big memory problem in objective c - objective-c

i've a function like this:
#property(nonatomic,retain) NSMutableArray *array;
#synthesize array = _array;
(NSMutableArray *) name
self.array = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
[_array addObject:object];
[object release];
return [_array autorelase];
In the other function i've a property like the property above, named result, and i make:
self.result = [... name];
Then in dealloc i make
[_result release];
and it crashes in this point, how can i solve this?
I've tried many roads, but or it crashes, or i see memory leak in Instruments, where am i wronging?

While there's a lot wrong with this code, the likely cause of your crash is that you're releasing object within -name without taking ownership of it- unless you're creating object within the method through a call to -alloc, -new, or -copy, that method doesn't own it and isn't responsible for releasing it. This is causing that object to be invalid within the NSMutableArray, so when _result releases, it attempts to release an invalid piece of memory and crashes.
Also, properties aren't simply local variables for individual functions, they're member variables for instances of the class for which you're writing these classes. If your end goal is only to return an autoreleased array and set it to result you could do the following:
- (NSMutableArray *) name {
//call a convenience method- it comes back autoreleased
NSMutableArray* theArray = [NSMutableArray array];
[theArray addObject:object];
//don't release object unless you took ownership of it in this function
return theArray;
then outside the function, either call self.result = [... name] or [self setResult:[... name]];

You have a very strange method definition (the header should have a - before the return type), and inside that definition you are accessing a variable called object that doesn't seem to exist. I'm not sure what you want, but you've got at least one memory problem. The array that you create in name gets leaked every time the method is called. If you add some details, like the crash message, someone may be able to help more.


Managing Memory in Objective c

I am doing my project in xcode 4.2 (Older Version). For my application, I just set the variables, arrays in dto class for using in entire app lifecycle. so I set with a property like this.
AppDTO(sub class of NSObject)
#property(nonatomic,retain)anotherAppDTO *aAppDTO;
#property(nonatomic,retain)NSMutableArray *array1;
#property(nonatomic,retain)NSMutableArray *array2;
#property(nonatomic,retain)NSString *string1,*string2,*string3;
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
self.aAppDTO = [[anotherAppDTO alloc]init];
self.array1 = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
self.array2 = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
self.string1 = #"Hello";
self.string2= #"Hai";
if(array1 != nil)
[array1 release];
array1 = nil;
if(array2 != nil)
[array2 release];
array2 = nil;
[aAppDTO release];
aAppDTO = nil;
[super dealloc];
when I analyze my app in Xcode 4.3.2, I get memory warning in self.array1 and self.array2 (Potential leak on object allocated on line….), but when I change self.array1 to array1, warning goes away.
What is the reason for using self. do I need to use self if I set #property(nonatomic,retain) to variables(like array1,array2,string1,string2).
Also in dealloc method, I heard we don't want to use [self.array1 release], instead we can use [array1 release]. Is it Correct?
Do I need to release my string in dealloc method.
Also I am releasing aAppDTO in dealloc method. if I allocate some objects in anotherAppDTO class, will it release automatically when I call [aAppDTO release] method.
Can anyone clarify me.
Many Thanks,
You get the warning because when you write :
self.array1 = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
is the same as :
[self setArray1: [[NSMutableArray alloc]init]];
As you can notice you are not allocating the underlying array1 private variable, but you are calling the setter of the property that since it is declared as retain it retains the object once assigned, this means that when you eventually will assign another object the second time with the setter the first object will remain with a retain count of one until the application will be closed (since you don't have any reference to that object anymore ...) .
Take a look at this great article to understand better Manual Reference Counting in Objective-C .
when i analyze my app in Xcode 4.3.2, i get memory warning in self.array1 and self.array2 (Potential leak on object allocated on line….), but when i change self.array1 to array1, warning goes away.
the analyzer's right. the parameter is retained when set. as well, you should favor direct access in initialization and dealloc. so, you should just write array1 = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];, and be done.
What is the reason for using self. do i need to use self if i set #property(nonatomic,retain) to variables(like array1,array2,string1,string2).
those go through the accessor methods. if not in initialization or dealloc, you should favor going through the accessor methods because that is the common correct execution path for a fully constructed object.
Also in dealloc method, i heard we don't want to use [self.array1 release], instead we can use [array1 release]. Is it Correct?
Do i need to release my string in dealloc method.
Also I am releasing aAppDTO in dealloc method. if i allocate some objects in anotherAppDTO class, will it release automatically when i call [aAppDTO release] method.
when its reference count reaches 0, its dealloc will be called.
I think the others have answered your question.
I do want to draw your attention to Apple's excellent Advance Memory Management Programming Guide: Practical Memory Management, in which they walk through these sorts of scenarios. It's hard to take it all in on the first reading, but it really does cover this stuff. In answer to your question about the use of instance variables versus the accessor methods, I draw your attention to the section labeled to "Don't Use Accessor Methods in Initializer Methods and dealloc".

