Drawing a moving sine wave anti-aliased - objective-c

I want to draw a moving sine wave with variable frequency and variable amplitude in a crisp and anti-aliased way. How is this possible?

Well, I implemented sine wave into the UIView drawrect method as follows :
float x=75;
float yc=50;
float w=0;
while (w<=rect.frame.size.width) {
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, nil, w,y/2);
CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint(path, nil, w+x/4, -yc,w+ x/2, y/2);
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, nil, w+x/2,y/2);
CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint(path, nil, w+3*x/4, y+yc, w+x, y/2);
CGContextAddPath(context, path);
CGContextDrawPath(context, kCGPathStroke);
Here x would be the width of each sine wave, while y is the height of the frame. This would draw number of sine waves to fit in the whole UIViewFrame. It would produce crisp looking sine wave and yc being control handle. Try it you might like it.
If the width ie. x is similar to the width of the frame then a single sine wave will be produced.
Number of complete sine wave = (width of frame) / ('x' width of each sine wave)

Made a more complete, and swift version of GeneratorOfOne's version. This one also fills the bottom of the wave with a chosen color:
class WaveView: UIView {
private var maskPath: UIBezierPath!
#IBInspectable var fillColor: UIColor = UIColor.blueColor()
#IBInspectable var cycles: CGFloat = 7
override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
var w: CGFloat = 0 // Starting position
let width = rect.width
let y: CGFloat = rect.height
let yc: CGFloat = rect.height / 2
let x = width/cycles
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, UIColor.greenColor().CGColor);
let path = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, nil, 0, 0)
while (w<=rect.width) {
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, nil, w,y/2);
CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint(path, nil, w+x/4, -yc, (w+x/2), y/2);
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, nil, w+x/2,y/2);
CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint(path, nil, w+3*x/4, y+yc, w+x, y/2);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, rect.width, rect.height)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, 0, rect.height)
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, 0, y/2);
maskPath = UIBezierPath(CGPath: path)
maskPath.lineCapStyle = CGLineCap.Square
maskPath.lineJoinStyle = CGLineJoin.Miter
CGContextAddPath(context, path);
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, fillColor.CGColor)


CGContextRef draws fuzzy or blurred images

I created new CGContext using:
NSUInteger width = newRect.size.width;
NSUInteger height = newRect.size.height;
NSUInteger bytesPerPixel = 4;
NSUInteger bytesPerRow = bytesPerPixel * width;
NSUInteger bitsPerComponent = 8;
UInt32 * pixels;
pixels = (UInt32 *) calloc(height * width, sizeof(UInt32));
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(pixels, width, height, bitsPerComponent, bytesPerRow, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Little);
CGContextSetShouldAntialias(self.graphContext, false);
CGContextSetInterpolationQuality(self.graphContext, kCGInterpolationHigh);
When I trying to draw circle or text using this context I get weird fuzzy objects like these:
When I set CGContextSetShouldAntialias to true images becomes too blured:
I want text and images becomes such as usual label or views (not blurred but not fuzzy). I can use only this approach to obtain CGContextRef.
My code for drawing text:
CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGPathAddRect(path, NULL, rect );
NSAttributedString* attString = [[NSAttributedString alloc]
CTFramesetterRef framesetter = CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString((CFAttributedStringRef)attString);
CTFrameRef frame = CTFramesetterCreateFrame(framesetter,
CFRangeMake(0, [attString length]), path, NULL);
CTFrameDraw(frame, self.graphContext);
Code for drawing circles:
CGRect minPath = CGRectMake(xPoint - extremaPointWidth / 2, minY - extremaPointWidth /2, extremaPointWidth, extremaPointWidth);
CGContextAddPath(self.graphContext, createRoundedCornerPath(minPath, cornerRadius));
Creating rounding path
// create a mutable path
CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable();
// get the 4 corners of the rect
CGPoint topLeft = CGPointMake(rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y);
CGPoint topRight = CGPointMake(rect.origin.x + rect.size.width, rect.origin.y);
CGPoint bottomRight = CGPointMake(rect.origin.x + rect.size.width, rect.origin.y + rect.size.height);
CGPoint bottomLeft = CGPointMake(rect.origin.x, rect.origin.y + rect.size.height);
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, NULL, topLeft.x + cornerRadius, topLeft.y);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, NULL, topRight.x - cornerRadius, topRight.y);
CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint(path, NULL, topRight.x, topRight.y, topRight.x, topRight.y + cornerRadius);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, NULL, bottomRight.x, bottomRight.y - cornerRadius);
CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint(path, NULL, bottomRight.x, bottomRight.y, bottomRight.x - cornerRadius, bottomRight.y);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, NULL, bottomLeft.x + cornerRadius, bottomLeft.y);
CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint(path, NULL, bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y, bottomLeft.x, bottomLeft.y - cornerRadius);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, NULL, topLeft.x, topLeft.y + cornerRadius);
CGPathAddQuadCurveToPoint(path, NULL, topLeft.x, topLeft.y, topLeft.x + cornerRadius, topLeft.y);
return path;
When I draw just straight line or rectangle it's fine
I get weird fuzzy objects like these
No, you don't. You get a bitmap. You have to do something else in order to get an object that you can see — and you have not shown what it is that you do. But isn't that the whole issue? You have to turn a bitmap into a UIImage, and that takes code. If you do it in a blocky, pixellated way, you will get a blocky, pixellated result.
I used your bitmap context code and drew a filled circle into it, and then turned the bitmap context into a UIImage and put that UIImage in a UIImageView, and it looks like this:
Well, that seems smooth enough. So surely it isn't your bitmap context that's the problem, but how you are getting from there to something visible that's the problem.
However, personally I don't understand why you're going to all this trouble. If your goal is to generate an image you are going to display in the interface, why don't you just use UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions like everyone else?

