Casting between uint8_t * and char *. What happens? - objective-c

What happens when casting between these two in relation to the termination character? In C99 Objective-C.

I assume that a char is 8 bits on your system in this answer.
If your architecture uses unsigned char as char type then absolutely nothing will happen.
If your architecture uses signed char as char type then negative values of char will wrap around causing possibly unexpected results. This however will never happen to the termination null character.
Please note, by "casting" nothing really happens, you just tell the compiler to interpret a certain location in the memory differently. This difference in interpretation would create the actual (side)effects of the cast.

If char and uint8_t are compatible types (they should be on most current desktop computers), pointers to objects of that type have the same representation and alignment requirements, so there should be no problem converting (implicitly, or explicitly with a cast) one to the other.
The values pointed to, again, if they are compatible, should be treated equally no matter what type they are interpreted as.
Note: I am not 100% certain that uint8_t and char are compatible on a implementation with signed chars.
If the types are not compatible you invoke Undefined Behaviour and anything can happen: a very likely thing to happen is that everything "works" as you expect -- but there is no guarantee it will always work the same


Isn't pointer type checking disabled in DLL/C-Connect, and is that OK?

After this somehow related question Why can't I pass an UninterpretedBytes to a void* thru DLL/C-Connect? where we saw that I could not pass a Smalltalk array of bits to a void * parameter, I further analyzed the method responsible for checking the compatibility of formal pointer description with effective object passed as argument, and I think that I discovered another questionable piece:
CPointerType>>coerceForArgument: anObject
(anObject isKindOf: self defaultDatumClass)
ifTrue: [
(referentType = anObject type referentType
or: [(referentType isVoid
and: [anObject type referentType isConstant not])
or: [anObject type isArray not
or: [anObject type baseArrayType = referentType]]])
ifTrue: [^anObject asPointer]].
It means the following:
It first checks if the argument is CDatum (a proxy to some C-formatted rawdata and associated CType).
If so, it checks whether the type is the same as the formal definition in external method prototype (self).
If not, it could be that the argument is void *, in which case any kind of pointer is accepted (it has been checked that it is a pointer in the code that I snipped), except if it is pointer on a const thing.
There is a first discrepancy: it should check if the formal definition is const void * and accept any pointer on const in this case... But that does not matter much, we rarely have actual argument declared const.
If not, it checks if either not an array (for example, int foo[2]), or an array whose type matches (same base type and dimension).
So, if the formal definition is for example struct {int a; char *b} *foo, and that I pass a double * bar, the type does not match, there is no const qualifier mismatch, and the parameter is not an array, conclusion: we can safely pass it without any further checking!
That's a kind of pointer aliasing. We do not have an optimizing compiler making any speculation about the absence of such aliasing in Smalltalk, so that won't be the source of undefined behaviour. It could be that we deliberately want to force this sort of dirty reinterpret_cast for obscure reasons (since we can explicitly cast a CDatum, I would prefer the explicit way).
BUT, it might be that we completely messed up and passed the wrong object, with wrong type, wrong dimension, and that the address foo->b in my example above will contain either some re-interpreted garbage if pointer is 32bits aligned, or be completely undefined on 64 bits machine (because beyond the sizeof double).
A C compiler would warn me for sure about the aliasing, and prevent production of artifact with -Wall -Werror.
What troubles me here is that I do not even get a warning...
Does it sound correct?
Short answer: it's not OK to correct this behavior, because some low level user interface stuff depends on it (event loop). We can't even introduce a Warning or anything.
Longer story: I tried to rewrite the whole method with double dispatching (ask anObject if compatible with formal CPointerType rather than testing every possible Object class with repeated isKindOf: ).
But when ommitting the disgracious pointer aliasing tolerance, it invariably screw my Macosx 8.3 image with tons of blank windows opening, and blocked uninterruptable UI...
After instrumenting, it appears that the event loop relies on it, and pass aString asNSString (which is transformed into utf16, but stored into a ByteArray and thus declared unsigned char *), to an Objective C method expecting an unsigned short *.
It's a case where the pointer aliasing is benign, as long as we pass the good bytes.
If I try and fix asNSString with a proper cast to unsigned short *, then the UI blocks (I don't know why, but it would require debugging at VM level).
Conclusion: it's true that some distinction such as (unsigned char *) vs (char *) can be germane and should better not be completely prohibited (whether char is signed or not is platform dependent, and not all libraries have cleanly defined APIs). Same goes with platform dependent wide character, we have conversion methods producing the good bytes, but not the good types. We could eventually make an exception for char * like we did for void * (before void * was introduced, char * was the way to do it anyway)... Right now, I have no good solution for this because of the event loop.

How to remove 100s of warnings "implicit conversion loses integer precision: 'NSInteger' (aka 'long') to 'int'" I got after updating to arm64?

