SQL BETWEEN not working properly - sql

I am using Microsoft SQL Server
I am trying to use the following sql command to get the records between First_Name "Nilsen" and "Ram"
select * from persons where First_Name between 'Nilsen' and 'Ram'
but i am getting the output as two records with first names "nilsen" and "ram"; not the records between these records.
In another command, i tried doing similar thing with Last names.
select * from persons where Last_Name between 'Johan' and 'Chandra'
this command shows just a blank persons table.
Please tell me its not working properly.

This query:
FROM persons
WHERE First_Name between 'Nilsen' and 'Ram'
will return all entries with First_Name alphabetically between Nilsen and Ram (like Oscar, Rachel or Norbert)
This query:
FROM persons
WHERE Last_Name between 'Johan' and 'Chandra'
will never return anything since Johan is greater than Chandra (i. e. goes later in alphabetical order).
Just a wild guess: if you want to match something like Nilsen Hermenegild J. P. Ram, Jr., you need to use this:
FROM persons
WHERE FirstName LIKE '%Nilsen%Ram%

This is how BETWEEN works, from MSDN
BETWEEN returns TRUE if the value of
test_expression is greater than or
equal to the value of begin_expression
and less than or equal to the value of
select * from persons where First_Name between 'Nilsen' and 'Ram'
should return records with first names 'Nilsen' and 'Ram', plus the records between.

Just guessing, try this:
select * from persons where lower(First_Name) between 'nilsen' and 'ram'


Update Column from Columns within same table using SQLite

I’m trying to update an email address value from users first- and lastname within the same table.
Pattern for generated Mail: <Firstname>.<Lastname>#test.org
Example Table “Persons”:
Firstname Lastname email
Henley Figueroa none#none.com
Samina Morrison none#none.com
Dev Rowe none#none.com
Wished result for table “Persons”:
Firstname Lastname email
Henley Figueroa Henley.Figueroa#test.org
Samina Morrison Samina.Morrison#test.org
Dev Rowe Dev.Rowe#test.org
SQL Code
UPDATE Persons
email = (SELECT FirstName || "." || LastName ||"#"||"test.org" FROM Persons)
Actual result for table “Persons”:
Firstname Lastname email
Henley Figueroa Henley.Figueroa#test.org
Samina Morrison Henley.Figueroa#test.org
Dev Rowe Henley.Figueroa#test.org
Only the first record of the returned result table is used over and over. Why?
If I ommit the SELECT:
UPDATE Persons
email = FirstName || "." || LastName ||"#"||"test.org"
I get the expected result.
Referring to your answers, I'm extending my question with an example of two tables. One with only names, the second for mail addresses.
Table Persons:
Table Addresses:
UPDATE Addresses
SET email = (SELECT Firstname ||"."|| Lastname || "#test.org"
FROM Persons WHERE Persons.id = Addresses.id)
Here the UPDATE with SET and SELECT works (Every person gets a unique mail address). Shouldn’t I get the same problem here?
From the output of SELECT I see that I get again (as expected) three records.
You have the right syntax for your problem. So the question is why does this not do what you want?
UPDATE Persons
SET email = (SELECT FirstName || "." || LastName ||"#"||"test.org"
FROM Persons
In fact, this should produce an error in any SQL engine -- although SQLite can be a bit lax about such errors. Why? The SET is expecting a single value. This code has a subquery that returns three values.
Note: The SQL Fiddle does show that SQLite accepts this syntax. Argggh! You can switch this to Postgres to see the error. With some modifications, to the create code you could also see the same error (subquery returns more than one row) using SQL Server or Oracle or just about any database.
Apparently, SQLite is just arbitrarily choosing one of those values -- the one that it first encounters. And this is the same value for all three rows.
You already know that a subquery is not correct here. You have the correct code in your question.
From Subquery Expressions:
A SELECT statement enclosed in parentheses is a subquery. All types of
SELECT statement, including aggregate and compound SELECT queries
(queries with keywords like UNION or EXCEPT) are allowed as scalar
subqueries. The value of a subquery expression is the first row of
the result from the enclosed SELECT statement. The value of a
subquery expression is NULL if the enclosed SELECT statement returns
no rows.
So the value you get by the subquery is the first row of the rows returned.
Of course, you don't need the SELECT statement.
This is a simple UPDATE statement that involves only the values of the columns of the current row:
UPDATE Persons
SET email = FirstName || '.' || LastName || '#' || 'test.org'
See the demo.
For the 2nd query with the 2 tables:
Shouldn’t I get the same problem here?
No, because the subquery is a correlated subquery, which returns for each row in the table Addresses only 1 row (provided there are no duplicate ids in Persons), the row which matches the condition Persons.id = Addresses.id.
If there is no row that matches the condition then it will return NULL.