How to draw a sine line using SpriteKit?

This question is almost self-explanatory: I need to use SpriteKit to draw a line that looks like a sine wave, but I will also need to vary the amplitude of this wave later.
The basic steps...1) Create an SKShapeNode, 2) Generate a sinusoid CGPath, and 3) Assign the CGPath to the shape node's path attribute
-(void)didMoveToView:(SKView *)view {
self.scaleMode = SKSceneScaleModeResizeFill;
// Create an SKShapeNode
SKShapeNode *node = [SKShapeNode node];
node.position = CGPointMake(300.0, 300.0);
// Assign to the path attribute
node.path = [self sineWithAmplitude:20.0 frequency:1.0 width:200.0
centered:YES andNumPoints:32];
[self addChild:node];
// Generate a sinusoid CGPath
- (CGMutablePathRef)sineWithAmplitude:(CGFloat)amp frequency:(CGFloat)freq
width:(CGFloat)width centered:(BOOL)centered
andNumPoints:(NSInteger)numPoints {
CGFloat offsetX = 0;
CGFloat offsetY = amp;
// Center the sinusoid within the shape node
if (centered) {
offsetX = -width/2.0;
offsetY = 0;
CGMutablePathRef path = CGPathCreateMutable();
// Move to the starting point
CGPathMoveToPoint(path, nil, offsetX, offsetY);
CGFloat xIncr = width / (numPoints-1);
// Construct the sinusoid
for (int i=1;i<numPoints;i++) {
CGFloat y = amp * sin(2*M_PI*freq*i/(numPoints-1));
CGPathAddLineToPoint(path, nil, i*xIncr+offsetX, y+offsetY);
return path;

