I am new in iphone. Please tell me is there any way to integrate Meetup in iphone?
if yes can you give some samples or link related to?
Use their API: http://www.meetup.com/meetup_api/
We want to build a mobile app that will use Google Fit API, and I searched for some time, but I didn't understand if this API is free or not? Did anyone use this API? Does exist a free tier or can anyone provide a webpage where I can find prices for using this?
Thanks a lot!
I want to access UCWA API in android code. Is it possible?.
If possible, pls give me an idea and hello world program.
does UCWA API support for Video Chat and Screen Sharing?
Yes, UCWA is a REST based API, so there's no reason why you wouldn't be able to access it from an Android app. Your best bet is to look through the samples on http://ucwa.lync.com/
There are no known Java libraries available, so you have to do all of that on your own. Paul's link is a good place to start, however you might also find the MS pages on a C# implementation useful(1), they certainly are cleaner than the Javascript based samples at http://ucwa.lync.com/
As for supporting video chat and screen sharing, the answer for now seems to be no. UCWA may be able to initiate these on the users Lync client though.
(1) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/dn551186%28v=office.15%29.aspx
How can I use/implement the new Graph API from facebook in iOS programming (objective C)? Also parsing the JSON file returned by the API? I can't seem to find any examples out there. Facebook resources doesn't give too many details on iOS development.
Have you downloaded the Facebook iOS SDK from here: http://github.com/facebook/facebook-ios-sdk. It contains all you need to connect to Facebook from iOS and also sample code on how to use both the old API and the new Graph API.
Just now i have tried to search the same thing here is the link what i have got.
hope its helpful.
I am new to this one. I want to develop the Email tool for s60 devices. How to start the email notification in symbian c++. I want to receive the email and send back to some other address.
Thanks in advance.. Please help me.
there is more then one way how to do that. I guess you can start by looking one the KCoreAppUIsNewEmailStatus in the links below:
and here:
If this will not be enough look on CMsvXXX classes and CEmailAccounts in SDK help. Short introduction to them is here:
Is there a way to programmatically access the reception level sensor with iPhone SDK 3.1?
Well, the answer is - currently impossible, please fill feature report...