temporary tables in SQL - sql

I need to know if it is standard practice to decompose complex queries into parts and create temporary tables which are dropped at the end.? In OLAP applications it shouldnt be much of an issue, but in OLTP since speed matters is it avoided?.

For simple queries which are well-optimized by your DBMS, temporary tables are usually a bad idea because they introduce overhead.
But sometimes your DBMS will have a really hard time optimizing complex queries. At that point you have at least 5 options:
change your schema or indexes to make it easier for the optimizer to choose a better query plan
tweak your SQL to get the DBMS to choose the indexes, join strategies, etc. that you want and to work around known and unknown bugs in your DBMS's optimizer.
use "hints" to get the DBMS to choose the indexes, join strategies, etc. that you want.
Get the plan you want and use a "saved plan" to force its use by the DBMS.
use temp tables (or table variables, etc.) to decompose complex queries into simpler intermediate queries
There's no hard-and-fast rule about which option is best for any particular query. I've used all of the above strategies. I tend to choose the temp table approach when I don't own the schema, so I can't change it, and when I don't want to depend on hints or query tuning or saved plans (often because I don't want to expose myself to changes in the underlying schema made later).
Keep in mind that using temp tables to decompose queries will give you sub-optimal performance every time. But it's usually predictably sub-optimal. The worst case using temp tables isn't nearly as bad as when your DBMS chooses a bad plan for a single large query. This happens surprisingly often, especially in the face of changes in underlying schema, DBMS version changes, dev vs. production differences, etc.
Personally, I find that if a query gets to a level of complexity where I have to bend over backwards to get the DBMS to do what I want, and if I feel that maintainability of the application is at risk, then I'll often go with decomposition and temp tables if I can't change the schema or indexes.
Of course, in theory you shouldn't be running expensive, complex queries on your OLTP database, but in practice most applications are never "pure" OLTP-- there's always a few complicated, hard-to-optimize queries in any OLTP project.

The critical word in your question is "decompose". Temp tables and other strategies are generally discouraged and found to lead to lower overall performance. The optimizer is perfectly capable of using intermediate tables if they are useful for getting to the answer most quickly. Very rarely can you help the optimizer by coercing it with your own strategy.
The same thing goes for suggesting which indexes to use.
When you see this going on, almost always some one has more work to do refining their query statements.

The only time I've used temp tables during OLTP processing is when I am dealing with a batch of data that I need to analyze/join, and eventually do a data change operation on it (Insert/Update/Delete). I'll use temp tables for a) speed but more importantly, b) because the normal select/update or select/delete logic is either too complex or can't be done in one transactional statement.
For example, find 100k users who meet some condition, and insert them into an archive table and then delete them.
I don't recommend using temp tables in most cases for normal select statements. You can almost always get better performance with either proper indexing, better sql join/hints and/or changing the data structure to match data access paths.

IN oltp systems if the processing is part of the online system (i.e. not batch) then I can't recall ever using a temporary table. Using some sort of procedural logic is usually the way to go - e.g. PL/Sql in Oracle and so on.
In OLAP temporary tables are very common, usually load the data into a table, transform it and save the result in another table, and depending on the processing have a number of transform steps.
I'd go so far as to say if you have an oltp system and you need to use a temporary table, then something is incorrect, modify your design, or use procedural logic. In OLAP, temporary tables are very common.


Are sql tuning ways always same for different DB engine?