Objective-C Draw a Circle with a Ring shape

I wrote this class that draws a animated progress with a circle (it draws a circular sector based on a float progress)
#implementation MXMProgressView
#synthesize progress;
- (id)initWithDefaultSize {
int circleOffset = 45.0f;
self = [super initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0f,
135.0f + circleOffset,
135.0f + circleOffset)];
self.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
return self;
- (void)drawRect:(CGRect)rect {
CGRect allRect = self.bounds;
CGRect circleRect = CGRectMake(allRect.origin.x + 2, allRect.origin.y + 2, allRect.size.width - 4,
allRect.size.height - 4);
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
// background image
//UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"loader_disc_hover.png"];
//[image drawInRect:circleRect];
// Orange: E27006
0.01f); // fill
//CGContextSetLineWidth(context, 2.0);
CGContextFillEllipseInRect(context, circleRect);
//CGContextStrokeEllipseInRect(context, circleRect);
// Draw progress
float x = (allRect.size.width / 2);
float y = (allRect.size.height / 2);
// Orange: E27006
1.0f); // progress
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, x, y);
CGContextAddArc(context, x, y, (allRect.size.width - 4) / 2, -M_PI_2, (self.progress * 2 * M_PI) - M_PI_2, 0);
Now what I want to do I to draw a ring shape with the same progress animation, instead of filling the full circle, so a circular sector again not starting from the center of the circle.
I tried with CGContextAddEllipseInRect and the CGContextEOFillPath(context);
with no success.
I think you'll need to construct a more complex path, something like:
// Move to start point of outer arc (which might not be required)
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, x+outerRadius*cos(startAngle), y+outerRadius*sin(startAngle));
// Add outer arc to path (counterclockwise)
CGContextAddArc(context, x, y, outerRadius, startAngle, endAngle, 0);
// move *inward* to start point of inner arc
CGContextMoveToPoint(context, x+innerRadius*cos(endAngle), y+innerRadius*sin(endAngle));
// Add inner arc to path (clockwise)
CGContextAddArc(context, x, y, innerRadius, endAngle, StartAngle, 1);
// Close the path from end of inner arc to start of outer arc
Note: I haven't tried the above code myself
Cheap and nasty solution:
Draw a solid circle that is smaller than the original circle by the thickness of the ring you want to draw.
Draw this circle on top of the original circle, all that you will see animating is the ring.

Drawing arc and rectangle in CALayer in Objective-C

I am having a issue to present to user an arc and then rectangle in the same CALayer. I success to draw both but only is displayed the rectangle when the arc is a the same or draw above of rect coords.
Any idea what I missing?
-(void)drawLayer:(CALayer *)layer inContext:(CGContextRef)p_contex
CGMutablePathRef thePath = CGPathCreateMutable();
mReference.x, mReference.y,
S_RADIO, lStartAngle, lStopAngle ,
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(p_contex, lRed,lGreen,lBlue,lAlpha);
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor(p_contex, lRed,lGreen,lBlue,lAlpha);
CGContextAddPath(p_contex, thePath );
[self buildGradientColor],
mReference , 5, mReference, S_RADIO, 0);
// release the path
CGMutablePathRef retPath = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0,300, 200, 40);
float radius = 10;
CGRect innerRect = CGRectInset(rect, radius, radius);
CGFloat inside_right = innerRect.origin.x + innerRect.size.width;
CGFloat outside_right = rect.origin.x + rect.size.width;
CGFloat inside_bottom = innerRect.origin.y + innerRect.size.height;
CGFloat outside_bottom = rect.origin.y + rect.size.height;
CGFloat inside_top = innerRect.origin.y;
CGFloat outside_top = rect.origin.y;
CGFloat outside_left = rect.origin.x;
CGPathMoveToPoint(retPath, NULL, innerRect.origin.x, outside_top);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(retPath, NULL, inside_right, outside_top);
CGPathAddArcToPoint(retPath, NULL, outside_right, outside_top, outside_right, inside_top, radius);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(retPath, NULL, outside_right, inside_bottom);
CGPathAddArcToPoint(retPath, NULL, outside_right, outside_bottom, inside_right, outside_bottom, radius);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(retPath, NULL, innerRect.origin.x, outside_bottom);
CGPathAddArcToPoint(retPath, NULL, outside_left, outside_bottom, outside_left, inside_bottom, radius);
CGPathAddLineToPoint(retPath, NULL, outside_left, inside_top);
CGPathAddArcToPoint(retPath, NULL, outside_left, outside_top, innerRect.origin.x, outside_top, radius);
CGContextAddPath(p_contex, retPath );
The problem here is that you are drawing an arc then a filled rectagle
so the arc is getting drawn behind this filled rectangle
A quick fix is to move the drawing of the arc after the drawing of the rectangle
Move the drawing of the Arc after the drawing of the rectangle

Mac OS X: Drawing into an offscreen NSGraphicsContext using CGContextRef C functions has no effect. Why?

