How to make live changes to SQL server express - sql

I've been developing an web app using VS studio. I'm using SQL Server Express.
During development I have been testing my web app on my server.
Every time that I need to update my database I would simply delete my old database (located on my server) and upload my new DB. Since I'm only testing, and my app has no users, it hasn't been a problem.
Once my site goes live I don't know how to make changes to my DB. Obviously I wont be able to simply delete it as it will contain user data. So how do people typically update a live DB. That is, lets say my site is live and now I need to add more tables and stored procedures to my DB. How would i do this on a live site?

To make changes to a production database, you'd:
Try to schedule an outage when the least number of users will be affected, posting information so users are aware prior to
Use data definition language (DDL) scripts to make the changes to the database tables, and potentially data manipulation language (DML) scripts to massage existing data into what the changes need.
The scripts necessary for step 2 should have been tested in Development and Test/QA environments to ensure as few issues as possible are experienced in the Production system. Backups that allow you to restore the database to previous versions of the application are required for both the Development and Test/QA environments.

You either need to:
Update your database at a time when no-one will be using the site. OR
Ensure that your updates do not affect the operation of the site.
The second option involves giving any new non-NULLable columns sensible defaults, ensuring that all INSERT statements use column lists (e.g. INSERT INTO dbo.MyTable (col1, col2, col3) VALUES (...)) and ensuring that new stored procedure parameters have defaults. This is not an exhaustive list, but a good start.

Mostly we create release scripts whereby the changes are scripted out and repeatable. So you will see things like
WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'myTableName'
AND COLUMN_NAME = 'myColumnName')
ADD myColumnName varchar(50)
You can tell which objects have changed with stuff like:
FROM sys.tables
modify_date DESC
Some people use RedGate software to compare the 2 different database, but there is a cost to that.

It depends on that kinds of changes you want to make to your live database.
In your question you only talk about adding new tables and stored procedures.
As long as you only add new stuff (tables, sprocs, or even new columns to existing tables) you don't have to do anything special, because SQL Server can do this while the database is in use and the changes don't affect your users because their version of your app doesn't even know about your newly added stuff.
On the other hand, it gets way more complicated if you change or even delete existing stuff.
There is a great chance that this will be a breaking change for your app, as it will probably stop working when tables look different than it expects or if it tries to access tables/sprocs that don't exist anymore.
(Even if you only add new stuff like I said in the beginning - you will probably want to update your app anyway, so it can actually USE the new stuff in the database)
So you probably will need to make your database changes AND deploy a new version of your app as well, both at the same time.
I'm no ASP.NET expert, but as far as I know it's not possible to update an ASP.NET app without all active users getting kicked out.
So in this case you would have to do what OMG Ponies already said: choose a time when the least possible number of users is affected, and/or inform your users early enough about the scheduled outage.


Temporary Tables Quick Guide

I have a structured database and software to handle it and I wanted to setup a demo version based off of a simple template version. I'm reading through some resources on temporary tables but I have questions.
What is the best way to go about cloning a "temporary" database while keeping a clean list of databases?
From what I've seen, there are two ways to do this - temporary local versions that are terminated at the end of the session, and tables that are stored in the database until deleted by the client or me.
I think I would prefer the 2nd option, because I would like to be able to see what they do with it. However, I do not want add a ton of throw-away databases and clutter my system.
How can I a) schedule these for deletion after say 30 days and b) if possible, keep these all under one umbrella, or in other words, is there a way to keep them out of my main list of databases and grouped by themselves.
I've thought about having one database and then serving up the information by using a unique ID for the user and 'faux indexes' so that it appears as 1,2,3 instead of 556,557,558 to solve B. I'm unsure how I could solve A, other than adding a date and protected columns and having a script that runs daily and deletes if over 30 days and not protected.
I apologize for the open-ended question, but the resources I've found are a bit ambiguous.
These aren't true temp tables in the sense that your DBMS knows them. What you're looking for is a way to have a demo copy of your database, probably with a cut-down data set. It's really no different from having any other non-production copy of your database.
Don't do this on your production database server.
Do not do this on your production database server.
Script the creation of your database schema. Depending on the DBMS you're using, this may be pretty easy. If you've got a good development/deployment/maintenance process for your system, this should already exist.
Create your database on the non-production server using the script(s) generated in the previous step. Use an easily-identifiable naming convention, like starting the database name with demo.
Load any data required into the tables.
Point the demo version of your app (that's running on your non-production servers) at this new database.
Create a script/process/job which looks at your database server and drops any databases that match your demo DB naming convention and were created more than 30 days ago.
Without details about your actual environment, people can't give concrete examples/sample code/instructions.
If you cannot run a second, independent database server for these demos, then you will have to make do with your production server. This is still a bad idea because of potential security exposures and performance impact on your production database (constrained resources).
Create a complete copy of your database (or at least the schema, with a reduced data set) for each demo.
Create a unique set of credentials for each of these demo databases. This account should have access to only its demo database.
Configure the demo instance(s) of your application to connect to the demo database
Here's why I'm pushing so hard for separate databases: If you keep copying your "demo" tables within the database, you will have to update your application code to point at those tables each time you do a new demo. Once you start doing this, you're taking a big risk with your demos - the code you keep changing isn't really the application you're running in production anymore. And if you miss one of those changes, you'll get unexpected results at best, and mangling of your production data at worst.

