declare variables in sql ce - sql

I am tryin to get records from a table within a month in sql compact edition.
Here is the sql query I know:
DECLARE #startDate as DATETIME, #EndDate as DATETIME
#startDate = GetDate();
#ENdDate = DATEADD(m,1,#startDate)
select * from table where (columnname between #startdate and #enddate)
I know that you have to send one script at a time, but how can you declare variables in sql ce(I guess it doesn't accept declare)?

I think my answer is very late for this question, but hope it will be useful for someone.
You can't declare some variable in SQL CE, because just one statement can be used per command. As ErikEJ said in this link.
You need to refactor your script to one big statement, if it's possible!
I will be very happy to hear a better solution.

Take a look at post How do I populate a SQL Server Compact database?
and see if tool referenced there may help you.

If you call it through an application (I'm not sure how you read the data)
Prepare your query just like this:
select * from table where (columnname between ? and ?)
but I'm not sure if you can use the between keyword. may be you need to change this.
then you need to add your SqlCeParameter objects like this:
cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlCeParameter("p1", SqlDbType.DateTime, myDate));

I'm not familiar with SQL-CE, but I think you're missing some Set statements. Try this:
DECLARE #startDate as DATETIME, #EndDate as DATETIME
Set #startDate = GetDate();
Set #ENdDate = DATEADD(m,1,#startDate)
select * from table where (columnname between #startdate and #enddate)
See the Using Parameters in Queries in SQL CE reference from MSDN. You are correct in that Declare is not a valid keyword, so you'll need to the query as a parameterized version from the application itself.
select * from table where (columnname between ? and ?)


Big difference in Estimated and Actual rows when using a local variable

This is my first post on Stackoverflow so I hope I'm correctly following all protocols!
I'm struggling with a stored procedure in which I create a table variable and filling this table with an insert statement using an inner join. The insert itself is simple, but it gets complicated because the inner join is done on a local variable. Since the optimizer doesn't have statistics for this variable my estimated row count is getting srewed up.
The specific piece of code that causes trouble:
declare #minorderid int
select #minorderid = MIN(lo.order_id)
from [order] lo with(nolock)
where lo.order_datetime >= #datefrom
insert into #OrderTableLog_initial
(order_id, order_log_id, order_id, order_datetime, account_id, domain_id)
select ot.order_id, lol.order_log_id, ot.order_id, ot.order_datetime, ot.account_id, ot.domain_id
from [order] ot with(nolock)
inner join order_log lol with(nolock)
on ot.order_id = lol.order_id
and ot.order_datetime >= #datefrom
where (ot.domain_id in (1,2,4) and lol.order_log_id not in ( select order_log_id
from dbo.order_log_detail lld with(nolock)
where order_id >= #minorderid
(ot.domain_id = 3 and ot.order_id not IN (select order_id
from dbo.order_log_detail_spa llds with(nolock)
where order_id >= #minorderid
order by lol.order_id, lol.order_log_id
The #datefrom local variable is also declared earlier in the stored procedure:
declare #datefrom datetime
if datepart(hour,GETDATE()) between 4 and 9
set #datefrom = '2011-01-01'
set #datefrom = DATEADD(DAY,-2,GETDATE())
I've also tested this with a temporary table in stead of a table variable, but nothing changes. However, when I replace the local variable >= #datefrom with a fixed datestamp then my estimates and actuals are almost the same.
ot.order_datetime >= #datefrom = SQL Sentry Plan Explorer
ot.order_datetime >= '2017-05-03 18:00:00.000' = SQL Sentry Plan Explorer
I've come to understand that there's a way to fix this by turning this code into a dynamic sp, but I'm not sure how to do this. I would be grateful if someone could give me suggestions on how to do this. Maybe I have to use a complete other approach? Forgive me if I forgot something to mention, this is my first post.
MSSQL version = 11.0.5636
I've also tested with trace flag 2453, but with no success
Best regards,
Indeed, the behavior what you are experiencing is because the variables. SQL Server won't store an execution plan for each and every possible inputs, thus for some queries the execution plan may or may not optimal.
To answer your explicit question: You'll have to create a varchar variable and build the query as a string, then execute it.
Some notes before the actual code:
This can be prone to SQL injection (in general)
SQL Server will store the plans separately, meaning they will use more memory and possibly knock out other plans from the cache
Using an imaginary setup, this is what you want to do:
DECLARE #inputDate DATETIME2 = '2017-01-01 12:21:54';
DELCARE #dynamiSQL NVARCHAR(MAX) = CONCAT('SELECT col1, col2 FROM MyTable WHERE myDateColumn = ''', FORMAT(#inputDate, 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'), ''';');
INSERT INTO #myTableVar (col1, col2)
EXEC sp_executesql #stmt = #dynamicSQL;
As an additional note:
you can try to use EXISTS and NOT EXISTS instead of IN and NOT IN.
You can try to use a temp table (#myTempTable) instead of a local variable and put some indexes on it. Physical temp tables can perform better with large amount of data and you can put indexes on it. (For more info you can go here: What's the difference between a temp table and table variable in SQL Server? or to the official documentation)

