Hide tooltip onmouseover for Google Visualization API - api

Is there any way to hide the popup when a pie slice is moused-over in the Google Visualization API using Pie Charts? Thanks

To remove the tooltips you have to do it this way:
chart.draw(data, {tooltip: {trigger:'none'}});
You can also remove all interactivity if you don't want your graph to react to any user actions:
chart.draw(data, {enableInteractivity: false});

I would try to set trigger to 'none
chart.draw(data, {trigger:'none'});

There is no option to turn on/off the tooltip currently. But following could do the trick:
tooltip_iframe = window.frames[document.getElementById('your chart id').firstChild.name];
tooltip_dom = tooltip_iframe.document.getElementById('chart').firstChild.nextSibling.nextSibling;
tooltip_dom.style.display = 'none';

This one works for me
var options = {
tooltip: {trigger:'none'}
chart.draw(data, options);


highstock. Don't update navigator series visibility

i'm having some troubles solving this.
I need to keep navigator series always visible.
The problem is when i click in one legend item, the serie linked to this legend dissappears. Thats fine.
But the serie in the navigator dissappears to, and i don't want this.
I tried with the "adaptToUpdatedData" parameter, not working.
I tried handling the events in "legendItemClick" and hide show the series manually, but this hides the navigator series also.
Please help! I tried almost everything.
The only i managed to achieve it is keeping all the series with the parameter "showInNavigator" false, and then add the series in navigator.series.
But i think is not a good solution.
I add hide events to series with showInNavigator: true. These call a function which does:
var chart = this.$refs.highcharts.chart
for (var series of chart.navigator.series) {
series.setVisible(true, false)
You can use Highcharts removeEvent method to remove the connection when changing visibility between the chart series and the navigator series:
chart: {
events: {
load() {
this.series.forEach(function(s) {
if (!s.baseSeries) {
H.removeEvent(s, 'show');
H.removeEvent(s, 'hide');
Live demo: http://jsfiddle.net/BlackLabel/69rwjsce/
API Reference: https://api.highcharts.com/class-reference/Highcharts#.removeEvent%3CT%3E

Google Maps API v3 disable all mouseover actions

I would like to stop the code popping up when someone mouses over a marker on the map. When clicked an infowindow appears as it should but I dont want the mouseover action.
Have tried this but it still happens:
google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'mouseover', function() {
Is it possible to prevent all mouseover actions?
In Google Maps JavaScript API V3 Reference, Google introduced a new parameter to turn off the mouse wheel from zooming on your map, just add scrollwheel: false in mapOptions. here is an example:
var mapOptions = {
center: myLocation,
zoom: 16,
scrollwheel: false
var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("map-canvas"),
That will prevent mouseover event to interrupt user scrolling web page.

TItanium JS: How to add active states to buttons int he header bar for iOS

I'm looking to add an active state to a systemButton in the header bar of an iOS app using Appcelerator Titanium.
I want to achieve the same result as the the Calendar with the list view activated in iOS8. As you can see the below the list icon has an active state, whereby it has an orange background.
Is there a way to achieve this using iOS System Buttons in the header of an app?
Thanks, Owen
You must manually keep track of the states of the button for a Toggle effect. This does not work with a systemButton.
var button = Ti.UI.createButton({ title: 'Off', isOn: false });
button.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
if (e.source.isOn) {
e.source.title = 'Off';
e.source.isOn = false;
} else {
e.source.title = 'On';
e.source.isOn = true;

THREE.Js tween animate camera.setLens()

I it seem that it is not possible to animate a cameraZoom via. setLens.
I tryed to move the Cam backward and simultanuous Zoom via setLens.
Any Ideas?
function zoomLens(lens, endLens){
var tweenLens = new TWEEN.Tween(lens).to(endLens, 2000);
in renderloop :

How to disable dojox.grid.DataGrid

How can I disable dojox.grid.DataGrid. By disable I mean the whole widget should be disabled and not just some aspect of it (sorting,cell selection etc)
You may try with a dojox.widget.Standby as explained here: Loading indicator with dojo XHR requests .
I have never used it on a dojox.grid.DataGrid but it should work...
I think you mean a READ-ONLY grid;
In creation of the grid:
var dataGrid = new dojox.grid.DataGrid({
id: 'xxx',
store: myStore, structure:myLayout,
canSort:false, //disable sorting //Then do the same thing for every attributes options and disable them all
}, dojo.byId("myDivName"));
You might have to override some default behavior such as:
onHeaderEvent: function (e) {
//make it do nothing
and check on other events from http://livedocs.dojotoolkit.org/dojox/grid/DataGrid
just clear everything out.
And in your css, you might have to do such thing like:
Just find the class names from your domNodes
Use attribute "canSort : false" to hide or disable sort button in Dojo DataGrid code
var newGrid = new DataGrid({
id : 'newGrid',
store : this.resultStore,
structure : this.resultGridLayout,
Satish M Hiremath