transfer interfaces from delphi dll to -

I have a Delphi written DLL that exposes some interfaces to a application.
The interfaces inherit from IUnknown (but this could be changed if required), simplified example:
IWindow = interface(IUnknown)
function GetCaption(var Caption: PChar): HRESULT; stdcall;
Same interface in application:
<ComImport(), Guid("E9A11D0B-8A05-4CBA-83FA-C5CC6818DF6E"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)>
Public Interface IWindow
ReadOnly Property Caption() As <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)> String
End Interface
This all works ok.
Now I want to transfer a collection of IWindow to, and in the application I want to be able to loop through it with a for in loop.
I read that it's possible using IEnumerable/IEnumerator but I don't quite understand how to implement them. Are there any good tutorials about this, specifically showing the declarations on both side? Example code would be great.
Please note that I prefer not create a com dll that should be registered and imported. Currently I export a function that enabled me to obtain an interface.

I have got a solution working, but I am not entirely happy with it. I am placing it here as an answer, hopefully comments of other people may improve it or (even better) a better answer will be placed.
I found that the Delphi's declaration (Delphi 2010) of IEnumerator and IEnumerable are not using the stdcall calling convention so I declared them like this:
IEnumerator = interface(IInterface)
function MoveNext: Boolean; safecall;
function GetCurrent: IWindow; safecall;
function Reset: HResult; stdcall;
IEnumerable = interface(IInterface)
function GetEnumerator(var Enumerator: IEnumerator): HRESULT; stdcall;
My collection interface inherits from IEnumerable (but has it's own GUID):
IWindows = interface(IEnumerable)
The class implements IEnumerable, IEnumerator and IEnumVariant. I think that I can remove IEnumerator but I need to do more testing before I can confirm.
TIWindows = class(TInterfacedObject, IWindows, IEnumerable, IEnumVariant)
On the VB.NET side it looks like this:
<ComImport(), Guid("D9174D5A-4946-4E5A-95B1-2CD521C3BF73"), InterfaceType(ComInterfaceType.InterfaceIsIUnknown)>
Public Interface IWindows
Inherits IEnumerable
Shadows Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator
End Interface
I had to override GetEnumerator because if I don't I get a null reference exception and on the Delphi side GetEnumerator() is never called (VMT offset problem?).
The calling code:
Dim Windows As IWindows
Dim Window As IWindow
Windows = Session.TopLevelWindows
For Each Window In Windows
TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text & Window.Caption
Catch ex As Exception
' Handle Exception
End Try
The Dim Windows as IWindow is required to make it work, without it I get the error: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
I tried to use generic in side:
Shadows Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator(Of IDNKWindow)
But it gives the error: Cannot marshal 'return value': Generic types cannot be marshaled.


From A Method With In The Class Return An Instance Of The Class As An Interface Type That The Class Implements

what I'm trying to archive with the code below is to have the GetInstance generic function take in an interface type that SystemVars implements (say IAuthentication) then create an instance of SystemVars and return it as interface type T.
The problem I an having is that no matter what casting method I try I can't find a way to return the new instance of SystemVars as T. The line in the GetInstance method Return <CastingFunction>(New SystemVars,T) always fails to compile with the error message saying Value of type SystemVars cannot be converted to 'T'.
How do I return the instance of the class as the interface type that was passed into T?
Imports System.Drawing
Public Class SystemVars
Implements IAuthentication,
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetInstance(Of T)() As T
Return DirectCast(New SystemVars, T)
End Function
Public ReadOnly Property Username As String _
Implements IAuthentication.Username,
Return _userName
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Rolls As List(Of String) _
Implements IAuthorization.Rolls
Return _rolls
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property InstallationId As Guid _
Implements IAuthentication.InstallationId,
Return _installationId
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property MainWindowStartUpPlacement As Rectangle _
Implements IApplicationStarting.MainWindowStartUpPlacement
Return _mainWindowStartUpPlacement
End Get
End Property
Private Shared _userName As String
Private Shared _rolls As List(Of String)
Private Shared _installationId As Guid
Private Shared _mainWindowStartUpPlacement As Rectangle
End Class
You can make an otherwise illegal cast work by passing through Object.
Public Shared Function GetInstance(Of T)() As T
Return DirectCast(CObj(New SystemVars), T)
End Function
You will get a runtime error if the cast isn't possible; as noted in the comments, this strategy is chucking type safety out the window and basically telling the compiler, "Don't bother me, I know what I'm doing." The runtime will throw an InvalidCastException on failure if you don't test and throw yourself. You can test using Type.IsAssignableFrom if you want to create a more developer-friendly error message; there isn't much context available in the debugger at the point of failure, though it may be pretty obvious if you look up the call stack.
For just three interfaces, it might be better to do three separate specific functions rather than a generic version, especially considering that the functions are necessarily Shared (and thus can't themselves be part of an interface).
You might also consider a design that includes a Dependency Injection container. In this kind of design, there would be a configuration step that would associate the interfaces with SystemVars as the implementation, then the client would ask the container for an instance of the interface and receive a SystemVars object.
The rough way that the three options (the third being to cast the SystemVars object to the requested interface) would look in code is:
'Casting a received object to a requested interface
Dim asInterface = DirectCast(SystemVars.GetInstance(), IAuthorization)
'Using a custom casting function on SystemVars
Dim asInterface = SystemVars.GetInstance(Of IAuthorization)
'Using a DI container
'Behavior if the interface isn't supported depends on the container
Dim asInterface = container.GetInstance(Of IAuthorization)
Note that TryCast could be used instead of DirectCast, in which case the result would be Nothing if the interface isn't supported.

