Selenium tests for Google maps - selenium

Does anyone have a code example for a Selenium test (or some other browser testing environment) on a Google Maps API V3 map? Specifically, I want to interact with the markers and popup windows.

Solved. Not 100% elegant but it works. Set optimized : false on the markers. This makes them all appear on the map (docs). Then set the XPath selector in the Selenium test to '//div[#class="gmnoprint" and #title], this will select all the markers. You can then interact with the markers.
See also this Google groups posting.

It's been a long time since this question has been answered, but I think it's nice to post here another solution that offers other possibilities that didn't exist at the time, for people that are interested in that topic
You can use SikuliFirefoxDriver to automate Google Maps with WebDriver, with the image recognition tooling of hte great Sikuli software


Does Karate.robot supports CI /CD with Bamboo and need visible desktop like Sikuli to run the script?

I used image locators to locate some desktop elements the following question came to my mind that regarding Karate. Robot.
Can desktop script run on VM using CI/CD pipeline? does it need a physical desktop?
Previously I worked on Sikuli that needed a physical desktop if I minimize then the script does not work, is it the same case with Karate. Robot?
As long as you can install Karate on the VM it should be fine. Yes, having to do an RDP session can get complicated. You will need to spend some time to figure this out, but we know teams that have done this. It is also an opportunity for you to contribute some reference material and hopefully code to the community. For example getting different resolutions to work can be a challenge.
If you use the Element.invoke() method (not documented) on elements that support that automation method (e.g. buttons) you don't need the UI to be visible.
All available information can be found in this answer:
If you have more questions, the best option is to figure this out on your own - and report your findings back here for the benefit of others.

Check elements contrast automatic

Would like to know if anyone has automated contrast testing of elements to support WCAG-standards. I'd like to have a test that breaks if the styling is not suitable for people with reduced vision abilities.
I'm currently testing my website using selenium webdriver.
Have you looked at and the Tenon API?
From the page at
Tenon Selenium Example
Another one by Justin Stockton, this repo shows some simple examples of how to perform Tenon assertions as part of a set of functional tests driven by
Points to a repo at
This repo shows some simple examples of how to perform Tenon assertions as part of a set of functional tests driven by

Testing a "Dojo" web application with Selenium

Has anyone done some extensive automation with Selenium and a Dojo-heavy web app? I'm looking for any issues or problem that you might have run into or issues related directly to the combination of Selenium and Dojo.
I've used Selenium extensively with a bunch of different web apps, including a few on Dojo. You should be fine. One practice I would recommend is to make sure all the components you'll be testing (both UI controls you'll be driving, as well as text components you'll be reading for testing) have ID tags set. Selenium has a bunch of elegant selectors to get at the elements you need, but selection by ID is still the best. The other methods can be more brittle.
I've had some challenging experiences with Selenium RC not being as compatible with my code as Selenium IDE, to the point that I stopped using Selenium RC. And in case you are not super familiar with Selenium, you should be aware that it doesn't natively support some (IMO) pretty fundamental features like flow control and includes; but there are user extensions to the framework that allow this. I'd also recommend taking a look at Watir which I now generally prefer over Selenium because it exposes the full power/flexibility of a first class language (Ruby).
I'm working on a Dojo-heavy app right now, and am making a number of tests with Selenium IDE. I've ran into a few issues with certain Dojo elements, such as drop down menus and tabbed components. I've learned to appreciate XPath, and have been experimenting with how clickAt and waitForElementPosition commands, which seem to help accommodate for some of Dojo's features.
Dojo specifics - very brief
The Dojo itself differs in some approaches from other heavy-DOM and extensively impressive frameworks (like ExtJS, jQuery, YUI).
The general Dojo specific it workaround the limitations by using Flash (YUI does as well) or Silverlight.
Here is a couple scenarious when Dojo can use Fash:
the browser is not HTML5 and javascript need local storage. Then Dojo will use "Flash Cookie" Flash Local Shared Objects (package
need support of cross domain https calls.
The general tricks that can turn your testing into something difficult:
browser messages, like "do you wish to allow this site..."
nested frames can make the selection of the node difficult
javascript timeout/intervals they might work with different speed in Selenium then in real browser. Yes they can.
The biggest issue I encountered was the fact that dojo menus, and pop-up UI elements in general, are absolutely positioned as children of the body element and are not children of the element that creates them.
This can impact how you write Selenium CSS Selector and, in my case, made it a bit more challenging to automatically crop a screenshot that includes a menu and its dropdown.
Selenium should be fine with dojo because it's rendered in Firefox and not on it's own. Just make sure dojo is available when testing ( i.e. don't connect to google's cdn if your test environment doesn't have an internet connection ). But that's a problem you'd have with any external resource
I have no experience, but did see discussing how to use Selenium with dojo
If you need to test in an SSL environment and you use Selenium RC's trustAllSslCertificates + proxy, you must make sure all of your JS files are hosted on the same domain. I've seen problems recently with using CDNs to load JS and image files when testing under recent Firefox versions and selenium rc

