Difference between ServerRoot, DocumentRoot, and Directory - apache

While playing with Apache, I messed up the paths without making a backup httpd.config file.
The file is located at C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.config
I want to keep my web project on the D: drive as a virtual folder. This is the current non-working state. How can I fix this or revert to the xampp defaults?
ServerRoot "C:\xampp\apache"
DocumentRoot "D:\workspace"
<Directory "D:\workspace\AutionWebSite">

ServerRoot = path to the webserver executable/dir
DocumentRoot = path to your files that are delivered by the server
The <Directory> directive is used to configure settings for a specific directory. However, the <Directory> command in your question is not complete.

The default values for DocumentRoot and Directory for XAMPP is "C:\xampp\htdocs"

I would say that the most easiest way for you would be to check your xampp version, make a back up of your document root, which is probably "www" or "htdocs", your configuration files and eventually dump your database. Now install the same version of xammp again and there it is.
And at least the first rule is by playing with "config files", make backups before. The second rule is, make a backup of the whole configuration directory anyway, just for the case. And the last one is, if you are a xammp user, means you are a windows user, so you probably don't have unixoid server administration knowledges, so there is a long way for you to starting to "play" with the apache server.
The only think that you should know is, that you need to set the direction "AllowOverride All", which is necessary, if you use some content management system or other systems, which brings there own .htaccess file. So long you work on windows with xammp and not on a linux or other unixoid operating systems, you cannot understand the complete world of web servers like apache or database servers like postgresql and the sensibility of configuration files.
I understand the necessity of it for understanding of whole web applications respect. to be an full stack web programmer, but before that, i wouldn't change in the future the default server configurations, just check the row "AllowOverride All". Hope this will help your.

Server Root "/Local"
-specifies the default directory hierarchy for the Apache installation.
Document Root"/Local/WWW/apache22/data"
- the directory out of which you will serve your documents.


PHPmyadmin and Wordpress directories access denied

Running wordpress locally on a centOS 7 server running the latest apache, PHPmyadmin and mariadb-server.
IP/wordpress and IP/phpmyadmin on systems within the local network yields "403 forbidden" "you dont have permission to access (directory) on this server."
How can I fix this to allow the website to be seen on the public internet?
Could be a lot of things.
In your main Apache configuration file (e.g. /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf on Arch Linux), confirm your DocumentRoot path. The files you want to serve must reside there, or in sub-directories from there (If not, you might want to use an Alias to specify another path). Since you call IP/wordpress and IP/phpmyadmin, then you probably have directories called wordpress and phpmyadmin under your DocumentRoot path.
You also want to check the Directory groups in your Apache configuration file. Under those, the main culprit would be the Require directive set to all denied or something else too much restrictive like ip your_ip.
Finally, PHP can restrict path access with the open_basedir directive. Look for it in your php configuration file (e.g. /etc/php/php.ini on Arch Linux). If the line is commented, you're fine. But if a path is specified, your wordpress and phpmyadmin files must reside there.
Depending on your setup, any directive mentioned above could be in another Apache configuration file (e.g. /etc/httpd/conf/extra/* on Arch Linux).
Take a look at Apache and PHP online documentation for information about those directives.
Probably there is an issue with your directory privileges.
Use the follwing command to check it:
cd your_site_directory
ls -l
You can have a look to have a better understanding on directory privileges here.
As mentioned here apache runs under "apache" user.
Have a look at this post here to fix the issue.
All files should belong at least to apache group. To do it you can use
cd your_site_directory
chgrp -R apache ./*

WAMP virtual host displays in Chrome, but Internet Explorer says "Page can't be displayed"

I installed WAMP and followed this guide to set up virtual hosts. In both Google Chrome and Internet Explorer, http://localhost gets me to "WAMPSERVER homepage" with my virtual host listed under "Your Projects."
Clicking that link to http://mysite.local in Chome brings me to my site as expected.
Clicking that link in Internet Explorer displays the following message instead.
This page can’t be displayed
•Make sure the web address http://mysite.local is correct.
•Look for the page with your search engine.
•Refresh the page in a few minutes.
Since I can see the WAMPSERVER homepage as expected in both browsers, I don't think there's a problem with my WAMP installation. Since my virtual host is working in Chrome, I think it must be configured properly in Apache and in my Windows hosts file.
I just don't understand why Internet Explorer isn't working with my virtual host like I expect it to, and the "Page can't be displayed" message doesn't give me anything helpful to work with.
Does anyone have any suggestions for me? I'd greatly appreciate any pointers or links to other guides I can try. Thanks in advance for any replies!
There's several reasons WAMP/MAMP may not work on a local environment, I'll try to list a few reasons here:
Which httpd.conf?
There are sometimes multiple httpd.conf files that can cause things to go a little bit funny. MAMP/WAMP usually tend to keep all their configuration files within a conf/ directory however, that doesn't mean to say some other httpd.conf file is being used...
You can also run this command on Linux based systems to see which one is being used:
apache2ctl -V | grep SERVER_CONFIG_FILE
vhosts definitions not included in httpd.conf
In the httpd.conf file, there's a line to include the vhosts definitions file, it should be uncommented:
# Virtual hosts
# Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf // remove the #
Incorrect vhosts definitions
Vhosts need to be defined as follows:
<VirtualHost *>
DocumentRoot "C:/path/to/your/local/site"
ServerName mydomain.local
Hosts file
On OS X/Linux systems this can be found at etc/hosts. Edit that to reflect below (note, you'll need to be root) mysite.local
On windows systems, it can be found in %SystemRoot%\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.
Browser caches
Browser caches always cause an issue with local servers/development. It's worth working with incognito mode on, or deleting all browser caches each and every time you open it up. There's a few plugins available for most browsers that should help too.
Other points to note
Whenever you edit anything to do with httpd.conf, vhosts, hosts file - WAMP/MAMP/Apache needs to be restarted. It's a good idea to shut the server down before doing the changes.
You mentioned that there was a hardcoded link in one/some of your files. It's generally regarded as bad practise to do that for this exact reason. Your code is less portable and can 'break' on other systems. I'd suggest using PHP's __FILE__ or similar to achieve what you want.
Alternatively you could set up local configuration files for your app that are only included when they're present. Have a look at this for a good example of such a set up.
Log everything. Check the logs regularly too.

