SciLab: where do functions live / need to live? - scripting

I'm learning SciLab and I need to figure out the equivalent from MATLAB for running user-defined functions.
I'm used to MATLAB, where when you type foo(27), it looks for the foo.m script in the current directory and then the MATLAB path, and if it finds one, it calls that function with argument 27.
What's the equivalent to SciLab? It doesn't seem to want to look in the current directory for the appropriate .sci file.

In Scilab, you need to explicitly load the script that contains the function. Assuming you've changed your directory to the directory where the function file is loaded, which can be done in Scilab using the menu buttons or the following command:
Now you load the function file. Assuming the function foo is stored in a file called foo.sci, you need to load this script using the following command:
Now you should be able to use your function as you would be able in MATLAB.


invoking TCL C API's inside tcl package procedures

I am using TCL-C API for my program.
and I read and created test program that is similar to this C++ example.
But I have a problem with this example. when I use this example in the shell (by loading it with load example.o) every input automatically invokes the interpreter of the API and run the command that is related to the input string.
But suppose that I want that the input will invoke tcl procedure that is inside a package required by me , this procedure will check the parameters and will print another message and only after this will invoke TCL-C API related function (kind of wrapper), In this case how can I do it?
I read somewhere that the symbol # is the symbol should be used for invoking external program but I just can't find where it was.
I will give a small example for make things more clear.
proc dosomething { arg1 , arg2 , arg3 } {
# check args here #
set temp [ #invoke here TCL-C API function and set it's result in temp ]
return $temp
package provide ::somepackage 1.0
package require ::somepackage 1.0
load somefile.o # this is the object file which implements TCL-C API commands [doSomething 1 2 3 ]
But I have a problem with this example. when I use this example in the
shell (by loading it with load example.o) every input automatically
invokes the interpreter of the API and run the command that is related
to the input string.
Provided that you script snippets represent your actual implementation in an accurate manner, then the problem is that your Tcl proc named doSomething is replaced by the C-implemented Tcl command once your extension is loaded. Procedures and commands live in the same namespace(s). When the loading order were reversed, the problem would remain the same.
I read that everything is being evaluated by the tcl interperter so in
this case I should name the tcl name of the C wrap functions in
special way for example cFunc. But I am not sure about this.
This is correct. You have to organise the C-implemented commands and their scripted wrappers in a way that their names do not conflict with one another. Some (basic) options:
Use two different Tcl namespaces, with same named procedures
Apply some naming conventions to wrapper procs and commands (your cFunc hint)
If your API were provided as actual Itcl or TclOO objects, and the individual commands were the methods, you could use a subclass or a mixin to host refinements (using the super-reference, such as next in TclOO, to forward from the scripted refinement to the C implementations).
A hot-fix solution in your current setup, which is better replaced by some actual design, would be to rename or interp hide the conflicting commands:
load somefile.o
Hide the now available commands: interp hide {} doSomething
Define a scripted wrapper, calling the hidden original at some point:
For example:
proc doSomething {args} {
# argument checking
set temp [interp invokehidden {} doSomething {*}$args]
# result checking
return $temp

How to properly load a module in Julia?

I've been reading a lot of Julia documentation (version 0.4) and am still having problems with loading Julia files. This seems like it should be really easy. So, plainly and simply, how are we supposed to use Julia code from other files directly in our current code? And, as a related, helpful bonus, is there any history or language design decisions that, understood, would illuminate the situation?
P.S. I'm using 0.4.
If you want problem specifics, here are some things I'm dealing with:
Using the REPL, I want to use some functions I have written in a different file. Supposedly, I should be able to load said file like this:
julia> using Foobar
That just gives me ArgumentErrors no matter what I do. I've tried including it before trying to use it:
julia> include("Foobar.jl")
julia> using Foobar
I've also tried updating the load path before trying to use it:
julia> push!(LOAD_PATH, "/Users/me/julia")
julia> using Foobar
When I try to fix the first problem by including the file before using it, I get an error for any line that has: using .... The message is that a module cannot be found in path. Or in other words, I'm trying to load a module in the current working directory that depends on another module in the current working directory. When I include the file I'm trying to load, it tries to find the dependency and cannot.
I've tried relative paths. I.e. I'm in the same directory as the .jl file and do:
julia> using .Foobar
if you use include("/path/to/myscript.jl") then you should then have access to any functions, objects, etc. defined in the file you called with include(). No additional calls to using should be needed.
Here is an answer that gives more info on details for creating whole packages (rather than just individual scripts like in the example above), how to do them, and how the using terminology factors in with them: julia: create and use a local package without Internet . For instance, packages must be installed in a particular path relative to your other julia files, not just in the arbitrary working directory that your script is in.
See also here for a longer tutorial on packages.
It seems to work well enough here:
julia> push!(LOAD_PATH, "/Users/me/julia")
2-element Array{ByteString,1}:
julia> readdir(LOAD_PATH[end])
1-element Array{ByteString,1}:
julia> using MyModule
julia> x
"Hi there"
where MyModule.jl contains:
module MyModule
export x
x = "Hi there"

