Problem writing plist in local vs. admin mode - objective-c

In my application, I am storing user preferences (which are applicable for all users) into a plist file,
which is attached as a form of bundle.
The problem is, it runs fine in admin mode, but when I run the application, it's not writing the file. Do I need to set some attribute to write to the plist in local mode? Or is it not possible at all?
My code for writing the file is below:
-(void)SavePrefrence:(NSString *)fileName PrefrenceOption:(NSMutableDictionary *)pDict{
NSString *filePath = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:fileName ofType:#"plist"] retain];
NSDictionary *pTemp = [[NSDictionary alloc]initWithDictionary:pDict];
bool bRet = [pTemp writeToFile:filePath atomically:YES];
NSLog(#"File Saved ");
else {
NSLog(#"File not saved ");
This is the code which calls it:
-(void)SaveListSettings:(NSMutableDictionary *)pListSettings{
[ self SavePrefrence:#“MyList" PrefrenceOption:pListSettings];
[pListInfo release];
[self LoadListProfile];

The application bundle will, by default, only be writable by the owner (if it's installed by dragging into the Applications folder, this'll be whoever installed it; if it's installed by a .pkg, it should probably be root). The way you're doing this, if I follow it properly, requires a user to have write access to the app's Contents/Resources folder, which is a really bad idea (not that it's unheard of -- see the University of Utah's documentation about "Poorly-Made Applications" for examples). Actually, saving preferences inside the application is a bad idea anyway; that's what the various Library/Preferences folders are for (~/Library/Preferences for personal settings, /Library/Preferences for system-wide settings. But, of course, /Library/Preferences is only writable by admins (for very good reasons). I don't really know of a good way to handle this, as system-wide settings modifiable by non-admins is not exactly normal.

You could use an installer which asks for an admin password and then create "/Library/Application Support/MyApp" and then either make this world writable, or make a sub-folder inside it which is world-writeable. Now MyApp running under a non-admin account can still write to this shared folder.
If you don't want to make the folder world-writeable then include a helper app to the bundle to do the writing and make the helper setuid root by using an installer which asks for an admin password...
BTW: Both of those options will fail Mac App Store rules. Maybe you can use '/Users/Shared', but I don't know if it is allowed by MAS, and anyway it is far from standard. Which would leave you with storing it on a web server...


Standard temporary directory in OSX

I'm trying to figure what is the best place where to store temporary files in the OSX version of my application.
The obvious answer /tmp is not good since it is cleaned up at boot and my application may need to continue an interrupted job also after a restart.
I tried also to use the path pointed by the environment variable TMPDIR, that is the same returned by NSTemporaryDirectory(), that changes every boot and is something like:
.. but also the contents of this path are removed at boot.
There is a standard path where I can place some temporary files, resilient to restarts, or I have to invent my own solution (ie ~/Library/myapplication/temp)?
In Windows I'm using GetTempPath() and it works the way it should.
I've found my answer googling harder that I did before asking here, in this excellent article:
Reading the articles and the various options I found that the Caches directory (NSCachesDirectory) is the correct place where to store my files. Placing them in "Application Support" will cause them to be backed up by time machine.
So here is what I did:
const char *get_temporary_dir()
NSString *path = nil;
NSString *bundleName = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:#"CFBundleIdentifier"];
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
if ([paths count]) {
path = [[paths objectAtIndex:0] stringByAppendingPathComponent:bundleName];
} else {
path = NSTemporaryDirectory();
path = [path stringByAppendingPathComponent:bundleName];
return [path UTF8String];
... I'm not sure if the fallback to the standard, deletable, directory is needed but it doesn't hurt!
You should use the "application support directory" - this is typically ~/Library/Application Support or for a sandboxed application and equivalent within its container.
To obtain the URL for this directory you use URLForDirectory:inDomain:appropriateForURL:create:error: passing as first argument NSApplicationSupportDirectory.
Within this directory you need to create a directory just for your application, using your app's bundle ID is a common strategy for naming this directory.
This directory is intended to store files needed by your application, but not your user's files.