Can a CodeAnalysis return a false positive of CA2202? or is really something wrong with my code?

I'm suffering the same issue explained here but iterating a EnvDTE.Processes.
In the question that I linked the user #Plutonix affirms it is a false warning, and I think him reffers to the obj.Getenumerator() mention so I assume my problem will be considered a false warning too, however, if this is a false warning I would like to know more than an affirmation, the arguments to say it is a false warning.
This is the warning:
CA2202 Do not dispose objects multiple times Object
'procs.GetEnumerator()' can be disposed more than once in method
'DebugUtil.GetCurrentVisualStudioInstance()'. To avoid generating a
System.ObjectDisposedException you should not call Dispose more than
one time on an object.: Lines:
214 Elektro.Application.Debugging DebugUtil.vb 214
This is the code, procs object is the involved one on the warning, but I don't see any disposable object:
Public Shared Function GetCurrentVisualStudioInstance() As DTE2
Dim currentInstance As DTE2 = Nothing
Dim processName As String = Process.GetCurrentProcess.MainModule.FileName
Dim instances As IEnumerable(Of DTE2) = DebugUtil.GetVisualStudioInstances
Dim procs As EnvDTE.Processes
For Each instance As DTE2 In instances
procs = instance.Debugger.DebuggedProcesses
For Each p As EnvDTE.Process In procs
If (p.Name = processName) Then
currentInstance = instance
Exit For
End If
Next p
Next instance
Return currentInstance
End Function
PS: Note that the code-block depends on other members but they are unrelevant for this question.
Short version: this looks like a bug in the Code Analysis component to me.
Long version (hey, you suckered me into spending the better part of my afternoon and evening deciphering this, so you might as well spend a little time reading about it :) )…
The first thing I did was look at the IL. Contrary to my guess, it did not contain multiple calls to Dispose() on the same object. So much for that theory.
The method did, however, contain two separate calls to Dispose(), just on different objects. By this time, I was already convinced this was a bug. I've seen mention of CA2202 being triggered when dealing with related classes where one class instance "owns" an instance of the other class, and both instances are disposed. While inconvenient and worth suppressing, the warning seems valid in those cases; one of the objects really is getting disposed of twice.
But in this case, I had two separate IEnumerator objects; one did not own, nor was even related to, the other. Disposing one would not dispose the other. Thus, Code Analysis was wrong to warn about it. But what specifically was confusing it?
After much experimentation, I came up with this near-minimal code example:
Public Class A
Public ReadOnly Property B As B
Return New B
End Get
End Property
End Class
Public Interface IB
Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator
End Interface
Public Class B : Implements IB
Public Iterator Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator Implements IB.GetEnumerator
Yield New C
End Function
End Class
Public Class C
Dim _value As String
Public Property Value As String
Return _value
End Get
Set(value As String)
_value = value
End Set
End Property
End Class
Public Shared Function GetCurrentVisualStudioInstance2() As A
For Each a As A In GetAs()
For Each c As C In a.B
If (c.Value = Nothing) Then
Return a
End If
Next c
Next a
Return Nothing
End Function
Public Shared Iterator Function GetAs() As IEnumerable(Of A)
Yield New A()
End Function
This produces the same spurious CA2202 you are seeing in the other code example. Interestingly though, a minor change to the declaration and implementation of interface IB causes the warning to go away:
Public Interface IB : Inherits IEnumerable
End Interface
Public Class B : Implements IB
Public Iterator Function GetEnumerator() As IEnumerator Implements IEnumerable.GetEnumerator
Yield New C
End Function
End Class
Somehow, Code Analysis is getting confused by the non-IEnumerable implementation of GetEnumerator(). (Even more weirdly is that the actual type you're using, the Processes interface in the DTE API, both inherits IEnumerable and declares its own GetEnumerator() method…but it's the latter that is the root of the confusion for Code Analysis, not the combination).
With that in hand, I tried to reproduce the issue in C# and found that I could not. I wrote a C# version that was structured exactly as the types and methods in the VB.NET version, but it passed Code Analysis without warnings. So I looked at the IL again.
I found that the C# compiler generates code very similar to, but not exactly the same as, the VB.NET compiler. In particular, for the try/finally blocks that protect the IEnumerator returned for each loop, all of the initialization for those loops is performed outside the try block, while in the VB.NET version the initialization is performed inside.
And apparently, that is also enough to prevent Code Analysis from getting confused about the usage of the disposable objects.
Given that it seems to be the combination of VB.NET's implementation of For Each and the nested loops, one work-around would be to just implement the method differently. I prefer LINQ syntax anyway, and here is a LINQified version of your method that compiles without the Code Analysis warning:
Public Shared Function GetCurrentVisualStudioInstance() As DTE2
Dim processName As String = Process.GetCurrentProcess.MainModule.FileName
Return GetVisualStudioInstances.FirstOrDefault(
Return instance.Debugger.DebuggedProcesses.Cast(Of EnvDTE.Process).Any(
Return p.Name = processName
End Function)
End Function)
End Function
And for completeness, the C# version (since all of this code started when a C# implementation was converted to VB.NET and then extended to handle the "current instance" case):
public static DTE2 GetCurrentVisualStudioInstance()
string processName = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName;
return GetVisualStudioInstances()
.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Debugger.DebuggedProcesses
.Cast<EnvDTE.Process>().Any(p => p.Name == processName));

