What's the scoping rule for temporary tables within exec within stored procedures? - sql

Compare the following stored procedures:
SELECT * INTO #temp FROM information_schema.tables
EXEC('SELECT * INTO #temp FROM information_schema.tables')
Now, if I run testProc1, it works, and #temp seems to only exist for the duration of that call. However, testProc2 doesn't seem to work at all, since I get an Invalid object name '#temp' error message instead.
Why the distinction, and how can I use a temp table to SELECT * INTO if the source table name is a parameter to the stored procedure and can have arbitrary structure?
Note that I'm using Microsoft SQL Server 2005.

From BOL:
Local temporary tables are visible
only in the current session... ...
Temporary tables are automatically
dropped when they go out of scope,
unless explicitly dropped using DROP
The distinction between your first and second procedures is that in the first, the table is defined in the same scope that it is selected from; in the second, the EXEC() creates the table in its own scope, so the select fails in this case...
However, note that the following works just fine:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[testProc3]
SELECT * INTO #temp FROM information_schema.tables
And it works because the scope of EXEC is a child of the scope of the stored procedure. When the table is created in the parent scope, it also exists for any of the children.
To give you a good solution, we'd need to know more about the problem that you're trying to solve... but, if you simply need to select from the created table, performing the select in the child scope works just fine:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[testProc4]
EXEC('SELECT * INTO #temp FROM information_schema.tables; SELECT * FROM #temp')

You could try using a global temp table (named ##temp not #temp). However be aware that other connections can see this table as well.


How to keep temporary table after running stored procedure?

I know the temporary table will be deleted after the connection is lost. But within that connection, I want to do something like
EXEC test;
#Final is the temporary table created in the stored procedure. The stored procedure needs 30 seconds, and I want to check my #final without running stored procedure again.
If I run the script in that stored procedure, the #final can be reused in the connection. But how to use it after the EXEC test?
So, except for creating a real table, is it possible to SELECT * FROM #Final after EXEC test? If no, I'll use real table instead. Thanks!
Then you don't want a temporary table. Use either a global temporary table (##final) or a real table.
Then delete the results after you run the procedure.
I should note that the stored procedure can return a result set which you can insert into a table, using exec().
Use a global temporary Table
create proc demo as
select * into ##temptable from original_table
exec demo;
select * from ##temptable

There is already an object named '#DIR_Cat' in the database

In my Stored procedure, I have added a command to create a hash temp table #DIR_CAT. But every time I execute the procedure I get this error:
"There is already an object named '#DIR_Cat' in the database."
Even when I have already created an Exists clause at the start of SP to check and drop the table if it is present. Any help is much appreciated.
The code goes like this.
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'#DIR_Cat') )
drop table #DIR_Cat
/* some lines of code*/
/* some lines of code*/
INSERT #DIR_Cat exec (#stmt)
/* some lines of code*/
drop table #DIR_Cat
Main issue is you're not fully qualifying your objects. Your temp table lives in tempdb, whereas the system views use whatever database you're currently connected to by default. So essentially you're looking for the temp table, but you're looking in whatever database your currently connected to (which I'm guessing is not tempdb).
I'm assuming you're using SQL Server here, although you did also mention mysql in the tags. If that's what you're using, this code may not apply.
Here's the snippet I use for temp table drop/create
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#<TableName, sysname, >') is not null drop table #<TableName, sysname, >
create table #<TableName, sysname, >
Side note, don't use dbo.sysobjects. That's a really old compatibility view. If you want to use objects, use sys.objects instead.
temp table does not exists in local DB sys.objects, it is in tempdb
you need to query tempb.sys.objects
the name of the temp table does not appear exactly as it is in the tempdb.sys.objects.
You can't query it just like
select *
from tempdb.sys.objects
where name = '#DIR_Cat' -- This does not works
you need to use object_id()
select *
from tempdb.sys.objects
where object_id = object_id('tempdb..#DIR_Cat')

sp_executesql with user defined table type not working with two databases [duplicate]