Mac OS X 10.7.4
I am drawing into an offscreen graphics context created via +[NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep:].
When I draw into this graphics context using the NSBezierPath class, everything works as expected.
However, when I draw into this graphics context using the CGContextRef C functions, I see no results of my drawing. Nothing works.
For reasons I won't get into, I really need to draw using the CGContextRef functions (rather than the Cocoa NSBezierPath class).
My code sample is listed below. I am attempting to draw a simple "X". One stroke using NSBezierPath, one stroke using CGContextRef C functions. The first stroke works, the second does not. What am I doing wrong?
NSRect imgRect = NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0);
NSSize imgSize = imgRect.size;
NSBitmapImageRep *offscreenRep = [[[NSBitmapImageRep alloc]
bitsPerPixel:0] autorelease];
// set offscreen context
NSGraphicsContext *g = [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep:offscreenRep];
[NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:g];
NSImage *img = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:imgSize] autorelease];
CGContextRef ctx = [g graphicsPort];
// lock and draw
[img lockFocus];
// draw first stroke with Cocoa. this works!
NSPoint p1 = NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(imgRect), NSMinY(imgRect));
NSPoint p2 = NSMakePoint(NSMinX(imgRect), NSMaxY(imgRect));
[NSBezierPath strokeLineFromPoint:p1 toPoint:p2];
// draw second stroke with Core Graphics. This doesn't work!
CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, 0.0, 0.0);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctx, imgSize.width, imgSize.height);
[img unlockFocus];
You don't specify how you are looking at the results. I assume you are looking at the NSImage img and not the NSBitmapImageRep offscreenRep.
When you call [img lockFocus], you are changing the current NSGraphicsContext to be a context to draw into img. So, the NSBezierPath drawing goes into img and that's what you see. The CG drawing goes into offscreenRep which you aren't looking at.
Instead of locking focus onto an NSImage and drawing into it, create an NSImage and add the offscreenRep as one of its reps.
NSRect imgRect = NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0);
NSSize imgSize = imgRect.size;
NSBitmapImageRep *offscreenRep = [[[NSBitmapImageRep alloc]
bitsPerPixel:0] autorelease];
// set offscreen context
NSGraphicsContext *g = [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithBitmapImageRep:offscreenRep];
[NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState];
[NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext:g];
// draw first stroke with Cocoa
NSPoint p1 = NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(imgRect), NSMinY(imgRect));
NSPoint p2 = NSMakePoint(NSMinX(imgRect), NSMaxY(imgRect));
[NSBezierPath strokeLineFromPoint:p1 toPoint:p2];
// draw second stroke with Core Graphics
CGContextRef ctx = [g graphicsPort];
CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, 0.0, 0.0);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctx, imgSize.width, imgSize.height);
// done drawing, so set the current context back to what it was
[NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState];
// create an NSImage and add the rep to it
NSImage *img = [[[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:imgSize] autorelease];
[img addRepresentation:offscreenRep];
// then go on to save or view the NSImage
The solution by #Robin Stewart worked well for me. I was able to condense it to an NSImage extension.
extension NSImage {
convenience init(size: CGSize, actions: (CGContext) -> Void) {
self.init(size: size)
let image = NSImage(size: CGSize(width: 100, height: 100), actions: { ctx in
// Drawing commands here for example:
// ctx.setFillColor(.white)
// ctx.fill(pageRect)
I wonder why everyone writes such complicated code for drawing to an image. Unless you care for the exact bitmap representation of an image (and usually you don't!), there is no need to create one. You can just create a blank image and directly draw to it. In that case the system will create an appropriate bitmap representation (or maybe a PDF representation or whatever the system believes to be more suitable for drawing).
