SQL Server 2005 - Add Milliseconds column onto DateTime column - sql

How do i combine 2 column using SQL server 2005 ?
Problem is that The DateTime is stored in 1 column and the milliseconds is stored in another column.
I want to add the Milliseconds onto DateTime column to give it a more accurate DateTime.
I need to use this DateTime to query record accurate to milliseconds.
Any idea?
I need to replace DateTime with the added values.
WHERE [DateTime] >= '2011-04-12 12:00:00 AM'
AND [DateTime] <= '2011-05-25 3:35:04 AM'
and run the query.

Well, first solve your problem:
SELECT DATEADD(millisecond,<milliscolumn>,<datetimecolumn>) from <table>
And then file a bug report that these should just be stored in one column anyway.
You can do this, based on your sample query, but note that this destroys the possibility of the server being able to use an index:
DATEADD(millisecond,[MillisecondColumn],[DateTime]) between
'2011-04-12T12:00:00' AND '2011-05-25T03:35:04'
If this is a large table, then indexes may be important. If you can't alter whatever's populating this data, you might want to add this calculation as a persisted computed column to this table, and then index and query against that.
Note that I've replaced your two comparisons with a single BETWEEN, and also adjusted the datetime strings so that they're not affected by regional settings.

SELECT (ColumnA + ColumnB) AS ColumnZ
FROM Table
might solve your problem.


How to order by date when a column is of type nvarchar in Microsoft SQL Server

I have an issue where I created a column sent_Date of type nvarchar while it's storing date and time.
Now when I try to sort it by date, it's not doing so correctly.
I am using this query:
select *
from tbl_skip
where sent_date > '9/27/2020 7:29:11 PM'
order by SENT_DATE desc
Like the comments have said, the real solution here is fix your design. That means changing the column's data type an nvarchar to a date and time data type, I'm going to use a datetime2(0) here, as your data is accurate to a second, so seems the most appropriate.
Firstly we need to convert the value to as ISO value. I'm also, however, going to create a new column called Bad_Sent_Date, to store values that could not be converted. Experience has taught many of us that systems that incorrectly use string data types to store dates (or numerical data) rarely have good data integrity rules on the value (because if they did, it wouldn't be an nvarchar) to start, so have bad values like '29/02/2019' or mix styles, such as having both '09/29/2020' and '29/09/2020'.
Based on the single example we have, I will assume your data is supposed to be in the format MM/dd/yy hh:mm:ss AM/PM:
ALTER TABLE dbo.tbl_skip ADD Bad_Sent_Date nvarchar(30) NULL;
UPDATE TABLE dbo.tbl_skip
SET Bad_Sent_Date = CASE WHEN TRY_CONVERT(datetime2(0),Sent_date,101) IS NULL THEN Sent_date END,
Sent_Date = CONVERT(nvarchar(30),TRY_CONVERT(datetime2(0),Sent_date,101),126);
Now we have an ISO format, we can change the table's data type:
ALTER TABLE dbo.tbl_skip ALTER COLUMN Sent_date datetime2(0) NULL;
Note that if you do have constraints on the column Sent_date, or it isn't NULLable, you will first need to DROP said CONSTRAINTs, change the column to be NULLable and then recreate said CONSTRAINTs after you have altered the column.
You can also review the "dates" that failed to be converted with the following:
SELECT bad_sent_date
FROM dbo.tbl_skip
WHERE bad_sent_date IS NOT NULL
AND Sent_date IS NULL;
Once that's all done, then your query simply needs an update to use an unambiguous date literal, and it'll work:
FROM tbl_skip
WHERE sent_date > '2020-09-27T19:29:11' --'9/27/2020 7:29:11 PM'
You can convert the data from string to datetime.
Please note i used 100 as an example to convert to date time. You can use below link to see if its behaving correctly. link -https://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_sqlserver_convert.asp
select *
from tbl_skip
where sent_date > convert(datetime,'9/27/2020 7:29:11 PM',100)
ORDER BY CONVERT(datetime,SENT_DATE,100) desc
You should be able to convert it to a datetime
select *
from tbl_skip
where sent_date > '9/27/2020 7:29:11 PM'
order by convert(datetime,SENT_DATE) desc
Just make sure the data in column is legit. If so, it would make sense to convert the column type to a datetime.
alter table tbl_skip alter column SENT_DATE datetime
If the data is mixed, you may need to fix it or use something like
order by try_convert(datetime,SENT_DATE) desc

