where is the memory leak - objective-c

I have a line of code:
CGFloat *components = CGColorGetComponents([color CGColor]);
and the analyzer is saying that there is a leak here.
I tried free(components) but the app crashes when I do that.
Is there really a leak here since I didnt allocate anything. I know that CGColorGetComponents returns an array of 3 CGFloat's but when I try to free them it crashes.
Any help is appreciated.

See SO #792119.
Declaring the variable does not create the array. In fact, neither does CGColorGetComponents. Whatever created the CGColor object created the array and stored it inside the object; CGColorGetComponents lets you have the pointer to that storage.
In short, do not free your pointer.
You could, however, set it to NULL.

Maybe you should pass color.CGColor as argument?
Have a look at this thread: What does CGColorGetComponents() return?


Re-initialize NSMutableArray as NSMutableArray

I was having a problem with my app throwing an exception when calling removeObjectAtIndex on an NSMutableArray, saying that myLocationsArray was declared immutable. All other manipulation on that array was fine, it was most definitely declared correctly etc etc but somewhere in my app it was getting set as immutable. After investigating for a while trying to find where it was getting set immutable, I decided screw it and just redeclared the variable as such:
myLocationsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[defaults
right before the removeObjectAtIndex call.
However I know this has got to be badwrong, I'm calling alloc/init twice on the same variable. However it's the only thing that has worked. Is there any way to remind this variable that it is an NSMutableArray without introducing memory leaks like I am?
NSUserDefaults returns immutable copy of your array. It doesn't matter whether you put NSArray or NSMutableArray in it, it always give you immutable copy back.
So, do this to get a mutable copy that you can work with
myLocationsArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:[[[defaults objectForKey:MYLOCATIONSARRAY_KEY] mutableCopy] autorelease]];
or just this
myLocationsArray = [[defaults objectForKey:MYLOCATIONSARRAY_KEY] mutableCopy];
I would suggest to set a breakpoint on the line where your program is throwing an exception (the one containing removeObjectAtIndex) and inspect with the debugger the real type of the array. If you go with you mouse over the array name, a popup menu will display giving you all the information you need about the pointed object.
What I expect is that you find out this way that the object is an NSArray (vs. NSMutableArray) and then trace back to the point where you initialized it in the first place.
It looks like you're working with NSUserDefaults. All objects you get out of NSUserDefaults are always immutable, regardless of what you stored into it. NSUserDefaults doesn't keep a reference to the specific object you set into it, it keeps the data. It's effectively making a copy. When you get something out of NSUserDefaults, it makes a new (immutable) object from the data it has stored and gives that to you.
Unsurprisingly, you can't change what's stored in NSUserDefaults by mutating what you (think you) stored in it. You can only change what's stored by replacing what you previously stored by storing something anew.
The declaration should not matter; your error is a run-time error. It sounds like your myLocationsArray variable has been assigned an immutable array (NSArray) though whether it is being re-assigned somewhere or was always immutable is impossible to say from your code fragment.

Why I'm getting memory leaks with xmlTextReaderConstValue?

I'm writing my own wrapper class for parsing XML data. Usually I use the Leak Performance Tool to detect suspicios behaviour through forgetting to release allocated memory.
At this time I figured out that the following code (the first line becomes marked by the tool) brings me an enormous memory leak (leaks more the bigger the XML data file becomes).
the following part is used to receive the text inside a Node.
NSString *currentTagValue = [NSString stringWithCString:(char *)xmlTextReaderConstValue(XMLReader) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:#"set%#:", [currentTag capitalizedString]]);
[currentItem performSelector:selector withObject:currentTagValue];
If I add
[currentTagValue release]
the memory leaks are gone.
This seems strange to me, because I don't allocate memory for the NSString manually. That's why I thought it would be autoreleased.
The whole situation becomes stranger if I compare the upper code example with the part that is responsible for obtaining the node name.
NSString *currentTagName = [NSString stringWithCString:(char *)xmlTextReaderConstName(XMLReader) encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
SEL selector = NSSelectorFromString([NSString stringWithFormat:#"set%#:", [currentTagName capitalizedString]]);
Here I dont't have to add a manual release, everything works fine and I'm getting no memory leak.
I'm not sure if my described problem is a side-effect of the xml...ConstValue function (the working part uses xml...ConstName) or if the reason is the performed selector afterwards.
Thanks for reading, I hope anyone can explain it to me.
Are you using libxml2? I haven't used libxml2 yet, but I googled quickly and found this:
Function: xmlTextReaderConstValue
Returns: the string or NULL if not
available. The result will be
deallocated on the next Read()
Compare that with xmlTextReaderConstName
Function: xmlTextReaderConstName
Returns: the local name or NULL if not
available, the string is deallocated
with the reader.
It may be a leak in the lib, or a false alarm as the result seems to be on a delayed release (or something entirely different as I have no firsthand experience to say otherwise). Is the program crashing because of the leak or not? If it is not, maybe it's just a false alarm.
Hope it helps.