Best practices for writing SQL scripts for deployment

I was wondering what are the best practices in order to write SQL scripts to set up databases for production and/or development, for instance:
Should I include the CREATE DATABASE statement?
Should I create users for the database in the same script?
Is correct to disable FK check before executing the body of the script?
May I include the hole script in a transaction?
Is better to generate 1 script per database than one script for all of them?
The problem with your question is is hard to answer as it depends on the way the scripts are used in what you are trying to achieve. you also don't say which DB server you are using as there are tools provided which can make some tasks easier.
Taking your points in order, here are some suggestions, which will probably be very different to everyone elses :)
Should I include the CREATE DATABASE
What alternative are you thinking of using? If your question is should you put the CREATE DATABASE statement in the same script as the table creation it depends. When developing DB I use a separate create DB script as I have a script to drop all objects and so I don't need to create the database again.
Should I create users for the database in the same script?
I wouldn't, simply because the users may well change but your schema has not. Might as well manage those changes in a smaller script.
Is correct to disable FK check before executing the body of the script?
If you are importing the data in an attempt to recover the database then you may well have to if you are using auto increment IDs and want to keep the same values. Also you may end up importing the tables "out of order" an not want checks performed.
May I include the whole script in a transaction?
Yes, you can, but again it depends on the type of script you are running. If you are importing data after rebuilding a db then the whole import should work or fail. However, your transaction file is going to be huge during the import.
Is better to generate 1 script per database than one script for all of them?
Again, for maintenance purposes it's probably better to keep them separate.
This probably depends what kind of database and how it is used and deployed. I am developing a n-tier standard application that is deployed at many different customer sites.
I do not add a CREATE DATABASE statement in the script. Creating the the database is a part of the installation script which allows the user to choose server, database name and collation
I have no knowledge about the users at my customers sites so I don't add create users statements also the only user that needs access to the database is the user executing the middle tire application.
I do not disable FK checks. I need them to protect the consistency of the database, even if it is I who wrote the body scripts. I use FK to capture my errors.
I do not include the entire script in one transaction. I require from the users to take a backup of the db before they run any db upgrade scripts. For creating of a new database there is nothing to protect so running in a transaction is unnecessary. For upgrades there are sometimes extensive changes to the db. A couple of years ago we switched from varchar to nvarchar in about 250 tables. Not something you would like to do in one transaction.
I would recommend you to generate one script per database and version control the scripts separately.
Direct answers, please ask if you need to expand on any point
* Should I include the CREATE DATABASE statement?
Normally I would include it since you are creating and owning the database.
* Should I create users for the database in the same script?
This is also a good idea, especially if your application uses specific users.
* Is correct to disable FK check before executing the body of the script?
If the script includes data population, then it helps to disable it so that the order is not too important, otherwise you can get into complex scripts to insert (without fk link), create fk record, update fk column.
* May I include the hole script in a transaction?
This is normally not a good idea. Especially if data population is included as the transaction can become quite unwieldy large. Since you are creating the database, just drop it and start again if something goes awry.
* Is better to generate 1 script per database than one script for all of them?
One per database is my recommendation so that they are isolated and easier to troubleshoot if the need arises.
For development purposes it's a good idea to create one script per database object (one script for each table, stored procedure, etc). If you check them into your source control system that way then developers can check out individual objects and you can easily keep track of versions and know what changed and when.
When you deploy you may want to combine the changes for each release into one single script. Tools like Red Gate SQL compare or Visual Studio Team System will help you do that.
Should I include the CREATE DATABASE statement?
Should I create users for the database in the same script?
That depends on your DBMS and your customer.
In an Oracle environment you will probably never be allowed to do such a thing (mainly because in the Oracle world a "database" is something completely different than e.g. in the PostgreSQL or MySQL world).
Sometimes the customer will have a DBA that won't let you create databases (or schemas or users - depending on the DBMS in use). So you will need to supply that information to the DBA in order for him/her to prepare the environment for your script.
May I include the hole script in a transaction?
That totally depends on the DBMS that you are using.
Some DBMS don't support transactional DDL and will implicitely commit any transaction when you execute a DDL statement, so you need to consider the order of your installation script.
For populating the tables with data I would definitely try to do that in a single transaction, but again this depends on your DBMS.
Some DBMS are faster if you commit only once or very seldomly (Oracle and PostgreSQL fall into this category) but will slow down if you commit more often.
Other DBMS handle smaller but more transactions better and will slow down if the transactions get too big (SQL Server and MySQL tend to fall into that direction)
The best practices will differ considerably on whether it is the first time set-up or a new version being pushed. For the first time set-up yes you need create database and create table scripts. For a new version, you need to script only the changes from the previous version, so no create database and no create table unless it is a new table. Now you need alter table statements becasue you don't want to lose the existing data. I do usually write stored procs, functions and views with a drop and create statment as dropping those pbjects doesn't generally affect the underlying data.
I find it best to create all database changes with scripts that are stored in source control under the version. So if a client is new, you run the create version 1.0 scripts, then apply all the other versions in order. If a client is just upgrading from version 1.2 to version 1.3, then you run just the scripts in version 1.3 source control repository. This would also include scripts to populate or add records to lookup tables.
For transactions you may want to break them up into several chunks not to leave a prod database locked in one transaction.
We also write reversal scripts to return to the old version if need be. This makes life easier if you have a part of a change that causes unanticipated problems on prod (usually performance issues).