I am trying to get all the SQL caseID between two datetimes

I am building a webservice in ASP.NET that will call a stored procedure to get all the cases between two dates. I am using SQL Management Studio Here is my code:
(#startDate datetime, #endDate datetime)
dateOpened BETWEEN #startDate and #endDate
EXEC spGetNewCases
However, I get the following error:
"Could not find object spGetNewCases".
In the IDE , the words "between" and "and" are highlighted in light gray instead of dark blue. Moreover, I would like to test it with two dates, say 2015-01-01 and 2015-01-04.
The format of my datetime in my SQL server is datetime2((0),null). E.g.
2015-01-02 00:00:00.
I would greatly appreciate the community's feedback. Thank you!
Thank you everyone for your great help! Here is my new code that works!
-- procedure
USE [vetDatabase_Wizard]
ALTER PROCEDURE sp_GetNewCases (#startDate datetime, #endDate datetime)
SELECT caseID FROM tblCases
WHERE dateOpened BETWEEN #startDate and #endDate
EXEC sp_GetNewCases '2015-01-01', '2015-04-04'
Check your database
Qualify your schema name.
ALTER PROCEDURE schema.spGetNewCases ...
See if that doesn't find it...
IF you're using SSMS -- right-click your stored procedure and select 'modify'. That will give you a pre-written ALTER template that you can then modify.
If your SP is created then check your DB context. In SSMS there is a dropdown menu, you can also USE DBNAME. In ASP code it is in your connection string.
If it is not created you will need to Create Procedure first and then you can Alter Procedure.
You can call the SP like so : EXEC spGetNewCases '2016-03-01', '2016-05-01'
Side note: System Stored Procedures use the sp prefix you probably should choose something different like sp_ or usp.

SQL Variables Change in SSIS

I'm new to SSIS so forgive me if this question is trivial or has already been answered. So I have a SQL query that begins as follows:
declare #start datetime, #end datetime, #startMonth datetime, #endMonth datetime, #maxHoursToRespond int
----Set These------------------------------------------------
set #end='6/27/2014'
set #maxHoursToRespond=24
set #start=dateadd(dd, -90, #end) -- set duplication period
set #startMonth=dateadd(dd, -2, #end)-- set to start date of output you want
set #endMonth=dateadd(dd, -1, #end) -- set to day of end date of output you want
When I put this in my OLE DB Source Editor with SQL command as my data access mode,
all the variables are replaced with question marks.
It looks like :
DECLARE ? datetime, ? datetime, ? datetime, ? datetime, ? int
/*--Set These------------------------------------------------*/ SET ? = ?
SET ? = 24
/*-----------------------------------------------------------*/ SET ? = dateadd(dd, - 90, ?)
SET ? = dateadd(dd, - 2, ?)
SET ? = dateadd(dd, - 1, ?)
In the query builder.I'd like to know why this is happening.I'd also like to know how I can allow the query to be successfully built
(currently I get a syntax error of "The Declare SQL construct or statement is not supported.").
Do I have to create these variables (like #start) in SSIS itself?
You can:
Encapsulate your SQL in a stored procedure that contains all of the declarations internally (assuming the variable values are static), then call the stored procedure in the execute SQL task with EXEC. EXEC My_Stored_Procedure
Write a stored procedure that accepts the variables as inputs, map them to variables in SSIS, then execute the stored procedure like this Exec My_Stored_Proc ?,?,?,? with the user variables mapped to the corresponding stored procedure variables.
Leave the query as is, but remove the DECLARE and the SETs, and map the SSIS variables to the query. This most likely will not work, because SSIS will not know which ? corresponds with which variable (it will try to map them in the order they appear.
Number 2 is the generally accepted method, unless you store your variable values in a table or something that the SP in number can access, in which case number 1 may be cleaner.
I have pasted straight to SQL command text yours script in OLE DB Source Editor and nothing changed in it. By pressing Parse Quesry.. I checked that SQL is correct. When I tried to use Build Query.., it said, that DECLARE is not supported. So don't use builder :)

Using while loop in T-SQL function

Non-database programmer here. It happens so, that I need to create a function in T-SQL which returns workdays count between given dates. I believe that the easiest how it's done is with while loop. Problem is, that as soon as I write something like
while #date < #endDate
the statement won't execute, claiming "incorrect syntax near the keyword 'return'" (not very helpful). Where's the problem?
P.S. Full code:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GetNormalWorkdaysCount] (
#startDate DATETIME,
declare #Count INT,
set #CurrDate = #startDate
while (#CurrDate < #endDate)
return #Count
Unlike some languages, the BEGIN/END pair in SQL Server cannot be empty - they must contain at least one statement.
As to your actual problem - you've said you're not a DB programmer. Most beginners to SQL tend to go down the same route - trying to write procedural code to solve the problem.
Whereas, SQL is a set-based language - it's usually better to find a set-based solution, rather than using loops.
In this instance, a calendar table would be a real help. Such a table contains one row for each date, and additional columns indicating useful information for your business (e.g. what you consider to be a working day). It then makes your query for working days look like:
SELECT COUNT(*) from Calendar
where BaseDate >= #StartDate and BaseDate < #EndDate and IsWorkingDay = 1
Populating the Calendar table becomes a one off exercise, and you can populate it with e.g. 30 years worth of dates easily.
Using any loop within SQL server is never a good idea :)
There are few better solutions, referring to one presented on StackOverflow already.

