritized messages processed first etc.
How do I do that with Rebus? I guess I need three queues per subscriber?
Where can I find a publish/subscribe example with durable queues and MSMQ?
First, some info: Rebus likes to work with durable queues, durable messaging, and guaranteed delivery. In fact, unless you actively do stuff to opt out, that's the way everything works. So if you manage to make pub/sub work with Rebus, it's durable :)
Publishing by definition works with an "unknown number of subscribers" - at least that's a bus concern, and not an application concern.
In reality, subscribers initiate pub/sub conversation by issuing a SubscriptionMessage (which can be seen as a subscription request), which is then followed by the publisher publishing some number of events (which can be seen as "subscription replies"). The "bus part" of the publisher keeps track of who subscribed to any given event type.
So far, so good.
Regarding priorities, there's no out-of-the-box way to achieve that with Rebus. One way to ensure a maximum latency on certain message types is, as you're suggesting, by making separate endpoints whose input queues will not be clogged by low priority messages.
But there is some stuff around how Rebus is configured that strongly suggests having only one single input queue in each process, so that would probably imply that you should create separate processes that subscribe to those high priority message types.
I know that MSMQ supports some kind of priority on messages, so I guess it could be supported by having MsmqMessageQueue understand certain headers (similar to how express delivery and time-to-be-received are implemented - see here) - pull requests are happily accepted and strongly encouraged :)

ActiveMQ + Stomp: Multi-subscriber queue

I'm interacting with ActiveMQ via STOMP. I have one application which publishes messages and a second application which subscribes and processes the messages.
If I am writing messages to a queue I can be certain that, if I have two consumers, each message will only be processed once (because when a message is completed it is removed from the queue) - but is this functionality available from a topic?
For example; I have a third application which is a logger. I want the logger to receive each message the publisher emits, but I also want exactly one of two (or three or four etc…) of the processors to receive the message too.
Is this possible?
It occurs to me that a good way of doing this would be to have a topic which the publisher writes to, and a queue which the processors listen to, with something pushing every message from the topic onto the queue. Can ApacheMQ do this internally?
You can do this internally in ActiveMQ using Mirrored Queues and also use Virtual Topics for some other advanced routing semantics. If you want to have the option of other EIP type messaging patterns then I'd recommend you look into Apache Camel which provides a whole host of EIP pattern functionality.