Finding strings that differ with at most one letter from a given string in SAS with PROC SQL - sql

First some context. I am using proc sql in SAS, and need to fetch all the entries in a data set (with a couple of million entries) that have variable "Name" equal to (let's say) "Massachusetts". Of course, since the data was once manually entered by humans, close to all conceivable spelling errors occur ("Amssachusetts", "Kassachusetts" etc.).
I have found that few entries get more than two characters wrong, so the code
Name like "__ssachusetts" OR Name like "_a_sachusetts" OR ... OR Name like "Massachuset__"
would select the entries I am looking for. However, I am hoping that there must be a more convenient way to write
Name that differs by at most 2 characters from "Massachusetts";
Is there? Or is there some other strategy for fetching these entries? I tried searching both stackoverflow and the web but was unsuccesful. I am also a relative beginner with both SQL and SAS.
Some additional information: The database is not in English (and the actual string is not "Massachusetts") so using SOUNDEX is not really feasible (if it ever were).
Thanks in advance.
(Edit: Improved the title)

SAS has built-in functions COMPGED and COMPLEV to compute distances between strings. Here is an example that shows how to select just those with a Levenshtein edit distance of less than or equal to 2.
data typo;
input name $20.;
proc sql;
select name from typo
where complev(name, "massachusetts") <= 2;

There are other phonetic algorithms like Hamming distance that should work better.
You can search on google for implementation of this algorithm for your specific DB engine.

What you are looking for is "Approximate string matching". For that one can use "Levenshtein distance computing algorithm". I am not sure, but hope that this answer will help

You could implement a stored function of this type (Oracle syntax, transform to your RDBMS):
-- do some comparison here
END distance;
And then use it in SQL:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE distance(name, 'Massachusetts') <= 2
Of course, these things tend to be quite slow...

I know this is four years too late but since it might also give ideas to others who are searching this thread:
What you're considering is a semantic layered design you would need to implement some conditional logic for these different text comparisons, using Lenvenschtien distances like the Jaro-Winkler for comparing text of differing lengths and Hamming for those of the same length for which you suppose simple text trans-positioning. This is nothing new these days with all of the various text mining programs out there.
Here is a post which is very good in my view;
Jaro-Winkler string comparison function in SAS


SQL DIFFERENCE function with names bringing too many results

I have a function that uses the SQL DIFFERENCE function to see if the name of a client is similar to a client already in the database
WHERE DIFFERENCE(p.FullName, #fullName) = 4
Being #fullname a variable passed to the function. The issue I'm having is that if I pass "pedro sanchez" as a parameter, the query will bring me all the Peter's in the database, or if I enter "pablo sanchez", it'll bring record "PEOPLE'S CREDIT UNION".
As I understand the DIFFERENCE function should returns 4 when the two strings are almost identical, but the results I'm having say otherwise.
Is there a way to further specify the resemblance to the DIFFERENCE function, or maybe another approach in finding similar names ?
Difference() is based on soundex(), which in turn -- to be frank -- is a lousy system for comparing strings. Let me add a caveat: it is pretty good for the purpose it was designed for, which is matching last names of people in English. You can read about the rules here and you can try it out here. Using the latter link, you can see that "Pedro" and "People" have the same code, P-140.
Soundex encodes the consonants and basically the first four matching consonants the list it cares about. (Some languages, such as Hawaiian and other Polynesian languages are rather light in consonants. One assumes the designers were not thinking about names in such languages.)
When you are looking for proximity among written strings, Levenshtein distance is a common metric. Unfortunately, SQL Server does not have this functionality built-in, but you can easily find implementations on the web. For most real applications, Levenshtein distance is too slow. Happily, the functionality of the full text search component is usually sufficient for most purposes.

Data Quality - Is SOUNDEX the solution?

