two column two conditions - sql

ID mobileno dateofregistration registrationstate
44 1674174925 2011-04-18 10:17:30.670 0
45 1677864168 2011-03-31 10:20:22.450 1
46 1677864161 2011-04-18 20:47:35.293 0
47 1674174925 2011-03-29 09:28:55.200 1
48 1674174967 2011-03-29 09:28:55.100 1
I've to find how many registrationstate=1 in a given period
how many registrationstate changed from 0 to 1 in the same above given period.
SELECT CONVERT(varchar(10), dateofregistration, 103) AS Date
, COUNT(1) AS Subbase
, SUM(CASE WHEN registrationstate='1' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS NewAct
, SUM(CASE WHEN (registrationstate='0' and registrationstate='1') THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS SuccessRen
FROM tbl_User
CONVERT(varchar(10), dateofregistration, 103)

Creating a calendar table and using that to join help you out for your first query. Define your periods in the calendar table and then it is a simple matter of some joins and a count statement grouping by your calendar table period.
The second query would be similar, but I would make a subquery of mobilenumbers = 0 and join all the 1's to that subquery for the timeperiod.
During my coding of the solution, I'm sure I'd discover I was mistaken about a few of these approaches ;)


SQL query select returns different result than expected

I'm querying on this 2 tables:
This is my query:
select convert(varchar(11),convert(date,datav),105) as data,
sum (CASE WHEN idterminale=3 and DATEPART(hour,datav)>='9' and DATEPART(hour,datav)<='16' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as pranzoP,
sum (CASE WHEN idterminale=3 and DATEPART(hour,datav)>='17' and DATEPART(hour,datav)<='23' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as cenaP,
sum (CASE WHEN idterminale=3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as totaleP
from TIMBRATURE where DATAV>=#dataDa and DATAV<#primoGGmeseSuccessivo and TIMBRATURE.IDDIP
in (select iddip from ASSELEMGEN where IDELEM=1001)
group by convert(date,datav)
order by convert(date,datav)
For this purpose consider this argumets:
declare #datada as date='20230201'
declare #primoggmesesuccessivo as date='20230207'
The result I get:
Iddip is user ID, problem is when user have 2 entries for the same day, one with datav hour part between 9 and 16, the other between 17 and 23. In this case I have to count 2 for it, but my query only count it once. For example in the result above on 1th February I expect PranzoP=93 and totaleP=130.