I'm using SQL Server 2008.
How can I pass Table Valued parameter to a Stored procedure across different Databases, but same server?
Should I create the same table type in both databases?
Please, give an example or a link according to the problem.
Thanks for any kind of help.
In response to this comment (if I'm correct and that using TVPs between databases isn't possible):
What choice do I have in this situation? Using XML type?
The purist approach would be to say that if both databases are working with the same data, they ought to be merged into a single database. The pragmatist realizes that this isn't always possible - but since you can obviously change both the caller and callee, maybe just use a temp table that both stored procs know about.
I don't believe it's possible - you can't reference a table type from another database, and even with identical type definitions in both DBs, a value of one type isn't assignable to the other.
You don't pass the temp table between databases. A temp table is always stored in tempdb, and is accessible to your connection, so long as the connection is open and the temp table isn't dropped.
So, you create the temp table in the caller:
CREATE TABLE #Values (ID int not null,ColA varchar(10) not null)
/* Whatever you do to populate the table */
EXEC OtherDB..OtherProc
And then in the callee:
/* No parameter passed */
SELECT * from #Values
Table UDTs are only valid for stored procs within the same database.
So yes you would have to create the type on each server and reference it in the stored procs - e.g. just run the first part of this example in both DBs http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb510489.aspx.
If you don't need the efficency you can always use other methods - i.e. pass an xml document parameter or have the s.p. expect a temp table with the input data.
Edit: added example
create database Test1
create database Test2
use Test1
create type PersonalMessage as TABLE
(Message varchar(50))
create proc InsertPersonalMessage #Message PersonalMessage READONLY AS
select * from #Message
use Test2
create type PersonalMessage as TABLE
(Message varchar(50))
create proc InsertPersonalMessage #Message PersonalMessage READONLY AS
select * from #Message
use Test1
declare #mymsg PersonalMessage
insert #mymsg select 'oh noes'
exec InsertPersonalMessage #mymsg
use Test2
declare #mymsg2 PersonalMessage
insert #mymsg2 select 'oh noes'
exec InsertPersonalMessage #mymsg2
Disadvantage is that there are two copies of the data.
But you would be able to run the batch against each database simultaneously.
Whether this is any better than using a table table is really down to what processing/data sizes you have - btw to use a temp table from an s.p. you just access it from the s.p. code (and it fails if it doesn't exist).
Another way to solve this (though not necessarily the correct way) is to only utilize the UDT as a part of a dynamic SQL call.
USE [db1]
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_Db2Data_Sync]
* Presumably, you have some other logic here that requires this sproc to live in db1.
* Maybe it's how you get your identifier?
USE [db2]
DECLARE #db2tvp tableType
SELECT dataColumn1
FROM db2.dbo.tblData td
WHERE td.Id = ' + CAST(#YourIdentifierHere AS VARCHAR) '
EXEC db2.dbo.sp_BulkData_Sync #db2tvp
It's definitely not a purist approach, and it doesn't work for every use case, but it is technically an option.

Passing temp table from one execution to another

I want to pass a temp table from one execution path to another one nested in side it
What I have tried is this:
SET #SQLQuery = '
--populate #tempTable with values
EXECUTE('SELECT TOP (100) * FROM ' + tempdb..#tempTable)
EXECUTE sp_executesql #SQLQuery
but it fails with this error message:
Incorrect syntax near 'tempdb'
Is there a another\better way to pass temporary table between execution contexts?
You can create a global temp table using the ##tablename syntax (double hash). The difference is explained on the TechNet site:
There are two types of temporary tables: local and global. They differ from each other in their names, their visibility, and their availability. Local temporary tables have a single number sign (#) as the first character of their names; they are visible only to the current connection for the user, and they are deleted when the user disconnects from the instance of SQL Server. Global temporary tables have two number signs (##) as the first characters of their names; they are visible to any user after they are created, and they are deleted when all users referencing the table disconnect from the instance of SQL Server.
For example, if you create the table employees, the table can be used by any person who has the security permissions in the database to use it, until the table is deleted. If a database session creates the local temporary table #employees, only the session can work with the table, and it is deleted when the session disconnects. If you create the global temporary table ##employees, any user in the database can work with this table. If no other user works with this table after you create it, the table is deleted when you disconnect. If another user works with the table after you create it, SQL Server deletes it after you disconnect and after all other sessions are no longer actively using it.
If a temporary table is created with a named constraint and the temporary table is created within the scope of a user-defined transaction, only one user at a time can execute the statement that creates the temp table. For example, if a stored procedure creates a temporary table with a named primary key constraint, the stored procedure cannot be executed simultaneously by multiple users.
The next suggestion may be even more helpful:
Many uses of temporary tables can be replaced with variables that have the table data type. For more information about using table variables, see table (Transact-SQL).
Your temp table will be visible inside the dynamic sql with no problem. I am not sure if you are creating the temp table inside the dynamic sql or before.
Here it is with the table created BEFORE the dynamic sql.
create table #Temp(SomeValue varchar(10))
insert #Temp select 'made it'
exec sp_executesql N'select * from #Temp'
The reason for your syntax error is that you are doing an unnecessary EXECUTE inside an EXECUTE, and you didn't escape the nested single-quote. This would be the correct way to write it:
SET #SQLQuery='
--populate #tempTable with values
SELECT TOP 100 * FROM tempdb..#tempTable'
However, I have a feeling that the syntax error is only the beginning of your problems. Impossible to tell what you're ultimately trying to do here, only seeing this much of the code, though.
Your quotations are messed up. Try:
SET #SQLQuery='
--populate #tempTable with values
EXECUTE(''SELECT TOP 100 * FROM '' + tempdb..#tempTable + '') '

