Rails SQL efficiency for where statement - sql

Is there a more efficient method for doing a Rails SQL statement of the following code?
It will be called across the site to hide certain content or users based on if a user is blocked or not so it needs to be fairly efficient or it will slow everything else down as well.
users.rb file:
def is_blocked_by_or_has_blocked?(user)
status = relationships.where('followed_id = ? AND relationship_status = ?',
user.id, relationship_blocked).first ||
user.relationships.where('followed_id = ? AND relationship_status = ?',
self.id, relationship_blocked).first
return status
In that code, relationship_blocked is just an abstraction of an integer to make it easier to read later.
In a view, I am calling this method like this:
- unless current_user.is_blocked_by_or_has_blocked?(user)
- # show the content for unblocked users here
This is a sample query.. it stops after it finds the first instance (no need to check for a reverse relationship)
Relationship Load (0.2ms) SELECT "relationships".* FROM "relationships" WHERE ("relationships".follower_id = 101) AND (followed_id = 1 AND relationship_status = 2) LIMIT 1

You can change it to only run one query by making it use an IN (x,y,z) statement in the query (this is done by passing an array of ids to :followed_id). Also, by using .count, you bypass Rails instantiating an instance of the model for the resulting relationships, which will keep things faster (less data to pass around in memory):
def is_blocked_by_or_has_blocked?(user)
relationships.where(:followed_id => [user.id, self.id], :relationship_status => relationship_blocked).count > 0
Edit - To get it to look both ways;
Relationship.where(:user_id => [user.id, self.id], :followed_id => [user.id, self.id], :relationship_status => relationship_blocked).count > 0


How to load object relations that both exist and don't exist in Rails 4

I have 2 models: Comment and ReadReceipt. A Comment has many ReadReceipt for a given User. I want to create an ActiveRecord relation that would allow me Return all Comments with their ReadReceipt even if it doesn't exist. For example,
comments = Comment.includes(:read_receipts).all
comments.first.read_receipt -> #<ReadReceipt id: 1>
comments.last.read_receipt -> nil
Currently I have this #read_receipt on Comment. However, as I want to avoid N+1 queries I'm not sure what the best way to do this is. Do I need to do an left outer join? What's the Rails way to achieve this?
def read_receipt(user)
receipt = ReadReceipt.find_by(feed_item_id: id, contact_id: user.contact.id)
receipt ? true : false
I assume your join column is feed_item_id in ReadReceipt.
For Rails 4, use includes and do LEFT OUTER JOIN manually, this will save you from N+1 queries and will also give all those comments where read receipt doesn't exist:
comments = Comment.includes(:read_receipts).joins('LEFT OUTER JOIN read_receipts on read_receipts.feed_item_id = comments.id')
comments.map do |c|
Because of includes earlier, read_receipts are already loaded in memory, using ActiveRecord for querying in read_receipt will run the query again with more parameters. You can use ruby instead if you want to get away with that. You can use loaded? to check if association is loaded or not.
Change your Comment#read_receipt to:
def read_receipt(user)
# this will not load read receipts again in memory or fire any other query with subparameters
if read_receipts.loaded? # this means association is already loaded, use Ruby
read_receipts.find { |r| r.feed_item_id == id && r.contact_id == user.contact_id } ? true : false
# do not load all read_receipts, instead use proper ActiveRecord
read_receipts.find_by(contact_id: user.contact.id) ? true : false
For Rails 5, use left_outer_joins:
comments = Comment.includes(:read_receipts).left_outer_joins(:read_receipts)
comments.map do |c|

More efficient Active Record query for large number of columns

I'm trying to work out a more efficient way to add a note count, with a couple of simple where conditions applied to the query. This can take forever, though, as there are as many as 20K records to iterate over. Would welcome any thinking on this.
def reblog_array(notes)
data = []
notes.select('note_type, count(*) as count').where(:note_type => 'reblog', :created_at => Date.today.years_ago(1)..Date.today).group('DATE(created_at)').each do |n|
data << n.count
return data
This is what's passed to reblog_array(notes) from my controller.
#tumblr = Tumblr.find(params[:id])
#notes = Note.where("tumblr_id = '#{#tumblr.id}'")
From what I can tell, you are trying to calculate how many reblogs/day this Tumblr account/blog had? If so,
notes.where(:note_type => 'reblog', :created_at => Date.today.years_ago(1)..Date.today).group('DATE(created_at)').count.values
should give you the right result, without having to iterate over the result list again. One thing to note, your call right now won't indicate when there are days with 0 reblogs. If you drop the call to #values, you'll get a hash of date => count.
As an aside and in case you didn't know, I'd also suggest making more use of the ActiveRecord relations:
Class Tumblr
has_many :notes
#tumblr = Tumblr.find(params[:id])
#notes = #tumblr.notes
this way you avoid writing code like Note.where("tumblr_id = '#{#tumblr.id}'"). It's best to avoid string-interpolated parameters, in favour of code like Note.where(:tumblr_id => #tumblr.id) or Note.where("tumblr_id = ?", #tumblr.id) to leave less chance that you'll write code vulnerable to SQL injection

