XCode 4 pinwheeling while trying to debug - objective-c

It seems whenever I go to use the debugger in my project xcode decides to get caught and shows the pinwheel indefinitely. (haven't waited more than 5 minutes.) The strange thing is that this is only happening with one of my projects, the other ones are working fine. I can mouse over a variable and it will give me the information and everything, but in my one application, not such luck.
Is there a programming error that would cause such an issue? Or is there a possible solution to this problem? Thanks in advance for any help!

It sounds like there might be an infinite loop somewhere... Otherwise I have no clue. Try rebooting your Mac. Try simulator versus device.

I honestly have no clue what the problem was, it stopped doing it all of a sudden, then I did an update to xcode and it has not done it since. It probably just caught a hitch somewhere. whatever. Thanks for your help!


Spyder: Definition lookup (Ctrl+G) all of a sudden not working

Getting pretty tired of all these random bugs in this IDE. This shortcut worked fine before, and now it's not. Any ideas? I made sure I didn't map the shortcut to anything else. It just stopped working randomly. I'm using 4.0.1. Thank you.

Sound played slows down my app

I'm having this problem with playing sounds in my app. I used AudioServices before, but problem was that first sound was played with leg of few milliseconds. Now I tried with AVAudio. But AVAudio slows down my app (or stops it for few milliseconds - probably it stops all timers that are making my objects moving). It is playing the first sound without leg, because I am using "prepareToPlay" but now i got this problem. Is there some way to prepare AudioServices to play?
Anyone some other idea?. Thanks
i've used this for several apps: https://github.com/ymc-thzi/ios-audio-player
But depend if your app requires an interface.
This worked great for me.
I solved my problem. The problem was that I was using the same thread for everything. So I used other thread for sounds and main thread works just perfect now.

Debugging iOS Performance Remotely

I have an iOS application that is exhibiting performance issues. The problem is that the developers can't reproduce it. And the user who can reproduce the problem is physically nowhere near the developers. This means we can't use Instruments to help debug the problem.
Is there anyway we can do method level timing?
You can say to the person who makes the proves and have the issues that send you the debug log of the crash. The developers could try to find the problem with it.

Accidental delete iOS framework

So i have been having the hardest time getting my iphone application approved. And i sorta when on a little rampage through some of my code.
In my shear stupidity I thought that maybe I did not need the SenTestingKit.framework. So i attempted to remove it from my program, and when asked if i would like to delete or remove references i accidently clicked delete.
However upon reviewing some crash logs PRE-Deletion of SenTestingKit.framework I found the following...
Again this error was before I deleted the framework. The crash code to this is 0xe7ffdefe
Could someone please tell me where i might get the sentestingkit.framework from? And also if you have anyidea why it is causing the crash that would be so amazing to hear.
To restore that framework, just re-install Xcode. Or maybe your trash still has it.
About the iOS devices that complain about not finding the SenTestkingKit: I'd assume so, as it's a Xcode-only framework used for test cases. You aren't supposed to link it when distributing the app. Why would the user want to run test cases?

ZbarSDK errors (Screenshot included)

I keep getting errors trying to implement the ZBarSDK. I have previously done so without any problem but now it's making me go nuts :)
Anyone with any clue of what is going on, is welcome to answer..
Thanks in advance,
Ensure all of the required Frameworks are added to your Project.