What's the significance of # in SQL? - sql

I have the following code to create an object type in Oracle (PL??)
I'd like to know what is the significance of the # appended to the Staff_ID variable in the declaration?

No special meaning.
Oracle allows using $, _ and # in identifiers, just like any other alphanumeric characters, but the identifier should begin with an alpha character (a letter).

That's part of the column name Staff_ID#. The pound sign is an allowable part of an identifier (table/column name) in PL/SQL. See here

Whoever wrote the code probably didn't mean anything special by #.
But # apparently means something to Oracle, although I don't know what. From the SQL Language Reference:
Oracle strongly discourages you from
using $ and # in nonquoted
Here are some guesses for what the warning is about:
it's related to a really old bug (the
warning goes back to at least Oracle
Oracle plans to do something with
it in a future verison
that character
isn't available on all keyboards, character sets, or platforms that Oracle supports
The data dictionary uses the number sign a lot, and as far as I can tell it works just fine for user objects. But just to be safe you might want to remove it.


Creating a table in NexusDB with german umlauts?

I'm trying to import a CREATE TABLE statement in NexusDB.
The table name contains some german umlauts and so do some field names but I receive an error that there were some invalid characters in my statement (obviously the umlauts...).
My question is now: can somebody give a solution or any ideas to solve my problem?
It's not so easy to just change the umlauts into equivalent terms like ä -> ae or ö -> oe since our application has fixed table names every customer uses currently.
It is not a good idea to use characters outside what is normally permitted in the SQL standard. This will bite you not only in NexusDB, but in many other databases as well. Take special note that there is a good chance you will also run into problems when you want to access data via ODBC etc, as other environments may also have similar standard restrictions. My strong recommendation would be to avoid use of characters outside the SQL naming standard for tables, no matter which database is used.
However... having said all that, given that NexusDB is one of the most flexible database systems for the programmer (it comes with full source), there is already a solution. If you add an "extendedliterals" define to your database server project, then a larger array of characters are considered valid. For the exact change this enables, see the nxcValidIdentChars constant in the nxllConst.pas unit. The constant may also be changed if required.

Handling dynamic (user supplied) column names

When writing applications that manage data, it is often useful to allow the end user to create or remove classes of data that are best represented as columns. For example, I'm working on a dictionary building application; a user might decide they want to add, say, an "alternate spelling" field or something to data, which could be very easily represented as another column.
Usually, I just name the column based on whatever the user called it ("alternate_spelling" in this case); however, a user-defined string that isn't explicitly sanitized as a database identifier bothers me. Since column names can't be bound like values, I'm trying to figure out how to sanitize the column names.
So my question is: what should I be doing? Can I get away with just quoting things? There's lots of questions asking how to bind column names in SQL, and many responses saying one should never need to, but never explaining the correct approach to handling variable columns. I'm working in Python specifically, but I think this question is more general.
It depands on which database you are using...
According to PostgreSQL:
"SQL identifiers and key words must begin with a letter (a-z, but also letters with diacritical marks and non-Latin letters) or an underscore (_). Subsequent characters in an identifier or key word can be letters, underscores, digits (0-9), or dollar signs ($). Note that dollar signs are not allowed in identifiers according to the letter of the SQL standard, so their use might render applications less portable"
(Keep also in mind: maximum length allowed for the name)
I was looking for something like this. I still wouldn't trust it with user-supplied names - I'd look those up from the database catalog instead, but I think it is robust enough to check data that is provided from your backend.
i.e. Just because something comes from your internal data tables or yaml config files doesn't 100% mean that an attacker couldn't have hacked into those sources, so why not add another layer right before composing sql queries?
This is for postgresql but mostly should work on something else. No, it doesn't cover ALL possible characters for naming columns and tables, only those used in my databases.
class SecurityException(Exception):
"""concerns security"""
class UnsafeSqlException(SecurityException):
""" sql fragments looks unsafe """
def is_safe_sql_name(sql : str, error_on_empty : bool = False, raise_on_false : bool = True) -> bool :
"""check that something looks like an object name"""
patre = re.compile("^[a-z][a-z0-9_]{0,254}$",re.IGNORECASE)
if not isinstance(sql, str):
raise TypeError(f"sql should be a string {sql=}")
if not sql:
if error_on_empty:
raise ValueError(f"empty sql {sql=}")
return False
res = bool(patre.match(sql))
if not res and raise_on_false:
raise UnsafeSqlException(f"{sql=}")
return res