I work for an organization that has a serious data quality problem with names. There are fifteen databases that contain information about people. For example:
Database 1
Name=Fre&d Blo-ggs DOB 01/01/1980
Database 2
Name=Freddy Bloggs DOB 01/01/1980
If a user searches for Fred Bloggs using my search tool then I want both records to be found. I was thinking about something like this:
SELECT * FROM Person WHERE Soundex('Fred Bloggs') = Soundex('Fre&d Blo-ggs')
Is it advisable to use Soundex like this rather than using replace statements like this:
select Replace(Replace(Replace(Name,',',''),'&',''),'#') from Person
where Replace(Replace(Replace(Name,',',''),'&',''),'#') = #Name
#Name is the variable passed in. Is there a better way of doing it e.g. using regular expressions? Does Soundex affect performance.
Nice idea. I would not suggest using it though. I suppose that "John Right" is not the same as "John Write", even though they hear the same. I mean that in the end, what it matters is what you want to compare.... If you want to compare if the name sounds are the same, then SOUNDEX is fine.
However, I would suggest correcting your data somehow. This would be a real solution, although I can imagine that is not an easy one.
Hope I helped!
If soundex is better than regex depends of your data. For example there are different soundex versions for different languages. You have to check with your data, which is better..
Of course soundex does affect performance as any other additional functions you are calling. If performance becomes a problem, I would advise to add an additional column with the already computed soundex or normalized names and to create an index over it.
From own experience I think a normalized / simplified search criterion as e.g. parts of surname, prename and month of birth date should be sufficient to get all persons, but not too many, so a user can decide which person (s)he really wants to choose.
Soundex wont help you. you will stuck if a consonant appears in the name by mistake.
Its better you go for string distance and specify a percentage. A kind of fuzzy matching.
Have a look at the below link for fuzzy matching using levenshtein edit distance algorithm.
Levenshtein edit distance - MS SQL SERVER

How to find strings which are similar to given string in SQL server?

I have a SQL server table which contains several string columns. I need to write an application which gets a string and search for similar strings in SQL server table.
For example, if I give the "مختار" or "مختر" as input string, I should get these from SQL table:
1 - مختاری
2 - شهاب مختاری
3 - شهاب الدین مختاری
I've searched the net for a solution but I have found nothing useful. I've read this question , but this will not help me because:
I am using MS SQL Server not MySQL
my table contents are in Persian, so I can't use Levenshtein distance and similar methods
I prefer an SQL Server only solution, not an indexing or daemon based solution.
The best solution would be a solution which help us sort result by similarity, but, its optional.
Do you have any suggestion for that?
MSSQL supports LIKE which seems like it should work. Is there a reason it's not suitable for your program?
SELECT * FROM table WHERE input LIKE '%مختار%'
Hmm.. considering that you read the other post you probably know about the like operator already... maybe your problem is "getting the string and searching for something similar"?
--This part searches for a string you want
declare #MyString varchar(max)
set #MyString = (Select column from table
--This part searches for that string
select searchColumn, ABS(Len(searchColumn) - Len(#MyString)) as Similarity
from table where data LIKE '%' + #MyString + '%'
Order by Similarity, searchColumn
The similarity part is something like the thing you posted. If the strings are "more similar" meaning that they have a similar length, they will be higher on the results query.
The absolute part can be avoided obviously but I did it just in case.
Hope that helps =-)
Besides like operator, you can use the condition WHERE instr(columnname, search) > 0; however this is generally slower. What it does is return the starting position of a string within another string. thus if searching in ABCDEFG for CD it would return 3. 3>0, so the record would be returned. However in the case you've described, like seems to be the best solution.
The general problem is that in languages where the same letter has different writing form in the beginning, middle and at the end of word, and thus - different codes - we can try to use specific Persian collations, but in general this will not help.
The second option - is to use SQL FTS abilities, but again - if it has not special language module for the language - it is much less useful.
And most general way - to use your own language processing - which is very complex task at all. The next keywords and google can help to understand the size of the problem: DLP, words and terms, bi-gramms, n-gramms, grammar and morphology inflection
Try to use the Built-in Soundex() And Difference() functions. I hope they work fine for Persian.
Look at the following reference:
Similarity() function helps you to sort result by similarity (as you asked in your question) and it is also possible using algorithms different from Levenshtein edit distance depends on the Value for #method Algorithm:
0 The Levenshtein edit distance algorithm
1 The Jaccard similarity coefficient algorithm
2 A form of the Jaro-Winkler distance algorithm
3 Longest common subsequence algorithm
Like operator may not do what he is asking for. Like for example, if i have a record value "please , i want to ask a question' in my database record. and lets say on my query, i want to find a match similarity like this 'Can i ask a question, please'. like operator may do this using like %[your senttence] or [your sentence]% but it is not advisable to use it for string similarity cos sentences may change and all your like logic may not fetch the matching records. It is advisable to use naive bayes text classification for similarities assigning labels to your sentences or you can try the semantic search function in MSSQL server

Contains() function falters with strings of numbers?

