New page per a group in crystal report -

I'd like to show new page per a group in crystal report. Please check my images below
report design
report review
How to set to show one group box per page?

In GroupFooterSection1, set the property NewPageAfter to Always.


How to add a figure to only a particular group in RDLC report

I have an RDLC report which sums totals for each group in VB.Net. It is working fine but what I want to do is to add a figure outside the group to only a particular group based on users selection.
Assuming there are three groups: Food Dept, Security Dept and Sales Dept. I want a figure 2000 to be added to only the Food Dept without affecting the Sales and Security Dept. Any help?
You can use an expression like this:
=Sum(Fields!ValueToSum.Value) + IIf(Fields!Departments.Value = "Food Dept", 2000, 0)
This is a simple example: use ReportParameters instead of constant ("Food Dept", 2000).
I would add a parameter and assign the value. An integer parameter for ex: #FoodDeptOffset can be added to the fields as
=Sum(Fields!FoodDept.Value) + (Parameters!FoodDeptOffset.Value)
Thanks A lot for the answers. I was able to sort it out by passing a parameter which did the trick. On the main form which loads the Reportviewer I attached A combo box giving the users an option to select which field the wanted to add to and the passed it as a parameter to the rdlc report.

crystal reports xi show only group headings

I have a crystal report that has data grouped by employee like this:
Employee 1:
-Orders written
The report displays all this information. but what I want to do is make a list that is only the employee and when clicked on will drill down to the info. Even better would be is there a way to make a drop down to select employee?
The report is created from a sql query command with parameters for date to get the amount of orders.
Crystal Reports has DrillDown functionality. Maybe this will help.

Dependent filters in Webi report

I've created a webi report which displays a graph of Total revenue per day, Date is on X axis and Rev is on Y axis.
I've a requirement where the client wants to see it category and sub category wise in the same graph. I've used Filter Bar option and dragged Category. This works fine and displays the revenue for the selected category on a daily basis.
Now I added another filter Sub-Category which should display only the list of sub-categories associated with the Category selected but in turn displays all sub-categories irrespective of the category selected.
Is there a way to link those two filters?
Hopefully It might be helpful to someone just in case...
I've created a custom navigation path in my business layer and used it in my webI.
You can create another report sub_report to collect all categories and sub categories
Then you add this sub_report to master report by insert sub_report.

Pass sum from subreport to main report

I have some customer information in main report and the account statement in sub report. The sub report have balance payment using RunninValue sum.
I need to show the balance payment in main report ie after the sub report table. How can i done this?
There is an older post that explains how this can be achieved.
Get data from a subreport into the main report
hope this can help you

Duplicate fields because of my SQL

IF ({PICT_Picture.Job_Print} = TRUE) THEN
PICT_Picture.Job_Print - is a tick box that allows me to print a picture on a production route card.
PICT_Picture.Process_Name - is a drop down box that allows me to select what process a picture is for.
The problem I am having is if I have multiple images attached to a product that is on a generated report, duplicated rows will be created for each picture I have attached regardless of being under LARGE MOULDING, SMALL MOULDING, INSPECTION, etc.
I have very little knowledge about crystal reports and SQL, I am looking for a line of code that will only generate one line per product regardless of how many pictures are attached.
If you require any additional information please say and I will try and attach it as soon as possible.
I put this in suppress no drill-down, It worked right away.
It got rid of all of the duplicate jobs.
The best way to achieve this in Crystal reports is to create a group. Group on your "primary key" then move all your fields from the details section of the report canvas into the group footer section and suppress the details section. Further explanation:
Before- duplicating records:
After (detail section suppressed, group added on order number- we want 1 record per order number):
If you're executing SELECT query can you not add DISTINCT to select one line per product.
For example,
SELECT DISTINCT Product, ... FROM YourTable