Dynamically create compiled binary with go

First sorry for perhaps a bad title - I imagine a lot of the difficulty I'm experiencing relates to not knowing the correct terminology for what I'm trying to achieve.
In Go, I wish to have a program which when run can dynamically create a secondary binary. To illustrate with a basic hello world example - in pseudo code since I don't know how to achieve it.
-> Read in statement from statement.txt (i.e. "Hello World")
-> Insert this statement into the following program...
package main
import (
func main(){
fmt.Println([dynamic statement inserted here])
-> compile this code into subprogram
Whenever go run generator.go is executed a subprogram binary is created. Running this would output Hello World. Changing statement.txt to something else and executing go run generator.go again would once more create subprogram which when run would execute the new statement.
In summary
With Go, how can I create a program which can dynamically create a compiled child program as output.
So you have 2 sub-tasks which together do what you want:
Perform a text substitution to acquire the final source code.
Compile the final source code into executable binary.
1. Text substitution
The first can be easily done using the text/template package. You can either have the source templates as separate, individual files, or embedded in the main Go source (e.g. as consts).
You can build / parse the source code templates and get a Template with e.g. template.ParseFiles() or using template.New().Parse(). Once you have your template, assemble (e.g. load from file) the values you want to include in the source template and execute it e.g. with Template.Execute(). You have the final source now.
The text/template package gives you a powerful template engine which is capable to a lot more than just text substitution.
Note: There is also a Go parser implemented and available in the standard library at your disposal in the subpackages of go, but using the text/template package is much simpler and looks it's enough and perfectly fine for your case.
2. Compile
To compile the final source into an executable binary, you need the help of the compiler. You can use the os/exec package to invoke the compiler which will produce the binary. See the exec.Command() function to acquire a Cmd, and Cmd.Run() and Cmd.Start() to execute it.

How to user user input variables in Build file?

prompted for user entry by I'm new to ant and I was wondering if it would be possible to create a global variable in the build file so that I can use it repeatedly throughout the file itself.
For example, if the command were 'ant a', I would be able to use that value 'a' throughout the build file (for example in a file path i.e C:/test/a).
The reason I want to know how to do this is because there are multiple values like 'a' (lets say all the letters in the alphabet), and instead of copying and pasting the same code 26 times, I would be able to have 1 piece of code that takes different values (depending on what the user enters). In java you are able to have a variable storing the user input, and use that variable throughout the code (same idea here).
I tried searching for this but wasn't sure how to word it.
With the help of some people I managed to solve what I needed.
So I managed to use Input Task to kind of fix my problem. I prompted the user for an entry by using the following command:
Then I can just use the value entered by the user anywhere i want by simply writing ${}. For example in a file path "C:/go/to/${}"
Have a look at Ant properties and the property task used to set them. For example, you can define a property named prop1 and pass its value using ant -Dprop1=some_value.
A property is "global" since after defining it, any part of the buildfile can use it.

Load DLL with parameters

I need to delete every single function from my project (VB.Net) and place them in separate DLLs. For example, i have a function that creates a text file and appends text to it. I need a solution that will load my AppendToTextFile.DLL with params just like a function works.
At this time my function accepts two parameters like
AppendToTextFile("C:\test\textFile.txt", "text to be appended")
Does anyone know how to load a custom DLL with params like the function above?
Create your custom DLL.
Then add it as reference to your project.
Call you function and use it like this :
Dim mydll As New MyCustomeDll
mydll.AppendToTextFile("C:\test\textFile.txt", "text to be appended")
That's all.