tSQL - convert nvarchar(8) to time only

I am using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio to manipulate Public transport system database.
I have a table in database named 'dbo.tblStop_times', two columns of which should be of data type time. At the moment, they are both nvarchar and they have data stored in a pattern like this - "07:39:00" (without quotes)
I had same question with date columns as well, but found a solution for that on stackoverflow just few hours back.
Below works fine for conversion of nvarchar column to date column.
I am not sure if what I want is achievable or not, because the above mention conversion works just fine, I assume it might be possible.
What I have atm is - nvarchar(8), what I want it to be is sql time data type, something like hh:mm:ss [and if possible - without trailing nnnnnn - nanoseconds component]
You should be able to do:
Here is a rextester.
If you don't have valid time values, then you have a problem. You should first look for the values:
select col
from tblStop_times
where try_convert(time, col) is null;
This will show you the values that cannot be converted. If you like, you can NULL them out so the alter will work:
update tblStop_times
set col = NULL
where try_convert(time, col) is null;

Datetime and Integer functions on Varchar fields

We are refactoring a weird system where within its backend, values that should be stored as number and date columns, with propperly designed constraints, were stored all as varchar (using only UI validation). The thing is, while we do this the new system our ones must start to run so:
Is it possible to manipulate this varchar columns as integer for say lower or greater comparisons and, given that the dates are stored with the same format dd/MM/yyyy is it possible to treat that also varchar column as a date and use functions as: IN BETWEEN?
You could add a computed column (or a view with a column) like:
CONVERT(DATE, column_name, 103)
For performance concerns you could persist and/or index the computed column.
However if you are going to change the structure may as well just fix the data type in the first place.
Would something like this work:
SELECT Column1, Column2
FROM Table
WHERE CONVERT(datetime, DateColumn, 3) BETWEEN #StartDate AND #EndDate

SQL Server default date time stamp?

I have a field that when something is inserted I want it to get the current Date & Time and insert this into the database. Is there a way to get the date & time, and set it as the default value?
Currently the default value is: (getdate()) Which sets only the date. How do I also set the time?
GETDATE() is a date and time in SQL Server.
Run SELECT GETDATE() to verify this.
What is the datatype of your field? If it's DATE then it will not hold time values as well.
One easy way is to give the field a default constraint:
create table YourTable
... other columns ...
CreateDt datetime default getdate(),
... other columns ...
A disadvantage of this method is that you can overwrite the value by specifying it in an insert clause.
Personally I would like to use GETUTCDATE() instead GETDATE() to avoid confusions.
SYSDATETIME() will get the current date and time.
Make sure the data type of the column is datetime, and not just date or it won't be able to hold a datetime.
Most SQL implementations (engines) do have CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function.

Whiel Update ,datetime value is rounded to seconds.! i want milliseconds too

While updating a datatime column in a table from another table, i noticed that mnilliseconds value are not shown.. instead it is rounded and the value is updated to nearest seconds.
Example :
Original Value: 2008-06-26 14:06:36.643
Updated Value : 2008-06-26 14:07:00
Please help me getting the actual value including milliseconds
In the case where you're doing a straight update of a datetime in one table with one from another table (i.e. no fiddling with the value), then it sounds like the datatype in the table being updated is not the same.
i.e. in SQL Server world, it could be that you are using SMALLDATETIME column in the table being updated, but a DATETIME field in the table being copied from. SMALLDATETIME is only accurate to the second and so would show this behaviour
In SQL Server;
SELECT CAST('2008-06-26 14:06:36.643' AS SMALLDATETIME)
> 2008-06-26 14:07:00
So the destination table column is probably SMALLDATETIME (or your casting in the query).