SQL select with conditions and without duplicates

I'm trying to create SQL query to get specific entities with some conditions. The thing is I have some duplicate entities I want to avoid.
My data table (the table represent drivers) is:
I want to get some drivers with condition of specific facility ID/parkinglot ID.
For example, in case I want all the drivers at facility with ID '2', I want to get:
11112 Michael Smith
and not:
11112 Michael Smith
11112 Michael Smith
I want the same thing will happen with the parkinglot ID and with the facility Id together.
I tried:
where facilityid = '2'
group by driverid
And I got an error:
Could not execute 'SELECT * FROM "DRIVERS" where facilityid = '2' group by driverid'
invalid column name: The column 'DRIVERS.FIRSTNAME' is invalid in the select list because the GROUP BY clause or an aggregation function does not contain it: line 1 col 8 (at pos 7)
Any ideas?
Thank you!
If you just want to get the distinct values from the table then do:
WHERE facilityid = '2';
GROUP BY should be used when you are aggregating data
To get the results you asked for you could use:
WHERE facilityid = '2';
select distinct(DRIVERID),FIRSTNAME,LASTNAME FROM "DRIVERS" where facilityid = '2'.

Updating table where LIKE has several criteria

I have two tables in PostgreSQL (version 9.3). The first holds id, title and the second holds schdname. I'm trying to create a select statement that will retrieve id and title where the title contains the schdname from the other table. The id, title table can hold several thousand rows. I can do this fine if I use WHERE LIKE for an individual schdname example but there are 40 plus names so this is not practical.
My original query ran like this which I know doesn't work but would show what I'm trying to achieve.
title LIKE (
This produces an error of more than one row returned by the subquery used as an expresssion. So my question is can this be achieved another way?
Here is one way to do that:
SELECT id, title, dname FROM mutable
JOIN schedule ON mutable.title like '%' || schedule.schdname || '%'
Or a sligtly more readable way:
SELECT id, title, dname FROM mutable
JOIN schedule ON POSITION(schedule.schdname in mutable.title)<>0
Are you actually using a wildcard with like? You don't say so above. If not you can replace like with IN. If you do want to do a wildcard join I'd recommend taking a substring of the columns and comparing that e.g.
select substr(names,1,2) as names_abbr
from names_table where names_abbr = (select ...)

MySQL SELECT query string matching

Normally, when querying a database with SELECT, its common to want to find the records that match a given search string.
For example:
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE name LIKE '%Bob Smith%';
That query should give me all records where 'Bob Smith' appears anywhere in the name field.
What I'd like to do is the opposite.
Instead of finding all the records that have 'Bob Smith' in the name field, I want to find all the records where the name field is in 'Robert Bob Smith III, PhD.', a string argument to the query.
Just turn the LIKE around
SELECT * FROM customers
WHERE 'Robert Bob Smith III, PhD.' LIKE CONCAT('%',name,'%')
You can use regular expressions like this:
SELECT * FROM pet WHERE name REGEXP 'Bob|Smith';
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE name LIKE '%Bob Smith%';
select count(*)
from rearp.customers c
where c.name LIKE '%Bob smith.8%';
select count will just query (totals)
C will link the db.table to the names row you need this to index
LIKE should be obvs
8 will call all references in DB 8 or less (not really needed but i like neatness)

How to fetch values with a MySQL query?

I want to fetch all the records of First_Name, LastName, First Name Last Name in a mysql Query.
For example,
mytable looks like this:
rec Id First Name Last Name
1 Gnaniyar Zubair
2 Frankyn Albert
3 John Mathew
4 Suhail Ahmed
Output should be like this:
Gnaniyar Zubair, Frankyn Albert, John Mathew, Suhail Ahmed
Give me the SQL.
If this must the done in the query, you can use GROUP_CONCAT, but unless you're grouping by something it's a pretty silly query and the concatenation should really be done on the client.
SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(FirstName + ' ' + LastName
ORDER BY FirstName, LastName
SEPARATOR ', ') AS Names
FROM People;
It is not a matter of getting one row with all the records, but a matter of representation of data. Therefore, I suggest to take a simple SELECT query, take the records you need, then arrange them in the view layer as you like.
On the other hand, why do you need to solve this record concatenation at SQL level and not on view level?
If you wanted to get them in just one row, you're probably not using your database properly.
If you just want to join together the first and last names, that's easy:
SELECT CONCAT(`First Name`, ' ', `Last Name`) FROM mytable