Can't get selenium to wait - tests only working when stepping through manually - selenium

I have quite a fundamental problem that none of my selenium phpunit tests pass unless I step through them manually in debug view, which is obviously a bit of an inconvenience! I'm running a local selenium server from the following jar file and executing the phpunit test from within Zend Studio 8.
I can't seem to find anything relevant on google or by searching here, so I assume I must be doing something wrong. Here is an example method I call from the start of most test methods in order to log in.
protected function login() {
$this->open ( "/login.php" );
try {
$this->waitForPageToLoad ( "30000" );
$this->type ( "username", self::MA_USERNAME );
$this->type ( "password", self::MA_PASSWORD );
$this->click ( "//input[#value=' Login ']" );
$this->waitForPageToLoad ( "60000" );
$this->assertFalse( $this->isTextPresent( "Login details supplied are invalid." ) );
} catch ( PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e ) {
array_push ( $this->verificationErrors, $e->toString () );
If I just press 'run' and let it go then it doesn't even fill in the fields or submit the form, so I'm assuming it hasn't waited for the page to load despite having the waitForPageToLoad() call. Stepping through manually works perfectly. Can anyone suggest how to fix this? Thanks.

Seems like Selenium is executing commands way to quick. I had the same problem.
The way I fixed my problem was to use the function setSpeed($timeInMilliSec)
In php:
So in your function, try this:
protected function login() {
$this->open ( "/login.php" );
try {
$this->waitForPageToLoad ( "30000" );
$this->type ( "username", self::MA_USERNAME );
$this->type ( "password", self::MA_PASSWORD );
$this->click ( "//input[#value=' Login ']" );
$this->waitForPageToLoad ( "60000" );
$this->assertFalse( $this->isTextPresent( "Login details supplied are invalid." ) );
} catch ( PHPUnit_Framework_AssertionFailedError $e ) {
array_push ( $this->verificationErrors, $e->toString () );
Hope this fixes your problem


Make Scrapy send POST data from Javascript function

I'm playing with Scrapy and playing with this tutorial. Things look good but I noticed Steam changed their age check so there is no longer a form in DOM. So the suggested solution will not work:
form = response.css('#agegate_box form')
action = form.xpath('#action').extract_first()
name = form.xpath('input/#name').extract_first()
value = form.xpath('input/#value').extract_first()
formdata = {
name: value,
'ageDay': '1',
'ageMonth': '1',
'ageYear': '1955'
yield FormRequest(
Checking an example game that forces age check; I noticed the View Page button is no longer a form:
<a class="btnv6_blue_hoverfade btn_medium" href="#" onclick="ViewProductPage()"><span>View Page</span></a>
And the function being called will eventually call this one:
function CheckAgeGateSubmit( callbackFunc )
if ( $J('#ageYear').val() == 2019 )
ShowAlertDialog( '', 'Please enter a valid date' );
return false;
'' + "app" + '/9200/',
sessionid: g_sessionID,
ageDay: $J('#ageDay').val(),
ageMonth: $J('#ageMonth').val(),
ageYear: $J('#ageYear').val()
).done( function( response ) {
switch ( response.success )
case 1:
case 24:
case 15:
case 2:
ShowAlertDialog( 'Error', 'There was a problem verifying your age. Please try again later.' );
} );
So basically this is making a POST with some data...what would be the best way to do this in Scrapy, since this is not a form any longer? I'm just thinking on ignoring the code where the form is obtained and simply send the request with the FormRequest object...but is this the way to go? An alternative could also be setting cookies for age and pass it on every single request so possibly the age check is ignored altogether?
You should probably just set an appropriate cookie and you'll be let right through!
If you take a look at what your browser has when entering the page:
and replicate that in scrapy:
cookies = {
'lastagecheckage': '1-January-1976',
url = ''
Request(url, cookies)
lastagecheckage should probably be enough on it's own but I haven't tested it.

