Using max function on the resultset of count - sql

uid | tid
1 | 0
1 | 1
1 | 2
2 | 1
2 | 2
3 | 2
4 | 3
4 | 0
4 | 4
This is the "join-table" in my many-to-may relationship. What I want to do is to count 'tid' (grouped). Then I want to find the highest count of 'tid'. When I have done that I want to use that 'tid' to join it with the lookup-table (9 rows with the tid as primary and description of that category)
What I have written so far is:
select tid, max(count) from (select tid, count(tid) as count from klb_log_food_maps group by tid);
The count returned is correct however the 'tid' is not correct, seems like it is the last tid in that table.

You could avoid the subquery by ordering on the count:
select tid, count(tid) as count
from klb_log_food_maps
group by tid
order by count desc
limit 1;


Django: Is there a way to apply an aggregate function on a window function?

I have already made a raw SQL of this query as a last resort.
I have a gaps-and-islands problem, where I get the respective groups with two ROW_NUMBER -s. Later on I use a COUNT and a MAX like so:
SELECT id, name, MAX(count)
SELECT id, name, COUNT(*)
(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY, goals.time) -
FROM match_details
JOIN players
ON = match_details.player_id
JOIN goals
ON goals.match_detail_id =
ORDER BY, goals.time
) AS x
GROUP BY grp, id, name
) AS y
GROUP BY id, name
ORDER BY MAX(count) DESC, name
players example:
id | name
1 | John
2 | Mark
match_details example:
id | player_id
1 | 1
2 | 1
3 | 2
4 | 2
goals example:
id | match_detail_id | time
1 | 1 | 2
2 | 1 | 10
3 | 2 | 2
4 | 3 | 1
5 | 3 | 5
6 | 4 | 6
output example:
id | name | max
1 | John | 2
2 | Mark | 2
So far, I have finished the innermost query with Django ORM, but when I try to annotate over group , it throws an error:
django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: aggregate function calls cannot contain window function calls
I haven't yet wrapped my head around using Subquery, but I'm also not sure if that would work at all. I do not need to filter over the window function, only use aggregates on it.
Is there a way to solve this with plain Django, or do I have to resort to hybrid raw-ORM queries, perhaps to django-cte ?

How to filter by all FK coincidence

I have 2 tables, with this structure:
Table: Matches
MatchId | MatchResult
Table: Player_Matches
MatchId | PlayerId
And data currently looks like this:
MatchId | MatchResult
1 | 4-2
2 | 2-1
3 | 3-1
MatchId | PlayerId
1 | 1
1 | 2
1 | 3
2 | 1
2 | 2
3 | 1
4 | 2
4 | 3
The idea is that every match can have between 1 and 5 players.
How can I create a select statement recieving 1 to 5 parameters, and only get the id of those matches played by all the players passed as parameters?
For example these would be the expected output for these values:
input1 = 1 results would be:
input1 = 1 and input2=2 results would be:
input1= 1 and input2= 3 results would be:
Thanks in advance for the assistance
One simple approach uses aggregation:
FROM Player_Matches
WHERE PlayerId IN (1, 2, 3) -- players 1, 2, 3
The above query would only return the first match. It should be clear how to modify it as needed.
This is surprisingly tricky but can be broken down with the help of a cte to simplify matters.
Given a list of 5 parameters, any or all of which can have a specified PlayerId
Using a set of these PlayerIds built from values of the parameters, get a list of matches played by all the passed Id values and a count of matches played by each Id
Then filter this list where each player's Matchcount is the count of how many unique matches exist for the player in the list.
declare #p1 tinyint,#p2 tinyint,#p3 tinyint,#p4 tinyint,#p5 tinyint
select #p1=1;
with l as (
select MatchId, PlayerId, Count(*) over(partition by matchid) MatchCount
from t
where exists(
select * from (values (#p1),(#p2),(#p3),(#p4),(#p5))x(id) where
select l.MatchId
from l
where MatchCount=(select Count(distinct playerid) from l)
group by l.Matchid;
See DB Fiddle for examples.

