Determine if internet connection is available - sencha-touch

how do you folks check if the device is connected to the internet in a sencha touch app?

There's an attribute called navigator.onLine (general browser support, not specific for Sencha)
If I'm in a PhoneGap application (which you often are if you're using Sencha Touch), I'd rather use their network.isReachable function, since I've by experience found it more reliable.
There's also something called 'Offline events', John Resig describes them on his blog:

If there is no network connection during an ajax request sencha touch will return a response with a 0 status. So this is what we're using in our app (works in phonegap too):
// global error handling
Ext.Ajax.on('requestexception', function(connection, response) {
// get rid of any loading masks that are present
Ext.each(Ext.query('.x-mask'), function(el) {
new Ext.Element(el).hide()
switch(response.status) {
case 0 :
Ext.Msg.alert('Error Loading', 'No Internet connection.');
case 401 :
Ext.Msg.alert('Login Failed', 'Check your username and password.');
default :
Ext.Msg.alert('Whoops!', 'An unexpected error has occurred and we have been alerted.');
Note that this is for touch 1.1, haven't tried in in 2.0 yet.


Unable to Register IOS device to Mobile First 8

I am able to see the iOS device under devices tab in MF, registered to my application. but pushing a notification fails with the below error:
An error occurred while the notification was sent. Internal server error. No devices found.
Upon reviewing IOS code, I noticed the below issue while invoking MFPPush.sharedInstance.registerDevice(nil)
Cannot retrieve a valid authorization header for header. Check resource and authorization server configuration.
I am using the code from the git sample. Below is the snippet throwing the error:
#IBAction func registerDevice(_ sender: AnyObject) {
print("Attempting Device registration with Mobile First")
WLAuthorizationManager.sharedInstance().obtainAccessToken(forScope: "push.mobileclient") { (token, error) -> Void in
if (error != nil) {
print("Did not recieve an access token from server: " + error.debugDescription)
} else {
WLClient.sharedInstance()?.setDeviceDisplayName("White Ipad", withCompletionHandler: { (error) in
if error == nil{
print("device display name is set")
print("error setting device name: " + error.debugDescription)
print("Recieved the following access token value: " + (token?.value ?? "no token"))
MFPPush.sharedInstance().registerDevice(nil) { (response, error) -> Void in
if error == nil {
self.showAlert("Registered successfully with Mobile First")
print(response?.description ?? "")
} else {
self.showAlert("Registration failed with Mobile First. Error \(error?.localizedDescription)")
print(error?.localizedDescription ?? "")
Mobile First Config: I have followed the documentation and configured the UserLogin security check from the sample git project and have removed scope to push.mobileclient under security.
Reading the OAuth Security in MF, i understand the that token is necessary to access resources, but I am unable to figure out how to attach the token in registerDevice().
It seems to be you haven't configured Push Notifications properly in MobileFirst Server.
Make sure that you have added push.mobileclient scope in Security tab of your application. If you are not using any security check, you can add scope like below.
Check whether your application is configured valid iOS provisioning profile enabled with Push Capability
Make sure that you have uploaded valid sandbox/production certificates in Push tab of your particular app in MFP Operations Console.
More details : here
Make sure your app is enabled Push Capability in the project setting and also check you sending device token to MF Server using MFPPush.sharedInstance().sendDeviceToken(deviceToken) API in didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken method of AppDelegate file

Preview not working properly in MFP8.0

I'm developing an application that just connects to MFP 8.0 server but when I run the app using the MFP web simulator the log says "getCachedAccessToken for scope failed: undefined" . But when I run the same application using the emulator/device it works fine.
function wlCommonInit() {
function () {
alert ("You are now connected to the server");
function(result) {
alert("Not able to connect: "+ JSON.stringify(result));
Is there any way to test the MFP server connection in the MFP web simulator?
This is a known limitation of the 8.0 release.
You can read more about it, here:
Tokens are part of the OAuth flow.
As a workaround, you can use a simulator.