Scripts for moving schema changes from development database to production database

I'm trying to head this one off at the pass. I've got two database servers (DEV and PRD) and I have my database on the DEV server. I am looking to deploy v1 of my application to PRD server.
The question is this: Say in two months, I am ready to ship v1.1 of my application, which introduces two new VIEWS, six new fields (three fields in two tables, each), and an updated version of my sproc that creates records in the tables with new fields. My DEV database has the new schema, but my PRD database has the real data, so I can't simply copy the .mdf file, since I want to keep my PRD data, but include my new schema.
I understand doing the initial creation of tables, views, sprocs via saved .sql files; but what I'm wondering is, is it possible to use SSMS to create the appripriate "alter table" scripts or do I need to manually do this?
I have handled this with a release update SQL script that applies the changes to the previous version.
You either need to code this yourself or use one of the many DBA tools to do database compares and generate a diff script.
There are tools that will do this for you SQL Compare is one of them and one I like the best
Otherwise you have to code these yourself and don't forget to also script the permissions if you recreate the proc (unless you use ALTER PROC in that case permissions are preserved)
Since your database changes should be in scripts that are under source control, you just load them with the version that you are moving to prod just like any other code associated with that version. One you you never under any circumstances do is make changes to the dev (or any other) datbase, using the User interface.
Try the patching engine found in DBSourceTools.
DBSourceTools is a utility to help developers get their databases under source control.
Simply point it at a Source Database, and it will script all database objects, incuding data to disk.
Once you have a Target database (v1), you can then place your patch scripts int the patches directory, and DBSourceTools will run these patches in order after re-creating your database.
This is a very effective means of thoroughly testing your change scripts.

What's your process for dealing with database schema changes in a dev team?

