NULL value for int in Update statement - sql

Is it possible to set NULL value for int column in update statement?
How can I write the update statement in this case?

Assuming the column is set to support NULL as a value:
SET column = NULL
Be aware of the database NULL handling - by default in SQL Server, NULL is an INT. So if the column is a different data type you need to CAST/CONVERT NULL to the proper data type:
...assuming column is a DATETIME data type in the example above.

By using NULL without any quotes.
UPDATE `tablename` SET `fieldName` = NULL;

Provided that your int column is nullable, you may write:
UPDATE dbo.TableName
SET TableName.IntColumn = NULL
WHERE <condition>

If this is nullable int field then yes.
update TableName
set FiledName = null
where Id = SomeId


Set datetime to null Bigquery

How does one set a column with datatype datetime to null?
I searched through the docs and I couldn't find something towards that.
Any suggestions?
Check if this column is NULLABLE.
If it is - just use UPDATE statement:
UPDATE mytable
SET mycolumn = NULL
WHERE myconditions
If it is REQUIRED - you can change REQUIRED to NULLABLE - link

Set a field to the value of another field [duplicate]

Is it possible to copy data from column A to column B for all records in a table in SQL?
How about this
UPDATE table SET columnB = columnA;
This will update every row.
UPDATE table_name SET
WHERE condition_if_necessary
This will update all the rows in that columns if safe mode is not enabled.
UPDATE table SET columnB = columnA;
If safe mode is enabled then you will need to use a where clause.
I use primary key as greater than 0 basically all will be updated
UPDATE table SET columnB = columnA where table.column>0;
If you want to copy a column to another column with a different data type in PostgresSQL, you must cast/convert to the data type first, otherwise it will return
Query 1 ERROR: ERROR: column "test_date" is of type timestamp without
time zone but expression is of type character varying LINE 1: update
table_name set test_date = date_string_col
^ HINT: You will need to rewrite or cast the expression.
An example of converting varchar to timestamp:
update table_name set timestamp_col = date_string_col::TIMESTAMP;
An example of converting varchar to int:
update table_name set int_column = string_col::INTEGER;
but any column type(except file or the similar) can be copied to string(character varying) without cast the type.

Increment a nullable column in oracle

I have a table with nullable column.
create table testgt(retrycount number(3));
I have to update for the following cases.
If the value is null I should update as 0
and if the value is not null I should increment by 1.
Can a single query handle this?
You can use coalesce():
update testgr
set retrycount = coalesce(retrycount + 1, 0);

How to update a column with a "blank" value

How do I update a column value (varchar(20), not null) with a "blank" value?
If you want to update it with NULL you will need to change it to allow NULL. Otherwise update with an empty string "".
Update TableName Set ColumnName='' where [Condtion] // To update column with an enpty values
If there have any int column which you may want to do null
Update TABLE_NAME set name = '',id = cast(NULLIF(id,'') as NVARCHAR)

How do I set a column value to NULL in SQL Server Management Studio?

How do I clear the value from a cell and make it NULL?
I think Zack properly answered the question but just to cover all the bases:
Update myTable set MyColumn = NULL
This would set the entire column to null as the Question Title asks.
To set a specific row on a specific column to null use:
Update myTable set MyColumn = NULL where Field = Condition.
This would set a specific cell to null as the inner question asks.
If you've opened a table and you want to clear an existing value to NULL, click on the value, and press Ctrl+0.
If you are using the table interface you can type in NULL (all caps)
otherwise you can run an update statement where you could:
Update table set ColumnName = NULL where [Filter for record here]
Use This:
Update Table Set Column = CAST(NULL As Column Type) where Condition
Like This:
Update News Set Title = CAST(NULL As nvarchar(100)) Where ID = 50
Ctrl+0 or empty the value and hit enter.
Just as a little extension to Jeff Martin's and Zack Peterson's solution.
If you still want to set several values from the columns to null you can simply set the query to
UPDATE myTable SET MyColumn1 = NULL, MyColumn2 = NULL, MyColumn3 = NULL, ...
CTRL+0 doesn't seem to work when connected to an Azure DB.
However, to create an empty string, you can always just hit 'anykey then delete' inside a cell.