Paypal Php Sdk - NotifyUrl is not a fully qualified URL Error

I have this code
$product_info = array();
$product_info = $cms['class']['product']->get($cms['site']['url_data']['product_id']);
echo 'No product info.';
$fee = $product_info['yearly_price_end'] / 100 * $product_info['fee'];
$yearly_price_end = $product_info['yearly_price_end'] + $fee;
$fee = ($product_info['setup_price_end'] / 100) * $product_info['fee'];
$setup_price_end = $product_info['setup_price_end'] + $fee;
$setup_price_end = $setup_price_end - $_SESSION['discountcode_amount'];
$error = false;
$plan_id = '';
$approvalUrl = '';
$ReturnUrl = SITE_URL.'payment/?payment_type=paypal&payment_page=process_agreement';
$CancelUrl = SITE_URL.'payment/?payment_type=paypal&payment_page=cancel_agreement';
$now = $cms['date'];
$now->modify('+5 minutes');
$apiContext = new \PayPal\Rest\ApiContext(
new \PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential(
$cms['options']['plugin_paypal_clientid'], // ClientID
$cms['options']['plugin_paypal_clientsecret'] // ClientSecret
use PayPal\Api\ChargeModel;
use PayPal\Api\Currency;
use PayPal\Api\MerchantPreferences;
use PayPal\Api\PaymentDefinition;
use PayPal\Api\Plan;
use PayPal\Api\Patch;
use PayPal\Api\PatchRequest;
use PayPal\Common\PayPalModel;
use PayPal\Api\Agreement;
use PayPal\Api\Payer;
use PayPal\Api\ShippingAddress;
// Create a new instance of Plan object
$plan = new Plan();
// # Basic Information
// Fill up the basic information that is required for the plan
// # Payment definitions for this billing plan.
$paymentDefinition = new PaymentDefinition();
// The possible values for such setters are mentioned in the setter method documentation.
// Just open the class file. e.g. lib/PayPal/Api/PaymentDefinition.php and look for setFrequency method.
// You should be able to see the acceptable values in the comments.
$setFrequency = 'Year';
//$setFrequency = 'Day';
$paymentDefinition->setName('Regular Payments')
->setAmount(new Currency(array('value' => $yearly_price_end, 'currency' => $cms['session']['client']['currency']['iso_code'])));
// Charge Models
$chargeModel = new ChargeModel();
->setAmount(new Currency(array('value' => 0, 'currency' => $cms['session']['client']['currency']['iso_code'])));
$merchantPreferences = new MerchantPreferences();
// ReturnURL and CancelURL are not required and used when creating billing agreement with payment_method as "credit_card".
// However, it is generally a good idea to set these values, in case you plan to create billing agreements which accepts "paypal" as payment_method.
// This will keep your plan compatible with both the possible scenarios on how it is being used in agreement.
->setSetupFee(new Currency(array('value' => $setup_price_end, 'currency' => $cms['session']['client']['currency']['iso_code'])));
// ### Create Plan
try {
$output = $plan->create($apiContext);
} catch (Exception $ex){
echo $output->getId().'<br />';
echo $output.'<br />';
Been working with paypal php sdk for some days now and my code stop working.
So i went back to basic and i am still getting the same damn error.
I am trying to create a plan for subscription but getting the following error:
"NotifyUrl is not a fully qualified URL"
I have no idea how to fix this as i dont use NotfifyUrl in my code?
Could be really nice if anyone had an idea how to fix this problem :)
PayPal did a update to their API last night which has caused problem within their SDK.
They are sending back null values in their responses.
I MUST stress the error is not on sending the request to PayPal, but on processing their response.
BUG Report :
Pull Request :
Hope this helps, but their current SDK is throwing exceptions.
Use below simple fix.
Replace below function in vendor\paypal\rest-api-sdk-php\lib\PayPal\Api\MerchantPreferences.php
public function setNotifyUrl($notify_url)
UrlValidator::validate($notify_url, "NotifyUrl");
$this->notify_url = $notify_url;
return $this;
If you get the same error for return_url/cancel_url, add the if condition as above.
Note: This is not a permanent solution, you can use this until getting the update from PayPal.
From the GitHub repo for the PayPal PHP SDK, I see that the error you mentioned is thrown when MerchantPreferences is not given a valid NotifyUrl. I see you're setting the CancelUrl and ReturnUrl, but not the NotifyUrl. You may simply need to set that as well, i.e.:
$NotifyUrl = (some url goes here)
Reason behind it!
error comes from.
if (filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === false) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("$urlName is not a fully qualified URL");
FILTER_VALIDATE_URL: according to this php function.
VALID URL: ""; it separated with - dash
here you can dump your url.
public static function validate($url, $urlName = null)
And then check this here:
you can check here what character will reason for invalid.

