ActiveMQ 5.5: Not able to get the DLQ_DELIVERY_FAILURE_CAUSE_PROPERTY value - activemq

I am not able to get the reason of exception from the message that is in the DLQ.
These are the steps i have followed:-
Message is sent to a 'Sample' Queue.
The Message Listener throws a Runtime Exception in the onMessage Function.(throw new RuntimeException("Exception Reason Test");)
The message goes to the DLQ.
I am trying to access the Exception reason via two approaches(i pass the DLQ Name and the JMS Message ID in both):-
Spring JMSTemplate browseSelected function
JMX QueueViewMBean browse function via the composite data map
Map datamap = (Map)dataMap.get("StringProperties");
In both cases i am getting a null value for the property DLQ_DELIVERY_FAILURE_CAUSE_PROPERTY.
Please help.


Handling PENDING messages from Redis Stream with Spring Data Redis

When using StreamMessageListenerContainer a subscription for a consumer group can be created by calling:
receive(consumer, readOffset, streamListener)
Is there a way to configure the container/subscription so that it will always attempt to re-process any PENDING messages before moving on to polling for new messages?
The goal would be to keep retrying any message that wasn't acknowledged until it succeeds, to ensure that the stream of events is always processed in exactly the order it was produced.
My understanding is if we specify the readOffset as '>' then on every poll it will use '>' and it will never see any messages from the PENDING list.
If we provide a specific message id, then it can see messages from the PENDING list, but the way the subscription updates the lastMessageId is like this:
V record = convertRecord(raw);
So even if the listener throws an exception, or just doesn't acknowledge the message id, the lastMessageId in pollState is still updated to this message id and won't be seen again on the next poll.

Camunda - Intermedia message event cannot correlate to a single execution

I created a small application (Spring Boot and camunda) to process an order process. The Order-Service receives the new order via Rest and calls the Start Event of the BPMN Order workflow. The order process contains two asynchronous JMS calls (Customer check and Warehouse Stock check). If both checks return the order process should continue.
The Start event is called within a Spring Rest Controller:
ProcessInstance processInstance =
runtimeService.startProcessInstanceByKey("orderService", String.valueOf(order.getId()));
The Send Task (e.g. the customer check) sends the JMS message into a asynchronous queue.
The answer of this service is catched by a another Spring component which then trys to send an intermediate message:
.setVariable("resultOrderCheckCustomterCredibility", response)
I deactivated the warehouse service to see if the order process waits for the arrival of the second call, but instead I get this exception:
1115 06:33:08.564 WARN [o.c.b.e.jobexecutor] ENGINE-14006 Exception while executing job 67d2cc24-0769-11ea-933a-d89ef3425300:
org.springframework.messaging.MessageHandlingException: nested exception is org.camunda.bpm.engine.MismatchingMessageCorrelationException: ENGINE-13031 Cannot correlate a message with name 'msgReceiveCheckCustomerCredibility' to a single execution. 4 executions match the correlation keys: CorrelationSet [businessKey=1, processInstanceId=null, processDefinitionId=null, correlationKeys=null, localCorrelationKeys=null, tenantId=null, isTenantIdSet=false]
This is my process. I cannot see a way to post my bpmn file :-(
What can't it not correlate with the message name and the business key? The JMS queues are empty, there are other messages with the same businessKey waiting.
Just to narrow the problem: Do a runtimeService eventSubscription query before you try to correlate and check what subscriptions are actually waiting .. maybe you have a duplicate message name? Maybe you (accidentally) have another instance of the same process running? Once you identified the subscriptions, you could just notify the execution directly without using the correlation builder ...

rq catching error and pushing to failed queue

I am using python-rq and redis to pass the domain names and get the links from the domain.
for link in [h.get('href') for h in self.soup.find_all('a')]:
--code goes here--
except Exception, ex:
print ex
Whenever i run the code and any exception is caught, instead of printing and ignoring that domain it is pushed to failed queue. But in the console rq does not print pushing to failed queue.
The links are getting updated in the db but still the domain is getting pushed in the failed queue. And the count of failed queue is more than the default queue (total number of domains passed).
Why is this happening? Please help

Unable to retrieve header field SenderCompID , 142 from de-serialized Quickfixj Quote messase

Our FIX Engine implemented in QuickfixJ send the received quote message in the quote session to another application listening on JMS queue for further processing like persistig to DB.
The message serialized and de-serialized using Apache serializationUtils.
The problem is, the application throws FieldNotFound error when it attempts to retrieve SenderCompId header field from the de-serialized message.
setSenderlocid(header.getField(new SenderLocationID()).toString())
quickfix.FieldNotFound: Field [142] was not found in message.
at quickfix.FieldMap.getField(
at quickfix.FieldMap.getFieldInternal(
at quickfix.FieldMap.getField(
Does serialization work with QuickFixJ messages?

get queuename on activemq server to push message

I have got 10 queues on activemq server.
I have producer which want to push messages on one of the queue (the producer will select the queue randomly run time to put message on queue), how can I pass destination name in createProducer method.
I understand that I need to pass an object of type Destination. the producer would know the queues name on the server. Is it possible to pass (or convert) a string to Destination object type and pass that to createproducer method.
If I understand your problem correctly;
If you're running Java and have a valid session, you could use Session.createQueue();
// Create a Destination using the queue name
Destination destination = session.createQueue("queue name");
// Create a MessageProducer from the Session to the Queue
MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer(destination);
Here is a complete example of doing this at the Apache site.