select query output not as expected

i need one single query which will give result like the one i give below
createddate recordcount acceptdate submitdate createddate
27-MAR-16 24 36 11
28-MAR-16 79 207 58
for reference i am providing some queries which i want to merge into one single query
select trim(date_created) createddate,count(*) recordcount
from man
where status IN ('CREATED')and date_created>sysdate-15
group by trim(date_created) ORDER BY TO_DATE(createddate,'DD/MM/YYYY');
this query will result like the following.
createddate recordcount
27-MAR-16 11
28-MAR-16 58
the second query
select trim(DATE_SUB) submitdate,count(*) recordcount
from man
where status IN ('SUBMITTED')and DATE_SUB>sysdate-15
group by trim(date_sub) ORDER BY TO_DATE(submitdate,'DD/MM/YYYY');
result of this query is like
submitdate recordcount
27-MAR-16 36
28-MAR-16 207
and the third query is like -
select trim(DATE_PUB) acceptdate,count(*) recordcount
from man
where status IN ('ACCEPTED')and DATE_PUB>sysdate-15
group by trim(DATE_PUB) ORDER BY TO_DATE(acceptdate,'DD/MM/YYYY');
acceptdate recordcount
27-MAR-16 24
28-MAR-16 79
how can i merger these three query so that i can get count for all in single query?which will give me result like
createddate recordcount acceptdate submitdate createddate
27-MAR-16 24 36 11
28-MAR-16 79 207 58
Your first query where clause has date but second query where clause has DATE_P.
Try like this
SELECT Trim(date) createddate,
COUNT(*) recordcount,
SUM(case when status = 'A' then 1 else 0 end) as a,
SUM(case when status = 'S' then 1 else 0 end) as s,
SUM(case when status = 'C' then 1 else 0 end) as c,
SUM(case when status = 'R' then 1 else 0 end) as r
FROM man
WHERE status IN ('A','S','C','R')and date >sysdate-15
GROUP BY trim(date) ORDER BY createddate;
You seem to want to get counts for each status type, for each day. The first step is generate all the dates you're interested in, which you can do with:
select trunc(sysdate) + 1 - level as dt
from dual
connect by level <= 15;
You can then (outer) join to your actual table where any of the three date columns match a generated date, and expand your case conditions to check which one you're looking at:
with t as (
select trunc(sysdate) + 1 - level as dt
from dual
connect by level <= 15
select t.dt,
count(*) as recordcount,
count(case when status = 'ACCEPTED' and trunc(m.date_pub) = t.dt
then 1 end) as acceptdate,
count(case when status = 'SUBMITTED' and trunc(m.date_sub) = t.dt
then 1 end) as submitdate,
count(case when status = 'CREATED' and trunc(m.date_created) = t.dt
then 1 end) as createddate
from t
left join man m
on (m.date_pub >= t.dt and m.date_pub < t.dt + 1)
or (m.date_sub >= t.dt and m.date_sub < t.dt + 1)
or (m.date_created >= t.dt and m.date_created < t.dt + 1)
group by t.dt
order by t.dt;
I've used range checks for the join conditions - it isn't clear if all your date columns are set at midnight, but it's safer to assume they might have other times and you cant everything from the matching day.
Each of the three count results is now only of those rows which match the status and where the specific date column matches, which I think is what you want. I've used trunc() here instead of a range comparison, as it doesn't have the potential performance penalty you can see in the where clause (from it potentially stopping an index being used).
This may throw out your recordcount though, depending on your actual data, as that will include rows that now might not match any of the case conditions. You can repeat the case conditions, or use an inline view to calculate the total of the three individual counts, depending on what you want it to include and what will be the easiest for you to maintain. If those are the only three statuses in your table then it may be OK with count(*) but check it gets the value you expect.

SQL Query to compare 2 weeks

I've got to design a query in visual studio where I have 2 data sets.
basically it goes like this.
I want to compare this weeks call total to last week per country calling.
the only thing is last weeks calls may have come from 20 diff countries while this weeks might only have come from 15.
How can I make the query such that the 20 countries will show up for both while having "0" value in for countries that do not appear this week.
below is my query:
Select country,
Sum(Case When actstatus in (5,105) Then 1 Else 0 End) As TotalCalls,
Sum(Case When actstatus = 105 Then 1 Else 0 End) As FailedCalls
From termactivity(nolock)
INNER JOIN termconfig(NOLOCK) ON cfgterminalID = actterminalID
INNER JOIN Country (nolock) on country = cycode
Where actstatus in (5,105)
and (actTerminalDateTime BETWEEN #StartDate-7 AND #EndDate-7)
Group By country
order By country asc
When Act status = 105 it means the call was not completed and when it = 5 it means the call was successful. I am doing this to get a successful call % rate per week.
Thanks in Advance!
Apply the same logic as you did to total calls and failed calls as you did to the this week and last week.
SELECT country,
COUNT(CASE WHEN actTerminalDateTime < #StartDate THEN 1 END) [LastWeekTotalCalls],
COUNT(CASE WHEN ActStatus = 105 AND actTerminalDateTime < #StartDate THEN 1 END) [LastWeekFailedCalls],
COUNT(CASE WHEN actTerminalDateTime >= #StartDate THEN 1 END) [ThisWeekTotalCalls],
COUNT(CASE WHEN ActStatus = 105 AND actTerminalDateTime >= #StartDate THEN 1 END) [ThisWeekFailedCalls]
FROM termactivity (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN termconfig (NOLOCK)
ON cfgterminalID = actterminalID
ON country = cycode
WHERE actstatus in (5,105)
AND actTerminalDateTime BETWEEN DATEADD(DAY, -7, #StartDate) AND #EndDate
GROUP BY country
ORDER BY country ASC
I've also tidied up your query slightly, for example there is no point in specifying
WHEN ActStatus IN (5, 105) ...
When your WHERE clause already limits all results to 5, 105, therefore this is a redundant predicate in your case expression
From what I understand, you want to perform separate queries for two weeks, and you want both queries to produce rows for all countries, regardless of whether all countries had any calls. To achieve this, you need to use LEFT OUTER JOINS. The below code should guarantee that every country found in the Country table has a row, even if both sums are 0.
SELECT country,
SUM(CASE WHEN actstatus IN (5,105) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS TotalCalls,
SUM(CASE WHEN actstatus = 105 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS FailedCalls
LEFT OUTER JOIN termconfig (NOLOCK) ON country = cycode
LEFT OUTER JOIN termactivity (NOLOCK) ON cfgterminalID = actterminalID
WHERE (actTerminalDateTime BETWEEN #StartDate-7 AND #EndDate-7)
GROUP BY country
ORDER BY country ASC
If this was not what you wanted, perhaps you need to clarify your question. Many others have assumed that you want to combine the results into a single query.

