jQuery Mobile disables Mobile Safari's AutoFill - safari

this is specifically about MOBILE SAFARI. let's not discuss other browsers.
alright, i've got a form that works with Safari's AutoFill on the mac, it also works in a Mobile Safari if i remove jQuery Mobile. however, as soon I have jQuery Mobile firing, the AutoFill button/feature in mobile Safari stops responding. the "AutoFill" button is greyed out.
can anyone explain this?
jQuery Mobile [v1.0a4.1] just up and sets:
this.setAttribute("autocomplete", "off");
var textInputs = allControls.filter( "input[type=text]" );
...which makes all the difference.
see: https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/785

I believe I read that this was updated in version 1.1, and this was fixed.
If its not, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to reset it where you need it, either on a per page basis, or globably ...
autocomplete on fix came from http://ranservices.com/2011/11/jquery-mobile-breaks-autofill-on-iphone/


Were Hangouts On Air example buttons recently broken?

Something seems to have changed recently (early Nov 2014) in the way the example buttons work to start a Hangout On Air (HOA). https://developers.google.com/+/hangouts/button
I have been using this example code from the link above as a starting point to make a "Create a Hangout On Air" button on my website.
<script src="https://apis.google.com/js/platform.js" async defer></script>
<div id="placeholder-div3"></div>
gapi.hangout.render('placeholder-div3', {
'render': 'createhangout',
'hangout_type': 'onair',
'initial_apps': [{'app_id' : '184219133185', 'start_data' : 'dQw4w9WgXcQ', 'app_type' : 'ROOM_APP' }],
'widget_size': 175
The initial_apps line is supposed to cause the HOA to automatically start the Youtube hangouts app (the app_id) with a particular video (the start_data). A couple weeks ago this was working. Now it is not. The initial_apps parameter seems to have no effect on the initial start of my HOA.
Another change I have noticed is that when I press the Create a Hangout button, I am now taken to a Google+ page where I enter a name for the hangout and guests, and then I have to push another button to actually start the HOA. This extra button push was not around previously.
I don't particularly care about the Youtube app starting, but I do care about my own app starting with my own start_data.
Has something changed recently? Why is this not working?
UPDATE: As of 16-Nov-2014, this bug seems to be fixed.
Yeah I am facing the same problem.
My app also doesn't get loaded properly. Most of the times I get can't load app because the app is not communicating with the server.
I figured out that the Hangouts On Air button works as expected only when you add an 'invites' attribute with at least two people in the list. Not zero, not one. Two or more.
I feel like this is indeed broken. There should be means of passing initial_apps data without requiring that invitees be submitted in the button.
I had this same problem and John L's solution worked for me. It seems Google fixed this bug and it's now working like before so you don't need to have at least two people in the invites attribute anymore.

idangerous swiper prevents HTML5 play button working in ie10

I have an embedded HTML5 video which works fine in all browsers (or fails gracefully, if the browser is old or lacks video support). But since my site uses iDangerous Swiper (http://www.idangero.us/sliders/swiper/api.php), the custom video controls - the 'play/pause' button - does not work in Internet Explorer 10.
If I remove the swiper js code embed from the head area of my HTML, the embedded video plays fine in ie10. The problem seems to be that Swiper is intercepting the click on the play button in ie10 - and therefore the solution seems to be to disable Swiper for at least that small area of the page.
But it's not clear how to do it.
There seems to be a very scantly documented new feature in the June 2013 Swiper release which lets one create a 'noSwiping' class, but wrapping the video in a div with this class does not solve the ie10 problem.
Has anyone else needed to disable Swiper for an element and succeeded in doing so, particularly regarding ie...? I would be very glad to see a code example. My own project is still on localhost.
All you have to do is to add the html5=1 in the src attribute of the iframe :
The video will be displayed as HTML5 if available, or fallback into flash player.
you can read this:
Force HTML5 youtube video
I had a problem with a embed video of youtube inside a dangerous swiper, but the solution of TSL works for me!
I had added the html5=1 and solve my problem!

Screen sharing with WebRTC?

