SQL Server 2008 stored procedure problem - sql

I created a stored procedure on my MFG4 server in the user database having 2 Sections.
First section has query like:
Select * From MFG4.User.Usr.EmpMast
And second has
Select * From MFG5.User.Usr.EmpMast
Now I have problem that when the MFG5 server does not have the user database it displays an error even if it does not run first section where query is all right!!!
What should I do now???

Try This:
SELECT * FROM [MFG4].[User].[dbo].[EmpMast]


How to create a table from a linked server into the local machine

I need to copy tables from a linked server onto my local machine. I am working in SQL management studio. The linked server is Oracle based. My end goal is to set up a stored proc that deletes a table if it exists and creates a new table in its place with refreshed data. This will be done for many tables as needed. The issue with the below code is that I get the error:
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SELECT'.
I am stuck at creating the table.
Select *
from sourceT
The data in the dummy table is just one column with a single value "x". I have seen posts that suggest using a certain notation in naming the linked server table, like <server.database.schema.tablename> but this doesn't seem to work,even if I just run the select statement using the openquery. If I just run the select part in the script above, this does work.
Is valid in Oracle but not SQL Server
You want
-- if the table already exists drop it
-- now create a table and load into it
INTO test
Select *
from sourceT')

Passthrough Query from one SQL Server to another that drops a table on the source

I have a SQL Server in Spain and one in the US and there is a domain trust between the two with linked servers on each for access to the other.
I would like to be able to run the below query on the US SQL Server without having to maintain a stored proc on the US Server in order to run it. Is there a way to create a passthrough query from the SQL Server in Spain? I've already tried using OPENQUERY and OPENROWSET and it's just not working as they only seem to work with select statements that return results:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [Global].[dbo].[WW_Customer_Receivables]
INTO [global].[dbo].[ww_customer_receivables]
If you want to execute DDL statement on your linked server with openquery you can with the following trick:
FROM OPENQUERY(linkedserver, '
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [Global].[dbo].[WW_Customer_Receivables]
SELECT ##RowCount')
The SELECT ##RowCount returns a result set. So OPENQUERY works.
This trick works for all DDL operations like create, alter, drop. Or if you want to perform inserts/updates/deletes that don't return a result set.
Same trick is applied here Where they have a dummy select foobar.
If you want to execute the into statement from the openquery you can do it like this:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS [Global].[dbo].[WW_Customer_Receivables]
INTO [global].[dbo].[ww_customer_receivables]
FROM OPENQUERY([LinkerServerObject-US], '
FROM [global].dbo.ww_customer_receivables')

Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle SQL Developer

I linked an Oracle Database to my SQL Server in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18. Server Objects -> Linked Servers.
I have a SQL Statement that when I run on the Oracle Developer Tool/Platform it returns the information as expected. But when I run the exact same query on the SQL Server it returns the incorrect results (The actual values in the rows and columns do not match).
What I know.
The table I am query in lives in the Oracle Database.
I can get the same/matching results on the Oracle Developer and SQL Server if I exclude in my WHERE statement anything involving a DATE.
Any thoughts?
The example of the query below.
Works on Oracle Developer but not on MSSQL
WHERE status = 'Deviation' and trunc(SRC_ROW_UPDT) BETWEEN TO_DATE('01/03/2020', 'DD/MM/YYYY') AND TO_DATE('10/12/2020','DD/MM/YYYY');
The example of the query below.
Works on both Oracle Developer and MSSQL
WHERE status = 'Deviation' and BATCHID = 'ThisBAtchID';
You cannot use ORACLE specific functions like TO_DATE in SQL Server calls. You have to execute them remotely using OPENQUERY. OPENQUERY in MSDN
WHERE status = ''Deviation'' and trunc(SRC_ROW_UPDT) BETWEEN TO_DATE(''01/03/2020'', ''DD/MM/YYYY'') AND TO_DATE(''10/12/2020'',''DD/MM/YYYY'');');

Column name in SQL Server fully qualified name

I read in SQL Server documentation that I can specify column names in FROM clause of a simple SELECT query.
But when I try to run this query:
select * from my_db.dbo.test_table.test;
I get the following error:
Msg 7202, Level 11, State 2, Line 1 Could not find server 'my_db' in
sys.servers. Verify that the correct server name was specified. If
necessary, execute the stored procedure sp_addlinkedserver to add the
server to sys.servers.
I know this is a T-SQL page, and I'm trying to run .
Why does this happen?
I'm using SQL Server version 2017 via Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio version 2017 as well.
try rewriting from this
select * from my_db.dbo.test_table.test;
to this
select test_table.test,* from my_db.dbo.test_table;
the way it was written with that many Periods it assume you are trying to fully qualify the table so in what you had tried to the server is treating it as follows
my db = linked server (a server other than the Server you are working on)
dbo = Schema (which is correct)
test_table = Table (Also correct)
test = just plain erroror
the fields you want to show should directly follow the Keyword Select so if you only wanted 2 fields you could write
select test,test2 from my_db.dbo.test_table;
or simpler if you only have the one server
select test,test2 from dbo.test_table;
or if you only have the defailt Schema dbo (Database Base Owner)
select test,test2 from test_table;
I hope thaelps
You cannot specify columns in the FROM clause, but you can specify columns in the SELECT clause.
select test from my_db.dbo.test_table
Please run sp_addlinkedserver and sp_addlinkedsrvlogin SPs:
EXEC sp_addlinkedserver #server='MyLinkedServer'
EXEC sp_addlinkedsrvlogin 'MyLinkedServer', 'false', NULL, 'MyUserName', 'MyPassword'
After that, you can try to run: select * from my_db.dbo.test_table
Ref: https://blog.sqlauthority.com/2014/08/26/sql-server-fix-error-7202-could-not-find-server-in-sys-servers-verify-that-the-correct-server-name-was-specified/
Also, even though it is SQL Server 2014 related maybe helps, please see: Could not find server 'server name' in sys.servers. SQL Server 2014

how to update table from linked server in sql server?

I have few tables I need to load from linked firebird server into SQL Server from time to time. I use statement like this:
SELECT * into dekr FROM OPENQUERY ( [PLINK] ,'select * from dekr' )
It takes a while since it's going over network etc, is there a way to update once created
table dekr only with changes since last time?