Array conditions for select on Active Record query

I want to be able to specify user specific conditions in a MAX() sql call in the :select portion of the active record query (Rails 2.3.12). Unfortunately the safe string interpolation doesn't seem to work for the :select condition. The code is below, is there any other way to manually ensure the incoming values are safe? (They should be as they're just id's but you can never be too sure.)
:select => ["`component_instances`.*, max(`users`.id = ? AND `permissions`.view = 1) AS user_view, max(`users`.id = ? AND `permissions`.edit = 1) AS user_edit", user.id]
The query is designed to indicate to me if a particular user has explicit permissions on a particular item in the site. It'll either return 1 (they do), 0 (they don't but others do), or nil (no one has explicit permissions).
Turns out you can manually use the sanitize_sql_array method to do this:
:select => sanitize_sql_array(["`component_instances`.*, max(`users`.id = ? AND `permissions`.view = 1) AS user_view, max(`users`.id = ? AND `permissions`.edit = 1) AS user_edit", user.id, user.id])

Optimize the query PostgreSql-8.4

I have rails controller coding as below:
#checked_contact_ids = #list.contacts.all(
:conditions => {
"contacts_lists.contact_id" => #list.contacts.map(&:id),
"contacts_lists.is_checked" => true
its equivalent to sql
FROM "contacts"
INNER JOIN "contacts_lists" ON "contacts".id = "contacts_lists".contact_id
WHERE ("contacts_lists".list_id = 67494 )
This above query takes more time to run, I want another way to run the same query with minimum time.
Is anyone knows please notice me Or is it possible? or is the above query enough for give output?
I am waiting information...................
I think the main problem with your original AR query is that it isn't doing any joins at all; you pull a bunch of objects out of the database via #list.contacts and then throw most of that work away to get just the IDs.
A first step would be to replace the "contacts_lists.contact_id" => #list.contacts.map(&:id) with a :joins => 'contact_lists' but you'd still be pulling a bunch of stuff out of the database, instantiating a bunch of objects, and then throwing it all away with the .map(&:id) to get just ID numbers.
You know SQL already so I'd probably go straight to SQL via a convenience method on your List model (or whatever #list is), something like this:
def checked_contact_ids
SELECT contacts.id
FROM contacts
INNER JOIN contacts_lists ON contacts.id = contacts_lists.contact_id
WHERE contacts_lists.list_id = #{self.id}
AND contacts_lists.is_checked = 't'
}).map { |r| r['id'] }
And then, in your controller:
#checked_contact_ids = #list.checked_contact_ids
If that isn't fast enough then review your indexes on the contacts_lists table.
There's no good reason not go straight to SQL when you know exactly what data you need and you need it fast; just keep the SQL isolated inside your models and you shouldn't have any problems.

Ruby On Rails: How to run safe updates

I'm using RoR and I want to do concurrency safe update queries. For example when I have
var user = User.find(user_id)
user.visits += 1
I get the following SQL code:
SELECT * FROM Users WHERE ID=1 -- find user's visits (1)
UPDATE Users SET Visits=2 WHERE ID=1 -- 1+1=2
But if there are several queries taking place at the same time, there will be locking problems.
According to RoR API I can use :lock => true attribute, but that's not what I want.
I found an awesome function update_counters:
User.update_counters(my_user.id, :visits => 1)
This gives the following SQL code
UPDATE Users SET Visits=Visits+1 WHERE ID=#something
Works great!
Now my question is how can I override the += function to do the update_counters thing instead?
user.visits += 1 # better
User.update_counters(my_user.id, :visits => 1) # than this
I just created the following function
class ActiveRecord::Base
def inc(column, value)
User.update_counters(self.id, column => value)
Are there any other better ideas?
Don't know about better ideas, but I would define that method to the User class, not the ActiveRecord. And maybe increment_counter (that uses update_counters) would make it a bit more readable?
def inc(column, value)
self.increment_counter(column, value)
Haven't tested that and not saying this is definitely better idea, but that's probably how I'd do it.
And AFAIK you can't override the "+=", because "a += b" just a shortcut for "a = a + b" and you probably don't want to override "=" to use the update_counters :)