Reset an entire node InfoPath 2007 - infopath-2007

I have an InfoPath Form built. What I am looking to do is have a reset button that clears and entire node of populated data. I have seen a few solutions out there but this seems like a relatively simple request of a page. Is there a quick way to reset an entire node to its default configuration?
Thanks in Advance!

This seems to have solved it.
private void ClearNode(XPathNavigator nodeToClear)
if (nodeToClear.HasChildren)
} while (nodeToClear.MoveToNext());
After that you just call whatever node you want cleared and pass it in as an XPathNavigator and away you go. It solved everything I was storing but I am curious how it would handle resetting fields with default values like a boolean or something.


How can i check page is going to refresh in "beforeunload" event in angular5

i am trying to put logic when user close the browser/tab then i need to clear the local session. so i have used beforeunload event. The problem is that it's getting called on both browser close as well as on page refresh. and i don't have to clear session on refresh it should be on close.
i tried to check only by using clientY and pageY but it's not working for me.
also i tried with the below code to identify browser is going to refresh or not and set the flag value and use it in beforeunload event. but it's getting called after beforeunload event
this.subscription = => {
if (event instanceof NavigationStart) {
this.browserRefresh = !this.router.navigated;
console.log(" else browserRefresh");
#HostListener('window:beforeunload', ['$event'])
beforeunload($event) {
console.log("clear session");
Please suggest if i am using wrong event for the task or suggest me the correct way to this. i checked few links suggested but nothing is helping.
You can try like this Hope so it can work
#HostListener('window:unload', ['$event'])
beforeunload($event) {
console.log("clear session");

How to change page header depending session on

I'm working in a VisualStudio project but I need help.
I have a database with the user information which includes a value to obtain the role. Depending that value, I need to change the page header to show/hide links and options, but I don't know how to make it.
Thanks in advance.
Easy way to implement what you want
void privilege ()
if(Session["role"].ToString() !="Admin")
//do somethings
//do other things

Durandal - Correct way to disable .canDeactivate for 'Success' operations?

I have an edit page (in a DurandalJS single page app), where I use the .canDeactivate lifecycle method to check if there are any changes to the record, and optionally prompt them for confirmation before leaving the page.
I also have a 'Save' and 'View History' button. Is the correct thing to do to override the .canDeactivate method before calling router.navigate, to stop the modal popup invoking?
E.g.: As here:
self.onSave = function() {
self.repository.updateItem(self.model).done(function() {
self.canDeactivate = null; // Is this the correct way to do this?
As this .canDeactivate will otherwise get called:
self.canDeactivate = function() {
if (!self.model.hasChanges()) {
return true;
return app.ShowMessage("Unsaved data will be lost", "Are you sure you wish to exit?", ["Yes", "No"]).done(function(result) {
return result !== "No";
Why dont you just set
in your updateItem callback?
Then when your canDeactivate is called, it will return true.
Also you seem to have an error in your ShowMessage callback. I think you mean to do:
return result != "No";
I don't think the way Durandal decides whether to attempt to call a canDeactivate function is fully defined, other than the fact that if it's not in the view model, it won't try. Hence, even if it works as is, a future version of the framework could change its check to something like if (canDeactivate in viewModel) viewModel.canDeactivate(...); without further tests, and your code would break.
This is unlikely, but if you want to worry about it, you should thus delete self.canDeactivate instead of assigning it the null value.
Quote from the documentation:
To participate in the lifecycle, implement any (or none) of the
functions below on the object that you set the activator to (...)
Current implementation (activator.js, L126, 1eecbc2d3f84dc42eb7304bde761d88f300d8951):
if (item && item.canDeactivate) {
So it only checks if it's truthy (which would indicate using null works fine currently, too).
If you want to discuss the pattern, I don't see anything wrong with it, as long as it makes sense to you and everyone who should read the code.
You're not supposed to be activating and deactivating views programmatically in any critical path, so performance should be irrelevant either way (flag on view model or deletion of canDeactivate).

