Bitmap while assigning height width crashes -

Dim objBmpImage AS Bitmap = New Bitmap(9450, 6750)
On execution of above line of code application crashes - Argument Exception- Parameter is not valid.
Please advice.

I think this bitmap requires a huge contiguous unmanaged memory to store the bitmap bits.
More than what is available for your process. So its one way of saying the size you want is not supported. Try reducing and it would work.

Dim objBmpImage AS Bitmap = New Bitmap(objYourOriginBmpImage, New Size(9450, 6750))
You are using the name objBmpImage thrice and in the wrong context.

U r using the same object in the bitmap constructor before its actually being created. Try passing an already existing bitmap to the constructor.

You're bitmap is too large to process (I think you will hit a 2GB limit).
Try processing it in smaller chunks and merging files together if necessary.


Buffer Not Large enough for pixel

I am trying to get a bitmap From byte array
val bitmap_tmp =
Bitmap.createBitmap(height, width, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)
val buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(decryptedText)
I am facing a error in the below line :
The Error Reads As:
java.lang.RuntimeException: Buffer not large enough for pixels
I have tried Different Solutions found on stack Like Add the line before error but still it crashes:
However the Weird part is the same code at a different place for the same image [Same image with same dimensions] get perfectly functioned and I get the bitmap but here it crashes.
How do I solve this?
Thanks in Adv
The error message makes it sound like the buffer you're copying from isn't large enough, like it needs to contain at least as many bytes as necessary to overwrite every pixel in your bitmap (which has a set size and pixel config).
The documentation for the method doesn't make it clear, but here's the source for the Bitmap class, and in that method:
if (bufferBytes < bitmapBytes) {
throw new RuntimeException("Buffer not large enough for pixels");
So yeah, you can't partially overwrite the bitmap, you need enough data to fill it. And if you check the source, that depends on the buffer's current position and limit (it's not just its capacity, it's how much data is remaining to be read).
If it works elsewhere, I'm guessing decryptedText is different there, or maybe you're creating your Bitmap with a different Bitmap.Config (like ARGB_8888 requires 4 bytes per pixel)

FileStream faster way to read and write big file

I have a speed problem and memory efficiency, I'm reading the cutting the big chunk of bytes from the .bin files then writing it in another file, the problem is that to read the file i need to create a huge byte array for it:
Dim data3(endOFfile) As Byte ' end of file is here around 270mb size
Using fs As New FileStream(path, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None)
fs.Seek(startOFfile, SeekOrigin.Begin)
fs.Read(data3, 0, endOFfile)
End Using
Using vFs As New FileStream(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop) & "\test.bin", FileMode.Create) 'save
vFs.Write(data3, 0, endOFfile)
End Using
so it takes a long time to procedure, what's the more efficient way to do it?
Can I somehow read and write in the same file stream without using a bytes array?
I've never done it this way but I would think that the Stream.CopyTo method should be the easiest method and as quick as anything.
Using inputStream As New FileStream(...),
outputStream As New FileStream(...)
End Using
I'm not sure whether that overload will read all the data in one go or use a default buffer size. If it's the former or you want to specify a buffer size other than the default, there's an overload for that:
inputStream.CopyTo(outputStream, bufferSize)
You can experiment with different buffer sizes to see whether it makes a difference to performance. Smaller is better for memory usage but I would expect bigger to be faster, at least up to a point.
Note that the CopyTo method requires at least .NET Framework 4.0. If you're executing this code on the UI thread, you might like to call CopyToAsync instead, to avoid freezing the UI. The same two overloads are available, plus a third that accepts a CancellationToken. I'm not going to teach you how to use Async/Await here, so research that yourself if you want to go that way. Note that CopyToAsync requires at least .NET Framework 4.5.

Storing bitmap data in an integer array for speed?