Yesterday I converted a large project of mine to support arm64 and after that I got 500+ warnings at once. About 70% of them are where NSInteger is being assigned to int or vice versa, and remaining are where NSUInteger is formatted in NSString like this:
NSInteger a = 123;
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Int:%d", a]; //warning: value of 'NSInteger' should not be used as formate argument; add an explicit cast to 'unsigned long' instead.
Now I do know how to adress them manually, but that's a huge task and very laborious.
I'm also aware that I can silence the type mismatch warnings all together, but I don't want to do that. Of course, they're very helpful.
What I've tried:
I've converted [NSNumber numberWithInt:abc]; to [NSNumber numberWithInt:(int)abc]; using find-n-replace. It fixed some.
I've also tried to change all my int properties to NSInteger properties
but it doubled the number of warnings (reached to 900+ count). So I
I've also tried to find some regular expression but couldn't find
something suitable to my needs.
I'm looking for a regular expression or any other workaround somebody has tried which can reduce the amount of work needed to fix them manually.
Thanks in advance.
NSInteger a = 123;
NSString *str = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"Int:%ld", (long)a];
After updating to 64 bit need to do typecast like this((long)a). %d is only for 32 bit range %ld for long integer. For better understanding got through this apple documentation.
In case someone else's facing a similar situation, I want to clarify how to deal with it. Although #Raju's answer is suggesting to do it manually (which I wanted to avoid), I found exactly what I needed at the link he shared.
Apple has provided a script for 64bit conversion called ConvertCocoa64, located at/Developer/Extras/64BitConversion/ConvertCocoa64 which not only converts all int to NSInteger it also deals with float to CGFloat conversion, as stated:
It converts most instances of int and unsigned int to NSInteger and
NSUInteger, respectively. It doesn't convert ints in bit-field
declarations and other inappropriate cases. During processing, the
script refers to a hardcoded list of exceptions.
In addition to above conversions it also flags the lines in code which need manual fix. So this might help with the warnings of String Formats.
Please refer to this link for complete details. It not only explains how to use the script but also suggests some very important post 64-bit migration check points.
objective c implicit conversion loses integer precision 'NSUInteger' (aka 'unsigned long') to 'int
Change key in Project > Build Setting "implicit conversion to 32Bits Type > Debug > *64 architecture : No"
Other warning
Change key in Project > Build Setting "typecheck calls to printf/scanf : NO"
Explanation : [How it works]
Check calls to printf and scanf, etc., to make sure that the arguments supplied have types appropriate to the format string specified, and that the conversions specified in the format string make sense.
Hope it work
[caution: It may void other warning of 64 Bits architecture conversion].

Comparing NSIntegers (or int) to NSUInteger (or unsigned int)

I have a fairly large app (objective-c), I decided to turn on the "Sign Comparison" warnings. I now have almost 100 of them. Most of them are similar to this:
if (recentSearches.count > indexPath.row) {
and the errors are similar to this:
Comparison of integers of different signs: 'NSUInteger' (aka 'unsigned int') and 'NSInteger' (aka 'int')
what are some good strategies or tips on how to tackle them all?
Really, you want to go ahead and change the declarations so the types match when you compare. For example, a count variable should be unsigned. That's by far the safest. If you are recycling a variable so it's compared to other things that may be both signed or unsigned, change that!
Only typecast when you have explicitly verified it's safe do to so. For example, if a signed int is > 0 you can cast it to unsigned int. The other direction is not safe unless you handle the range of values an unsigned int can hold that are too big for a signed int!

How can I reverse the byte order of an NSInteger or NSUInteger in objective-c

This is a somewhat of a follow up to this posting but with a different question so I felt I should ask in a separate thread.
I am at the point where I have four consecutive bytes in memory that I have read in from a file. I'd like to store these as a bit array (the actual int value of them does not matter until later). When I print out what is in my int, I notice that it seems to be stored in reverse order (little endian).
Does anyone have a good method for reversing the order of the bytes. Then once reversed, picking out consecutive bits spanning two bytes and converting back to an int?
unsigned char data[] = { 0x00, 0x02, 0x45, 0x28 };
NSInteger intData = *((NSInteger *)data);
NSLog(#"data:%08x", intData); // data:28450200
Cocoa (or to be exact the Foundation framework) has functions to swap the endianness of bytes: NSSwapInt, NSSwapShort, NSSwapLong, and NSSwapLongLong. These swap around the bytes no matter what - they make big-endian integers from small-endian integers and vice versa.
If you know which format you have there are other functions that swap it to the native endianness: NSSwapLittleIntToHost and NSSwapBigIntToHost. There are also the reverse functions which swap from the native format to little or big endian format: NSSwapHostIntToLittle and NSSwapHostIntToBig. Those are available for the other integer types and floating point types as well. What they do is they call the primitive swap functions on the values if necessary. So NSSwapLittleIntToHost doesn’t do anything while NSSwapBigIntToHost returns the result of NSSwapInt on a little endian machine.
Note that these take parameters of the compilers integer types and not the NSInteger type. So depending on wether you’re generating 32bit or 64bit code you have to use different functions if you are using NSInteger.
You also should not cast your byte array to an integer pointer and dereference that. It would be better to assemble the integer using bit shift operations. Your code will only work if NSInteger is 32 bit wide. If it is 64 bit then your number will be garbage or your program might even crash. But even if you are using an integer type that is always 32 bit wide (int32_t from the C99 <stdint.h> header for example) this might not work as expected.

Malloc'ed string contains garbage values

I just converted an Objective-C library to a C library in the hopes of making it cross platform. However, everything appears to do okay until I send this thing off to be processed.
It's at the point I get an error.
Looking back a few revisions, I noticed something in the debugger.
Right after a malloc'd string like so:
char *theString = malloc(SOME_SIZE * sizeof(char));
I would see that theString is \x03 and *theString is "3 '\003'".
I assumed at first that this was just weird memory since I haven't don a strcat or anything to it, but that odd starting character(s) carry through, and recurs at every other point that I perform a similar malloc.
In terms of normal processing, this is fine. Unfortunately, I don't understand what it is, otherwise, I'd just do something drastic like cutting off that first character or something.
Can someone explain to me what that is and how I deal with it if I want to convert it to an NSString safely?
The value returned by malloc is not guaranteed to be set to any specific value. It's only guaranteed to point to memory you own of length at least as long as you specified. If you want the memory initalized to some value you'll need to do it yourself. Or alternately use calloc which will zero out the memory.