SQL statement to get record datetime field value as column of result

I have the following two tables
activity(activity_id, title, description, group_id)
statistic(statistic_id, activity_id, date, user_id, result)
group_id and user_id come from active directory. Result is an integer.
Given a user_id and a date range of 6 days (Mon - Sat) which I've calculated on the business logic side, and the fact that some of the dates in the date range may not have a statistic result for the particular date (ie. day1 and day 4 may have entered statistic rows for a particular activity, but there may not be any entries for days 2, 3, 5 and 6) how can I get a SQL result with the following format? Keep in mind that if a particular activity doesn't have a record for the particular date in the statistics table, then that day should return 0 in the SQL result.
activity_id group_id day1result day2result day3result day4result day5result day6 result
----------- -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -----------
sample1 Secured 0 5 1 0 2 1
sample2 Unsecured 1 0 0 4 3 2
Note: Currently I am planning on handling this in the business logic, but that would require multiple queries (one to create a list of distinct activities for that user for the date range, and one for each activity looping through each date for a result or lack of result, to populate the 2nd dimension of the array with date-related results). That could end up with 50+ queries for each user per date range, which seems like overkill to me.
I got this working for 4 days and I can get it working for all 6 days, but it seems like overkill. Is there a way to simplify this?:
SELECT d1d2.activity_id, ISNULL(d1d2.result1,0) AS day1, ISNULL(d1d2.result2,0) AS day2, ISNULL(d3d4.result3,0) AS day3, ISNULL(d3d4.result4,0) AS day4
(SELECT ISNULL(d1.activity_id,0) AS activity_id, ISNULL(result1,0) AS result1, ISNULL(result2,0) AS result2
(SELECT ISNULL(statistic_result,0) AS result1, ISNULL(activity_id,0) AS activity_id
FROM statistic
WHERE user_id='jeremiah' AND statistic_date='11/22/2011'
) d1
(SELECT ISNULL(statistic_result,0) AS result2, ISNULL(activity_id,0) AS activity_id
FROM statistic WHERE user_id='jeremiah' AND statistic_date='11/23/2011'
) d2
ON d1.activity_id=d2.activity_id
) d1d2
(SELECT d3.activity_id AS activity_id, ISNULL(d3.result3,0) AS result3, ISNULL(d4.result4,0) AS result4
(SELECT ISNULL(statistic_result,0) AS result3, ISNULL(activity_id,0) AS activity_id
FROM statistic WHERE user_id='jeremiah' AND statistic_date='11/24/2011'
) d3
(SELECT ISNULL(statistic_result,0) AS result4, ISNULL(activity_id,0) AS activity_id
FROM statistic WHERE user_id='jeremiah' AND statistic_date='11/25/2011'
) d4
ON d3.activity_id=d4.activity_id
) d3d4
ON d1d2.activity_id=d3d4.activity_id
ORDER BY d1d2.activity_id
Here is a typical approach for this kind of thing:
#maxdate DATETIME,
#userID VARCHAR(200)
SELECT #minDate = '2011-11-15 00:00:00',
#maxDate = '2011-11-22 23:59:59',
#userID = 'jeremiah'
SELECT A.activity_id, A.group_id,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, #minDate, = 0 THEN S.Result ELSE 0 END) AS Day1Result,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, #minDate, = 1 THEN S.Result ELSE 0 END) AS Day2Result,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, #minDate, = 2 THEN S.Result ELSE 0 END) AS Day3Result,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, #minDate, = 3 THEN S.Result ELSE 0 END) AS Day4Result,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, #minDate, = 4 THEN S.Result ELSE 0 END) AS Day5Result,
SUM(CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, #minDate, = 5 THEN S.Result ELSE 0 END) AS Day6Result
FROM activity A
ON A.activity_id = S.activity_ID
AND S.user_id = #userID
WHERE between #minDate AND #maxDate
GROUP BY A.activity_id, A.group_id
First, I'm using group by to reduce the resultset to one row per activity_id/group_id, then I'm using CASE to separate values for each individual column. In this case I'm looking at which day in the last seven, but you can use whatever logic there to determine what date. The case statements will return the value of S.result if the row is for that particular day, or 0 if it's not. SUM will add up the individual values (or just the one, if there is only one) and consolidate that into a single row.
You'll also note my date range is based on midnight on the first day in the range and 11:59PM on the last day of the range to ensure all times are included in the range.
Finally, I'm performing a left join so you will always have a 0 in your columns, even if there are no statistics.
I'm not entirely sure how your results are segregated by group in addition to activity (unless group is a higher level construct), but here is the approach I would take:
SELECT activity_id
day1result = SUM(CASE DATEPART(weekday, date) WHEN 1 THEN result ELSE 0 END)
FROM statistic
GROUP BY activity_id
I will leave the rest of the days and addition of group_id to you, but you should see the general approach.