Sandboxed Mac app exhausting security scoped URL resources

I am developing a Mac application that prompts the user for files using the NSOpenPanel. The application is sandboxed (testing on OSX 10.9.4). I noticed that if I open a large amount of files (~3000), the open panel starts to emit errors to the log. This also happens if I try to open less amount of files in chucks for several times.
After the errors start to appear the first time, every time the NSOpenPanel is used again to open files, no matter for how many files, these errors will be generated again (until the application is closed).
The error message looks like this:
TestPanel[98508:303] __41+[NSSavePanel _consumeSandboxExtensions:]_block_invoke: sandbox_consume_fs_extension failed
One line for each file I try to open.
I managed to reproduce this behavior with a simple app: A sandboxed application with a single button invoking the following code:
NSOpenPanel* panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[panel setAllowsMultipleSelection:YES];
[panel setCanChooseDirectories:NO];
[panel setCanChooseFiles:YES];
[panel beginSheetModalForWindow:[self window] completionHandler:^(NSInteger result) {
NSLog(#"%lu", [panel.URLs count]);
The errors appear before the code reaches the completion handler.
It seems that I can still get the URLs from the panel in the completion handler but it really pollutes the system log.
Seems that this problem is not directly related to the NSOpenPanel/NSSavePanel panels. A very similar thing happens when using drap/drop with files. Something like this:
- (NSDragOperation)draggingEntered:(id <NSDraggingInfo>)sender {
NSPasteboard *pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
if ([[pboard types] containsObject:NSURLPboardType]) {
NSArray *urls = [pboard readObjectsForClasses:#[[NSURL class]] options:nil];
This will generate the following log messages when dragging a large amount of files (the "magic" number seems to be somewhere around 2900):
Consume sandbox extension for itemIdentifier (2937) from pasteboard failed!
As with the NSOpenPanel, after the first occurrence of this, every single file dropped will generate the same error in the log.
#mahal tertin's reply pointed me to the right direction. The problem is indeed with the number of files and the fact that security scoped URL resources are limited.
However, there seems to be no reasonable solution found. The problem is that when the user clicks "OK" on the NSOpenPanel (or drops the files on a drag&drop aware control), behind the scenes the OS already attempts to create these security scoped URLs and implicitly calls startAccessingSecurityScopedResource for you. So if the user attempts to open more files than the limit, the resources are exhausted and the only option is to close and restart the application.
Calling stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource on the returned URLs seem to free the resources however this solution was discouraged by Apple's representative on the official developers forums (link is behind login).
It seems that the app is at the mercy of the user not to open too many files. And that is not even at once, since there is no approved way to release these resources. You can warn the user in documentation or even with an in-app alert but there is no way to prevent them from messing up the app and forcing a restart.
So if the app runs long enough and the user keeps opening files, the app will eventually become unusable.
Still looking for a reasonable solution for this.
After searching high and low and asking in various places, I am going to close this question and conclude there is no answer or solution to this. I am posting the known information on this for future reference.
All the solutions suggested are just workarounds that may minimize the problem and try to guide the user toward not trying to open too many files. But there nothing that can be done to actually solve this.
Here are the known facts about this issue:
No matter what you do, the user can attempt to open too many files in the NSOpenPanel dialog and exhaust the security scoped URL resources
Once these resources are exhausted, it is not possible to open any more files for reading/writing. The application needs to be closed and reopened
Even if the user doesn't attempt to open too many files at once, the application may still exhaust these resources if it runs long enough and the user opens enough files over time since startAccessingSecurityScopedResource is called automatically for files opened with NSOpenPanel (or the drag/drop mechanism) and nothing ever closes these resources
Calling stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource on all URL retrieved by the open panel will free these resources but this practice is discouraged by Apple, saying it might not be compatible with future solutions
When you receive the list of URLs from NSOpenPanel (or drag/drop), there is no way to tell if all URLs were successfully accessed or if there are URLs that are over the limit and therefore invalid.
Apple is aware of this and may fix it in the future. It is still not fixed in 10.10 and of course, that will not help current applications running on current/previous OSX version.
It seems Apple has really dropped the ball on this one, the Sandbox implementation seems very sloppy and short sighted.
The behavior you experience is because the security scoped resources are limited:
NSURL - (BOOL)startAccessingSecurityScopedResource tells
If sufficient kernel resources are leaked, your app loses its ability
to add file-system locations to its sandbox...
The current limit is roughly what you experienced. See:
What are the current kernel resource limits on security-scoped bookmarks?
To prevent it:
only start accessing those SSBs you need at a given time and subsequently stop accessing them
start access not files but enclosing folders: ask the user not to choose files but a full folder. This will grant you access to the whole tree beneath that directory
on draggingEntered: show a NSOpenPanel with the enclosing directory(ies) to grant access