In objective c can a class essentially delete itself?

In objective c, suppose I have an object Obj stored in a NSMutableArray, and the array's pointer to it is the only strong pointer to Obj in the entire program. Now suppose I call a method on Obj and I run this method in another thread. In this method, if Obj sets the pointer for itself equal to nil will it essentially delete itself? (Because there will be no more strong pointers left) I suspect the answer is no, but why? If this does work, is it bad coding practice (I assume its not good coding, but is it actually bad?)
It is highly unlikely that an object would be in a position to cause its own release/deallocation if your code is designed properly. So yes, the situation you describe is indicative of bad coding practice, and can in fact cause the program to crash. Here is an example:
#interface Widget : NSObject
#property (retain) NSMutableArray *array;
#implementation Widget
#synthesize array;
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if(self) {
array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[array addObject:self];
return self;
- (void)dealloc
[array release];
[super dealloc];
- (void)removeSelf
NSLog(#"%d", [array count]);
[array removeObject:self];
NSLog(#"%d", [array count]);
and then this code is in another class:
Widget *myWidget = [[Widget alloc] init];
[myWidget release]; // WHOOPS!
[myWidget removeSelf];
The second call to NSLog in removeSelf will cause an EXC_BAD_ACCESS due to the fact that array has been deallocated at that point and can't have methods called on it.
There are at least a couple mistakes here. The one that ultimately causes the crash is the fact that whatever class is creating and using the myWidget object releases it before it is finished using it (to call removeSelf). Without this mistake, the code would run fine. However, MyWidget shouldn't have an instance variable that creates a strong reference to itself in the first place, as this creates a retain cycle. If someone tried to release myWidget without first calling removeSelf, nothing would be deallocated and you'd probably have a memory leak.
If your back-pointer is weak (which it should be since a class should never try to own it's owner, you will end up with a retain-cycle) and you remove the strong pointer from the array the object will be removed from the heap. No strong pointers = removed from memory.
You can always test this.
If you need a class to bring to a situation where its deleted, the best practice is to first retain/autorelease it and then make the situation happen. In this case the class won't be deleted in a middle of its method, but only afterwards.
I think we can say it might be bad coding practice, depending on how you do it. There are ways you could arrange to do it safely, or probably safely.
So let's assume we have a global:
NSMutableArray *GlobalStore;
One approach is to remove yourself as your final action:
- (void) someMethod
[GlobalStore removeObject:self];
As this is the final action there should be no future uses of self and all should be well, probably...
Other options include scheduling the removal with a time delay of 0 - which means it will fire next time around the run loop (only works of course if you have a run loop, which in a thread you may not). This should always be safe.
You can also have an object keep a reference to itself, which produces a cycle and so will keep it alive. When its ready to die it can nil out its own reference, if there are no other references and that is a final action (or a scheduled action by another object) then the object is dead.

