Objective C: Class Method Explanation - objective-c

As a part of my transition process from C++ to Objective-C, I intensively read book Cocoa and Objective C Up and Running.
In one of the book code examples, there is a line that does not make sense to me with my current level of knowledge:
It is a declaration of class method + (Photo*) photo;.
Could anybody explain me the reason, please, why the author had decided for the method (Photo*) photo; to declare it as a class method instead of instance method?
I have studiet the theory, that the instane method is something like a class member function and that class method is something like static function in C++. But this still does not answer my question.
Here is the declaration code:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface Photo : NSObject{
NSString* caption;
NSString* photographer;
+ (Photo*) photo;
- (NSString*) caption;
- (NSString*) photographer;
- (void) setCaption: (NSString*)input;
- (void) setPhotographer: (NSString*)input;
The implementation code follows:
#import "Photo.h"
#implementation Photo
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
[self setCaption:#"Default Caption"];
[self setPhotographer:#"Default Photographer"];
return self;
+ (Photo*) photo {
Photo* newPhoto = [[Photo alloc] init];
return [newPhoto autorelease];
- (NSString*) caption {
return caption;
- (NSString*) photographer {
return photographer;
- (void) setCaption:(NSString *)input {
[caption autorelease];
caption = [input retain];
- (void) setPhotographer: (NSString *)input {
[photographer autorelease];
photographer = [input retain];
- (void)dealloc
[self setCaption:nil];
[self setPhotographer:nil];
[super dealloc];

The + (Photo*) photo method is a Factory Method that encapsulates the details of creating an object of the Photo class.
A Factory Method enforces
encapsulation, and allows an object to
be requested without inextricable
coupling to the act of creation.
In this particular example the information being hidden by the factory method is memory management, since the client does not need to worry about releasing the returned object.
It is a common practice in Objective-C APIs to provide factory methods in classes that return autoreleased objects of that same classes. These methods must not contain any of the words “alloc”, “new”, “copy”, or “mutableCopy”, which, according to the convention, indicates that the caller doesn't own the returned object, i.e. it doesn't have to be explicitly released.
Related resources:
Memory Management Rules

Meta answer:
One issue; that method should be
declared as returning id and should
return [[[self alloc] init]
autorelease]; (one line or two,
doesn't matter -- just should refer to
the Class directly). As it is, Photo
is gonna be a pain to subclass.
Expanding -- given this:
+ (Photo*) photo {
Photo* newPhoto = [[Photo alloc] init];
return [newPhoto autorelease];
If the class were subclassed, this factory method would not work without being overridden to do pretty much the same thing. However, since Objective-C doesn't support co-variance and contra-variance, there would be no way to declare the subclass's implementation of +photo to return an instance of the subclass without also running a significant risk of compiler warnings. Alternatively, you could down-cast the return value to the more specific class, but that is rife with fragility.
Instead, do this:
+ (id) photo {
id newPhoto = [[self alloc] init];
return [newPhoto autorelease];
This fixes both issues:
since it uses self, it'll instantiate an instance of whatever class it is implemented on, including subclasses of Photo.
since it returns id, callers can do both of the following without issue:
Photo *p = [Photo photo];
SubclassOfPhoto *s = [SubclassOfPhoto photo];

In this scenario, photo is a convenience method, which returns you an autoreleased instance of the class.
Since the purpose of photo is to give you an instance, it wouldn't make sense to make it an instance method which would require you to already have an instance.
If you're familiar with Factory Methods, the photo method is similar to that.

+photo is like a constructor. You need a way to get an object to send instance methods to, and this gives you an autoreleased one.

It is equivalent to a static method, as you say. In this case (and all cases of [ClassName className] methods) it's basically a factory method. You're asking the class to construct an instance of itself and pass it back. All such methods should return an autoreleased object.
You can safely ignore methods like that if you want - there will usually be an alloc+init equivalent, but it's often more convenient to use the class method, especially if you're creating a throaway object and don't want to retain it.
Finally, you'll sometimes find classes which require you to use the class method, as they'll hide some clever logic wherein an instance of another class is actually returned. You'll sometimes hear these described as 'class clusters'.

Could anybody explain me the reason, please, why the author had decided for the method (Photo*) photo; to declare it as a class method instead of instance method?
It's basically a wrapper of the constructor litany. Note the source:
+ (Photo*) photo {
Photo* newPhoto = [[Photo alloc] init];
return [newPhoto autorelease];
Allocate a new Photo, initialize it, mark it autorelease, and return it. Since it creates the object, there is no object yet to operate upon, ergo this needs to be a class method.


