WebSQL chrome admin tool - sql

I am building an app using a web SQL database. I remember seeing somewhere that there is a way using Google Chrome to inspect the web SQL databases,
however I can't find the correct way of doing this.

You can inspect databases with Chrome DevTools using the Resources Panel.

Using PersistenceJS there is a persistence.reset API which will wipe the database clean.
PersistenceJS Site
For developing / testing purposes, you can view content and delete webSQL, IndexedDB, cookies, etc by searching for your domain name at this URL in Chrome:
There, you can delete all the storage for a domain or just certain local storage entities. Yes, the URL implies just 'cookies', but the interface at this URL includes all types of offline storage.
It would be great I think if the Chrome developer tools interface had the ability to right-click and delete a data storage entity in the Resources tab along with inspecting the content. But for now, all I know of is the settings/cookies URL.

You can use keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + i to open developer tools on Chrome.
Then go to resources tab (pink oval in screenshot below)
When there click on WebSQL and you will see list of databases that you can expand (red oval in screenshot below).


Anchor.click using executeJs function not working in real iPhone safari browser

I have a question regarding executeJs function.
page.executeJs("$0.click();", downloadAnchor.getElement());
This line of code is not working in real iPhone Safari browser, though it works in mobile responsive mode from desktop safari. Appreciate your help on this
Browsers will be "suspicious" of anything starting a download that isn't a direct reaction to interaction by the user. This is done as a security precaution since starting to download files without the user's explicit consent can be dangerous in specific cases. Different browsers and configurations have different policies for exactly where to draw the line.
In your case, the download isn't started as a direct consequence of user interaction but instead as direct consequence of receiving a message from the server. This kind of pattern will simply not work reliably no matter what you do.
Instead, you need to design the interaction so that the download is directly triggered by the user. The easiest way of doing that is by having the user directly click on the actual download link. If you want to have some indirection, then you still need to make the action work directly in the browser without going through the server.

User Emulation for app testing in Dynamics 365

In the Service Now platform there is a feature that emulates users. Is there a one in Dynamics 365 ? As of now, I am opening multiple tabs in different browsers to test user apps/forms/solutions.
No out of the box feature for this.
Couple of ideas;
Use Firefox in conjunction with Multi-Account Containers. This allows you to effectively have multiple active sessions for different users open within a single browser. This might be easier to manage.
Use a single user, but write code to automate the switching of security roles. This way you can rapidly switch between different user roles.
Unfortunately, there is no way to do User experience emulation of different persona by OOB or with community tools. Only way is different browser window with different credentials (In-cognito or Run as different user).
Only simulator available is in Form editor - Preview option, to see how the Form looks-like with Tab/Section/Fields in Create/Update/Read-Only mode for Desktop Client.
With some Chrome Addins, we can impersonate a different user only on Unified Interface (UCI) not on web UI. Read more
Essentially, we just need to add the MSCRMCallerID header to every API request.  One way to do this is using the "ModHeader" extension for Google Chrome.  Once you have it installed, create a new profile to add the header to all requests for your environment.  It should look something like this...the MSCRMCallerID is the GUID of the user you want to impersonate.

Apple Developer account - how can I automatically switch team?

Is there a way to automatically (i.e. programatically, via a specified URL, or by some other means) switch team after logging into the Apple Developer portal, but without using Fastlane? I have the following scenario:
I have a user who is admin on 2 different Apple Developer accounts
I want to log into the Apple Developer portal as the user, and do the following:
Access the 'Certificates, IDs & Profiles' section, and switch to using the team that I specify
Access iTunes Connect using the team that I specify
The reason I need this is that I want to automate logging into the Apple Developer portal and perform some maintenance tasks against a specific team, and Fastlane isn't an option right now.
I've tried using the following URL for accessing the 'Certificates, IDs & Profiles' section:
however it doesn't switch to the specified team. I've tried a similar thing for iTunes Connect using the 'switch' parameter on the URL, but that doesn't automatically switch either.
It's a little bit tricky:
For the account overview page, the different links are working:
But for the actual certificates page, Apple saves the team ID in local storage. If you change it here, it will show/get you the page you want.
As iTunes Connect is a completely different site, the team selection seems to be based on cookie values, but them look to be encrypted or something.
It really depends on what kind of "Maintenance tasks" you want to do.

office 365 api generate a guest link for MyFiles

I am trying to access from an MVC application, the OneDrive files from my office 365 account.
What I need is to give my application user the possibility to edit a .docx file, in their browser.
I used Office 365 APIs Preview, to get the list of files, and their properties, but I don't know how to allow the user to edit that file in his browser.
A solution to this problem could be to share the file with different user of my application, by creating a guest link.
From the office365 portal this is a simple task:
- OneDrive, select the file -> manage -> share with -> get a link, the link can have read only or read write rights.
I don’t know how to create this link from the APIs.
Can you please tell me how can I generate this guest link or if there is a different solution to this problem.
In short, I don't think this can be done in a supported way.
There is a real risk that if you figure out the URL structure, that the structure could change. I suggest that you make a feature request by using UserVoice. It would be preferable that the REST API and the client objects construct this URL for you.
With that said, if you take the sharing link, and place it into a browser window, the link will redirect to Word Online with the document in the browser. Take a look at the structure of the URL in the Word Online browser window. You could use that as a template, and along with the information from the File.Url property from the Office 365 API Preview, you may be able to put together a URL to that file. Expect that this approach would not be supported and would be subject to URL structure changes.
If other people find that this would be a useful feature, please use UserVoice to let us know.

Un-Share Session or Cookies of webbrowser control in VB.net

I have more than one webbrowser controls on my program, and it seams they all share session cookies.
What i want is that they DONT share the session cookies.
I have different webbrowser controls that opens the same website with different accounts, or open the same web-page that store different data in session.
Anyone has any idea?
Note : this question already posted by #Haroldis,Link old quetion Hope now he found the solution already because I having this problem also.
As mentioned in the answer you linked, this is not possible with the standard .net web browser control.
IF you genuinely need to display the pages in browsers to the user (rather than just send or recieve data, in which case webrequests are your answer) then you have a few options via third party software.
1 would be WaTin, which allows you to launch and control separate browser instances, with the option of not sharing cookies.
Another option would be awesomium, which has a .net wrapper and can run independent instances since v1.7, though i have not tested it a great deal.