here's a more general question on how you handle database schema changes in a development team.
We are a team of developers and the databases used during development are running locally on everyone's box as we want to avoid the requirement to have web access all the time. So running a single central database instance somewhere is not a real option.
Whenever one of us decides that it is time to extend/change the db schema, we mail database files (MYI/MYD) or SQL files to execute around, or give others instructions on the phone what they need to do to get the changed code running on their local DBs. That's not the perfect approach for sure. The same problem arises when we need to adjust the DB schema on staging or production once a new release is ready.
I was wondering ... how do you guys handle this kind of stuff? For source code, we use SVN.
Really appreciate your input!
One approach we've used in the past is to script the entire DDL for the database, along with any test/setup data needed. Store that in SVN, then when there's a change, any developer can pull down the changes, drop the database, and rebuild it from the script files.
At the very least you should have the scripts of all the objects in the database (tables, stored procedures, etc) under source control.
I don't think mailing schema changes is a real option for a professional development team.
We had a system on one of my previous teams that was the best I've encountered for dealing with this situation.
The nightly build of the application included a build of a database (SQL Server). The database got built to the Test DB server. Each developer then had a DTS package (this was a while ago, and I'm sure they upgraded to SSIS packages) to pull down that nightly DB build to their local DB environment.
This kept the master copy in one location and put the onus on the developers to keep their local dev databases fresh.
At my work, we deal with pretty large databases that are time-consuming to generate, so for us, starting from scratch with a new DB isn't ideal. Like Harper, we have our DDL in SVN. Additionally, we store a version number in a database table. Every check-in that changes the DB must be accompanied by a script that:
Will upgrade the database schema and modify any existing data appropriately, and
Will update the version number in the database.
Further, we number the scripts and database versions such that a script we've written knows how to upgrade further along a branch or from an older branch to a newer one without any input from the developer (apart from the database name and the directory to the upgrade scripts).
Thus, if I've got a copy of a customer's 4GB DB that's from a year old version and I want to test how their data will work with the version we cut yesterday, I can just run our script and let it handle the upgrades rather than having to start from scratch and redo every INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE performed since the database was created.
We have a non-SQL description of the database schema. When the application starts, it compares the desired database schema with the actual database schema, and performs whatever ADD TABLE, ADD COLUMN, ADD INDEX, etc. statements it needs to do to get the database to look right.
This doesn't handle every case; sometimes you have to delete the database and recreate if if you've changed something that the schema resolver can't handle, but most of the time we don't need to worry about it.
I'd certainly keep the database schema in source code control.
At my present job, every time there's a schema change, we write the SQL for the change (alter table xyz add column ...) and put it in SVN. Then developers can update test databases by running this script. It's pretty clumsy but it works.
At a previous job I wrote some code that at application start-up would automatically compare the actual database schema to what it expected, and if it was not up to date perform the updates. Mostly this was done for deployment reasons: When we shipped new copies of the software, it would then automatically update the user's database. But it was also handy for developers.
I think there should be some generic SQL tool to do this. Maybe there is, but I've never seen one.

SQL Server 2005 multiple database deployment/upgrading software suggestions

We've got a product which utilizes multiple SQL Server 2005 databases with triggers. We're looking for a sustainable solution for deploying and upgrading the database schemas on customer servers.
Currently, we're using Red Gate's SQL Packager, which appears to be the wrong tool for this particular job. Not only does SQL Packager appear to be geared toward individual databases, but the particular (old) version we own has some issues with SQL Server 2005. (Our version of SQL Packager worked fine with SQL Server 2000, even though we had to do a lot of workarounds to make it handle multiple databases with triggers.)
Can someone suggest a product which can create an EXE or a .NET project to do the following things?
* Create a main database with some default data.
* Create an audit trail database.
* Put triggers on the main database so audit data will automatically be inserted into the audit trail database.
* Create a secondary database that has nothing to do with the main database and audit trail database.
And then, when a customer needs to update their database schema, the product can look at the changes between the original set of databases and the updated set of databases on our server. Then the product can create an EXE or .NET project which can, on the customer's server...
* Temporarily drop triggers on the main database so alterations can be made.
* Alter database schemas, triggers, stored procedures, etc. on any of the original databases, while leaving the customer's data alone.
* Put the triggers back on the main database.
Basically, we're looking for a product similar to SQL Packager, but one which will handle multiple databases easily. If no such product exists, we'll have to make our own.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!
I was looking for this product myself, knowing that RedGate solution worked fine for "one" DB; unfortunately I have been unable to find such tool :(
In the end, I had to roll my own solution to do something "similar". It was a pain in theā€¦ but it worked.
My scenario was way simpler than yours, as we didn't have triggers and T-SQL.
Later, I decided to take a different approach:
Every DB change had a SCRIPT. Numbered. 001_Create_Table_xXX.SQL, 002_AlterTable_whatever.SQL, etc.
No matter how small the change is, there's got to be a script. The new version of the updater does this:
Makes a BKP of the customerDB (just in case)
Starts executing scripts in Alphabetical order. (001, 002...)
If a script fails, it drops the BD. Logs the Script error, Script Number, etc. and restores the customer's DB.
If it finishes, it makes another backup of the customer's DB (after the "migration") and updates a table where we store the DB version; this table is checked by the app to make sure that the DB and the app are in sync.
Shows a nice success msg.
This turned out to be a little bit more "manual" but it has been really working with little effort for three years now.
The secret lies in keeping a few testing DBs to test the "upgrade" before deploying. But apart from a few isolated Dbs where some scripts failed because of data inconsistency, this worked fine.
Since your scenario is a bit more complex, I don't know if this kind of approach can be ok with you.
As of this writing (June 2009) there's still no product on the market that'll do all this for multiple databases. I work for Quest Software, makers of Change Director for SQL Server, another database change automation system. Ours doesn't handle multiple databases like you're after, and I've seen the others out there. No dice.
I wouldn't hold out hope for it either, given the directions I've seen in SQL Server management. Things are going more toward packaged applications being contained in a single database, and most of the code is focusing on that.