What are the different versions of Selenium, and which one should I get?

I'm trying to get started with Selenium, but it's extremely confusing for anyone who still doesn't know the project.
If I go to the Selenium download page I get 7 download links for things with different names, and no description of what is each one. And then the Selenium 2 download link points to a page with another 8 files.
What does all of that mean? Which ones are deprecated? Which files should I get?
What are the differences between version 1 and 2? Is the version 1 deprecated, or do we still need to mix some modules from version 1 together with version 2?
And then, after searching on Google, I find Which Selenium Tool Should I Use?, but it's a very outdated page (last edited in 2007). It also talks about a limitation of the JavaScript testing interface: Same Origin Policy. Does this limitation still apply nowadays?
What are "Selenium Core", "Selenium Remote Control", "Selenium IDE"?
How about "Selenium (standalone) Server"? Is it the same thing as the Remote Control, or something different? What is the difference between Selenium Remote Control and Selenium Server?
And then I reach an official FAQ that is also confusing, and talks about a WebDriver thing that was going to be part of Selenium. Is it already inside Selenium? Is that FAQ up-to-date? How does it relate with other Selenium parts?
After all, another way to understand this question is: "I've never used Selenium before, I'm completely lost, and the documentation doesn't help." What I need is an introduction of what are all the parts of the project, which ones are old and deprecated, which ones are needed, which ones are interchangeable, which ones work with different browsers...
(maybe it would be a nice idea to have a community wiki answer that tries to be as accurate and detailed as possible)
I'm not much experienced with Selenium, but recently I have started it to automate form submissions while unit testing. For starters, try Selenium IDE. It is a Firefox addon which will help you to record actions and modify/replay them.
Actually more than that. You can perform Accessor operations, which will perfom a series of recorded/configured actions and will store the end results for us to analyze later.
And then there is Assertions, which will actually check the end state of a series of actions with some pre-configured conditions.
One thing I can say you is that Selenium is very handy and easy to learn. You can write your own test cases using plain html!
Here is a great beginner video -
After seeing that, read through this tutorial -
And after that, read this reference -
It explains everything you need to know. If you are first to Selenium, you will be amazZzed to see what all things selenium can do.

Has anyone successfully used selenium-ide to enter data into google docs? If not is there another option?

I am trying to use selenium to enter data into google docs so that it is accessible to other selenium scripts. If not can anybody think of a way to accomplish this?
Selenium can be a little flaky with contentEditable areas because the way that Selenium "types" onto the page and how browsers really interact with that.
I would recommend inserting the text into the element with JavaScript and then doing the manipulations.
If you want a truer sense then I would recommend moving to Selenium 2 as the keystrokes are more OS native. This unfortunately does not work in the IDE and you will have to use Python, Java, .NET or Ruby to take advantage of it.