Execute SQL from file in bash - sql

I'm trying to load a sql from a file in bash and execute the loaded sql. The sql file needs to be versatile, meaning it cannot be altered in order to make things easy while being run in bash (escaping special characters like * )
So I have run into some problems:
If I read my sample.sql
to a variable with
ab=`cat sample.sql`
and execute it
db2 `echo $ab`
I receive an sql error because by doing a cat the * has been replaced by all the files in the directory of sample.sql.
Easy solution would be to replace "" with "\" . But I cannot do this, because the file needs to stay executable in programs like DB Visualizer etc.
Could someone give me hint in the right direction?

The DB2 command line processor has options that accept a filename as input, so you shouldn't need to load statements from a text file into a shell variable.
This command will execute all SQL statements in the file, with newline treated as the statement terminator:
db2 -f sample.sql
This command will execute all SQL statements in the file, with semicolon treated as the statement terminator:
db2 -t -f sample.sql
Other useful CLP flags are:
-x : Suppress the column headings
-v : Echo the statement text immediately before execution
-z : Tee a copy of all CLP output to the filename immediately following this flag

Redirect stdin from the file.
db2 < sample.sql

In case, you have a variable used in your script and wanted to get it replaced by the shell before executed in DB2 then use this approach:
Contents of File.sql:
cat <<xEOF
insert values(1,2) into ${MY_SCHEMA}.${MY_TABLE};
select * from ${MY_SCHEMA}.${MY_TABLE};
In command prompt do:
Then you are all good to get it executed in DB2:
eval File.sq |db2 +p -t
The shell will replace the global variables and then DB2 will execute it.
Hope it helps.


How can I run .sql file having multiple .sql file inside using Snowsql?

I want to figure out how to run multiple sql files on one go. Suppose I have this test.sql file which has file1.sql, file2.sql and file3.sql and so on. Along with some DML/DDL.
use database &{db};
use schema &{sc};
create table snow_test1
name varchar
,add1 varchar
,id number
comment = 'this is snowsql testing table' ;
desc table snow_test1;
insert into snow_test1
values('prachi', 'testing', 1);
select * from snow_test1;
here what I run in power shell,
snowsql -c pp_conn -f ...\test.sql -D db=tbc -D sc=testing;
Is there any way to do this ? I know It is possible in Oracle but I want to do this using snowsql. Please guide me. Thanks in advance!
you can run multiple files in a single call:
snowsql -c pp_conn -f file1.sql -f file2.sql -f file3.sql -D db=tbc -D sc=testing;
You might need to put the addition DMLs in a file.
I have tried defining .sql file with !source inside my test.sql file and its working:
!source file1.sql;
!source file2.sql;
!source file3.sql;
Also, run the same command in power shell using one .sql file and it is working.

save all my work on sql in a file?

Actually , i am working on Mysql in linux terminal .
i want a way or a command to save all the queries i write and their outputs in a file .
well, write every query and redirect it to a file is very hard and useless !
if there is any bash script or command it will be helpfull .
yes , tee command can be use for this purpose .
while logging into mysql you can make this redirection like
mysql -u username -pPassword | tee -a outputfilename
your whole session will be stored in the file
This is a bit advanced, but I've just started playing with org-babel, and it's pretty great for SQL.
Set up org-babel in your init.el:
(org-babel-do-load-languages 'org-babel-load-languages
'((sql . t)))
(setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil
org-src-fontify-natively t
org-src-tab-acts-natively t)
And create an org-mode buffer. You can just run M-x org-mode in *scratch* if you want.
Then write your SQL:
#+BEGIN_SRC sql :engine "mysql" :dbhost "db.example.com" :dbuser "jqhacker" :dbpassword "passw0rd" :database "the_db"
show tables
select * from the_table limit 10
Evaluate it by putting the cursor in the SQL block and type C-c C-c. The results show up in the buffer. You can write as many source blocks as you like, and evaluate them in any order.
There's a lot more to org-babel: http://orgmode.org/worg/org-contrib/babel/languages/ob-doc-sql.html
i just founded that there is an sql command to save query and output in a file ;
mysql> tee filename ;
example :
mysql> tee tmp/output.out;
..logging to file 'tmp/output.out'
now : every query and his output will be saved in a output.out file.
note : " remember to write file name without quotes"