How Class Method can access Instance Method ?

I am from Actionscript Background. In Actionscript Class Method can access only Class Methods and Class properties.
But In Objective C,
How Class method gameResultAll can access Instance Method initFromPlist
+(NSMutableArray *)gameResultAll://Class Method
-(id)initFromPlist:(id)plist;//Instance Method
NSMutableArray *gameResults = [GameResult gameResultAll]; // (returns GameResult array)
Why [self init] method is called instead of [super init] to create an instance from class method.
Thanks in advance.
#import "GameResult.h"
#implementation GameResult
#define GAME_RESULT_KEY #"gameresult_key"
#define SCORE_KEY #"score"
+(NSMutableArray *)gameResultAll
NSMutableArray *resultArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (id plist in [[[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] dictionaryForKey:GAME_RESULT_KEY] mutableCopy] allValues])
GameResult *gameResult = [[GameResult alloc] initFromPlist:plist];
[resultArray addObject:gameResult];
return resultArray;
//Designated initialiser
self = [self init];
if([plist isKindOfClass:[NSDictionary class]])
NSDictionary *resultDictionary = (NSDictionary*)plist;
_score = (int)resultDictionary[SCORE_KEY];
return self;
You asked:
How Class method gameResultAll can access Instance Method initFromPlist
It can access that method because you used the alloc method, which creates an instance of GameResult. Now that you have an instance, you can use instance methods in conjunction with this instance.
By the way, this is a very common pattern, a "convenience" class method that allocates an instance of an object (with alloc) and initializes the object (with init or some permutation of that). Or, as in this case, it can create an array of these objects.
You then go on to ask:
Why [self init] method is called instead of [super init] to create an instance from class method.
I can understand the confusion, but there is an important, yet subtle distinction in the behavior of these two.
Imagine this scenario:
At some future date, you subclass GameResult, e.g. ArcadeGameResult;
You implemented an init method for ArcadeGameResult that initializes some properties unique to this subclass; and
You happen to initialize a ArcadeGameResult instance like so:
ArcadeGameResult *agr = [[ArcadeGameResult alloc] initFromPlist:plist];
Because the initFromPlist uses [self init], it means that the the initFromPlist method of GameResult will end up calling the init method of the object (which in this example, is actually a ArcadeGameResult object). But if initFromPlist in GameResult called [super init] instead, it would not have called ArcadeGameResult's init method and thus initFromPlist would be problematic if ever used in conjunction with a subclass.
Bottom line, unless the method you're calling is the exact same method signature, it's safer to call the self rendition rather than the super rendition. It's a little more flexible in case you ever decide to subclass in the future.
There is a corollary to the counsel. When calling class methods from an instance method, you should refer to [self class] rather than the class name. So, imagine your GameResult class had a class method:
+ (void)someClassMethod
// do something
If you had some GameResult instance method that was going to avail itself of this method, you might be tempted to write:
- (void)someInstanceMethod
// do some stuff
[GameResult someClassMethod];
But that's not a good idea. You would instead use the following:
- (void)someInstanceMethod
// do some stuff
[[self class] someClassMethod];
They look very similar, but the latter lets you implement a someClassMethod in a subclass, and this instance method will still work. If you use the former construct, the subclassed class method wouldn't be called by someInstanceMethod.
These are subtle issues, and probably not critical for your current code sample. But hopefully it illuminates the choice of [self init] versus [super init] in this situation.
In Actionscript Class Method can access only Class Methods and Class properties.
That's not different in Objective-C either (because nothing else would make sense), so:
How Class method GameResultAll can access Instance Method initFromPlist
Only through a valid instance.
Why [self init] method is called instead of [self super] to create an instance from class method.
Because the latter is a syntax error, perhaps? Read a basic Objective-C tutorial.