Table or column name cannot start with numeric?

I tried to create table named 15909434_user with syntax like below:
CREATE TABLE 15909434_user ( ... )
It would produced error of course. Then, after I tried to have a bit research with google, I found a good article here that describe:
When you create an object in PostgreSQL, you give that object a name. Every table has a name, every column has a name, and so on. PostgreSQL uses a single data type to define all object names: the name type.
A value of type name is a string of 63 or fewer characters. A name must start with a letter or an underscore; the rest of the string can contain letters, digits, and underscores.
If you find that you need to create an object that does not meet these rules, you can enclose the name in double quotes. Wrapping a name in quotes creates a quoted identifier. For example, you could create a table whose name is "3.14159"—the double quotes are required, but are not actually a part of the name (that is, they are not stored and do not count against the 63-character limit). ...
Okay, now I know how to solve this by use this syntax (putting double quote on table name):
CREATE TABLE "15909434_user" ( ... )
You can create table or column name such as "15909434_user" and also user_15909434, but cannot create table or column name begin with numeric without use of double quotes.
So then, I am curious about the reason behind that (except it is a convention). Why this convention applied? Is it to avoid something like syntax limitation or other reason?
Thanks in advance for your attention!
It comes from the original sql standards, which through several layers of indirection eventually get to an identifier start block, which is one of several things, but primarily it is "a simple latin letter". There are other things too that can be used, but if you want to see all the details, go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL-92 and follow the links to the actual standard ( page 85 )
Having non numeric identifier introducers makes writing a parser to decode sql for execution easier and quicker, but a quoted form is fine too.
Edit: Why is it easier for the parser?
The problem for a parser is more in the SELECT-list clause than the FROM clause. The select-list is the list of expressions that are selected from the tables, and this is very flexible, allowing simple column names and numeric expressions. Consider the following:
SELECT 2e2 + 3.4 FROM ...
If table names, and column names could start with numerics, is 2e2 a column name or a valid number (e format is typically permitted in numeric literals) and is 3.4 the table "3" and column "4" or is it the numeric value 3.4 ?
Having the rule that identifiers start with simple latin letters (and some other specific things) means that a parser that sees 2e2 can quickly discern this will be a numeric expression, same deal with 3.4
While it would be possible to devise a scheme to allow numeric leading characters, this might lead to even more obscure rules (opinion), so this rule is a nice solution. If you allowed digits first, then it would always need quoting, which is arguably not as 'clean'.
Disclaimer, I've simplified the above slightly, ignoring corelation names to keep it short. I'm not totally familiar with postgres, but have double checked the above answer against Oracle RDB documentation and sql spec
I'd imagine it's to do with the grammar.
is fine, but ambiguous if 24 was allowed as a column name.
Adding quotes means you're explicitly referring to an identifier not a constant. So in order to use it, you'd always have to escape it anyway.

What does the SQL Standard say about usage of backtick(`)?