blueimp file upload. How to clean existing filelist

I have goggled a lot, but have not found a solution for my issue. The author of the widget references to the last answer of FAQ, but the FAQ does not have the answer or I cannot find it. I suppose it was updated since that time. Other fellows who faced the same issue and asked the same question just gone and did not provide any solution.
Anyway, in my case I have a table with button Pictures:
When a user clicks one of pictures button, modal dialog is shown. The user now can manage pictures for the chosen row. He can upload, delete pictures and so on. When the user opens the dialog for second row in the table he should see pictures for the second row only. It tells me that I have to clean the list of uploaded files every time user hits Pictures button to see the dialog. He will receive list of pictures which corresponds to chosen row from the server. Unfortunately, when I retrieve the list for the chosen row, the received files are added to the existing list.
Could you tell me how I can clean the list or reset the widget without removing files on the server side?
UPDATE I have used the following piece of code as a temporary solution.
url: "<YOUR URL HERE>",
dataType: 'json',
context: $('#fileupload')[0]
}).done(function (result) {
jQuery("#fileupload").find(".files").empty(); //this line solves the issue
jQuery(this).fileupload('option', 'done').call(this, null, { result: result });
Thank you.
i was also trying for one hour to get my upload work ;)
here is, how i solved this problem:
add: function (e, data) {
$.each(data.files, function (index, file) {
var newFileDiv = $(newfileDiv(;
newFileDiv.find('a').bind('click', function (event) {
var uploadFilesBox = $("#fsUploadProgressHtml5");
var remDiv = $(document.getElementById("fileDiv_" +;
data.files.length = 0;
data.context = newFileDiv;
as you can see i create inside the add-event my file-dataset with 'newfileDiv('. this creates a div with all information about the file (name, size, ...) and an ankor that exists for deleting the file from the list. on this ankor i bind a click-event in which i have the delete implementation.
hope this helps!
I know this isn't the most elegant solution, but I needed a very quick and here's what I did (using jQuery).
//manually trigger the cancel button for all files...removes anything that isn't uploaded yet
$('.fileupload-buttonbar .cancel').first().trigger('click');
//check the checkbox that selects all files
if(!$('.fileupload-buttonbar .toggle').first().checked) {
$('.fileupload-buttonbar .toggle').first().trigger('click');
//manually trigger the delete button for all files
$('.fileupload-buttonbar .delete').first().trigger('click');
I know this isn't the best way. I know it isn't elegant...but it works for me and removes everything from the plugin.
If you have added file names or anything else from the plugin to any local arrays or objects, you'll need to clean those up manually (I have several handlers that fire on fileuploadadded, fileuploadsent, fileuploadcomplete, fileuploadfailed, and 'fileuploaddestroyed` events).
protected function get_file_objects($iteration_method = 'get_file_object') {
$upload_dir = $this->get_upload_path();
if (!is_dir($upload_dir)) {
return array();
return array_values(array_filter(array_map(
array($this, $iteration_method)
//File listing closed by Doss
there is a scandir function responsible for listing the files. just uncomment it like i have done above and your problem is solved. it can be found in the UploadHandler.php file.