Using sql within shell script

I am currently trying to integrate an sql statement into a shell script, But facing major syntax issue:
My statement in the script:
su - <sid>adm -c 'hdbsql -U SYSTEM export "'SCHEMA'"."'*'" as binary into "'Export Location'" with reconfigure'
I get the following error:
* 257: sql syntax error: incorrect syntax near "*": line 1 col 16 (at pos 16) SQLSTATE: HY000
Would really appreciate if anyone could help me with this.
Thanks and Regards,
Your command line doesn't make much sense to me. It starts with
su - <sid>adm
which means that you are redirecting the contents of the file "sid" into "su" and then redirecting the result of that operation into the file "adm".
Second problem is that in the command you are giving to adm, the single quotes end right before the "" which means, that the "" will get interpreted by the shell as a file glob:
-c 'hdbsql -U SYSTEM export "'SCHEMA'"."'*'" as binary into "'Export Location'" with reconfigure'
You'll need to escape those single quotes like this: "\'".
But I think your problem solving approach is not good. Try to reduce to problem and only then start adding additional things to it. So first try to execute the SQL statement from the "hdbsql" shell. Does it work?
$ hdbsql
Once that works, try to execute the SQL statement from the unix shell as a user:
$ hdbsql -U SYSTEM export ...
Once that works, try to execute it via su
$ su - ...

Correct Output to File When Using SQLCMD

I've been playing around with SQLCMD to output a .SQL results to a file. It is working but the actual SQL statements are also being displayed in the output file which I obviously don't want. I am using a .bat file to run the SQL File. The following command is what I have in my .bat:
SQLCMD -S MyServerName -d MyDBName -i C:\test\start.SQL -o C:\test\out.txt -e
In my start.SQL I have the following:
set nocount on
SELECT '<HEADER>', getDate(), '<HHEADER>'
AND CREATE_TMSTMP > getDate() - 1
SELECT '<TRAILER>', getDate(), '<HHEADER>'
set nocount off
In the output file the correct information is shown but it's a little ugly with dashes and such and even shows the SQL command that was executed. Is there any way to fix this problem. Am I doing something wrong here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Why are you using the -e option?
Writes input scripts to the standard output device (stdout).
The dashes are part of the header. Use -h-1 to specify no header. If that is not acceptable use something like FINDSTR /B /V "----" to exclude that header line... assuming none of the lines you want to keep start with dashes.

loop sql query in a bash script

I need to loop a oracle sqlplus query using bash.
my scenario is like this. I have a set of names in a text file and i need to find out details of that names using a sqlplus query.
textfile.txt content:
bash script
while read line
/opt/oracle/bin/sqlplus -s user#db/password #query.sql $line
done < /tmp/textfile.txt
sql query: query.sql
set verify off
set heading off
select customerid from customers where customername like '%&1%';
problem is when I run the script I get errors like
SP2-0734: unknown command beginning
"robert..." - rest of line ignored.
can someone tell me how to solve this?
The way I do this all the time is as follows:
cat textfile.txt |while read Name
sqlplus -s userid/password#db_name > output.log <<EOF
set verify off
set heading off
select customerid from customers where customername like '%${Name}%'
Bash will auto magically expand ${Name} for each line and place it into the sql command before sending it into sqlplus
Do you have set define on ? Is your wildcard & ? You could check glogin.sql to know.
And yes, establishing n connections to pass n queries is probably not a good solution. Maybe it's faster for you to develop and you will do that one time, but if not, you should maybe think of crafting a procedure.