Potential memory leak in NSData category

When using the XCode analyzer I get a message saying:
Potential leak of an object allocated
The code this is in my NSData(String) category, the code is:
- (NSString*) utf8String
return [[NSString alloc] initWithData:self encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
Now how can I solve this? When I change the statement to:
- (NSString*) utf8String
return [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:self encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] autorelease];
My application crashes on the line where I call utf8String.
The cocoa naming conventions suggest that all methods return autoreleased objects, with the exception of methods whose names start with 'init', 'copy' or 'new'. The static analyzer knows and checks this.
You have two choices. You can rename the method to -newUTF8String, or you can return an autorelease object and retain it when you want to store the return value of this method.
I would prefer the latter, but both would be valid code.
I guess your application crashes because the variable is released before it is used. It is recommended to call retain if you do not use the return value right away but store it in a member variable.
myMemberVariable = [something utf8String];
[myMemberVariable retain];
To make sure that you do not produce a memory leak you have to release the member variable somewhere. A good place for that would be dealloc.
- (void)dealloc {
if (myMemberVariable) [myMemberVariable release];
[super dealloc];
I would also recommend having a look at Advanced Memory Management Programming Guide to get some detailed information about memory management of iOS.

Garbage Collection question in Cocoa

I have the following code in a Cocoa program. In this code, theList is a pointer to an NSMUtableArray object and input is an NSTextField pointer.
NSString *item = [input stringValue];
[theList addObject:item];
. . .
When the program runs and this method is called, I get an access violation on the line
[theList addObject:item]. As a last resort, I turned garbage collection on and the code works without any problem. I don't understand why it doesn't work without the garbage collector. Can someone explain? Thanks
You probably didn't initialize your array correctly. It's common to see people
initializing ivars with autoreleased objects:
- (id)init
self = [super init];
if (self) {
array = [NSMutableArray array];
return self;
This won't work. When your method is called no-one guarantees that the array
still exist. Turning the garbage collector on will leave the memory management
task with it, which understands that you want to use the array later and
manages it correctly.
Under traditional memory management rules, use something like this:
array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
Please post your code, where the array is initialized.

Obj-c autorelease a variable up a chain of methods

I'm new to Obj-C and I have a question concerning the autorelease. Is it ok to return an autoreleased variable for several methods? For example:
- (void) methodC {
Object anObj = [self methodB];
//Do something with anObj
- (Object *) methodB {
return [self methodA];
- (Object *) methodA {
Object anObj = [[anObj alloc] init];
release [anObj autorelease];
Will the variable remain valid even if it is returned up a method chain and used at the top? Or does it have to be retained somewhere along the way?
thank you
Yes, it will be valid in this case. You only have to worry about the variable being deallocated if somebody drains the autorelease pool. As long as you've written every function that returns along the way and you don't explicitly drain the autorelease pool, you don't have to worry about objects being deallocated from under you.
In the vast majority of cases, the code in the NSRunLoop takes care of draining the autorelease pool. When you return control from your application code to the API code (such as by returning from a touchesBegan handler etc.), you don't know if the autorelease pool will be drained, so you have to assume in the worst case that it will. In that case, you have to retain any objects you want to keep references to.
For example:
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
Object *anObj = [self methodC]; // Your methodC as before -- anObj is valid
[pool drain]; // anObj will be deallocated here
The variable should remain valid. You only need to retain an object if it is actually "owned" by some other object and could be indirectly/unintentionally released along with it. For example, if you extracted an object from an array and then released the array, your object reference could become invalid unless you explicitly retain it.
For more details, see Object Ownership and Dismissal, particularly the sections on Autorelease and Validity of Shared Objects. The latter uses the following code to illustrate how you could "accidentally" make an object reference invalid.
heisenObject = [array objectAtIndex:n];
[array removeObjectAtIndex:n];
// heisenObject could now be invalid.
The following code shows how to mitigate this problem using retain.
heisenObject = [[array objectAtIndex:n] retain];
[array removeObjectAtIndex:n];
// use heisenObject.
[heisenObject release];