Safari Extension Questions

I'm in the process of building my first Safari extension--a very simple one--but I've run into a couple of problems. The extension boils down to a single, injected script that attempts to bypass the native feed handler and redirect to an http:// URI. My issues so far are twofold:
The "whitelist" isn't working the way I'd expect. Since all feeds are shown under the "feed://" protocol, I've tried to capture that in the whitelist as "feed://*/*" (with nothing in the blacklist), but I end up in a request loop that I can't understand. If I set blacklist values of "http://*/*" and "https://*/*", everything works as expected.
I can't figure out how to access my settings from my injected script. The script creates a beforeload event handler, but can't access my settings using the safari.extension.settings path indicated in the documentation.
I haven't found anything in Apple's documentation to indicate that settings shouldn't be available from my script. Since extensions are such a new feature, even Google returns limited relevant results and most of those are from the official documentation.
What am I missing?
So I'm hoping that the documentation is incomplete because it's borderline abysmal, but I've learned a bit about settings. It turns out that, from injection scripts, the SafariExtensionSettings object isn't available. Injection scripts only have access to the SafariContentExtension object (which isn't useful at all), but it's aliased in exactly the same manner (safari.extension.settings)--bad idea, IMO. As stated in the injection script documentation:
Important: When you use safari.extension from within an injected script, you are not addressing the SafariExtension class. You are addressing the SafariContentExtension class.
You have to use the messaging system to talk to a global HTML file which has access to the settings. It's kind of loopy, but I have a message being sent to a global.html file that retrieves the settings and will send a message back to my injection script as soon as I figure out how to go about doing that.
Since I'm doing all of my work before the document loads, all of the methods I've found to send message back rely on a page object that I don't have.
Like everyone else at this point, I'm still climbing the learning curve, but here's how I've handled this problem:
I have a simple extension with no chrome and one injected end script (script.js). For the purpose of loading settings I've added a simple global page (proxy.html). When script.js is injected, it sends a getSettings message to proxy.html. proxy.html responds with a setSettings message, and script.js continues initialization.
The most helpful page I've found in the docs on this topic is Messages and Proxies.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<script type="text/javascript">
safari.application.addEventListener( "message", function( e ) {
if( === "getSettings" ) { "setSettings", {
sort_keys: safari.extension.settings.getItem( "sort_keys" )
} );
}, false );
( function() {
var settings, init = function() {
// do extension stuff
// listen for an incoming setSettings message
safari.self.addEventListener( "message", function( e ) {
if( === "setSettings" ) {
settings = e.message;
}, false );
// ask proxy.html for settings "getSettings" );
}() )
EDIT: like you said in your initial post update, the injected script doesn't have the same kind of access that a global HTML page would have. This is my working solution, imagine you want to know the value of setting "foo" in the injected script:
Injected script code:
function getMessage(msgEvent) {
if ( == "settingValueIs")
alert("Value for asked setting is: " + msgEvent.message);
}"getSettingValue", "foo"); // ask for value
safari.self.addEventListener("message", getMessage, false); // wait for reply
Global HTML code:
function respondToMessage(messageEvent) {
if ( == "getSettingValue") {
// getItem("foo");
var value = safari.extension.settings.getItem(messageEvent.message);
// return value of foo to injected script"settingValueIs", value);
Hope this helps !
Initial post: I'm having the same 2nd problem as you, I can't access my settings (or secureSettings) from an injected script. In my case the script is loaded after page load, but even that way I can't use safari.extension.settings.
The only way it works is with a toolbar/button, the HTML behind that element can getItem and setItem as expected.
My conclusion is that, for some reason, injected scripts can't access settings (actually, they don't even seem to have access to the safari element). Bug or intended feature, that's left to figure out.
It took me several days, but I think I found a workable solution using the canLoad() messaging method. My injection script retrieves settings by calling the global HTML page like this:
settings = event );
My global HTML file, in turn, returns those settings as:
settings = {
'setting1': safari.extension.settings.getItem( 'setting1' )
msgEvent.message = settings;
It's still a bit more "hacky" than I'd like. I can't seem to simply return the settings object itself, so I have to compile a new object by retrieving each setting manually. Not ideal, but it does seem to be effective.
run into the same problem, but the answer is easier than you can imagine: include the script in your global html.
<script type="text/javascript" src="cleanup.js"></script>
then you can access the settings as described in documentation safari.extension.settings.myKey
you can also upvote #Travis, because I got the idea from his post
actually I don't really know whats wrong. Calling the settings as the first command works, but not at a later time. Additionally it seems to corrupting my complete script after the 2. injection. Need verification if it's only in my (difficult?) script.
now I got it to work to get back the settings object via dispatchMessage()
in your injected.js
function gotSettings(msgEvent) {
if ( === "SETTINGS") {
setts = msgEvent.message;
// run the programm
safari.self.addEventListener("message", gotSettings, false);"getSettings");
and in global.html
switch ( {
case "getSettings":
// send the settings data"SETTINGS", safari.extension.settings);
relying on this apple documentation