I am using Cocoa/Objective-C and I am using NSBitmapImageRep getPixel:atX:y: to test whether R is 0 or 255. That is the only piece of data I need (the bitmap is only black and white).
I am noticing that this one function is the biggest draw on CPU power in my application, accounting for something like 95% of the overhead. Would it be faster for me to preload the bitmap into a 2 dimensional integer array
NSUInteger pixels[1280][1024];
and read the values like so:
// stuff
One thing that might be helpful could be converting the data into something more "dense". Since you're only interested in a single bit per pixel location, it doesn't make sense to store more than that. Storing more data than necessary means you get less usage out of your cache, which can really slow things down if the image is big and/or the accesses very random.
For instance, you could use the platform's largest "native" integer and pack in the pixels to use a single bit for each pixel. That will make the access a bit more involved since you need to do a single-bit testing, but it might be a win.
You would do something like this:
uint32_t image[HEIGHT * ((WIDTH + 31) / 32)];
Then initialize this array by using the slow getter method, once per pixel. Then you can read out the value of a pixel using something like image[y * ((WIDTH + 31) / 32) + (x / 32)] & (1 << (x & 31)).
I'm being vague ("might", "can" and so on) since it really depends on your access pattern, the size of the image, and other things. You should probably test it.
I'm not familiar with Objective-C or the NSBitmapImageRep object, but a reasonable guess is that the getPixel routine employs clipping to avoid reading outside of memory, which could a possible slowdown (among other things).
Have a look inside it and see what it does.
Having learnt that this is Apple code, you probably can't take a look inside it.
However, the documentation for NSBitmapImageRep_Class seems to indicate that getPixel:atX:y: performs at least some type magic. You could test if the result is clipped by accessing a pixel outside of the image boundary and observing the result.
The bitmapData seems to be something you'd be interested in: get the pointer to the data, then read the array yourself avoiding type conversion or clipping.

Do Arrays take up space even without values in them in .net?

I have a program in that uses a 3D array:
Private gridList(10, 900, 900) As GridElement
Now, I just used a Memory Profiler on it (because my application is having some major leak issues or something) and apparently, this array (containing at the moment of testing 0-30 elements at one time) is using 94% of the memory currently in use by my application. Even when it is empty it takes up huge amounts of memory.
My only assumption is that even empty arrays take up space! This puts a major blow into my plans!
My Question:
Is there any alternative to this that allows me to still have the same abilities to map
i.g. I've been using it like this:
Dim cGE as GridElement = gridList(3, 5, 7)
but doesn't hog up so much memory for things that aren't using memory?
Do Arrays take up space even without values in them in .net?
No. But your array has values in it. And hence takes up space.
To avoid keeping a lot of elements in memory when you only access a few of all the possible elements, you need to use a so-called sparse array. In .NET, this is easiest implemented via a Dictionary, where the key in your case would be a three-element structure*, and the value would be a GridElement.
* If you’re using an up-to-date version of .NET, then you can model this via a Tuple(Of Integer, Integer, Integer)

Object Array to Byte Array - Marshal.AllocHGlobal Fragmentation query

I didn't think it fair to post a comment on Fredrik Mörk's answer in this 2 year old post, so I thought I'd just ask it as a new question instead...
NB: This is not a critiscm of the answer in any way, I'm simply trying to understand this all before delving into memory management / the marshal class.
In that answer, the function GetByteArray allocates memory to each object within the given array, within a loop.
Would the GetByteArray function on the aforementioned post have benefited at all from allocating memory for the total size of the provided array:
Dim arrayBufferPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(<arrayElement>) * <array>.Count)
I just wonder if allocating the memory, as shown in the answer, causes any kind of fragmentation? Assuming there may be fragmentation, would there be much of an impact to be concerned with? Would allocating the memory in the way I've shown force you to call IntPtr.ToInt## to obtain pointer offsets from the overall allocation pointer, and therefore force you to check the underlying architecture to ensure the correct method is used*1 or is there a better way? (ToInt32/ToInt64 depending on x86/64?)
*1 I read elsewhere that calling the wrong IntPtr.ToInt## will cause overflow exceptions. What I mean by that statement is would I use:
Dim anOffsetPtr As New IntPtr(arrayBufferPtr.ToInt## + (loopIndex * <arrayElementSize>))
I've read through a few articles on the VB.Net Marshal class and memory allocation; listed below, but if you know fo any other good articles I'm all ears!
My favourite so far:
It is possible to allocate unmanaged memory for the whole array, and then copy every array element with SizeOf(arrayElement)*loopIndex offset. It is better to use appropriate ToInt32/ToInt64 method, according to the current platform, like:
Dim anOffsetPtr
if arrayBufferPtr.Size = 4 then
anOffsetPtr = New IntPtr(arrayBufferPtr.ToInt32() + (loopIndex * arrayElementSize))
anOffsetPtr = New IntPtr(arrayBufferPtr.ToInt64() + (loopIndex * arrayElementSize))