How to retrieve the items from the selected item of a listview ?
[multiselect is set to to false]
I want to get data from the selected Listview Item and put it in a textbox.
I need subitems too
I tried this Textbox1.Text = List.SelectedItems().ToString but its not working
If List.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
Textbox1.Text = List.SelectedItems(0).Text
End If
For Each item As ListViewItem In listView1.SelectedItems()
Sorry im new :-D
i wanne do the following in a List box:
add item
add item
im counting the added items and display them to a label.text. and also sending that to a .txt that updates.
when all items are added i want to press a bttn "end adding Items" and then doubleclick the items to edit them(i want to count that aswell.)
So want it look like this "changed Items / total Items"
how can i count the changes done by the doubleclick ? and how to display it ?
this is the doubleclick i did ;D
Dim intIndex As Integer = lstBla.Items.IndexOf(lstBla.SelectedItem)
Dim objInputBox As Object = InputBox("Edit", lstBla.SelectedItem)
If Not objInputBox = Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
and this is the save to the lable.txt
Total.Text = lstBla.Items.Count
My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText("C:\Counter\Total.txt", Total.Text, False)
I've created a Student Record, I have a Button Delete ,I want to display a MessageBox with warning When Delete Button is clicked and no Item is selected in my Listview Control.You need to choose a Student.
Here is my code
If LvSV.SelectedItems.Count < 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("You need to choose Student!")
Dim items As ListViewItem
items = LvSV.SelectedItems(0)
End If
Dear you have a small mistake in your code :-)
you should check for Count equal to 0 instead of < 0.
If LvSV.SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then
MessageBox.Show("You need to choose Student!")
Dim items As ListViewItem
items = LvSV.SelectedItems(0)
End If
Also your code assumes exactly 1 selected item. Maybe you want to generalize it to all selected items.
For each item As ListViewItem in LvSV.SelectedItems
I'm trying to move multi Items from ListBox1 to ListBox2, but I receive an error message that the below underlined is not a collection type.
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls
Imports System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListItemCollection
For Each selectedItem In ListBox1.SelectedItem
Change your code like this:
For Each selectedItem In ListBox1.SelectedItems
The ForEach statement needs to apply to a list, so you can retrieve individual items in 'selectedItem' variable. Then you can add/remove that individual item as you like
To check selected items in a listbox, you need to iterate each item and write a condition that asks if the current item is selected or not.
For Each item In ListBox1.Items
If item.selected Then
End If
System.Web.UI.WebControls.ListControl.Items returns a collection of items in the control, each Item has Selected property which returns a boolean value.
For Windows Form Applications: //Edit [OP is using System.Web.UI.WebControls
SelectedItem will return only single item.
SelectedItems will return a collection type based on selected items
Make sure that the SelectionMode is not One or None
so instead of using SelectedItem try to use SelectedItems
am building a task management system using How to set a textbox field beside each checkboxlist so when the user tick the checkbox he can comment too for this item and submit the whole finished tasks ? below is my code
Sub GetGroups()
cblGroups.DataSource = Task.Components.Tasks.GetAllTasks
cblGroups.DataTextField = "TaskName"
cblGroups.DataValueField = "ID"
End Sub
For Each item As ListItem In cblGroups.Items
If item.Selected Then
'reading each item value
End if
I think you should be using a DataGridView instead. In there you can have a checkbox column and a textbox column, also a new row placeholder to put new tasks. If you don't like DataGridView, you can use alternatives.
Your other option would be to maintain a list of CheckBox controls and their TextBox pairs, essentially doing data grid's job. You are okay at first, but then you may need scrolling etc., so why not use a built-in control, where such issues are already solved out of the box.
'Check through each of the items
For Each item As ListItem In cblGroups.Items
'If this particular item is checked
If item.Selected = True Then
'Dynamically create a HTML Textbox
item.Text = [String].Format("{0}<input id=""TextBox{0}"" name=""TextBox{0}"" / >", item.Text)
'Otherwise simply store the normal value
item.Text = [String].Format("{0}", item.Text)
End If
I can loop through all items in checked list box, by index
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
For Each item In CheckedListBox1.SelectedItems
sb.Append(" ")
But I just want to check if an item is checked by boolean, and by name.
For Each item In CheckedListBox1.Items
Loops them.. But I want
item("myItem").checked? or .selected properties?
Please help.
As with SelectedItems, the checked items are in a collection:
For Each item In CheckedListBox1.CheckedItems
There is also a CheckedIndicies collection of the indexes of the items checked. NB CheckedItems is not the same as SelectedItems