Select Values From SP And Temporary Tables

I have a Stored Procedure in MSSQL 2008, inside of this i've created a Temporary Table, and then i executed several inserts into the temporary Table.
How can i select all the columns of the Temporary Table outside the stored procedure? I Mean, i have this:
--Varchar And Numeric Values goes here
/*Several Select's and Insert's against the Temporary Table*/
In another Query i'm doing this:
sp_configure 'Show Advanced Options', 1
sp_configure 'Ad Hoc Distributed Queries', 1
Integrated Security=SSPI',
But i get this error:
Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Procedure LIST_CLIENTS, Line 43
Invalid object name '#CLIENT'.
I've tried with Global Temporary Tables and It doesn't work.
I know that is the scope of the temporary table, but, how can i get the table outside the scope of the SP?
Thanks in advance
I think there is something deeper going on here.
One idea is to use a table variable inside the stored procedure instead of a #temp table (I have to assume you're using SQL Server 2005+ but it's always nice to state this up front). And use OPENQUERY instead of OPENROWSET. This works fine for me:
USE tempdb;
INSERT #x VALUES(1),(2);
INTO #client
[loopback linked server name],
'EXEC tempdb.dbo.proc_x'
) AS y;
SELECT * FROM #client;
DROP TABLE #client;
DROP PROCEDURE dbo.proc_x;
Another idea is that perhaps the error is occurring even without using SELECT INTO. Does the stored procedure reference the #CLIENT table in any dynamic SQL, for example? Does it work when you call it on its own or when you just say SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET instead of SELECT INTO? Obviously, if you are working with the #temp table in dynamic SQL you're going to have the same kind of scope issue working with a #table variable in dynamic SQL.
At the very least, name your outer #temp table something other than #CLIENT to avoid confusion - then at least nobody has to guess which #temp table is not being referenced correctly.
Since the global temp table failed, use a real table, run this when you start your create script and drop the temp table once you are done to make sure.
IF OBJECT_ID('dbo.temptable', 'U') IS NOT NULL
DROP TABLE dbo.temptable
CREATE TABLE dbo.temptable
( ... )
You need to run the two queries within the same connection and use a global temp table.
In SQL Server 2008 you can declare User-Defined Table Types which represent the definition of a table structure. Once created you can create table parameters within your procs and pass them a long and be able to access the table in other procs.
I guess the reason for such behavior is that when you call OPENROWSET from another server it firstly and separately requests the information about procedure output structure (METADATA). And the most interesting thing is that this output structure is taken from the first SELECT statement found in the procedure. Moreover, if the SELECT statement follows the IF-condition the METADATA request ignores this IF-condition, because there is no need to run the whole procedure - the first met SELECT statement is enough. (By the way, to switch off that behavior, you can include SET FMTONLY OFF in the beginning of your procedure, but this might increase the procedure execution time).
The conclusions:
— when the METADATA is being requested from a temp table (created in a procedure) it does not actually exists, because the METADATA request does not actually run the procedure and create the temp table.
— if a temp table can be replaced with a table variable it solves the problem
— if it is vital for the business to use temp table, the METADATA request can be fed with fake first SELECT statement, like:
declare #t table(ID int, Name varchar(15));
if (0 = 1) select ID, Name from #t; -- fake SELECT statement
create table #T (ID int, Name varchar(15));
select ID, Name from #T; -- real SELECT statement
— and one more thing is to use a common trick with FMTONLY (that is not my idea) :
declare #fmtonlyOn bit = 0;
if 1 = 0 set #fmtonlyOn = 1;
set fmtonly off;
create table #T (ID int, Name varchar(15));
if #fmtonlyOn = 1 set fmtonly on;
select ID, Name from #T;
The reason you're getting the error is because the temp table #Client was not declared before you ran the procedure to insert into it. If you declare the table, then execute the list proc and use direct insert -