NSDictionary and warning about "pointer from integer without a cast" - objective-c

I see that there is a bunch of posts on this topic, but a solution is not clicking in my head. Here is my issue:
double var = [[variables objectForKey:[value characterAtIndex:1]] doubleValue];
variables is an NSDictionary. value in this situation is an NSString and I need characterAtIndex:1 because I prepended the string with a special designator. In English, I want to get a value from my NSDictionary based on this NSString key, but I get this warning when building:
warning: passing argument 1 of 'objectForKey:' makes pointer from integer without a cast

characterAtIndex: returns a unichar, not an object, while NSDictionary keys must be objects. It sounds like you want something like [value substringToIndex:1].


Issue saving NSDictionary values to core data

NOTE: Please fully read the problem before devoting it or closing it.
I have a dictionary packedData which has a value '1' in it of NSNumber type & of key "example". I save this value to core data as
myentity.attribute = [packedData valueForKey:#"example"]; //attribute is of NSNumber type as well.
when I fetch the data, the value returned is "23008" or some other unrelated value. I debugged it to find that it's a value conversion issue while saving it to core data.
Does anyone know why this occurs or its solution??
UPDATE: NSString and NSDate type are saved fine (exact values as in dictionary).
If you have "use scalar property" selected for an integer type property, the generated code is something like
#property (nonatomic) int16_t attribute;
If you uncheck that, the code looks like
#property (nullable, nonatomic, copy) NSNumber *attribute;
The first case is a raw integer type; the second one is an NSNumber object that Core Data will treat as containing an integer.
Your line of code looks like this:
myentity.attribute = [packedData valueForKey:#"example"];
The valueForKey call will return an object, in your case an NSNumber. But there's no automatic conversion between NSNumber and scalar types. So if you're using the scalar version you end up assigning the pointer value of the NSNumber. That is, you get the memory address of the NSNumber instead of the value it contains.
You can fix this either by
Not using the scalar type, so that you have an NSNumber everywhere.
Keeping the scalar type but then changing your line of code to convert the object to its integer value:
newEvent.attribute = [[packedData valueForKey:#"example"] integerValue];
The compiler should have warned you about this! I would have expected a warning reading something like incompatible pointer to integer conversion assigning to 'int16_t' (aka 'short') from 'id _Nullable'.

How to do NSLog with variable

What should be the correct format of the below to print *newString ?
NSString *newString = #"Hello this is a string!";
NSLog works pretty much as a C printf, with the addition of the %# string format specifier, which is meant for objects. Being NSString an object, %# is the right format to use:
NSString *newString = #"Hello this is a string!";
NSLog(#"%#", newString);
For as tempting as it can look, NEVER do
NSLog(newString); //NONONONONO!
since it's a terrible practice that may lead to unexpected crashes (not to mention security issues).
More info on the subject: Warning: "format not a string literal and no format arguments"
The # symbol is just a shorthand for specifying some common Objective-C objects. #"..." represents a string (NSString to be specific, which is different from regular C strings), #[...] represents an array (NSArray), #{...} represents a dictionary (NSDictionary).
On the first line, you've already specified a NSString object using the # sign. newString is now an NSString instance. On the second line, you can just give it's variable name:
You could theoretically just give the variable name, but it is a dangerous approach. If newString has any format specifiers, your app may crash/mess up (or access something that it shouldn't be accesing) because NSLog would try to read the arguments corresponding to the format specifiers, but the arguments don't exist. The safe solution would be NSLog(#"%#", newString);. The first argument to NSLog is now hard-coded and can't be changed. We now know that it will expect a single argument, that we are providing that argument, newString, so we are safe.
Because you've already specified a string and just passing that instance to NSLog, you don't need the # sign again.

