how to query access to select entire records given a distinct criteria - sql

I want to select the entire first row of each record where a promo code is unique. I am trying to create a samples table, in this table will be one record (the first record) from each distinct promo code. I have asked all of my co-workers and they usually go though the data by hand and select one from each. the problem is that the number of promo codes grows each time and the codes change. so I want to write a query that will select the first record found to have each distinct code. so for I have something like this:
SELECT DISTINCT Customer.promo1 FROM Customer AS promo;
SELECT * FROM Customer, promo
WHERE Customer.promo1 = promo.promo1;
But this obviously give the original table. I do have a ID field called AutoID in Customer.
Thanks in advance.

I'm assuming you want the first Customer.AutoId associated with each Customer.Promo
Customer c
MIN(c.AutoID) AutoID
Customer c
c.promo1) FirstCusomterWithPromo
ON c.AutoID = FirstCusomterWithPromo.AutoID

Something like that:
SELECT * FROM Customer
GROUP BY Customer.promo1


How do I used distinct to remove duplicates in this query?

I have the following table: Table
I am trying to write a query (that I will include in another query) to display how many account numbers there are per symbol.
I wrote the following query:
SELECT Symbol,
(SELECT DISTINCT COUNT([Account Number]) FROM [Open] T2 WHERE T2.Symbol = T1.Symbol) AS Accounts
FROM Open T1
GROUP BY [Symbol];
The query displays like this but it counts the same account number multiple times per symbol. EURUSD should have 3 and USDJPY should only have 1 next to it.
It should display like this.
I am trying to include this as part of another big table that has other information next to each symbol too.
I will appreciate any assistance.
Access doesn't support count(DISTINCT ...). You can try
SELECT Symbol, count(*) AS Accounts
GROUP BY Symbol;

SQL - Set field as count from another table

I am trying to set a field in my target table as the count of the email addresses in another table. An email address can appear many times in my other table and I wanted to count the total up and set that count as my target field value.
,a.PickedUp_Count AS COUNT(b.Emailaddress)
Master_List a
Picked_Up b
a.Emailaddress = b.Emailaddress
It's best not to use * selectors because usually you want to know specifically what you're getting back from a table. You don't have to expand it in the select, but you DO have to identify how all of the individual columns will also be aggregated in the group by column.
,COUNT(*) as PickedUp_Count
Master_List a
INNER JOIN Picked_Up b
ON a.Emailaddress = b.Emailaddress
The group by must include all fields listed in the select which are not already being aggregated in the select - i.e. any field that isn't the count.
Additionally, it's worth noting that PickedUp_Count is whatever random name you choose.

Querying records that meet muliple criteria

Hi I’m trying to write a query and I’m struggling to figure out how to go about it.
I have a suppliers table and a supplier parts table I want to write a query that lists suppliers that have specified related Parts in the supplier parts table. If a supplier doesn’t have all specified related parts then they should not be listed.
At the moment I have written a very basic query that lists the supplier if they have a related supplier part that meets the criteria.
SELECT id ,name
efacdb.dbo.suppliers INNER JOIN [efacdb].[dbo].[spmatrix] ON
id = spmsupp
WHERE spmpart
IN ('ALUM_5083', 'ALUM_6082')
I only want to show the supplier if they have both parts related. Does anyone know how I could do this?
Use a subquery with counting distinct occurences:
select * from suppliers s
where 2 = (select count(distinct spmpart) from spmatrix
where id = spmsupp and spmpart in ('ALUM_5083', 'ALUM_6082'))
As a note, you can modify your query to get what you want, just by using an aggregation:
SELECT id, name
FROM efacdb.dbo.suppliers INNER JOIN
ON id = spmsupp
WHERE spmpart IN ('ALUM_5083', 'ALUM_6082')
GROUP BY id, name
HAVING MIN(spmpart) <> MAX(spmpart);
If you know there are no duplicates, then having count(*) = 2 also solves the problem.

SQL Query to fetch information based on one or more condition. Getting combinations instead of exact number

I have two tables. Table 1 has about 750,000 rows and table 2 has 4 million rows. Table two has an extra ID field in which I am interested, so I want to write a query that will check if the 750,000 table 1 records exist in table 2. For all those rows in table 1 that exist in table 2, I want the respective ID based on same SSN. I tried the following query:
SELECT distinct b.UID, a.*
FROM [Analysis].[dbo].[Table1] A, [Proteus_8_2].dbo.Table2 B
where a.ssn = b.ssn
Instead of getting 750,000 rows in the output, I am getting 5.4 million records. Where am i going wrong?
Please help?
You're requesting all the rows in your select if b.UID is a unique field in column two.
Also if SSN is not unique in table one you can get the higher row count than the total row count for table 2.
You need to consider what you want from table 2 again.
You can try this to return distinct combinations of ssn and uid when ssn is found in table 2 provided that ssn and uid have a cardinality of 1:1, i.e., every unique ssn has a single unique uid.
select distinct
from [Analysis].[dbo].[Table1] a
cross apply
( select top 1 [uid] from [Proteus_8_2].[dbo].[Table2] where ssn = a.ssn ) b
where b.[UID] is not null
Try with LEFT JOIN
SELECT distinct b.UID, a.*
FROM [Analysis].[dbo].[Table1] A LEFT JOIN [Proteus_8_2].dbo.Table2 B
on a.ssn = b.ssn
Since the order detail table is in a one-many relationship to the order table, that is the expected result of any join. If you want something different, you need to define for us the business rule that will tell us how to select only one record from the Order detail table. You cannot effectively write SQL code without understanding the business rules that of what you are trying to achieve. You should never just willy nilly select one record out of the many, you need to understand which one you want.

Compare 2 tables and add missing records to the first, taking into account year/months

I have 2 tables, one with codes and budgets called FACT_QUANTITY_TMP and the other is a tree with all possible codes called C_DS_BD_AP_A.
All codes that exist are in this C_DS_BD_AP_A table, yet not all are in FACT_QUANTITY_TMP. Only those with budget get added by the ERP.
We need all codes to be in this FACT_QUANTITY_TMP table, just with budget to be 0 in that case.
I was trying first to get the missing codes by the following query:
(SELECT distinct
(select distinct B.D_ACTIECODE AS D_ACTIECODE from C_DS_BD_AP_A B) T2
where T1.DIM03 is null
order by T1.full_date
I get a list of my missing records yet it doesn't take into accounts the FULL_DATE (year and month) of the destination table.
In short, FACT_QUANTITY_TMP needs to have all records added that it's missing grouped by months and year.
Kind of looking for the best approach here, this query would be used in a automatically run stored proc every month when the ERP data gets pulled.
You can generate the missing records by doing a cross join to generate all combinations and then removing those that are already there. For example:
select fd.fulldate, c.D_ACTIECODE
from (select distinct fulldate from fact_quantity_tmp) fd cross join
(select D_ACTIECODE from C_DS_BD_AP_A) c left join
fact_quantity_tmp fqt
on fqt.fulldate = fd.fulldate and fqt.dim03 = c.D_ACTIECODE
where fqt.fulldate is null;
You can put an insert before this to insert these rows into the fact table.