We're exploring WebRTC but have seen conflicting information on what is possible and supported today.
With WebRTC, is it possible to recreate a screen sharing service similar to join.me or WebEx where:
You can share a portion of the screen
You can give control to the other party
No downloads are necessary
Is this possible today with any of the WebRTC browsers? How about Chrome on iOS?
The chrome.tabCapture API is available for Chrome apps and extensions.
This makes it possible to capture the visible area of the tab as a stream which can be used locally or shared via RTCPeerConnection's addStream().
For more information see the WebRTC Tab Content Capture proposal.
Screensharing was initially supported for 'normal' web pages using getUserMedia with the chromeMediaSource constraint – but this has been disallowed.
EDIT 1 April 2015: Edited now that screen sharing is only supported by Chrome in Chrome apps and extensions.
You guys probably know that screencapture (not tabCapture ) is avaliable in Chrome Canary (26+) , We just recently published a demo at; https://screensharing.azurewebsites.net
Note that you need to run it under https:// ,
video: {
mandatory: {
chromeMediaSource: 'screen'
You can also find an example here; https://html5-demos.appspot.com/static/getusermedia/screenshare.html
I know I am answering bit late, but hope it helps those who stumble upon the page if not the OP.
At this moment, both Firefox and Chrome support sharing entire screen or part of it( some application window which you can select) with the peers through WebRTC as a mediastream just like your camera/microphone feed, so no option to let other party take control of your desktop yet. Other that that, there another catch, your website has to be running on https mode and in both firefox and chrome the users are gonna have to install extensions.
You can give it a try in this Muaz Khan's Screen-sharing Demo, the page contains the required extensions too.
P. S: If you do not want to install extension to run the demo, in firefox ( no way to escape extensions in chrome), you just need to modify two flags,
go to about:config
set media.getusermedia.screensharing.enabled as true.
add *.webrtc-experiment.com to media.getusermedia.screensharing.allowed_domains flag.
refresh the demo page and click on share screen button.
To the best of my knowledge, it's not possible right now with any of the browsers, though the Google Chrome team has said that they're eventually intending to support this scenario (see the "Screensharing" bullet point on their roadmap); and I suspect that this means that eventually other browsers will follow, presumably with IE and Safari bringing up the tail. But all of that is probably out somewhere past February, which is when they're supposed to finalize the current WebRTC standard and ship production bits. (Hopefully Microsoft's last-minute spanner in the works doesn't screw that up.) It's possible that I've missed something recent, but I've been following the project pretty carefully, and I don't think screensharing has even made it into Chrome Canary yet, let alone dev/beta/prod. Opera is the only browser that has been keeping pace with Chrome on its WebRTC implementation (FireFox seems to be about six months behind), and I haven't seen anything from that team either about screensharing.
I've been told that there is one way to do it right now, which is to write your own webcamera driver, so that your local screen appeared to the WebRTC getUserMedia() API as just another video source. I don't know that anybody has done this - and of course, it would require installing the driver on the machine in question. By the time all is said and done, it would probably just be easier to use VNC or something along those lines.
// todo...
now you can do that, but Safari is different from Chrome in audio.
it is Possible I have worked on this and built a Demo for Screen share. During this watcher can access your mouse and Keyboard. If he moves his mouse then Your mouse also moves and if he types from his Keyboard, it will be typed into your pc.
View this code this code is for Screen share...
Right now in this days you can share screen with this, you not need any extentions.
const getLocalScreenCaptureStream = async () => {
try {
const constraints = { video: { cursor: 'always' }, audio: false };
const screenCaptureStream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getDisplayMedia(constraints);
return screenCaptureStream;
} catch (error) {
console.error('failed to get local screen', error);

Bootstrap Inputs on safari 6 not right?

I'm having a problem with Twitter Bootstrap Inputs showing correctly on safari 6.0.
Im pretty sure this was fine before I moved to Mountain Lion, and it does seem to be an issue with Chrome.
Basically in Safari, the right end of the input seems cut off an is not displaying correctly. Ive taken a screen shot to demo what I mean...
Any ideas?
EDIT: Just looking at the Twitter Bootstrap site and I see that alot of their inputs have the same problem!
Anyone else seeing this?
The artifact appears to be an issue with Safari's rendering of border-radius, and is not specific to Twitter Bootstrap. See rendering borders on Apple's support forum. The inputs usually render normally after you select them.
Disabling border-radius on the affected elements with the following two lines removes the artifact. Be careful though, sometimes this causes even more puzzling artifacts on nearby buttons.
-webkit-border-radius: 0;
border-radius: 0;

body.unload in Safari for Windows

so I have a Safari extension, and the following works well in Safari for Mac, but not in Safari for Windows.... (from my Global.html):
<body onload='initialize()' onunload='quit()'>
is there some kind of workaround to get this to work on Windows?
I am wanting to capture the Safari has been quit event....
I also tried using the close event:
safari.application.addEventListener("close", closed, true);
but I can't find a way to narrow this down to just the window close event. I get messages for each tab closure.
thanks in advance.
If you are using a library, which you should be, it should help with this.
For instance, I believe jquery's unload fixes it. Install jquery and use the following:
// do something