Find the Selector of a Class method

I'm quite a newbie in Objective C, though I have some background in Java reflection.
Here, I have a classic class method findAll that find all the domain objects from the database. The class Univers directly inherits from DomainObject
#interface DomainObject : NSObject
- (NSString *) execute : (NSString*) method withJson:(NSString*)json;
+ (NSString*)findAll: (NSString*)json;
#implementation DomainObject
- (NSString *) execute: (NSString*) method withJson:(NSString*)json{
method = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#", method, #":"];
//method is 'findAll:'
NSString* result = [ self performSelector:
NSSelectorFromString(method) withObject:json];// Error here
return result;
The code was working when findAll was NOT a class method (ie -findAll declaration), but now I have the error : NSInvalidArgumentException -[Univers findAll:]
It clearly seems that the runtime is looking for an instance method.
Any idea to find my class method ?
Instead of calling
NSString* result = [self performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(method) withObject:json];
you need to call
NSString* result = [[self class] performSelector:NSSelectorFromString(method) withObject:json];
for class methods.
After all it's the object instance's class that supposed to be calling the method, not the instance itself.
Short explanation: NSObject implements - (Class)class; (not to be mistaken with + (Class)class of similar effect, which NSObject implements, too!) which returns the Class object of your instance object. Keep in mind that in Objective-C in addition to plain instance objects, Classes are actual objects, too: objects of type Class, that is (vs. id, NSObject, …).
See the documentation for the -class method here.
Btw, you should probably wrap your method call into an conditional block to prevent exceptions caused by calls to missing methods.
SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString(method);
if ([[self class] respondsToSelector:selector]) {
NSString* result = [[self class] performSelector:selector withObject:json];
In general it's a common pattern in Objective-C to call an object's class method by receiving the class object via [object class].
Consider this case of a class called Foo implementing a convenience method for returning an autporeleased instance of itself (to be called via: Foo *newFoo = [Foo foo];):
While it would certainly be possible to implement said method like this (after all we know the object's class name, right?):
+ (id)foo {
return [[[Foo alloc] init] autorelease];
the correct way is this:
+ (id)foo {
return [[[self alloc] init] autorelease];
As the first one would cause problems with polymorphism in subclasses (Such as a subclass called FooBar, for which it should clearly be [FooBar alloc] …, not [Foo alloc] …. Luckily [[self class] alloc] solves this dynamically).
While this is clearly not the right place for a thorough explanation of this (rather offtopic one might say) it's certainly worth noting/warning about, imho.

Subclassing Objective C Class methods

I have a question regarding Subclassing and Class methods.
I have a base class MyBaseClass which has a convenience class method
+ (id)giveMeAClassUsing:(NSString *)someParameter;
MyBaseClass is not a singleton.
Now, I wish to create a subclass of MyBaseClass, let's call it MyChildClass. I wish to have the same class method on MyChildClass as well. Additionally, I also wish to initialize an instance variable on MyChildClass when I do that.
Would doing something like this:
+ (id)giveMeAClassUsing:(NSString *)someParameter {
MyChildClass *anInstance = [super giveMeAClassUsing:someParameter];
anInstance.instanceVariable = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:someFrame];
return anInstance;
be valid?
Thanks for all your help (in advance) and for resolving my confusion and clarifying some concepts!
That will work fine.
Possibly better would be to define your convenience constructor in such a way that you don't need to override it:
+ (id)myClassWithString: (NSString *)string {
return [[[self alloc] initWithString:string] autorelease];
This will do the right thing no matter which of your superclass or any of its subclasses it is called in.
Then change just the initWithString: method in your subclass to handle the initialization:
- (id)initWithString: (NSString *)string {
return [self initWithString:string andImageView:[[[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:someFrame] autorelease]] ;
Absolutely that's valid.
One note though is in the superclass, reference the class itself with self, rather than the superclass by name.
This is bad:
// MySuperClass // BAD :(
+ (id)giveMeAClassUsing:(NSString *)someParameter {
return [[[MySuperClass alloc] initWithParam:someParameter] autorelease];
But this is good!
// MySuperClass // GOOD! :D
+ (id)giveMeAClassUsing:(NSString *)someParameter {
return [[[self alloc] initWithParam:someParameter] autorelease];
Otherwise when you subclass, and then call super you aren't actually initializing the right class. Use of self allows the class being instantiated to vary without overriding the class method.