Order By Id and Limit Offset By Id from a table

I have an issue similar to the following query:
select name, number, id
from tableName
order by id
limit 10 offset 5
But in this case I only take the 10 elements from the group with offset 5
Is there a way to set limit and offset by id?
For example if I have a set:
| Ana | 1 | 589d0011-ef54-4708-a64a-f85228149651 |
| Jana | 2 | 589d0011-ef54-4708-a64a-f85228149651 |
| Jan | 3 | 589d0011-ef54-4708-a64a-f85228149651 |
| Joe | 2 | 64ed0011-ef54-4708-a64a-f85228149651 |
and if I have skip 1 I should get
| Jana | 2 | 589d0011-ef54-4708-a64a-f85228149651 |
| Jan | 3 | 589d0011-ef54-4708-a64a-f85228149651 |
I think that you want to filter by row_number():
select name, number, id
from (
select t.*, row_number() over(partition by name order by id) rn
from mytable t
) t
rn >= :number_of_records_per_group_to_skip
and rn < :number_of_records_per_group_to_skip + :number_of_records_per_group_to_keep
The query ranks records by id withing groups of records having the same name, and then filters using two parameters:
:number_of_records_per_group_to_skip: how many records per group should be skipped
:number_of_records_per_group_to_skip: how many records per group should be kept (after skipping :number_of_records_per_group_to_skip records)
This might not be the answer you are looking for but it gives you the results your example shows:
select name, number, id
from (
select * from tableName
order by id
limit 3 offset 0
) d
where id > 1;
Best regards,

Creating sql view where the select is dependent on the value of two columns

I want to create a view in my database, based on these three tables:
I would like to select the rows in table3 that has the highest value in Weight, for rows that has the same value in Count.
Then I want them grouped by Category_ID and ordered by Date, so that if two rows in table3 are identical, I want the newest.
Let me give you an example:
ID | Date | UserId
1 | 2015-01-01 | 1
2 | 2015-01-02 | 1
ID | table1_ID | Category_ID
1 | 1 | 1
2 | 2 | 1
ID | table2_ID | Count | Weight
1 | 1 | 5 | 10
2 | 1 | 5 | 20 <-- count is 5 and weight is highest
3 | 1 | 3 | 40
4 | 2 | 5 | 10
5 | 2 | 3 | 40 <-- newest of the two equal rows
Then the result should be row 2 and 5 from table 3.
PS I'm doing this in mssql.
PPS I'm sory if the title is not appropriate, but I did not know how to formulate a good one.
,RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY [Count] ORDER BY [Weight] DESC, Date DESC) highest
INNER JOIN TABLE2 t2 ON t2.Id = t3.Table2_Id
INNER JOIN TABLE1 t1 ON t1.Id = t2.Table1_Id
) t
WHERE t.Highest = 1
This will group by the Count (which must be the same). Then it will determine which has the highest weight. If two of more of them have the same 'heighest' weight, it takes the one with the most recent date first.
You can use RANK() analytic function here, and give those rows a rank and than choose the first rank for each ID
Something like
select *
ID, table2_ID, Count, Weight,
from table3)
where Highest = 1;
This is the syntax for Oracle, if you not using it look in the internet for the your syntax which should be almost the same

SQL advanced query counting the max value of a group

I want to create a query that will count the number of times the following condition is met.
I have a table that consists of multiple records with a matching foreign key. I want to check only for each of the foreign key groups if the highest value of another column of that key occurs more than once. If it does that will up the count.
ID | Foreign Key | Value
1 | 1 | 1
2 | 1 | 2
3 | 1 | 2
4 | 2 | 0
5 | 2 | 2
6 | 2 | 1
7 | 3 | 0
8 | 3 | 1
9 | 3 | 1
The query I want should return the number 2. This is because the maximum value in group 1(Foreign Key) occurs twice, the value is 2. In group 2 the maximum value is 2 but only occurs once so this will not up the count. Then in group 3 the maximum value is 1 which occurs twice which will up the count. The count therefore ends up as two.
All credit goes to the comment from #Bob, but here is the sql that solved this problem.
SELECT Count(1)
FROM (SELECT foreign_key,
FROM data
WHERE ( foreign_key, value ) IN (SELECT foreign_key,
FROM data
GROUP BY foreign_key)
GROUP BY foreign_key
HAVING Count(1) > 1) AS data) AS data;
This is one approach:
select max(num_at_max)
from (select t.*, count(val) over(partition by fk) as num_at_max
from tbl t
join (select max(max_val_by_grp) as max_val_all_grps
from (select fk, max(val) as max_val_by_grp
from tbl
group by fk) x) x
on t.val = x.max_val_all_grps) x