I used Oracle for the half past year and learned some tricks of sql tuning,but now our DB is moving to greenplum and the project manager suggest us to change some of the codes that writted in Oracle sql for their efficiency or grammar.
I am curious that Are sql tuning ways same for different DB engine,like oracle,postgresql,mysql and so on?if yes or not,why?Any suggestion are welcomed!
some like:
in or exists
count(*) or count(column)
use index or not
use exact column instead of select *
For the most part the syntax that is used will remain the same, there may be small differences from one engine to another and you may run into different terms to achieve some of the more specific output or do more complex tasks. In order to achieve parity you will need to learn those new terms.
As far as tuning, this will vary from system to system. Specifically going from Oracle to Greenplum you are looking at moving from a database where efficiency in a query if often driven by dropping an index on the data. Where Greenplum is a parallel execution system where efficiency is gained by effectively distributing the data across multiple systems and querying them in parallel. In Greenplum indexing is an additional layer that usually does not add benefit, just additional overhead.
Even within a single system using changing the storage engine type can result in different ways to optimize a query. In practice queries are often moved to a new platform and work, but are far from optimal as they don't take advantage of optimizations of that platform. I would strongly suggest getting an understanding of the new platform and you should not go in assuming a query that is optimized for one platform is the optimal way to run it in another.
Getting specifics in why they differ requires someone to be an expert in bother to be able to compare both. I don't claim to know much of greenplum.
The basic principles which I would expect all developers to learn over time dont really change. But there are "quirks" of individual engines which make specific differences. From your question I would personally anticipate 1 and 4 to remain the same.
Indexing is something which does vary. For example the ability to use two indexes was not (is not?) Ubiquitous. I wouldn't like to guess which DBMS can / can't count columns from the second field in a composite index. And the way indexes are maintained is very different from one DBMS to the next.
From my own experience I've also seen differences caused by:
Different capabilities in the data access path. As an example, one optimisation is for a DBMS to create a bit map of rows (matching and not matching) the combine multiple bitmaps to select rows. A DBMS with this feature can use multiple indexes in a single query. One without it can't.
Availability of hints / lack of hints. Not all DBMS support them. I know they are very common in Oracle.
Different locking strategies. This is a big one and can really affect update and insert queries.
In some cases DBMS have very specific capabilities for certain types of data such as geographic data or searchable free text (natural language). In these cases the way of working with the data is entirely different from one DBMS to the next.

database normalisation

I'm building a query and as I'm building it, I'm realizing that it'd be easier to write if some of the tables contained redundant fields; it'd save a few joins. However, doing so would mean that the database model would not be totally normalized.
I'm aiming for performance; will having a denormalized database impede performance? I'm using SQL Server.
I don't know exactly what your implementation is, but it normally helps to have redundant index references, but not redundant fields per se.
For example, say you have three tables: tbl_building, tbl_room, and tbl_equipment. (An equipment belongs to a room, which belongs to a buildng)
tbl_building has a buildingID, tbl_room has a roomID and a reference to buildingID. It would save you a join if your tbl_equipment had a reference to both roomID and buildingID, even though you could infer the buildingID from the roomID.
Now, it would not be good if, for example, you have the field buildingSize on tbl_building and copy that buildingSize field to tbl_room and tbl_equipment.
In this type of situation I often find your best option is to create an indexed view that is a denormalized version of your normalized tables. This will allow you to easily query data while not creating a maintenance nightmare.
A few things to note:
This wont work if you are using left
This will slow down
Insert/Update/Delete functions
It will take up space (it's persisted).
Here is an article that goes over some of the benefits of Indexed Views.
In answer to your question; having a denormalized structure will often improve performance but it will create a maintenance nightmare.
Once you know for a fact that the joins are causing performance issues, and upgrading the hardware isn't an option, then it's either time to denormalize or if dealing with certain use cases (multiple users getting the same data e.g. for a home page of a site) start caching.
To answer your question, "will having a non-normalized database impede performance?", the answer is "it depends". Normalization is a constraint. It won't improve database performance, unless you access patterns are such that a lot of data is ignored in your queries (you have smaller result sets). But non-normalization can improve performance where you have many joins (you have bigger result sets).
Normalization does not determine performance. Normalization is about correctness and preventing certain data integrity problems.
A database in Normal Form does also help reduce design bias (a biased schema means one designed to suit some types of query better than others). In that sense it should give the best chance for the database optimiser to do its work. Denormalization means adding redundancy and in many cases that also means more storage is required for the same information - potentially impacting performance.
Denormalisation typically happens after normalisation when you have a issue, perhaps with performance.
You don't design it in up front: I can pretty much guarantee that your assumptions will be wrong and it'll be a world of pain to deal with a denormalued schema that is used in unexpected ways.
For instance, Data modification anomalies
And, perhaps I've misunderstood this last decade and a half, but aren't database engines designed to JOIN tables efficiently?
The basic purpose of normalization is to reduce redundancy of data in your tables which reduces storage wastage and inconsistency.As far as the performance is concerned,it depends on the way your database is designed.If there are too many redundancy, then checking and searching for an element in a relation will increase the search time and reduce the efficiency.On the other hand,if there is less redundancy then there won't be much effect on performance.But it is always better to have a normalized schema .

DB Design: Does having 2 Tables (One is optimized for Read, one for Write) improve performance?