Obj-C OS X Delete application from /Applications

I am writing an application to remove a piece of software and its files from OS X. I can delete everything else except the .app and a folder in /Applications. I am using AuthetificationExecuteWithPriviledges, I know that it is deprecated, so could that be giving me admin issues when attempting to move the .app to the trash bin? When I step through the process I see an NSCocoaErrorDomain, with code 513. I did a quick search for it, and saw it is related to a permissions error. My other theory is that my path to the application is incorrect. I am using:
NSString *ibmNotesApplication = #"/Applications/IBM";
If you are wondering why I am trying to delete Lotus Notes, it is because the Notes uninstaller provided by IBM doesn't have all of the functionality I would like. So, I am writing one that removes notes and all files related to it so we can have a fresh install.
Here is a snippet of code where I move an item in the array to the trash bin.
if ([filemanager fileExistsAtPath:object])
NSURL *objectURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:object];
NSURL *trashedObject;
NSError *error;
//Moves item to trash bin and update log
if([filemanager trashItemAtURL:objectURL resultingItemURL:&trashedObject error:&error])
NSLog(#"Trashed %# to %#",objectURL, trashedObject);
self.textfield.stringValue = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#%#%#%#%#%#", self.textfield.stringValue, #"Trashed ", objectURL, #" to ", trashedObject, #"\n"];
As you mentioned in the question, the function AuthorizationExecuteWithPrivileges is a deprecated function and has been for quite a while now. I suggest you start by following Apple's advice of factoring out the privileged process into a separate privileged helper tool, which is launched with the help of launchd.
You can follow the example code here.
If the permission problem still exists, then at least you've gone about refactoring your code to the right way of doing things, knowing that it will be supported for future versions of the OS.

Fastest way to retrieve a folder's content on Mac, in obj-c

Well, the title is quite explicit, but a little explantations for those interested in the background.
I'm developing a little image browser. On part of the application is a directory browser which allows me to browse all the folders of my hard drive and mounted volumes.
And while profiling, I noticed that the most time consuming method of my application was the following piece of code :
// get the content of the directory
NSFileManager * fileManager = [NSFileManager defaultManager];
NSURL * url = [NSURL fileURLWithPath:mPath];
mCachedContent = [[fileManager contentsOfDirectoryAtURL:url
error:nil] retain];
// parse the content, count the number of images and directories.
for (NSURL * item in mCachedContent)
if (CFURLHasDirectoryPath((CFURLRef)item))
else if ([FileUtils isImage:[item path]] == YES)
This is necessary so that the NSOutlineView can know if a directory is expandable (and the number of images is also a feature I need)
To be more precise, the most time consuming method if [NSFileManager contentsOfDirectoryAtURL...]
So, is there any other way of getting a directory's content more efficient than the one I'm using ?
Thanks in advance for any help !
No matter how you write this function (e.g. with either Cocoa's NSFileManager API or the Unix opendir(3)/readdir(3) API), it's going to be I/O-bound—you're going to spend more time waiting on I/O than on any CPU operations performed in the middle layers.
If this is truly your bottleneck, then that means you're doing way too much I/O. Make sure you're not doing anything stupid like continually reading the contents of the same directory over and over again hundreds of times per second. If you need to continually watch a particular directory and take action whenever something in that directory changes (e.g. a file gets written to, a file is created or deleted, etc.), then use the File Systems Events API. This allows you to efficiently respond to those events when they happen without having to continually poll the directory.

How to hardcode CFBundleIdentifier?

what else can I say, how do I hardcode the CFBundleIdentifier in the app ?
If you want to change CFBundleIdentifier during runtime, you can’t unless you write to the application bundle Info.plist. That’s bad practice because the application bundle might have been moved to a read-only volume, or had its write permissions limited by the system administrator, or digitally signed to avoid tampering. I guess Launch Services wouldn’t recognise this change instantly and the application would have to be restarted. Furthermore, it is also a reason for rejection by the Mac Apple Store.
On the other hand, if you want to detect tampering of CFBundleIdentifier, you can always read its value upon application startup, e.g. in applicationDidFinishLaunching:
- (void)applicationWillFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
NSString *bundleId = [[[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary] objectForKey:#"CFBundleIdentifier"];
if (! [bundleId isEqualToString:#"com.yourcompany.yourapp"])
// Ooops, CFBundleIdentifier doesn’t match
Depending on your requirements, you might want to obfuscate the code above, including the literal strings. However, in general, you won’t be able to stop a determined adversary.