Is it possible to format select asterisk still more? - sql-server-2005

I have a long table with 75 columns, I am entering test data and it is difficult to enter in the web form
I have already entered a row.
I want to copy it ten times in the table .
Insert into tbl01
select * from tbl01
code does not work because identity column is on, so I want to do like
Select * - (column1) from tbl01
I asked my colleague and she told she dont know that such a thing exists.!!!
Note: I dont want to do --
select col1, col2...till col 75

No, you can't do that.
In "Sql Server Management Studio", you can right click a table and select "Script table as" > "Insert to" to generate the column names for you.

You should be able to hack together some dynamic sql with the help of the sys.columns table.
DECLARE #cols varchar(max)
SELECT #cols = coalesce(#cols+',','')+[name]
FROM sys.columns
WHERE object_name(object_ID) = 'tbl01'
and [name] != 'column1'
DECLARE #query varchar(max)
SELECT #query=replace('insert into ([cols]) select [cols] from tbl01', '[cols]', #cols)
Though, to be honest, I'd use this only as another option to the SSMS "Script table as" function. You should really just create a some sql and save it somewhere for reuse.


Replace null by blank in select * statement

I have table which has 100 columns. I want to write select * from table and null column values should be replaced with blank. I don't want to include 100 columns in
my select statement and write:
from table
Check this out :
DECLARE #SchemaName VARCHAR(MAX)='dbo'
SELECT #ColumnList= ISNULL(#ColumnList+',','')+
where TABLE_NAME=#TableName
SELECT 'SELECT '+#ColumnList+' FROM ' +#SchemaName+'.'+#TableName
Well, you can go over all the suggestion above on SQL/script level, or change your design on your table to not allow NULL and with a default value to '' (In MSSQL, it will be ('')).
This way, when a new entry is inserted, that column will store the data/value '', not NULL.
And in this case, you can select * from table with "blank" in return instead of NULL.
You need to choose from script or table design, one way or another.
X/Y problem apart, to answer your specific question :
To write the query you can use a regular expression search & replace in your editor to avoid editing each line a hundred time.
Just select all the concerned lines with the columns names after the SELECT,
Open search and replace (Ctrl + H) for (\S+), and replace by ISNULL($1, ''),, with the regular expression mode activated in your favorite editor, and apply the replacement to the selection only.
Illustration in SSMS :
It works for instance in Visual Studio, in SQL Server Management Studio, in Notepad++, etc...
(provided there is no space in your column names, otherwise please leave a comment to specify how your column names are, and we can work out a quick solution)
The last line need to be edited manually, but you saved 99 editions anyway ;).
You should also be able to create a view, and then do SELECT on your view, this would reduce the need to write this only once (but not tested, and not sure if there could be performance issue in your usecase)

Get column from a table dynamically on basis of input parameter

I want to create a stored procedure in which I will pass an id and I want to select a column on basis of it.
Suppose my table has columns namely - id, theme1, theme2, theme3, theme4, theme5 etc.
I need a query which will select the column on basis of my input. Like if I pass id = 3 then it should give theme3 column as result.
Is there any way possible for this type of dynamic query?
Suppose my table has columns namely - id, theme1, theme2, theme3, theme4, theme5 etc.
If you can change this you really should...
Whenever you feel the need to set a number to a column's name (like Tel1, Tel2 or Theme1, Theme2) this is a very strong hint for a bad design...
If possible try something like
CREATE TABLE Theme(ThemeID INT IDENTITY, ForeignID INT, ThemeRank INT, ThemeName VARCHAR(100));
FROM YourTable AS yt
INNER JOIN Theme AS th ON yt.ForeignID=th.ForeignID AND ThemeRank=#passedInValue;
To answer your question: The only way to do this is dynamically created SQL and I would really not recommend it! This is a very bad approach...
UPDATE Just to be complete:
DECLARE #passedInId INT=3;
DECLARE #cmd VARCHAR(MAX)='SELECT Theme' + CAST(#passedInId AS VARCHAR(MAX)) + ' FROM YourTable WHERE ...';
This will create a SQL command dynamically and execute it. The problems are
no ad-hoc / inline approach
The usage of the retrieved result is - uhm - cumbersome...
I think this will help you,
Ordinal_Position will help you to find the column details
WHERE table_name = 'tbl_name'

How to select all the columns of a table except one column?