singleton in objective c

I saw a singleton example on objective-c book. However, I don't know if there is difference of meaning of 'singleton' definition between objective-c and other langs. Can this [[SingletonClass alloc] init] still be used to create a new object? If yes, how to guarantee there is only one object in the memory?
#import "SingletonClass.h"
#implementation SingletonClass
static SingletonClass *sharedInstance = nil;
// Get the shared instance and create it if necessary.
+ (SingletonClass*)sharedInstance {
if (sharedInstance == nil) {
sharedInstance = [[super allocWithZone:NULL] init];
return sharedInstance;
// We can still have a regular init method, that will get called the first time the Singleton is used.
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
// Work your initialising magic here as you normally would
return self;
If you want a true singleton, i.e. an object that can be instantiated only once, take a look at Apple's documentation: Creating a Singleton Instance.
Basically, the idea is to override a number of methods related to allocating and managing objects: +allocWithZone (which is called by +alloc), -retain, -release, -copyWithZone, etc., so that it becomes quite difficult to create more than one instance of your singleton class. (It's still possible to create a second instance by calling the runtime directly, but this should be enough to get the point across.)
Pretty much every blogger who has ever written about Objective-C in any capacity has offered an opinion on how to implement singletons. Many of those opinions seem pretty good, and most of them are fairly similar. It's clear that Dave DeLong knows what he's talking about, and his piece on singletons is short, sweet, and gets straight to the point.
I don't know if there is difference of meaning of 'singleton' definition between objective-c and other langs.
It follows the common definition of languages derived from C.
Can this [[SingletonClass alloc] init] still be used to create a new object?
If yes, how to guarantee there is only one object in the memory?
Avoid enforcing the pattern (e.g. do not force it to be a singleton). Just make a normal object. Then if you really want only one instance, create an instance and save it someplace for reuse (your app delegate is one typical place for this, because it is typically created once per execution).
In practice, most (>95%) ObjC singleton implementations i've seen in the wild are used for the wrong reasons, and would have been better or as good as normal objects.
Every solution linked in the answers so far has (at minimum) subtle problems, dangers, or undesirable side-effects.
There is no language support for singletons, but you can do it by hand. Look at the singleton example here. It doesn't look like it is thread-safe, though. I would allocate the object in +initialize instead of +sharedManager.
You can create a singleton in Objective-C by doing the following:
+(MyAPI *)shared {
static dispatch_once_t queue;
static MyAPI *singleton = nil;
dispatch_once(&queue, ^{
singleton = [[MyAPI alloc] init];
return singleton;
This will also ensure that it is thread safe. Without using the dispatch_once you run the risk of multiple threads trying to access it at the same time when one is in the middle of allocating it, and the other is trying to use it.
Singleton class is used to save the data for use anywhere in app.
#define saveDataSingletonObject ((SaveDataSingleton*)[SaveDataSingleton sharedManager])
#interface SaveDataSingleton : NSObject
#property (nonatomic,strong) NSMutableArray *DataArr;
+ (id)sharedManager;
#implementation SaveDataSingleton
#synthesize DataArr;
+ (id)sharedManager {
static SaveDataSingleton *sharedManager;
if(!sharedManager) {
#synchronized(sharedManager) {
sharedManager = [SaveDataSingleton new];
return sharedManager;
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
DataArr = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
return self;
// using setter getter save and retrieve data
+(void)setDataArr:(NSMutableArray *)Dataarr
self.DataArr = [[NSMutableArray alloc]initWithArray:Dataarr];
+(NSMutableArray *)DataArr
return self.DataArr;
Save and Retrieve data // Use singleton Object
// save data using setter function.
[saveDataSingletonObject setDataArr:Array];
//fetch data using getter function.
NSArray *arr=[saveDataSingletonObject DataArr];

Object only initialisable through factory method (Objective-c)

I am trying to create an object only instantiatable through a factory method. I prevented init being used by throwing an exception (see Creating a class with no init method). However this meant that I had to create a new method secretInit to use in the factory method.
//Factory method
- (URLReqs *)buildURLReq:(NSString *)location
URLReqs *tmp=[[URLReqs alloc] secretInit];
return tmp;
- (id) secretInit{
return [super init];
This method is messy and while we can avoid declaring secretInit in the header file, someone could still access it. Is there a nicer solution?
One idea is to try calling init on the super object of URLReqs directly rather than creating a function to do it.
You don't want to do it this way, but it is possible:
#include <objc/message.h>
#implementation MyClass
+ (id) factoryMethodWithParameter:(NSString *) someString;
struct objc_super instanceSuper;
id myInstance = [self alloc];
instanceSuper.receiver = myInstance;
instanceSuper.super_class = [self superclass];
// instanceSuper.class = [self superclass]; // use this line if the above doesn't compile
myInstance = objc_msgSendSuper (&instanceSuper, #selector(init));
//continue on setting up myInstance's ivars . . .
[myInstance setVariable:someString];
return myInstance;
- (id) init
self = [super init];
if (!self) return nil;
[self release];
[self doesNotRecogniseSelector:_cmd];
return nil;
This will allow you to continue to send init messages to myInstance's “super” object, but won't allow anyone to send init to MyClass instances.
Be careful though, although this is using standard runtime functions declared in objc/*.h, don't expect Apple to keep this runtime API consistent.
The solution is to use a category on your object to hide the secret initialization method.
Private Methods through categories
What goal are you trying to accomplish? There might be a better solution than this.
It only exposes it if it's referenced in the header file.
No, wait. I should state that another way. There's no better way to hide it than to not declare it in the header file. Private methods don't exist in Objective-C.