Is there a web UI for modifying I18n locales for Rails 3? - ruby-on-rails-3

I'm looking for a way to modify the values of I18n yml files for locales via web gui, is there some gem for that?

A gem that mimics Twitter Translation Center

Tolk is a web interface for doing i18n translations packaged as an engine for Rails 4 applications

Yes, I modified the Newsdesk's translate plugin for using with Rails 3:

There's also tolk written by the creator of rails:

In we also had problems with finding the right solution, so we decided to make an activeadmin translation panel with interface similar to
Currently we are in design stage (first draft is on but next week we will have working solution.
I will post here info when we lunch it, but in the meantime you can check and tell us what you think or even write an issue - the more feedback at the beginning the better.

This looks promising too:
I think I will give it a try. Anyone has experience with this service?


Include text-editor in rails

I want to use text editor in my form on rails 3. Which is the best test editor for rails. How can I use this? Please help me.
A nice and full featured text editor is CKEditor. Also a nice and up-to-date gem exists to aid you with the integration (it also works with the popular gems for asset uploading, paperclip and carrierwave). You can have all the integration info here. I hope that helps.
A nice and full featured text editor is CKEditor. Also a nice and up-to-date gem exists to aid you with the integration (it also works with the popular gems for asset uploading, paperclip and carrierwave). You can have all the integration info here. I hope that helps.
Personnally, I tried and was quite satisfied with Tiny MCE
You can add/remove the features you want and customize it to your needs, and it is easy to integrate in a Rails application.
You can check and try the fully-featured version here

ruby on rails - create a simple html page

I need some assistance in creating a simple html page and locate it in the server.
Since I couldnt find it in the doc I tried to put a index2.html file in the /public library and when I tried to get receive it using
and receiver
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/public/index2.html"):
how do I get the html from the server
how di I make it the default.
EDIT : thanks for your answers. I am looking for the simplest way to work. in many tutorials it says you can put it in the public folder and thats it. This will same me useless controllers.
You can do that in several ways : the more obvious would be to have an action in one of your controller (or a new one, whatever) that does nothing (except render the view), and add a route to it. There is other ways to achieve this too, with more adapted tools. I never used any of them, so might want to google it (static page rails), but I know one of them is a gem called High Voltage. Hope this serves you well.
I think you might have mis-understood Rails...
I have never used it but I think I can probably help you with your answer. Rails is the most popular MVC framework for the language Ruby, hence 'Ruby on Rails'. Here is a link to the MVC framework this may help you understand it:
With the MVC framework you can't 'get' a file directly through the URL. You have to get it through the routing engine. Usually you do this through a Controller which renders a view, typically, from a model.
It's difficult to explain if you don't understand how the MVC framework works but once you have an understanding you should be able to develop web applications very rapidly.
Have a look here for creating your first rails app:

Automatic website creation using rails

I am looking for a template generator for rails, much like the scaffolding, but complete with preset pages and css, everything already built-in generically.
I am unsure where or how to search for this.
The reason I want something like that and not create one myself, is that I need to create a website really quickly with a certain preset theme
I had the same problem that you had, and could not find a solution. Therefore I built a gem for it.
It only applies to your development mode and it does not use asset to make it simple.
Hope it helps.
Rails Yard may be the solution you are looking for. It is a CMS written in Rails.
Rails CMS WIKI FORUM 2nd option
Rails Admin is great for data management (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete).

Can I replace Prototype with Dojo in Rails 3?

Can I replace Prototype with Dojo in Rails 3?
I know I can put jQuery as the javascript library, but I want to know if there is some plugin that replaces Prototype with Dojo.
For those seeking an answer for this question, it seems that the dojo project is developing an extension that replaces prototype's rails.js by dojo's rails.js. The extension is still unstable, but already make its way to DojoX (dojox.rails) in trunk.
I'm using dojox.rails in an application without any problem so far with rails 3.0.7
I still need to assess what will need to be changed considering the upcoming release of rails 3.1

Does anybody know a gem/plugin for private messages in Rails3?

Does anybody know of a gem or plugin for Rails3 that allows for sending Private Messages between users of a site? I'm using Devise for my authentication.
I've stumbled upon simple-private-messages, which is one possibility, but that's about it (other plugins/gems that I found are very outdated). Does anybody know if any?
There are a few out there, such as acts_as_messageable and has_messages.
If you really want to use a plugin, acts_as_messageable is great if it does what you want, but chances are it would better if you wrote one yourself - it sounds like you want quite a specific solution that probably doesn't have a plugin that would fit exactly in.
We are searching for a solution ourselves.. most promising and new is the mailboxer gem. Very active development, good documentation ..
if we decide to use it, i will come back to write more about it.
and more about it here as well: Anyone knows good private message gem for rails 3.2?