For some background information, I'm creating an application that searches against a couple of indexed tables to retrieve some records. It isn't overtly complex to the point of say Google, but it's good enough for the purpose it serves, barring this strange issue.
I'm using the Contains() function, and it's going very well, except when the search contains strings of numbers. Now, I'm only passing in a string -- nowhere numerical datatypes being passed in -- only characters. We're searching against a collection of emails, each appended with a custom ID when shot off from a workflow. So while testing, we decided to search via number strings.
In our test, we isolated a number 0042600006, which belongs to one and only one email subject. However, when using our query we are getting results for 0042600001, 0042600002, etc. The query is this as follows (with some generic columns standing in):
SELECT description, subject FROM tableA WHERE CONTAINS((subject), '0042600006')
We've tried every possible combination: '0042600006*', '"0042600006"' and '"0042600006*"'.
I think it's just a limitation of the function, but I thought this would probably be the best place for answers. Thanks in advance.
Asked this same question recently. Please see the insightful answer someone left me here
Essentially what this user says to do is to turn off the noise words (Microsoft has included integers 0-9 as noise in the Full Text Search). Hope you can use this awesome tool with integers as I now am!
try to add language 1033 as an additional parameter. that worked with my solution.
SELECT description, subject FROM tableA WHERE CONTAINS((subject), '0042600006', language 1033)
try using
SELECT description, subject FROM tableA WHERE CONTAINS((subject), '%0042600006%')

MySQL: select the closest match?

I want to show the closest related item for a product. So say I am showing a product and the style number is SG-sfs35s. Is there a way to select whatever product's style number is closest to that?
EDIT: to answer your questions. Well I definitely want to keep the first 2 letters as that is the manufacturer code but as for the part after the first dash, just whatever matches closest. so for example SG-sfs35s would match SG-shs35s much more than SG-sht64s. I hope this makes sense whenever I do LIKE product_style_number it only pulls the exact match.
There normally isn't a simple way to match product codes that are roughly similar.
A more SQL friendly solution is to create a new table that maps each product to all the products it is similar to.
This table would either need to be maintained manually, or a more sophisticated script can be executed periodically to update it.
If your product codes follow a consistent pattern (all the letters are the same for similar products, with only the numbers changing), then you should be able to use a regular expression to match the similar items. There are docs on this here...
It sounds like what you want is levenshtein distance .
Unfortunately, there isn't a built-in levenshtein function for mysql, but some folks have come up with a user-defined function that does it(deadlink).
You will probably want to do it as a stored procedure, as I expect that the algorithm may not be trivial.
For example, you may split the term at the -, so you have two parts. You do a LIKE query on each part and use that to make a decision.
You could just loop though, replacing the last character with "%" until you get at least one result, in your stored procedure.
Sounds like you need something like Lucene, though i'm not sure if that would be overkill for your situation. But it certainly would be able to do text searches and return the ones most similar first.
If you need something more simple I would try to start by searching with the full product code, then if that doesn't work try to use wildcards/remove some characters until you return a result.
JD Isaacks.
This situation of yours is very simple to solve.
It`s not like you need to use Artificial Intelligence like the Google.
Take a look at this manual at w3schools about wildcards to use with your SELECT code.
But also you will need to create a new table with 3 columns: LeftCode, RightCode and WildCard.
Rows on Table:
LeftCode = SG | RightCode = 35s | WildCard = SG-s_s35s
LeftCode = SG | RightCode = 64s | WildCard = SG-s_t64s
SQL Code
If the user typed the code that matches the row1 of the table:
Where $WildCard is the PHP variable containing the column 3 of the new table.
I hope I helped, even 4 years late...