I am thinking about a DB Design Problem.
For example, I am designing this stackoverflow website where I have a list of Questions.
Each Question contains certain meta data that will probably not change.
Each Question also contains certain data that will be consistently changing (Recently Viewed Date, Total Views...etc)
Would it be better to have a Main Table for reading the constant meta data and doing a join
and also keeping the changing values in a different table?
Would it be better to keep everything all in one table.
I am not sure if this is the case, but when updating, does the ROW lock?
When designing a database structure, it's best to normalize first and change for performance after you've profiled and benchmarked your queries. Normalization aims to prevent data-duplication, increase integrity and define the correct relationships between your data.
Bear in mind that performing the join comes at a cost as well, so it's hard to say if your idea would help any. Proper indexing with a normalized structure would be much more helpful.
And regarding row-level locks, that depends on the storage engine - some use row-level locking and some use table-locks.
Your initial database design should be based on conceptual and relational considerations only, completely indepedent of physical considerations. Database software is designed and intended to support good relational design. You will hardly ever need to relax those considerations to deal with performance. Don't even think about the costs of joins, locking, and activity type at first. Then further along, put off these considerations until all other avenues have been explored.
Your rdbms is your friend, not your adversary.
You should have the two table separated out as you might want to record the history of the question. The main Question table is indexed by question ID then the Status table is indexed by query ID and date/time stamp and contains a row for each time the status changes.
Don't know that the updates are really significant unless you were using pessimistic locking where the row would be locked for a period of time.
I would look at caching your results either locally with Asp.net caching or using MemCached.
This would certainly be a bad idea if you were using Oracle. In Oracle, you can quite happily read records while other sessions are modifying them due to it's multi-version concurency control. You would incur extra performance penalty for the join for no savings.
A design patter that is useful, however, is to pre-join tables, pre-calculate aggregates or pre-apply where clauses using materialized views.
As already said, better start with a clean normalized design. It's just easier to denormalize later, than to go the other way around. The experience teaches that you will never denormalize that one big table! You will just throw more columns in as needed. And you will need more and more indexes and updates will go slower and slower.
You should also take a look at the expected loads: Will be there more new answers or just more querying? What other operations will you have? When it comes to optimization, you can use the features of your dbms system: indexing, views, ...
Eran Galperin already provided most of my answer. In addition, the structure you propose really wouldn't help you in terms of locking. If their are relatively static and dynamic attributes in the same row, breaking the static and dynamic into two tables isn't of much benefit. It doesn't matter if static data is being locked, since no one is trying to change it anyway.
In fact, you may actually do worse with this design. Some database engines use page locking. If a table has fewer/smaller columns, more rows will fit on a page. The more rows there are on a page, the more likely there will be a lock contention. By having the static data mixed in with the dynamic, the rows are bigger, therefore there are fewer rows in a page, and therefore fewer waits on page locks.
If you have two independent sets of dynamic attributes, and they are normally modified by different actors, then you might get some benefit by breaking them into different tables. This is a pretty unusual case, however.
I'd also point out that breaking the table into a static and dynamic portion may not be of benefit in a relatively small environment, but in a large distributed environment it may be useful to cache and replicate the dynamic data at different rates than the static data.

How can my application benefit from temporary tables?