Objective-C NSNumber numberWithLongLong creates integer

When I attempt to create an NSNumber using the numberWithLongLong with a number greater than -2 and less than 13 it returns a number that is casted as an (int).
I see this if I look at the Xcode debugger after stepping over my line.
NSNumber* numberA = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:-2]; //Debugger shows as (long)-2
NSNumber* numberB = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:-1]; //Debugger shows as (int)-1
NSNumber* numberC = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:12]; //Debugger shows as (int)12
NSNumber* numberD = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:13]; //Debugger shows as (long)13
To put my problem in context, I am using a long long value for an epoch date that I will end up serializing using BSON and sending across the wire to a webservice. The webservice requires the date to be a java Long.
Thanks in advance
You have discovered that NSNumber (actually, its CFNumber counterpart) has a cache for integers between -1 and 12 inclusive. Take a look at the CFNumberCreate function in CFNumber.c to see how it works.
It looks like you can force it not to use the cache by passing your own allocator to CFNumberCreate. You'll need to look at the CFAllocator documentation.
But note that the CFNumberCreate manual says this:
The theType parameter is not necessarily preserved when creating a new CFNumber object.
So even if you bypass the cache, you might not get back an object whose objCType is q (which means long long). It looks like the current implementation will return q but that could change in a future version.
You are allowed to write your own NSNumber subclass if you need to guarantee that objCType returns q. Read “Subclassing Notes” in the NSNumber Class Reference.
You can use your webservice without concern.
NSNumber wraps a numeric value (of primitive type) as an object. How NSNumber stores that value is not really your concern (but there is a method to find it out), it is an opaque type. However NSNumber does maintain an internal record of the type used to create it so its compare: method can follow C rules for comparison between values of different types precisely.
For integral types the integral value you get back will be exactly the same, in the mathematical sense, as the one you created the NSNumber with. You can create an NSNumber with a short and read its value back as a long long, and the mathematical value will be the same even though the representation is different.
So you can store your integral date value as an NSNumber and when you read it back as a long long you will get the right value. No need to be concerned how NSNumber represents it internally, and indeed that could potentially change in the future.
(At least one implementation of NSNumber can store values as 128-bit integers, which helps ensure correct semantics for signed and unsigned integers. Also I stressed integral types as with the vagaries of real numbers talking about mathematical exactness is somewhat moot.)
Wait. I think I know what your asking. Try it this way:
NSNumber* numberA = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:-2LL];
NSNumber* numberB = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:-1LL];
NSNumber* numberC = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:12LL];
NSNumber* numberD = [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:13LL];
BTW: it won't matter what the type of the constant is, it will be coerced into a long long when passed to [NSNumber numberWithLongLong:]
Based on #robmayoff's answer, I don't think NSNumber is reliable for your. How are you packing your BSON? is there a way to use NSValue instead of NSNumber?

Understanding array pointer

I'm new to Objective-C and need help with the concept of pointers. I've written this code:
//myArray is of type NSMutableArray
NSString *objectFromArray = [myArray objectAtIndex:2];
[objectFromArray uppercaseString];
I assumed that this would change the string at myArray[2] since I got the actual pointer to it. Shouldn't any changes to the dereferenced pointer mean that the object in that location changes? Or does this have something to do with 'string immutability'? Either way, when I use NSLog and iterate through myArray, all the strings are still lowercase.
Shouldn't any changes to the dereferenced pointer mean that the object in that location changes?
Yes, they would. But if you read the documentation for uppercaseString, you see that it does not modify the string in place. Rather, it returns a new uppercase version of the original string. All methods on NSString work like that.
You would need an instance of NSMutableString to be able to modify its contents in place. But NSMutableString does not have a corresponding uppercase method, so you would have to write it yourself (as a category on NSMutableString).
of course!! no string in the array will be converted to uppercase as the statement [objectFromArray uppercaseString]; would have returned the uppercase string which was not collected in any object though. "uppercaseString" does not modify the string object itself with which is is called...!!

How to convert an pointer to become a object?

I using something like this : [tmpArray insertObject:something[i] atIndex:i];
But I got a MSG : passing argument 1 of "insertObject:atIndex:" makes pointer from integer without a cast.
What should I do to fix it?
I guess your something[] array is a C array of int, if this is the case you cannot pass its value at that position into an NSArray since it contains objects (and objects in obj-C are referenced by pointers).
What you could do is wrap the int into a NSNumber this way:
[tmpArray insertObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:something[i]] atIndex:i];
You can't magically make random pointer into an object, you need to understand what the type of the pointer is and do something semantically reasonable with that type. Also, that is not what the error you are seeing is about. The error is because the type expected is a pointer (and an object in ObjC is also a pointer type), and the type info of the thing you are passing is a scalar.
Taking a wild guess, something is probably an array of ints, if so what you want to do is wrap is the integer in an NSNumber in order to store it in a collection:
//assuming this:
int something[100];
//then your line should be this:
[tmpArray insertObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:something[i]] atIndex:i];
Obviously you will need to unbox the value anywhere you access it. If it is not an array of integers then you will need to do something else (though probably similiar), but without more info I can't tell you exactly what.