Once I had spent hours in debugging a simple SQL query using mysql_query() in PHP/MySQL only to realise that I had missed bactick around the table name. From then I had been always using it around table names.
But when I used the same in SQLite/C++, the symbol is not even recognized. It's confusing, whether to use this or not? What does standard say about usage of it?
Also, it would be helpful if anyone could tell me when to use quotes and when not. I mean around values and field names.
The SQL standard (current version is ISO/IEC 9075:2011, in multiple parts) says nothing about the 'back-tick' or 'back-quote' symbol (Unicode U+0060 or GRAVE ACCENT); it doesn't recognize it as a character with special meaning that can appear in SQL.
The Standard SQL mechanism for quoting identifiers is with delimited identifiers enclosed in double quotes:
SELECT "select" FROM "from" WHERE "where" = "group by";
In MySQL, that might be written:
SELECT `select` FROM `from` WHERE `where` = `group by`;
In MS SQL Server, that might be written:
SELECT [select] FROM [from] WHERE [where] = [group by];
The trouble with the SQL Standard notation is that C programmers are used to enclosing strings in double quotes, so most DBMS use double quotes as an alternative to the single quotes recognized by the standard. But that then leaves you with a problem when you want to enclose identifiers.
Microsoft took one approach; MySQL took another; Informix allows interchangeable use of single and double quotes, but if you want delimited identifiers, you set an environment variable and then you have to follow the standard (single quotes for strings, double quotes for identifiers); DB2 only follows the standard, AFAIK; SQLite appears to follow the standard; Oracle also appears to follow the standard; Sybase appears to allow either double quotes (standard) or square brackets (as with MS SQL Server — which means SQL Server might allow double quotes too). This page (link AWOL since 2013 — now available in The Wayback Machine) documents documented all these servers (and was helpful filling out the gaps in my knowledge) and notes whether the strings inside delimited identifiers are case-sensitive or not.
As to when to use a quoting mechanism around identifiers, my attitude is 'never'. Well, not quite never, but only when absolutely forced into doing so.
Note that delimited identifiers are case-sensitive; that is, "from" and "FROM" refer to different columns (in most DBMS — see URL above). Most of SQL is not case-sensitive; it is a nuisance to know which case to use. (The SQL Standard has a mainframe orientation — it expects names to be converted to upper-case; most DBMS convert names to lower-case, though.)
In general, you must delimit identifiers which are keywords to the version of SQL you are using. That means most of the keywords in Standard SQL, plus any extras that are part of the particular implementation(s) that you are using.
One continuing source of trouble is when you upgrade the server, where a column name that was not a keyword in release N becomes a keyword in release N+1. Existing SQL that worked before the upgrade stops working afterwards. Then, at least as a short-term measure, you may be forced into quoting the name. But in the ordinary course of events, you should aim to avoid needing to quote identifiers.
Of course, my attitude is coloured by the fact that Informix (which is what I work with mostly) accepts this SQL verbatim, whereas most DBMS would choke on it:
Of course, the person who produces such a ridiculous table for anything other than demonstration purposes should be hung, drawn, quartered and then the residue should be made to fix the mess they've created. But, within some limits which customers routinely manage to hit, keywords can be used as identifiers in many contexts. That is, of itself, a useful form of future-proofing. If a word becomes a keyword, there's a moderate chance that the existing code will continue to work unaffected by the change. However, the mechanism is not perfect; you can't create a table with a column called PRIMARY, but you can alter a table to add such a column. There is a reason for the idiosyncrasy, but it is hard to explain.
Trailing underscore
You said:
it would be helpful if anyone could tell me when to use quotes and when not
Years ago I surveyed several relational database products looking for commands, keywords, and reserved words. Shockingly, I found over a thousand distinct words.
Many of them were surprisingly counter-intuitive as a "database word". So I feared there was no simple way to avoid unintentional collisions with reserved words while naming my tables, columns, and such.
Then I found this tip some where on the internets:
Use a trailing underscore in all your SQL naming.
Turns out the SQL specification makes an explicit promise to never use a trailing underscore in any SQL-related names.
Being copyright-protected, I cannot quote the SQL spec directly. But section 5.2.11 <token> and <separator> from a supposed-draft of ISO/IEC 9075:1992, Database Language SQL (SQL-92) says (in my own re-wording):
In the current and future versions of the SQL spec, no keyword will end with an underscore
➥ Though oddly dropped into the SQL spec without discussion, that simple statement to me screams out “Name your stuff with a trailing underscore to avoid all naming collisions”.
Instead of:
Since adopting this practice, I have found a nice side-effect. In our apps we generally have classes and variables with the same names as the database objects (tables, columns, etc.). So an inherent ambiguity arises as to when referring to the database object versus when referring to the app state (classes, vars). Now the context is clear: When seeing a trailing underscore on a name, the database is specifically indicated. No underscore means the app programming (Java, etc.).
Further tip on SQL naming: For maximum portability, use all-lowercase with underscore between words, as well as the trailing underscore. While the SQL spec requires (not suggests) an implementation to store identifiers in all uppercase while accepting other casing, most/all products ignore this requirement. So after much reading and experimenting, I learned the all-lowercase with underscores will be most portable.
If using all-lowercase, underscores between words, plus a trailing underscore, you may never need to care about enquoting with single-quotes, double-quotes, back-ticks, or brackets.

