Is System.Data.SQLite is the dll for using SQLite in Compact framework? - compact-framework

Is System.Data.SqlLite is the dll for using SQLLite in Compact framework

Yes, there is support for the .NET Compact Framework.


Decompile tool for .net core which coded in .net core?

Does anyone know about a decompiler tool for .net core which is written in .net core?
All the tools I found are written in .net framework.
My application is written in .net core and I prefer not to require my users to install also .net framework.
.NET Reflector
supports C#7, .NET 4.7.2, and .NET Core and Standard.

Oracle.ManagedDataAccess for .Net 3.5

The question is:
Is there a library with Oracle.ManagedDataAccess for .NET 3.5?
Currently application uses.NET 4.0 but I must crate opportunity to use application on .NET 3.5 with independent Oracle library.
The fully managed driver, which uses the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess namespace, is only available for .NET 4.0, as can be read in the Oracle documentation.
If you need to support .NET 3.5 you have to either use the unmanaged driver (Oracle.DataAccess namespace) or a third party driver like dotConnect for Oracle.

Firebird ADO.NET Data Provider Version 3.0.2 does not support .Net Framework 4?

I downloaded Firebird ADO.NET Data Provider 3.0.2 from the Firdbird website.
I start a new visual studio project, specifying .Net Framework 4 (not client profile)
At the top of one of my source files I put
using FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient
Then I try to build the project, and it gives the following error -
The type or namespace name 'FirebirdSql' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
However if I download version 2.6 of the Firebird ADO.NET Data Provider, it works just fine.
Am I understanding this correctly, version 3.0.2 does not support .NET Framework 4.0?
Unfortunately Windows Xp doesn't support .NET 4.5 so I hope that's not the case.
You have to download the "NET40" version and reference this.

Does Microsoft Moles support .NET Compact Framework?

I am currently working on unit tests for a WinCE-based application which uses .NET Compact Framework 2.0.
I could like to know, does Moles Framework support .NET Compact Framework 2.0? If not, could someone please suggest another mocking framework that supports .NET Compact Framework?

dotConnect mobile and fluent nhibernate in compact framework 3.5

We are using dotConnect mobile for connecting to Oracle DB.
I know that dotConnect can be used with NHibernate and Fluent Nhibernate ORM on the desktop but can the combination also be used with the Compact Framework (version 3.5)?
NHibernate cannot be used under the Compact Framework because the Compact Framework does not provide support for some of the fundamental classes (specifically Reflection.Emit) that NHibernate uses.
NHibernate uses Reflection.Emit, which does not exist in the Compact Framework.
Because of #1, NHibernate can't be compiled for the Compact Framework.
Becasue of #2, we know that there are no Compact Framework compatible NHibernate assemblies.
You cannot use desktop assemblies with the Compact Framework. Only assemblies compiled for the CF can be used.
So following this logic we know that anything that uses NHibernate will not work under the Compact Framework.
Seems like NHibernate doesn't support .NET Compact Framework due to usage of some Reflection classes.