Issue with generics, interfaces, and casting

I recently added an interface to some custom user controls I have implemented. The interface is pretty basic. It has one method that supports chaining:
Public Interface IMyInterface(Of T As WebControl)
Function DoSomething() As T
End Interface
The implementations are also pretty basic:
Public Class MyCustomControl
Inherits CompositeControl
Implements IMyInterface(Of MyCustomControl)
Public Function DoSomething() As MyCustomControl _
Implements IMyInterface(Of MyCustomControl).DoSomething
' do stuff
Return Me
End Class
Everything works fine up to this point. The issues arise when I attempt to loop over a collection of controls that all implement the IMyInterface interface, like so:
Dim myList = New List(Of IMyInterface(Of WebControl))
myList.ForEach(Sub(i) i.DoSomething())
someCustomControl is a MyCustomControl which implements IMyInterface(Of MyCustomControl) instead of IMyInterface(Of WebControl).
I am getting this error on the second line (where I try to add someCustomControl):
Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from 'MyCustomControl' to 'IMyInterface(Of WebControl)'.
Is there any way to get around this error? I am close to having it working but I do not know enough about generics to get beyond this point.
Covariance is a language feature that was introduced in VS 2010, and solves your problem. You need to define your generic such that the type T has the Out keyword in front of it:
Public Interface IMyInterface(Of Out T As WebControl)
Function DoSomething() As T
End Interface
When you use the Out keyword, you are using covariance. It allows generics of a more derived type to be used in place of a generic with the base type. So in your case it will allow a IMyInterface(Of MyCustomControl)) object in places where the code would normally expect IMyInterface(Of WebControl)), such as your for loop.
Note that covariance has a restriction. The covariant type T can only be used as a function return value, and not as a parameter into a function (or sub). For example, if the DoSomething signature in IMyInterface looked like this the compiler would complain:
' Here the type T is used as an input param - compiler error
Sub DoSomething(ByVal sampleArg As T)
Given your chaining scenario, I don't think the above restriction is a problem.
More Info at MSDN:
Covariance and Contravariance
Creating Variant Generic Interfaces
I don't know what your function DoSomething does, but I try assigning the instance's CssClass in there for testing purpose.
Declare the interface as follows:
Public Interface IMyInterface(Of Out T As WebControl)
Function DoSomething() As T
End Interface
Notice the Out T parameter.
Create 2 controls that implement the interface:
Public Class MyCustomControl1
Inherits CompositeControl
Implements IMyInterface(Of MyCustomControl1)
Public Function DoSomething() As MyCustomControl1 Implements IMyInterface(Of MyCustomControl1).DoSomething
' do stuff
Me.CssClass = "XXX"
Return Me
End Function
End Class
Public Class MyCustomControl2
Inherits CompositeControl
Implements IMyInterface(Of MyCustomControl2)
Public Function DoSomething() As MyCustomControl2 Implements IMyInterface(Of MyCustomControl2).DoSomething
' do stuff
Me.CssClass = "YYY"
Return Me
End Function
End Class
On a test page's PageLoad event:
Dim someCustomControl As New MyCustomControl1
Dim someCustomControl2 As New MyCustomControl2
Dim myList = New List(Of IMyInterface(Of WebControl))
myList.ForEach(Sub(i) Literal1.Text &= i.DoSomething.CssClass & "<br />")
The result is, the CssClass property of both someCustomControl & someCustomControl2 are set to the respective values.
This shows that the interface function DoSomething was successfully called and the instance changed.
You will need to cast the object before adding it:
myList.Add(CType(someCustomControl, IMyInterface(Of WebControl)))
You may also want to concider making the interface not generic and your "DoWork" method return type as the interface itself.
Public Interface IMyInterface
Function DoSomething() As IMyInterface
End Interface
When you have to specify the type in the interface definition it kind of takes away from the power of interfaces (not having to know about the implementation).