The documentation of the init method
- (instancetype)initWithSize:(NSSize)aSize
which exists since MacOS 10.0 and still isn't deprecated, clearly says:
After using this method to initialize an image object, you are
expected to provide the image contents before trying to draw the
image. You might lock focus on the image and draw to the image or you
might explicitly add an image representation that you created.
So here's how I would have written that code:
NSRect imgRect = NSMakeRect(0.0, 0.0, 100.0, 100.0);
NSImage * image = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize:imgRect.size];
[image lockFocus];
// draw first stroke with Cocoa
NSPoint p1 = NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(imgRect), NSMinY(imgRect));
NSPoint p2 = NSMakePoint(NSMinX(imgRect), NSMaxY(imgRect));
[NSBezierPath strokeLineFromPoint:p1 toPoint:p2];
// draw second stroke with Core Graphics
CGContextRef ctx = [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] graphicsPort];
CGContextMoveToPoint(ctx, 0.0, 0.0);
CGContextAddLineToPoint(ctx, imgRect.size.width, imgRect.size.height);
[image unlockFocus];
That's all folks.
graphicsPort is actually void *:
#property (readonly) void * graphicsPort
and documented as
The low-level, platform-specific graphics context represented
by the graphic port.
Which may be pretty much everything, but the final note says
In OS X, this is the Core Graphics context,
a CGContextRef object (opaque type).
This property has been deprecated in 10.10 in favor of the new property
#property (readonly) CGContextRef CGContext
which is only available in 10.10 and later. If you have to support older systems, it's fine to still use graphicsPort.
Swift 4: I use this code, which replicates the convenient API from UIKit (but runs on macOS):
public class UIGraphicsImageRenderer {
let size: CGSize
init(size: CGSize) {
self.size = size
func image(actions: (CGContext) -> Void) -> NSImage {
let image = NSImage(size: size)
return image
let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: imageSize)
let image = renderer.image { ctx in
// Drawing commands here
Here are 3 ways of drawing same image (Swift 4).
The method suggested by #Mecki produces an image without blurring artefacts (like blurred curves). But this can be fixed by adjusting CGContext settings (not included in this example).
public struct ImageFactory {
public static func image(size: CGSize, fillColor: NSColor, rounded: Bool = false) -> NSImage? {
let rect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: size.width, height: size.height)
return drawImage(size: size) { context in
if rounded {
let radius = min(size.height, size.width)
let path = NSBezierPath(roundedRect: rect, xRadius: 0.5 * radius, yRadius: 0.5 * radius).cgPath
extension ImageFactory {
private static func drawImage(size: CGSize, drawingCalls: (CGContext) -> Void) -> NSImage? {
return drawImageInLockedImageContext(size: size, drawingCalls: drawingCalls)
private static func drawImageInLockedImageContext(size: CGSize, drawingCalls: (CGContext) -> Void) -> NSImage? {
let image = NSImage(size: size)
guard let context = NSGraphicsContext.current else {
return nil
return image
// Has scalling or antialiasing issues, like blurred curves.
private static func drawImageInBitmapImageContext(size: CGSize, drawingCalls: (CGContext) -> Void) -> NSImage? {
guard let offscreenRep = NSBitmapImageRep(pixelsWide: Int(size.width), pixelsHigh: Int(size.height),
bitsPerSample: 8, samplesPerPixel: 4, hasAlpha: true,
isPlanar: false, colorSpaceName: .deviceRGB) else {
return nil
guard let context = NSGraphicsContext(bitmapImageRep: offscreenRep) else {
return nil
NSGraphicsContext.current = context
let img = NSImage(size: size)
return img
// Has scalling or antialiasing issues, like blurred curves.
private static func drawImageInCGContext(size: CGSize, drawingCalls: (CGContext) -> Void) -> NSImage? {
let colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
let bitmapInfo = CGBitmapInfo(rawValue: CGImageAlphaInfo.premultipliedLast.rawValue)
guard let context = CGContext(data: nil, width: Int(size.width), height: Int(size.height), bitsPerComponent: 8,
bytesPerRow: 0, space: colorSpace, bitmapInfo: bitmapInfo.rawValue) else {
return nil
guard let image = context.makeImage() else {
return nil
return NSImage(cgImage: image, size: size)