change rows to columns and count

how to calculate count based on rows?
each employee can take 2 days off
Now i need a table that shows the dates and number of people taking off on that day
Any ideas?
Oracle 9i+, using Subquery Factoring (WITH):
WITH sample AS (
SELECT a.employee,
a.first_day_off AS day_off,
1 AS day_number
WHERE a.first_day_off IS NOT NULL
SELECT b.employee,
2 AS day_number
WHERE b.second_day_off IS NOT NULL)
SELECT s.day_off AS date,
SUM(CASE WHEN s.day_number = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS first_day_off,
SUM(CASE WHEN s.day_number = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS second_day_off
FROM sample s
GROUP BY s.day_off
Non Subquery Version
SELECT s.day_off AS date,
SUM(CASE WHEN s.day_number = 1 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS first_day_off,
SUM(CASE WHEN s.day_number = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS second_day_off
FROM (SELECT a.employee,
a.first_day_off AS day_off,
1 AS day_number
WHERE a.first_day_off IS NOT NULL
SELECT b.employee,
2 AS day_number
WHERE b.second_day_off IS NOT NULL) s
GROUP BY s.day_off
It is a bit awkward to handle these queries, since you have days off stored in different columns. A better layout would be to have something like
Then you would have multiple rows if an employee took multiple days off
1 10/21/2009
1 12/6/2009
2 09/3/2009
2 12/6/2009
3 09/3/2009
In that case, you could find out how many days off each person took by using the following query:
And the number of people who took days off on each date like this:
But I digress...
You can try to use an SQL CASE statement to help with this:
WHEN First_Day_Off is NULL AND Second_Day_Off is NULL THEN 0
WHEN First_Day_Off is NOT NULL AND Second_Day_Off is NULL THEN 1
WHEN First_Day_Off is NULL AND Second_Day_Off is NOT NULL THEN 1
(note that you may need to change around the syntax slightly depending on your database.
Getting dates and number of people who took off on that day might be more complicated.
I don't know if this would work, but you can try it:
COUNT(*) AS Num_People
First_Day_Off, COUNT(*) AS Num_People FROM DAYS_OFF_TABLE WHERE First_Day_Off IS NOT NULL GROUP BY First_Day_Off
SELECT Second_Day_Off, COUNT(*) AS Num_People FROM DAYS_OFF_TABLE WHERE Second_Day_Off IS NOT NULL GROUP BY Second_Day_Off)