Will index be used when using OR clause in where

I wrote a stored procedure with optional parameters.
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetActiveEmployee
SELECT columns
FROM table
WHERE (#startTime is NULL or table.StartTime >= #startTime) AND
(#endTIme is NULL or table.EndTime <= #endTime)
I'm wondering whether indexes on StartTime and EndTime will be used?
Yes they will be used (well probably, check the execution plan - but I do know that the optional-ness of your parameters shouldn't make any difference)
If you are having performance problems with your query then it might be a result of parameter sniffing. Try the following variation of your stored procedure and see if it makes any difference:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetActiveEmployee
set #startTimeCopy = #startTime
set #endTimeCopy = #endTime
SELECT columns
FROM table
WHERE (#startTimeCopy is NULL or table.StartTime >= #startTimeCopy) AND
(#endTimeCopy is NULL or table.EndTime <= #endTimeCopy)
This disables parameter sniffing (SQL server using the actual values passed to the SP to optimise it) - In the past I've fixed some weird performance issues doing this - I still can't satisfactorily explain why however.
Another thing that you might want to try is splitting your query into several different statements depending on the NULL-ness of your parameters:
IF #startTime is NULL
IF #endTime IS NULL
SELECT columns FROM table
SELECT columns FROM table WHERE table.EndTime <= #endTime
IF #endTime IS NULL
SELECT columns FROM table WHERE table.StartTime >= #startTime
SELECT columns FROM table WHERE table.StartTime >= #startTime AND table.EndTime <= #endTime
This is messy, but might be worth a try if you are having problems - the reason it helps is because SQL server can only have a single execution plan per sql statement, however your statement can potentially return vastly different result sets.
For example, if you pass in NULL and NULL you will return the entire table and the most optimal execution plan, however if you pass in a small range of dates it is more likely that a row lookup will be the most optimal execution plan.
With this query as a single statement SQL server is forced to choose between these two options, and so the query plan is likely to be sub-optimal in certain situations. By splitting the query into several statements however SQL server can have a different execution plan in each case.
(You could also use the exec function / dynamic SQL to achieve the same thing if you preferred)
There is a great article to do with dynamic search criteria in SQL. The method I personally use from the article is the X=#X or #X IS NULL style with the OPTION (RECOMPILE) added at the end. If you read the article it will explain why
Yes, based on the query provided indexes on or including the StartTime and EndTime columns can be used.
However, the [variable] IS NULL OR... makes the query not sargable. If you don't want to use an IF statement (because CASE is an expression, and can not be used for control of flow decision logic), dynamic SQL is the next alternative for performant SQL.
IF #startTime IS NOT NULL AND #endTime IS NOT NULL
SELECT columns
WHERE starttime >= #startTime
AND endtime <= #endTime
SELECT columns
WHERE endtime <= #endTime
SELECT columns
WHERE starttime >= #startTime
SELECT columns
Dynamically changing searches based on the given parameters is a complicated subject and doing it one way over another, even with only a very slight difference, can have massive performance implications. The key is to use an index, ignore compact code, ignore worrying about repeating code, you must make a good query execution plan (use an index).
Read this and consider all the methods. Your best method will depend on your parameters, your data, your schema, and your actual usage:
Dynamic Search Conditions in T-SQL by by Erland Sommarskog
The Curse and Blessings of Dynamic SQL by Erland Sommarskog
The portion of the above articles that apply to this query is Umachandar's Bag of Tricks, but it is basically defaulting the parameters to some value to eliminate needing to use the OR. This will give the best index usage and overall performance:
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.GetActiveEmployee
set #startTimeCopy = COALESCE(#startTime,'01/01/1753')
set #endTimeCopy = COALESCE(#endTime,'12/31/9999')
SELECT columns
FROM table
WHERE table.StartTime >= #startTimeCopy AND table.EndTime <= #endTimeCopy)
Probably not. Take a look at this blog posting from Tony Rogerson SQL Server MVP:
You should at least get the idea that you need to test with credible data and examine the execution plans.
I don't think you can guarantee that the index will be used. It will depend a lot on the size of the table, the columns you are showing, the structure of the index and other factors.
Your best bet is to use SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and run the query, and include the "Actual Execution Plan". Then you can study that and see exactly which index or indices were used.
You'll often be surprised by what you find.
This is especially true if there in an OR or IN in the query.