how to initialize an object(NSObject subclass) at a specific address

Hi I need to initialize an NSObject at a particular location that I specify(through a void* pointer, for example). For a little bit of context, I am writing a sqlite3 aggregate function. To keep temporary results from this function, I have to call a sqlite3_aggregate_context function, which allocates a block of memory for me. I want to store an NSDecimalNumber at this location.
So far I have tried two approaches:
1)allocWithZone, by doing:
void *location = sqlite3_aggregate_context(...); //returns a block of allocated memory of a certain size
NSDecimalNumber *num = [[NSDecimalNumber allocWithZone:NSZoneFromPointer(location)] initWithInt:0];
This does not work because NSZoneFromPointer returns nil. Docs say that the arguments to this function must be a previously allocated pointer, which it is. I dont know if this means allocated using NSZoneMalloc/Calloc.
id location = sqlite3_aggregate_function(...);
location = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] init];
but this causes some kind of infinite recursion when freeing the memory...not sure what the deal is. A screenshot here:
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated!
You can't really determine reliably where an object is going to be created in memory. The NSZoneFromPointer fails for you because the sqlite3 API is not using zones to allocate its resources.
If you want to be able to pass a specific location, you should do so using a pointer to the object (so you are storing a pointer to a pointer basically). You can then read this information from your aggregate function and update it accordingly. Just make sure that you don't simply let your object be freed at the end of the call without taking care to release it (or you'll have a leak).
So, for example, you could do something like:
NSDecimalNumber** numberLocation = sqlite3_aggregate_context(...);
*numberLocation = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithDouble:25.0];
You now have a reference to your object stored in your special memory area and can access it any time:
NSDecimalNumber* storedNumber = *numberLocation;
NSDecimalNumber* computedNumber = [[NSDecimalNumber alloc] initWithDouble:[storedNumber doubleValue] * someComputation];
[storedNumber autorelease];
*numberLocation = computedNumber;
On the other hand, I agree with Mark; maybe this immutable class isn't the best solution to your problem?
Your first version is simply not going to work. NSZoneFromPointer only works when passed a pointer allocated from a zone. It's used so you can allocate an object from the same zone as some other object.
The second version ought to work, though it's difficult to tell without more context. What are you passing to sqlite3_aggregate_context as the size of the memory to allocate? And how are you freeing that memory when you're done?
The second version doesn't work because the "id" type is actually a pointer, so you're pointing it at the memory returned by sqlite3_aggregate_context(), then pointing it at the memory returned by alloc/init. You really need to store a pointer-to-pointer to get that to work the way you want.
NSDecimalNumber is an immutable class, so calling -init on it (as opposed to -initWithDecimal:) is just going to get you some default value. What sort of code are you using to replace the NSNumber with new values as the function progresses?
More to the point, why use NSDecimalNumber at all, as opposed to a C integer, or double, or whatever?

Debugging unexpected error message - possible memory management problem?