Set a variable messagingSenderId in service worker (Firebase) [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Passing state info into a service worker before `install`
(2 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I would like to set a variable messagingSenderId value in my service worker, not an hardcoded one. Is it possible?
I register my service worker like this:
navigator.serviceWorker.register( 'firebase-messaging-sw.js' )
.then( function( registration ) {
messaging.useServiceWorker( registration );
And in my firebase-messaging-sw.js, I initialize firebase like this
importScripts('' );
importScripts('' );
'messagingSenderId': 'my-id' // <- I want this to be variable
The problem is I can't find how to pass data to my service worker file. Any idea?
As mentionned, Passing state info into a service worker before 'install' answered the question. Thanks.
Here is the answer for this use case:
You need to pass the variable in the URL like so:
var myId = 'write-your-messaging-sender-id-here';
navigator.serviceWorker.register( 'firebase-messaging-sw.js?messagingSenderId=' + myId )
.then( function( registration ) {
messaging.useServiceWorker( registration );
And then, in firebase service worker (firebase-messaging-sw.js), you can get this variable like so:
importScripts('' );
importScripts('' );
var myId = new URL(location).searchParams.get('messagingSenderId');
'messagingSenderId': myId
This works. But URL.searchParams is a very new tool. It is less compatible than Firebase itself.
URL.searchParams: Chrome 51+, Firefox: 52+, Opera: unknown
Firebase: Chrome 50+, Firefox 44+, Opera 37+
So instead of:
var myId = new URL(location).searchParams.get('messagingSenderId');
I suggest using:
var myId = get_sw_url_parameters( 'messagingSenderId' );
function get_sw_url_parameters( param ) {
var vars = {};
self.location.href.replace( self.location.hash, '' ).replace(
/[?&]+([^=&]+)=?([^&]*)?/gi, // regexp
function( m, key, value ) { // callback
vars[key] = value !== undefined ? value : '';
if( param ) {
return vars[param] ? vars[param] : null;
return vars;

BigQuery php client library queryresult shows isComplete false. But I can confirm the query is successful

$queryResults = $this->bigQuery->runQuery($query, ['parameters' => ['id' => $id]]);
$info = $queryResults->info();
// var_dump($queryResults);
$isComplete = $queryResults->isComplete();
if ($isComplete) {
exit("Insert. Done!");
The query is a "insert select" statement. which I had run successful on bigquery cloud console directly.
When I use php client library here, the query finished successful too and I can confirm that it is the same as I run query directly on google cloud console.
But the info of the query shows isComplete false.
array(3) {
string(22) "bigquery#queryResponse"
array(2) {
string(26) "myprojectid"
string(31) "job_OHcckVSSwAI7pHXijmmUqK5H4XE"
There are no errors report form the $queryResults->info();. How could I find out why it shows me isComplete false?
Probably you still need to run $queryResults -> reload() to update the job status. As in the docs:
$isComplete = $queryResults->isComplete();
while (!$isComplete) {
sleep(1); // small delay between requests
$isComplete = $queryResults->isComplete();

FOSUserBundle: Custom password / Migration from old DB structure

I want to move to Symfony2, because I am totally impressed by its modernity and good programming.
Now I am taking a users table from my old system, with 10,000 users, and I don't want to anger them by making them set a new I want them to be able to login with their old password
Here is pseudo-code of how my users table looks like with 3 major fields concerning login/signup:
id, int(10) unsigned NOT NULL
username varchar(40) NOT NULL
passhash varchar(32) NOT NULL
secret varchar(20) NOT NULL
on signup, the data gets generated this way:
$secret = mksecret ();
$passhash = md5 ($secret . $password_formfield . $secret);
on login, the data gets checked the following way:
if ($row['passhash'] != md5 ($row['secret'] . $password_formfield . $row['secret']))
//show login error
So how do I handle it best in FOSUserBundle, without having to edit too many files?
You need to create a custom password encoder:
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Encoder\BasePasswordEncoder;
class MyPasswordEncoder extends BasePasswordEncoder
public function encodePassword($raw, $salt)
return md5($salt.$raw.$salt);
public function isPasswordValid($encoded, $raw, $salt)
return $this->comparePasswords($encoded, $this->encodePassword($raw, $salt));
And configure it in security.yml:
class: MyPasswordEncoder
FOS\UserBundle\Model\UserInterface: { id: my_password_encoder }
As long as User::getSalt() returns secret and User::getPassword() returns passhash you should be good to go.
It is very easy to do with FOSUserBundle. This is the code for it:
$userManager = $this->get('fos_user.user_manager');
foreach ($items as $item) {
$newItem = $userManager->createUser();
// FOSUserBundle required fields
$newItem->setPlainPassword($item->getPassword()); // get original password
$userManager->updateUser($newItem, true);