What is your testing workflow for client-side web development on OS X? - testing

What would be a good workflow on OS X for testing client-side code (HTML/JS/CSS) for browser compatibility and other issues across all major browsers?
I do my web development with Textmate (HTML and JavaScript), CSSEdit (CSS), and use Safari's Web Inspector, mainly for checking the JS console. I do have Parallels with Windows XP on it, but haven't tuned it for web development at all.

We develop on Macs too so what we usually do is testing and debugging in Firefox with the help of the Firebug plugin and the Web Developer toolbar. We then cross-check stuff in Chrome/Safari using Chrome's built-in Inspector in case of any discrepancies.
For testing on Windows we use a dedicated Windows machine that we can access through Remote Desktop which has some Virtual Machines running various versions of Internet Explorer (one VM for each would be nice, but we just use one for IE6, one for IE 7 and use the IE version that's installed on the remote machine as the third option).
A colleague of mine has a setup with VMWare and running IE right off his Macbook in a VirtualMachine.
As far as I can tell debugging in IE 6 is pretty hard, but some of the newer IE versions have a pretty decent Inspector similar to the ones in Safari and Chrome.


Does CI agent OS matter in webapp UI testing?

Our webapp is usually accessed using Google Chrome in a windows OS. Should we really need to have a windows OS for this or ubuntu with GUI is sufficient?
AFAIK, Chrome is sandbox from the OS. We are using teamcity and selenium, chrome driver for testing. Our plan is to use Ubuntu with GUI and register it as a teamcity agent, e.g. kubernetes pod if possible
From a generic perspective, web applications should be accessible through browsers irrespective of the underlying os. Albeit, Chrome relies heavily on sandboxing, keeping different processes and applications in separate partitions. This limits the interaction between applications and the OS kernel.
Chrome OS and Chrome security
Google's browser-based operating system i.e. Chrome OS stores data in the cloud implementing the idea ..."The browser is the operating system"... which relies on many of the same security features and concepts used by the Chrome browser.
Chrome achieves tighter security through Sandbox feature and should be functional irrespective of the underlying Operating System as Linux systems implements Sandboxing too.
You can find a couple of relevant detailed discussions in:
compile & execute Chromium failed due to SUID sandbox issue
NaCl helper process running without a sandbox error using Chrome through Selenium in Linux
NaCl helper process running without a sandbox! error when running npm tests
tl; dr
Sandboxing Chrome OS system services

How do I swap my app between desktop mode and Modern UI mode? [duplicate]

How does Google Chrome make a hybrid app (i.e. one that works on the desktop and one that works out of the Modern UI, and that are switchable)? What new Windows API do they call?
The only applications that can be "hybrid" are browsers. See here (link to Microsoft whitepaper on making a browser desktop and metro enabled).

jWebSocket on mobile browsers

I've developed a web application which uses jWebSocket.
I've put it together on an Apache Server and accessing the site with a desktop browser works fine.
But it's not working on mobile browsers, that is, I can see the static website but no dynamic changes are made (using WLAN; on a laptop using the same WLAN everything works). The required ports can be reached but no connection is being established with the jWebSocketServer.
I've tested it on iPhone with Safari 6 and on Android phone 2.3 with WebKit browser and Opera 12.
At least Safari and Opera natively support WebsSockets, so I wonder if there's a general difference between mobile and desktop browsers regarding this functionality?
(On the Internet, I found nothing about mobile web apps with jwebsocket, there are clients for native apps but this doesn't suit my need.)
Thanks in advance!

simulator or test environment for web application

I am working on a web app that will run only on firefox and on win / linux machine.
I have done that thing and now want to test with various environment like mac, android, opera browser etc.
My query is whether there is any test environment (simulator) available that will allow me to test the app on different platform without testing on real machine?
Thanks to all
You could give a try with a virtual machine like VirtualBox / VirtualPC / VMWare.
Some Windows versions are available freely as virtual machines images in the Microsoft site.
Not sure for the rest , as you write first
a web app that will run only on firefox and on win / linux machine.
...but then talk about mac and android.
For android, you could give a try with their emulator.
For Mac OS I am afraid that you won't find legal solutions.

ultimate virtual solution for testing <=IE8 browsers

I need to know of a solution to run a local test server through a virtual guest. I am able to use Virtual PC as well as most the other solutions. My current workaround is to deploy to Tomcat on Windows 7 and test the main current browsers there. I am also able to mount share my Tomcat instance to Ubuntu so am able to run the same app without redeploying.
Currently I just invested on a Windows upgrade to be able to try out Microsofts ie8 and down VHDs but the best I am able to do with this is deploy to production server and then run the ie6, ie7 and ie8 browsers which is very time consuming.
Any suggestions or pointers for me? Ultimately a working solution to run these VHds or browsers in VirtualBox would be ideal for me, as I am familiar with it.
Related to my question I have come across some useful tutorials that may help others who find this question:
Virtual PC solution for legacy IE browsers in Windows 7
VmWare solution
You can just use one Windows version (XP, Win7 will be fine) and install IETester:
My solution is as follows & will only work with upgraded Windows 7 (not home premium).
Uninstall IE9 update to bring back IE8, IE9 seems to support css3 well, so testing in FF7 should be good enough for IE9.
Then follow this tutorial and repeat the process for as many virtual browsers you want. Note
I did include IE8 but don't use it as it's slower to run a virtual PC than native IE8 just in case I wish to reinstall IE9.
I use quirks mode in IE8 to test for IE7 and IE6 can go to Davy Jones Locker :D
When using xpmode, you must copy the xp disk each time without any updates and start process from scratch.
I also use VirtualBox to test Linux browsers as it's faster than Virtual PC and I share test server (Tomcat) so am able to run same instance without redeploying.
Hope this helps...