When are a module's variables in VB.NET instantiated?

I was wondering where in the lifetime of the program a variable that is in a module would be initialized as in this example:
Module Helper
Friend m_Settings As New UserSettings()
Sub Foo()
End Sub
Sub Bar()
End Sub
End Module
Public Class UserSettings
Public Property UserName As String
Public Property PrefServer As Integer
Public Sub New()
End Sub
Public Sub LoadSettings()
End Sub
End Class
When would m_Settings be initialized? I can set a break point at the constructor for UserSettings and look at the call stack, but I see "External Code" in there but that doesn't tell me a lot.
The CLR has no direct support for VB.NET modules, it requires all methods and variables to be part of a type. So the VB.NET compiler actually generates a class under the hood. All of the functions you wrote in the module become static methods of that class. All of the variables you declared in the module become static fields of the class.
Any variables that are initialized in your module causes a static constructor to be generated. And the initialization code is moved into this constructor.
Now CLR rules apply: a soon as the jitter touches any of the members of this class, the CLR runs the static constructor. Which then initializes all of the module variables. Which is also why you see [external code] on the call stack, the call originated inside the CLR.
It is rare to have problems with this, the static constructor guarantee in the CLR is a very strong one. About the only tricky mishap is a variable initializer that causes an exception to be thrown. That's when the guts start showing. The stack trace is pretty mystifying since it shows code that doesn't exist in your source code. The actual exception thrown is a TypeInitializationException, very mystifying since you didn't write any type, you need to look at its InnerException to find the real reason.

Factory method for generics in VB.NET

I want to create a factory for generic classes in VB.NET and I am running into issues.
What I have are two interfaces:
IPersistentObject and IPManagerBase(Of T as IPersistentObject)
The logic is that for each type of peristent object I have a corresponding manager class handling query logic.
Now I have a base class like this:
public class PManagerBase(Of T as IPersistentObject) Implements IPManagerBase(of T)
So, now in the real world I have a persistent type "PUser" and a corresponding manager declared like this:
public class PUserManager implements PManagerBase(Of PUser)
I have about 100 of those persistent objects and corresponding manager classes.
Now I want to have a factory, which I would invoke like this (removing the details):
I am creating my Factory like this
public class MyFactory
public shared function CreateManager(Of T as {PManagerBase(Of IPersistentObject), New}) as T
return new T()
end function
end class
Looks great.
Now I want to invoke it:
Dim myManager = MyFactory.CreateManager<PUserManager>()
What happens?
I get a compile error: "PUserManager does not implement/inherit PManagerBase(Of IPersistentObject)". I get the message in German so this is a free tranlation.
What would I need to change to make this running?
It works if I declare my factory like this:
public class MyFactory
public shared function CreateManager(Of T as {PManagerBase(Of PUser), New}) as T
return new T()
end function
end class
But then the benefit is gone, since it works only for Managers of the PUser object.
A better solution is
public class MyFactory
public shared function CreateManager(Of T as {PManagerBase(Of U), New}, U as IPersistentObject) as T
return new T()
end function
end class
This works, but I have to call my factory method like this now:
Dim myManager = MyFactory.CreateManager<PUserManager, PUser>()
I don't like this since this is redundant and I don't need U at all in the function. In it's declaration PUserManager is tied to PUser.
Is there a better way? Why is PUserManager not inheriting from PManagerBase(Of IPersistentObject)?
This is a problem with generics, if you are using VS 2010 you may want to take a look at covariance and contravariance and modify your IPManagerBase definition accordingly.