T-SQL language specification and lexing rules

I'm thinking about writing a templating tool for generating T-SQL code, which will include delimited sections like below;
~~table~~.flag = 1
Notice the double-tildes delimiting bits? This is an idea for an escape sequence in my templating language. But I want to be certain that the escape sequence is valid -- that it will never occur in a valid T-SQL statement. Problem is, I can't find any official microsoft description of the T-SQL language.
Does anyone know of an official specification for the T-SQL language, or at least the lexing rules? So I can make an informed decision about the escape sequence.
Thanks for the suggestions so far, but I'm not looking for confirmation of the '~~' escape sequence per se. What I need is a document I can reference I can point to and say 'microsoft says this character sequence is totally impossible in T-SQL.' For instance, microsoft publish the language specification for C# here which includes a description of what characters can go into valid C# programs. (see page 67 of the pdf.) I'm looking for a similar reference.
The double-tilde: "~~" is actually perfectly good T-SQL. For instance; "(SELECT ~~1)" returns '1'.
There are several well known and often used formats for template parameters, one example being $(paramname) (also used in other scripts as well as T-SQL scripts)
Why not use an existing format?
It doesn't matter if ~~ is legal TSQL or not, if you provide an escape for producing ~~ in actual TSQL when you need it.
Since template parameters have to have a nonzero-length identifier, you have a peculiar case where the identifier length is ridiculously "zero", e.g., ~~~~. This kind of thing makes an ideal escape sequence, since it is useless for anything else. Simply process your template text; whenever you find ~~~~ replace it by the named parameter string, and whenever you find ~~~~ replace it by ~~. Now, if ~~ is needed in the final TSQL, just write ~~~~ in your template.
I suspect that even if you do this, that the number of times you'll actually write ~~~~ in practice will be close to zero, so the reason for doing it is theoretical completeness and giving you a warm fuzzy feeling that you can write anything in a template.
Well, I'm not sure about a complete description of the language, but it appears that ~~ could occur in an identifier provided that it is quoted (in brackets, typically).
You may have more luck with a convention saying you don't support identifiers with ~~ in them. Or, just reserve your own lexical symbols and don't worry about ~~ occurring elsewhere.
You could treat quoted literals and strings as content, regardless if they contain your escape-sequence. It would make it more robust.
Run the text trough a lexer, to separate each token. If the token is a string or a quoted literal, treat it as such. But if it is a literal that begins and ends with ~~, you can safely assume it is a template placeholder.
I'm not sure you'll find something that will never occur in a valid statement. Consider:
DECLARE #TemplateBreakingString varchar(100) = '~~I hope this works~~'
CREATE TABLE [~~TemplateBreakingTable~~] (IDField INT Identity)
Your escape sequence can occur in string literals, but that is all. That said, Microsoft owns t-sql, and they are free to do anything they want with it moving forward for future versions of sql server. Still, I think ~~ is safe enough.