WAMP localhost and phpmyadmin setup

I have inherited a WAMP setup, but needed my http://localhost to point to a different directory "C:/Users/[user.name]/htdocs" due to many dependencies.
I made the following changes in httpd.conf
DocumentRoot "C:/Users/[user.name]/htdocs"
<Directory "C:/Users/[user.name]/htdocs">
where the original path was "c:/wamp/www/"
Now the WAMP default path for phpMyAdmin http://localhost/phpMyAdmin is not working anymore.
Is it possible to fix that via either C:\wamp\alias\phpmyadmin.conf or httpd-vhosts.conf somehow?
Can I suggest a better solution to your requirement to have a site running that does not live in the WAMPServer default location i.e. \wamp\www or \wamp\www\somefolder
If you revert all your httpd.conf changes to the out of the box state and then create a Virtual Host to run the site you have located in your \user.... folder.
Virtual Hosts are a standard Apache feature that allows you to run may sites from a single instance of Apache, a bit like a shared hosting package setup.
You would then have the benefits of the WAMPServer homepage running on localhost and all the other alias's tools as well.
You can then run your site using a nice url for example sitename.dev and the virtual host definition also allows you to setup any site specific requirements without effecting any other site you may want to run.
There is a HowTo Setup Virtual Hosts here on SO

Apache server directory browsing while there is a website running

Is it possible to browse a directory on an Apache server with a running website?
Example: I have myserver/mydirectory with an index.html and 'test.txt`. Can I list somehow those files assuming browsing is enabled?
there are a couple of things you can try:
in httpd.conf find the line that begins with "DirectoryIndex" and replace it with "DirectoryIndex disabled" this way apache will not server default files like index.html and just list files. however you can explicitly request it if you want.
if default document setting is important to you, you can also configure apache to listen to another port and setup a virtual host on that port and do the same thing with "DirectoryIndex" for virtual host, this way you have two ports , one that serves default documents and one that only list files.
if you want to use only one port for this , you can try no. 2 option and then set a proxy that sends all requests that begin for example with /list/ to the other virtual host, this way you work on one port and if you want list of files instead of writing "/myserver/mydirectory" you request "/list/myserver/mydirectory"
hope it helps.
The DirectoryIndex directive in the Apache configuration tells Apache which index files to look for. Default settings includes index.html, so if you have such a file in your directory, this is the file that Apache will serve if you enter the site without specifying a specific file (this you properly already know, but included for completeness).
To enable directory listing in Apache, have a look at the Options Indexes option. For example in your case (assuming your website is located in /var/www/website:
<Directory /var/www/website/mydirectory>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
This will, however, only enable listing of files if Apache do not find an index file. A solution is therefore either to delete (or rename index.html), or to use a website scripting language like PHP to enable directory listing (For this, Google is your friend :-)

Apache always get 403 permisson after changing DocumentRoot

I'm just a newbie for Apache. I just installed apache 2.2 on the FreeBSD box at my home office. The instruction on FreeBSD documentation is that I can change the DocumentRoot directive in order to use the customized directory data. Therefore, I replaced...
but something is not right. There's index.html file inside the directory, but it seems that apache could not read the directory/file.
You don't have permission to access / on this server.
The permission of
I wonder what could be wrong here. Also, in my case, I am not going to host more than one website for this FreeBSD box, so I didn't look at using VirtualHost at all. Is this a good practice just to change the DirectoryRoot directive?
Somewhere in the apache config is a line like:
# This should be changed to whatever you set DocumentRoot to.
<Directory "/usr/local/www/apache22/data">
You must change this path too, to make it work. This directive contains for example:
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Which give initial user access to the directory.
one possibility that comes to mind is SELinux blocking web process from accessing that folder. If this is the case, you would see it in selinux log. You would have to check the context for your original web root with:
ls -Zl
and then apply it to your new web folder:
chcon whatevercontextyousaw public_html
Or, instead, if its not a production server that requires security (like a development machine behind a firewall), you might want to just turn selinux off.
Just one idea. Could be a number of other things.