I've been reading a little about temporary tables in MySQL but I'm an admitted newbie when it comes to databases in general and MySQL in particular. I've looked at some examples and the MySQL documentation on how to create a temporary table, but I'm trying to determine just how temporary tables might benefit my applications and I guess secondly what sorts of issues I can run into. Granted, each situation is different, but I guess what I'm looking for is some general advice on the topic.
I did a little googling but didn't find exactly what I was looking for on the topic. If you have any experience with this, I'd love to hear about it.
Temporary tables are often valuable when you have a fairly complicated SELECT you want to perform and then perform a bunch of queries on that...
You can do something like:
SELECT customers.*,count(*) num from customers join purchases using(customerID)
join items using(itemID) GROUP BY customers.ID HAVING num > 10;
And then do a bunch of queries against myTopCustomers without having to do the joins to purchases and items on each query. Then when your application no longer needs the database handle, no cleanup needs to be done.
Almost always you'll see temporary tables used for derived tables that were expensive to create.
First a disclaimer - my job is reporting so I wind up with far more complex queries than any normal developer would. If you're writing a simple CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) application (this would be most web applications) then you really don't want to write complex queries, and you are probably doing something wrong if you need to create temporary tables.
That said, I use temporary tables in Postgres for a number of purposes, and most will translate to MySQL. I use them to break up complex queries into a series of individually understandable pieces. I use them for consistency - by generating a complex report through a series of queries, and I can then offload some of those queries into modules I use in multiple places, I can make sure that different reports are consistent with each other. (And make sure that if I need to fix something, I only need to fix it once.) And, rarely, I deliberately use them to force a specific query plan. (Don't try this unless you really understand what you are doing!)
So I think temp tables are great. But that said, it is very important for you to understand that databases generally come in two flavors. The first is optimized for pumping out lots of small transactions, and the other is optimized for pumping out a smaller number of complex reports. The two types need to be tuned differently, and a complex report run on a transactional database runs the risk of blocking transactions (and therefore making web pages not return quickly). Therefore you generally don't want to avoid using one database for both purposes.
My guess is that you're writing a web application that needs a transactional database. In that case, you shouldn't use temp tables. And if you do need complex reports generated from your transactional data, a recommended best practice is to take regular (eg daily) backups, restore them on another machine, then run reports against that machine.
The best place to use temporary tables is when you need to pull a bunch of data from multiple tables, do some work on that data, and then combine everything to one result set.
In MS SQL, Temporary tables should also be used in place of cursors whenever possible because of the speed and resource impact associated with cursors.
If you are new to databases, there are some good books by Joe Kelko that review best practices for ANSI SQL. SQL For Smarties will describe in great detail the use of temp table, impact of indexes, where clauses, etc. It's a great reference book with in depth detail.
I've used them in the past when I needed to create evaluated data. That was before the time of views and sub selects in MySQL though and I generally use those now where I would have needed a temporary table. The only time I might use them is if the evaluated data took a long time to create.
I haven't done them in MySQL, but I've done them on other databases (Oracle, SQL Server, etc).
Among other tasks, temporary tables provide a way for you to create a queryable (and returnable, say from a sproc) dataset that's purpose-built. Let's say you have several tables of figures -- you can use a temporary table to roll those figures up to nice, clean totals (or other math), then join that temp table to others in your schema for final output. (An example of this, in one of my projects, is calculating how many scheduled calls a given sales-related employee must make per week, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.)
I also often use them as a means of "tilting" the data -- turning columns to rows, etc. They're good for advanced data processing -- but only use them when you need to. (My golden rule, as always, applies: If you don't know why you're using x, and you don't know how x works, then you probably shouldn't use it.)
Generally, I wind up using them most in sprocs, where complex data processing is needed. I'd love to give a concrete example, but mine would be in T-SQL (as opposed to MySQL's more standard SQL), and also they're all client/production code which I can't share. I'm sure someone else here on SO will pick up and provide some genuine sample code; this was just to help you get the gist of what problem domain temp tables address.

Is it a good idea to use normalised tables with denormalised indexed views?

I'm architecting a new app at the moment, with a high read:write ratio. At my current employer we have lots of denormalised data on our tables for performance reasons. Is it better practice to have totally 3NF tables and then use indexed views to do all the denormalisation? Should I run queries against the tables or views?
An example of some of the things I am interested are aggregates of columns child tables (e.g. having user post count stored somewhere).
In general it's a good idea to have denormalized views if you need to access across multiple normalized tables very frequently. In most cases it'll be a significant performance increase over using a join and querying directly against the tables, and it's usually not any less maintainable, since either your view or join can be written to be agnostic about changes to parts of the tables that it doesn't use.
Whether all your tables should be in the third normal form is another question. In most applications I've worked with the answer is most tables should be normalized this way, but there are exceptions. Whether to make an exception has to do with how the data is used, and whether you can be very confident about that use not changing in the future.
Having to go back and re-normalize later because you did something the wrong way can be costly, but over-normalizing data that should be straightforward to use and understand can make things more complicated and difficult to maintain than they need to be. Your mileage may vary.
If you are going to use views to present denormalized data to the user (and you're using SQL Server), you should check out the SCHEMABINDING clause. If a view is schemabound, you can index it, and the index will be updated when the underlying tables are updated. In this way, if the indexes are set up well, people who are looking for data can actually select from the index, so it won't need to rebuild the complex view for every query, but users will still see up-to-date date when the underlying tables change.