I am trying to debug an application that is throwing up strange (to my untutored eyed) errors. When I try to simply log the count of an array...
NSLog(#"Array has %i items", [[self startingPlayers] count]);
...I sometimes get an error:
-[NSCFString count]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1002af600
or other times
-[NSConcreteNotification count]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x1002af600
I am not sending 'count' to any NSString or NSNotification, and this line of code works fine normally.
A Theory...
Although the error varies, the crash happens at predictable times, immediately after I have run through some other code where I'm thinking I might have a memory management issue. Is it possible that the object reference is still pointing to something that is meant to be destroyed? Sorry if my terms are off, but perhaps it's expecting the array at the address it calls 'count' on, but finds another previous object that shouldn't still be there (eg an NSString)? Would this cause the problem?
If so, what is the most efficient way to debug and find out what is that address? Most of my debugging up until now involves inserting NSLogs, so this would be a good opportunity to learn how to use the debugger.
This is a sign that the memory location at which your code is expecting your array to live has either:
Been deallocated and another variable has been allocated in the same place
Been clobbered by some bad code
My bet would be on the first one. You'll want to carefully look at where you are allocating the array and make sure that you're not allowing its retain count to reach zero.
Remember that if you're allocating the array using a convenience method (basically one that starts with array) and not either retaining it or assigning it using dot notation (e.g. self.myArray = [NSArray arrayWith...]) and a property marked retain, it will be freed possibly as soon as the method in which you allocated it returns.
TL;DR is to check where you're assigning the array and make sure you're using something like this:
self.startingPlayers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"first", #"second", nil];
and not like this:
startingPlayers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:#"first", #"second", nil];
That one's bitten me countless times, including in the middle of a presentation right after I mentioned not to do it.
What does [self startingPlayers] return? Try printing that first:
NSLog("startingPlayers is %#", self.startingPlayers);
Perhaps startingPlayers contains a bad pointer (uninitialized) or a pointer to something that has already been released (and reused for something else).

Pass NSMutableArray object

I'm getting lost in pointer land, I believe. I've got this (code syntax might be a little off, I am not looking at the machine with this code on it...but all the pertinent details are correct):
NSMutableArray *tmp = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
I them pass that to a routine in another class
- (BOOL)myRoutine: (NSMutableArray *)inArray
// Adds items to the array -- if I break at the end of this function, the inArray variable has a count of 10
But when the code comes back into the calling routine, [tmp count] is 0.
I must be missing something very simple and yet very fundamental, but for the life of me I can't see it. Can anyone point out what I'm doing wrong?
EDIT: www.stray-bits.com asked if I have retained a reference to it, and I said "maybe...we tried this: NSMutableArray *tmp = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] retain]; not sure if that is what you mean, or if I did it right.
EDIT2: Mike McMaster and Andy -- you guys are probably right, then. I don't have the code here (it's on a colleague's machine and they have left for the day), but to fill the array with values we were doing something along the lines of using a decoder(?) object.
The purpose of this function is to open a file from the iPhone, read that file into an array (it's an array of objects that we saved in a previous run of the program). That "decoder" thing has a method that puts data into the array.
Man, I've totally butchered this. I really hope you all can follow, and thanks for the advice. We'll look more closely at it.
You don't need to call retain in this case. [[NSMutableArray alloc] init] creates the object with a retain count of 1, so it won't get released until you specifically release it.
It would be good to see more of the code. I don't think the error is in the very small amount you've posted so far..
I agree with Mike - based on the code you've posted, it looks correct. In addition to posting the code used to call the function and add items to the array, you could try checking the memory addresses of the pointer at the end of the function (when it has all of the objects), and also once it has returned (when it has no objects). I'm not sure why it would be different, but then again the items should stick in the array as well.
You need to show us a bit more of how you're adding objects to the array for us to really help.
I've seen a lot of people write code like this:
NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:0];
array = [foo bar];
People doing this think it "creates and then sets" a mutable array, but that's not at all what it does. Instead, it creates a mutable array, assigns it to the variable named array, and then assigns a different mutable array to that variable.
So be sure you're not confusing the variable for the object to which it is a reference. The object isn't the variable, it's interacted with through the variable.
NSMutableArray retains objects added to it, but have you retained the array itself?
The code you posted should work. You must be doing something funny in the decoder function.
You should not retain that array. It's automatically retained with init. If you retain it, you'll leak memory. If you are just starting with objective c, take time and read "Introduction to Memory Management Programming Guide for Cocoa". It will spare you lots of headache.
Why are you writing so much code to read an array from a file? It's already supported by the framework:
+ arrayWithContentsOfFile:
Returns an array initialized from the contents of a specified file.
The specified file can be a full or
relative pathname; the file that it
names must contain a string
representation of an array, such as
that produced by the
writeToFile:atomically: method.
So you can do this:
NSMuatableArray *myArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithContentsOfFile:#"path/to/my/file"];
This is a convenience method, so the object will autorelease. Make sure to retain this one if you want to keep it around.