Linux > Python > TTS, STT & voice reconization - text-to-speech

Text to Speech
I had been trying to run pyttsx in windows as well as Linux environment...
Linux Environment:
import pyttsx
engine = pyttsx.init()
the python just hangs up after executing the first line.
I've verified the above statement by running both the lines in a interactive shell prompt.
windows Environment:
import pyttsx
engine = pyttsx.init()
engine.say('Sally sells seashells by the seashore.')
engine.say('The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.')
Runs perfectly, and gives the desired output after installing
pyttsx 1.0 win32.exe (from here)
pywin for my verisn of windows (from here)
so actually in Linux version where I am actually lacking ???
Speech to text and voice recolonization
So , can pyttsx do both of the tasks ? if not, please suggest some efficient library..

In Windows pyttsx uses the sapi5 driver.
In Linux pyttsx uses the espeak driver.
What version of espeak is installed on your Linux system ?
espeak and pulseaudio don't play nice together.
Try disabling pulseaudio if it is enabled on your system, if that doesn't prevent the hang, then try downgrading or upgrading your version of espeak, as that has solved other users issues (crash rather than hang).
pyttsx only does Text to Speech.
Alternate solutions include
Festival TTS
Julius STT
CMU Sphinx STT


Installing Flask with Python Pycharm NOT Professional

So I understand that if you have unpaid Pycharm you cannot execute or open Flask?
Is there another IDE for Python where I can install Flask without paying pro?
Bottom line I am trying to learn this program and part of the learning is Flask. If else I pay Pro.
Flask can be installed with pip. pip install flask
With PyCharm you can make a configuration to run your python file
PyCharm Pro will have better support but community version can definitely do the task.
Also html css and js are better supported in PyCharm Pro
Also for web dev I would suggest VSCode (if you don't wanna pay)

Is Chaincoder IDE Compatible with Ubuntu 18.04?

I am learning hyperledger fabric and want to use an IDE for the same.While searching about it in google, i came across Chaincoder IDE, But according to the website, its only available for Windows 10(Pro or Enterprise) and MacOs. I am working in Ubuntu 18.04 so i want to know will it work in Ubuntu or not ?
The website is clear
There is an exe for Windows
a Zip for Macos
So no available version for Linux.
Downloading it was enough to answer your question.

Is there a way to run RAPIDS on windows pc?

I am trying to run Nvidia rapids on a windows computer but haven't had any luck. I have installed docker desktop for windows and downloaded the rapids image. Cuda 10.0 is installed, and Nvidia-container-toolkit isn't. I haven't been able to make it run. Any thoughts or guidance?
I'm not sure if anyone has given a more definite 'updated' answer to the original question. At this point (August 2020) the answer is "Yes!". You definitely can run RAPIDS in WSL2 on Windows 10 subject to a few conditions:
You must use RAPIDS in the Windows Subsystem for Linux version 2 (WSL2);
Windows 10 Version
2004 (OS Build 202001.1000 or later)
You have to sign up to get Windows Insider Preview versions, specifically the Developer Channel. This is required for the WSL2 VM to have GPU access.
CUDA version 455.41 in CUDA SDK v11.1
You must be using a special version of the NVIDA CUDA drivers (I'm using )
that you must get by a special download from NVIDIA's site. You must
join the NVIDIA Developer Program to get access to the version
-- then search for 'WSL2 CUDA Driver' and it should lead you to it.
Install the developer preview version of windows. Make sure to click the check box in 'update' that installs other recommended updates too.
Install the windows CUDA driver from the NVIDIA Developer Program
Enable WSL 2 by enabling the "Virtual Machine Platform" optional feature. You can find more steps here
Install WSL from the Windows Store (Ubuntu-20.04 confirmed working)
Install python on the WSL VM, tested with Anaconda
Install Rapids AI (It's best to install this right now before you have hundreds of other packages for 'conda' to try to self-consistently reconcile with the rapids dependency graphs -- you can always install additional python packages via pip or conda later.)
After doing this, if you launch ipython...
Python 3.8.3 (default, May 19 2020, 18:47:26)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 7.17.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
>>> import cuml
>>> cuml.__version__
>>> import cudf
>>> cudf.__version__
>>> import dask_cudf
>>> dask_cudf.__version__
>>> import cupy
>>> cupy.__version__
...and you're good to go with RAPIDS AI.
Update 9/6/20: The answer written by Wesley is accurate with the latest Windows Insider Preview with WSL2. Rather than revising this answer, I've just made the edits to his.
No. As it exists now, RAPIDS requires a Linux host. This came up in a recent workshop by NVIDIA. It was also mentioned that RAPIDS won't work with WSL. It may work with WSL version 2, but I haven't tried it nor am aware of someone that as.
The only option would if you could assign a GPU to a Linux VM on the Windows host. This possible but sufficiently complex that dual-booting is a better solution.

Installing chrome OS on an iMac
According this tutorial, I should remove all HDDs I do not want to install chromium OS to during install. I wanted to try this guide on my imac using an external SSD for chromeos. Obviously, removing the HDD isn't an option. Will the chromiumOS installer format my mac drive too, if I don't remove it?
AS the writer of that tutorial I can hopefully help you. When you install Chromium OS to begin with you can specify where to install to if you know your unix commands well enough. and then from there you can update to Chrome OS once you have your external working for you.
To find out what your hard drive is when connected, open a terminal (you may need to use a developer terminal) and use the command "fdisk -l" This will list your hard drives. for example /dev/sda1 etc...
Your install command would be "Install /Dev/sda1" but replace the dev part with whatever your hard drive was listed as. If you need further help email me at

Which all IDE will support python scripts?

My laptop is working in windows 7 OS. I want to start working with Python, But i don't have Linux in my system. Can you suggest any IDE which will help me to start my Python scripting under windows OS???
You can download the Anaconda Python packages and run them with Komodo Edit IDE. Other option is to use eclipse, which is quite bulky. A comprehensive summary is available at Choosing Python IDE