Get location using wifi or mobile network Tizen Web app Smartwatch

Currently i am creating an application for the samsung gear s smartwatch using tizen web application (javascript). My widget/app needs to get location data (it's a safety application) everywhere. The basic GPS location works fine as you can see in my code below. The problem is that GPS only works outside, since my app is a safety app i need to get location everywhere. On phones you are able to use Wifi and mobile network to get location. My question is is it possible to get location data using wifi or mobile network on a smartwatch (the samsung gear s has mobile network and wifi connection so you would think that it is possible)? and if it's possible how.
My code for the basic GPS location using HTML 5 geolocation:
function getBestGPSLocation(){
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(success, error, {maximumAge:60000, timeout:5000});
//Mobile Network
function error(error) {
// just some error codes they work either
switch(error.code) {
console.log("permission denied");
console.log("your position is unavailable");
case error.TIMEOUT:
console.log("a timeout occured");
case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR:
console.log("an unknow error occured");
function success(position) {
// this works i get all the data

Firebase authentication not working as expected

I'm following along with the firebase docs about anonymous authentication, but I must be missing something.
Here is my attempt at authenticating:
var dataRef = new Firebase('');
// Log me in
dataRef.authAnonymously(function(error, authData) {
if (error) {
console.log('Login Failed!', error);
} else {
console.log('Authenticated successfully with payload:', authData);
The result is that I get a 'TypeError: undefined is not a function' message because 'authAnonymously()' is supposedly not defined.
I have 'Enable Anonymous User Authentication' checked for my firebase though... and I don't know what else would keep this from being an option. Is it not offered in the 'Hacker' version?
I am running this locally, so it shouldn't be a domain permissions issue since 'localhost' is included in the default accepted domains.
David was right.
I followed a tutorial on Firebase to setup my angular app, and I assumed that the version that tutorial was using was up to date with the version used in the docs. It was not. Just change your version to the most recent one if you were also silly enough to run into this :P.

Worklight Direct Update and run offline

I want to achieve such a functionality.
That is:
1) in case of connecting to worklight server successfully, Direct Update is available.
2) in case of failing to connect to worklight server, the app can run offline.
Below is my configuration in "initOptions.js".
// # Should application automatically attempt to connect to Worklight Server on application start up
// # The default value is true, we are overriding it to false here.
connectOnStartup : true,
// # The callback function to invoke in case application fails to connect to Worklight Server
onConnectionFailure: function (){
// # Worklight server connection timeout
timeout: 10 * 1000,
// # How often heartbeat request will be sent to Worklight Server
heartBeatIntervalInSecs: 20 * 60,
// # Should application produce logs
// # Default value is true
//enableLogger: false,
// # The options of busy indicator used during application start up
busyOptions: {text: "Loading..."
But it doesn't work.
Any idea?
Direct Update happens only when a connection to the server is available. From the way you phrased your question, your problem is that when the app cannot connect to the server it doesn't work "offline". So your question has got nothing to do with Direct Update (if it does, re-phrase your question appropriately).
What you should do, is read the training material for working offline in Worklight.
You are not specifying what "doesn't work". Do you get the alert you've placed in onConnectionFailure? How does your doDojoReady function look like?
I too am using Dojo in Worklight.
My practice is have worklight configured not to connect on startup
var wlInitOptions = {
connectOnStartup : false
in my wl init I then initialise my dojo app,
function wlCommonInit(){
requiring whatever layers I'm using, and then do the actual dojo parsing
require([ "dojo/parser",
function(parser, appController) {
parser.parse().then (function(){
Finally, now WL, Dojo, and myApp are all ready I attempt the WL connection, calling this method from my appController.init()
connectWLServer: function() {
// possibly WL.Client.login(realm) here
var options = {
onSuccess: lang.hitch(this, "connectedWLServer"),
onFailure: lang.hitch(this, "connectWLServerFailed"),
Any Direct Update activities happen at this point. Note that the app as whole keeps going whether or not the connection works, but clearly we can run appropriate code in success and fail cases. Depending upon exactly what authentication is needed an explicit login call may be needed - adapter-based authentication can't happen automatically from inside the connect().