sql datetime format - sql

I am trying to convert a date into this format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss eg. 2007-01-05 23:00:00. But my SQL leaves the string unchanged, can somebody tell me what I am doing wrong?
select convert(varchar,'23/02/2008 00:00:00',120)

Try SELECT CONVERT(DATETIME, '23/02/2008 00:00:00'). All you're doing is converting a string into a string, which won't change anything.

your data type needs to be DATETIME, eg:
select convert(DATETIME, '23/02/2008 00:00:00', 120)

try this. Works for Transact-SQL.
select convert(datetime,'23/02/2008 00:00:00')
I hope it helps

maybe you're looking to do this:
CONVERT(varchar,'23/02/2008 00:00:00',100) 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'

select format(getdate(),'dd-MM-yyyy hh:mm tt')

Following is the syntax to achieve what you are looking for
To know more about the date formats see the link


converting string format to date format

I am not able to convert the string to DATE format
select CONVERT(DATE, '8/17/2016', 103)
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
what can we do to resolve this
Actually you don't need that style, It is the one causing the error. Just CAST/CONVERT it to date. Try this
select CONVERT(DATE, '8/17/2016')
You can try with cast also
select cast( '8/17/2016' as date)
SELECT CONVERT(DATE, '8/17/2016', 101)
SELECT convert(datetime, '8/17/2016', 111)

Convert Text to Date in SQL Server

How to I convert a text value like "18/06/11" to a date format like "2011-06-18"?
I have tried the following
convert(char,[InstrumentText], 106)
but the value just stays in the same format
The correct format for your string would appear to be 103.
More importantly, you need to convert to a datetime not to a char:
convert(date,[InstrumentText], 103)
If you then want to convert it back to a string in the format yyyy-mm-dd, you can do:
convert(varchar(10), convert(date,[InstrumentText], 103), 120)
SELECT convert(datetime, '18/06/11' , 3)
I grabbed this from sqlusa.com:
SELECT CAST([InstrumentText] AS datetime)

How to display the date as mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm Am/PM using sql server 2008 r2?

My sample query is
My given date format is like "2013-01-01 00:00:00.000". I need to convert this date format to "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM". Do you have any idea about that?
I think there is no single format to give them both. Try this using Convert; Sql-Demo
declare #mydate datetime = getdate()
select convert(varchar(10),#mydate, 101) + right(convert(varchar(32),#mydate,100),8)
| COLUMN_0 |
| 02/22/2013 9:36AM |
The FORMAT() function is available from version 2012 onwards.
Once upgraded, you can use
select FORMAT(#date,'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:s tt')
Use this
select CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), mydate, 101) + ' ' + RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR, mydate, 100), 7) from tablename
Try this
SELECT convert(varchar(20), GetDate(), 0);
To extract only AM/PM
substring(convert(varchar(30), GetDate(), 9), 25, 2);
Use the following scenario for getting date,time,day,month,year,hours,minutes,seconds,AM/PM
SELECT UpdatedOn ,
CONVERT(varchar,UpdatedOn,100) DateTime,
CONVERT(varchar,UpdatedOn,10) Date ,
CONVERT(varchar,UpdatedOn,108) Time ,
substring(CONVERT(varchar,UpdatedOn,106),1,2) Day,
substring(CONVERT(varchar,UpdatedOn,106),4,3) CMonth,
substring(CONVERT(varchar,UpdatedOn,105),4,2) NMonth,
substring(CONVERT(varchar,UpdatedOn,106),8,4) Year,
left(right(CONVERT(varchar,UpdatedOn,100),7),2) Hours_12,
substring(CONVERT(varchar,UpdatedOn,108),1,2) Hours_24,
substring(CONVERT(varchar,UpdatedOn,108),4,2) Minutes,
substring(CONVERT(varchar,UpdatedOn,108),7,2) Second,
right(CONVERT(varchar,UpdatedOn,100),2) AM_PM
FROM dbo.DeviceAssignSim
WHERE AssignSimId=55;
You can do it like this:
For more information look this:
Use the convert method to format a datetime value. Example:
select convert(varchar(20), D30.SPGD30_LAST_TOUCH_Y, 101)
The third parameter determines the format. You can find the available formats in the cast and convert documentation.
Use this
Select (Convert(Varchar,GetDate(),101))+' '+(Right(('0'+(LTrim((Left((Right((Convert(Varchar,GetDate(),100)),7)),5))))),5))+' '+(Right((Convert(Varchar,GetDate(),100)),2))
I realize this is a 8 year old question but it was answered in many ways and none are simple enough. This is what I found to be simple and matches just about what the user is asking for (year is two digits, and seconds are present), assuming that the date he is getting is from GETDATE(), not that it matters but that is where my answer comes from.
SELECT CONVERT(varchar, D30.SPGD30_LAST_TOUCH_Y, 22) AS [DateTime]
12/16/20 10:19:18 AM

European format time - Convert string to Datetime in SQL

I want to be able to convert the following string format to Datetime.
'21-04-2010 11:06'
I've looked here but there doesn't seem to be solution: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187928.aspx
convert(datetime, '21-04-2010 11:06', ??)
Has anyone else come across this problem? Or is it listed somewhere else?
Try this:
select convert(datetime, '21-04-2010 11:06', 105)
select convert(datetime, '21-04-2010 11:06', 105)
Here the ref http://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_convert.asp Basically is dd-mm-yyyy format
You can use STR_TO_DATE date in MySQL to parse your String
If it is sql server, use 105...like this:
select convert(datetime, '21-04-2010 11:06', 105)
it will work (sql server docs says that it is for 21-04-2010 ...but it will get your 11:06, too)

How do I convert a datetime column to nvarchar with the format DD/MM/YYYY?

I need to select a datetime column in a table. However, I want the select statement to return the datetime as a nvarchar with the format DD/MM/YYYY.
Here is the convert documentation:
Looking through that, it looks like you want style 103:
SELECT CONVERT(nvarchar(10), getdate(), 103)
This should help. It contains all (or most anyway) the different date formats
I think you'd be better off handling the string conversion in client if possible.
You can convert a date in many formats, in your case :
CONVERT(NVARCHAR(10), YOUR_DATE_TIME, 103) => 15/09/2016
CONVERT('TheDataTypeYouWant', 'TheDateToConvert', 'TheCodeForFormating' * )
The code is an integer, here 3 is the third formatting option (without century), if you want the century just change the code to 103.
See more at: http://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_convert.asp
Look up convert in BOL.
Use Convert with the 103 option.
select convert(nvarchar(10), datefield, 103)