How to select all the columns of a table except one column?
I have nearly 259 columns I cant mention 258 columns in SELECT statement.
Is there any other way to do it?
You can use this approach to get the data from all the columns except one:-
Insert all the data into a temporary table
Then drop the column which you dont want from the temporary table
Fetch the data from the temporary table(This will not contain the data of the removed column)
Drop the temporary table
Something like this:
SELECT * INTO #TemporaryTable FROM YourTableName
ALTER TABLE #TemporaryTable DROP COLUMN Columnwhichyouwanttoremove
SELECT * FROM #TemporaryTable
DROP TABLE #TemporaryTable
Create a view. Yes, in the view creation statement, you will have to list
Then just select * from viewname after that.
This is not a generic solution, but some databases allow you to use regular expressions to specify the columns.
For instance, in the case of Hive, the following query selects all columns except ds and hr:
SELECT `(ds|hr)?+.+` FROM sales
You can get the column name details from sys.columns table
Try the following query:
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.TableName')
AND [Name] <> 'ColumnName'
DECLARE #sql as VARCHAR(8000)
SET #sql = 'SELECT '
SELECT #sql += [Name] + ', ' FROM SYS.COLUMNS
WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID('dbo.TableName')
AND [Name] <> 'ColumnName'
SELECT #sql += ' FROM Dbo.TableName'
I just wanted to echo #Luann's comment as I use this approach always.
Just right click on the table > Script table as > Select to > New Query window.
You will see the select query. Just take out the column you want to exclude and you have your preferred select query.
There are lot of options available , one of them is :
ALTER TABLE temp_tb DROP col_x;
SELECT * FROM temp_tb;
Here the col_x is the column which u dont want to include in select statement.
Take a look at this question : Select all columns except one in MySQL?
You can retrieve the list of column name by simple query and then remove those column by apply where query like this.
) AS allColumns
WHERE allColumns.COLUMN_NAME NOT IN ('unwantedCol1', 'unwantedCol2')
If you are using DataGrip you can do the following:
Enter your SELECT statement SELECT * FROM <your_table>;
Put your cursor over * and press Alt+Enter
You will get pop up menu with Expand column list option
Click on it and it will convert * with full list of columns
Now you can remove columns that you don't need
Here is a link for an example on how to do it.
Without creating new table you can do simply (e.g with mysqli):
get all columns
loop through all columns and remove wich you want
make your query
$r = mysqli_query('SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = table_to_query');
$c = count($r); while($c--) if($r[$c]['column_name'] != 'column_to_remove_from_query') $a[] = $r[$c]['column_name']; else unset($r[$c]);
$r = mysqli_query('SELECT ' . implode(',', $a) . ' FROM table_to_query');
Try the following query:
SET #Temp = '';
SET #SQL = 'SELECT ' + SUBSTRING(#Temp, 0, LEN(#Temp)) +' FROM [Person]';
In your case, expand columns of that database in the object explorer. Drag the columns in to the query area.
And then just delete one or two columns which you don't want and then run it. I'm open to any suggestions easier than this.
Only one way to achieve this giving column name. There is no other method found. You must have to list all column name

How to select some particular columns from a table if the table has more than 100 columns

I need to select 90 columns out of 107 columns from my table.
Is it possible to write select * except( column1,column2,..) from table or any other way to get specific columns only, or I need to write all the 90 columns in select statement?
You could generate the column list:
select name + ', '
from sys.columns
where object_id = object_id('YourTable')
and name not in ('column1', 'column2')
It's possible to do this on the fly with dynamic SQL:
declare #columns varchar(max)
select #columns = case when #columns is null then '' else #columns + ', ' end +
from sys.columns
where object_id = object_id('YourTable')
and name not in ('column1', 'column2')
declare #query varchar(max)
set #query = 'select ' + #columns + ' from YourTable'
exec (#query)
No, there's no way of doing * EXCEPT some columns. SELECT * itself should rarely, if ever, be used outside of EXISTS tests.
If you're using SSMS, you can drag the "columns" folder (under a table) from the Object Explorer into a query window, and it will insert all of the column names (so you can then go through them and remove the 17 you don't want)
There is no way in SQL to do select everything EXCEPT col1, col2 etc.
The only way to do this is to have your application handle this, and generate the sql query dynamically.
You could potentially do some dynamic sql for this, but it seems like overkill. Also it's generally considered poor practice to use SELECT *... much less SELECT * but not col3, col4, col5 since you won't get consistent results in the case of table changes.
Just use SSMS to script out a select statement and delete the columns you don't need. It should be simple.
No - you need to write all columns you need. You might create an view for that, so your actual statement could use select * (but then you have to list all columns in the view).
Since you should never be using select *, why is this a problem? Just drag the columns over from the Object Explorer and delete the ones you don't want.

SQL query like filter

I need to execute a search query in SQL Server where I need to filter out data based upon an user input textfield.
The problem is, this query needs to be executed on several tables (so I only know the tablecolumns at runtime).
This is the query I have:
SELECT * FROM [BTcegeka.C2M].[dbo].[Lookup_Country] WHERE Name LIke '%test%'
Now the problem is I need to do the Like function on every column (I only know the columnname at runtime) in the table. I am calling this query from an ASP.NET website. The user selects a table from a dropdownlist and can then enter the search field.
This is what I really want to accomplish:
SELECT * FROM [BTcegeka.C2M].[dbo].[Lookup_Country] WHERE * LIke '%test%'
Obviously 'Where * Like' Fails. How can I accomplish this?
You can query all columns in a table like:
select name from sys.columns where object_id = object_id('YourTable')
Then you can construct a query that does a like for each column.
Another approach is to create a calculated column called SearchField that contains a concatenation of all strings you'd like to search for. Then you can search like:
create table #tmp (id int identity, col1 varchar(10), col2 varchar(10),
SearchField as col1 + '|' + col2 persisted)
insert #tmp (col1, col2) values
('alfa', 'beta'),
('gamma', 'DELTA'),
('GAMMA', 'delta')
select * from #tmp where SearchField like '%alfa%'
Try using your SQL query like this.
SELECT * FROM [BTcegeka.C2M].[dbo].[Lookup_Country]
COL1 LIke '%test%'
OR COL2 LIke '%test%'
OR COL3 LIke '%test%'
You may use AND instead of OR if your requirement needs that.
If you know the column names at run time, then you should build you query in .NET before passing it to sql. You can build it with the correct column name. This way you can account also for the type of the column you search in.
Careful though this path you chose is prone to SQL injection so before sending a query to the SQL you should check it.
If you really need to do this you can search in sqlserver meta tables and find the description of selected user table. Make a good use of this data is easy and you can make any sql you want with this information, but performance may not the that good
you have to use dynamic sql for implementing this. Your column name needs to be passed as parameter to this stored procedure or if you dont want to create stored procedure just declare one paramter and assign the value selected from the drop down list to it and use that in the query.
create procedure sp_dynamicColumn
#columnName varchar(10)
declare #DYNAMICSQL nvarchar(4000);
SET #DYNAMICSQL = 'Select * from [BTcegeka.C2M].[dbo].[Lookup_Country] where '+ #columnName + ' like ''%test%'''