Microsoft Visual Studio: How to find where a dll is loaded from? - dll

A wrong version of a dll (MSVCR90d.dll instead of MSVCR90.dll) gets used for the delete operator, causing a crash. In the callstack, only the dll name is shown, not their path. How to see the path?
Edit: I'm building in Release mode, not in debug mode. So why does the debug dll get used? I have seen the same problem reported on many other websites, but could find no working solution.
Yesterday I found using Dependency Walker that the debug dll is getting picked up, so I renamed the dll, then the release version got picked up in the Dependency Walker, and also my program did not crash. I didn't change anything today, but the program has started crashing again. And when I see the dependency walker tree, it shows MSVCR90d.dll (the debug dll) with a question mark, saying it couldn't find it in the path. Why can't it pick up the release dll? Also I don't know from where the debug dll gets used by the runtime.

You can add them in your global PATH environment variable. Refer here
You can specify the dll manually by right clicking on the solution and selecting Add Reference, then browse to the particular dll.
You can add the path to the DLLs to the Executables files settings under Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > VC++ Directories

For finding out the details of a dll, you might want to use DependencyWalker
However, in your case I think d is being appended to the name of dll, probably because you are creating a DEBUG build, and for that corresponding DEBUG versions of all dlls are loaded.
If you choose to create a RELEASE build, you would not have a d appended to MSVCR90.dll

You don't need to know Dll path, you need to understand why Debug version of delete operator is called. Maybe, _DEBUG constant is defined in Release configuration.


How to use ZeroBrane Studio IDE debugger when lua is compiled as c++

I have compiled Lua 5.3 as a 32 bit c++ DLL and exe. The DLL contains all the lua code except for lua.cpp and luac.cpp. The exe compiles lua.cpp and uses the DLL to run the lua interpreter. This works fine when running on its own from the command line. I wish to be able to run from the IDE using this DLL and exe.
If I replace /ZeroBraneStudio/bin/lua53.dll and lua53.exe with my own versions, I can run scripts (clicking the two green arrows). However, debugging does not work, giving the following error:
The procedure entry point luaL_addlstring could not be located in the dynamic link library lua53.dll.
I can see that this is happening because the debugger is making use of luasocket. \ZeroBraneStudio\bin\clibs53\socket\core.dll is dependent on lua53.dll, and is expecting it to contain lua compiled as c.
So, what is the correct solution to this - is it to compile luasocket as c++ as well?
(And, if so, does anybody have instructions/guidance for doing so? I have been unable to find anything on this.)
I'm not sure how exactly the DLL was compiled, but the error message likely indicates that the luaL_addlstring and other functions are not exported by it. If the symbols are exported correctly, you should be able to load luasocket and get the debugging working. See this thread for the related discussion.
Also, you don't need to replace lua53 library and executable, as you can configure the IDE to use your own copy of it using path.lua53 configuration setting as described in the documentation.
Okay, I was able to get it working. The solution was to compile luasocket as c++. I won't give full instructions on how to do this here, but some points to hopefully help anybody else with the same issue:
Got luasocket from here:
Renamed all *.c files to *.cpp
Renamed Lua52.props to Lua.props (I am using lua 5.3 but seems like it is compatible?)
Placed lua headers and lib in appropriate folders
Opened solution in Visual Studio 2012
Fixed up minor issues with project files, like the renaming of the files.
Added 'extern "C"' to declaration of luaopen_socket_core and luaopen_mime_core functions (necessary for lua to be able to load libraries).
Built solution
Copied new dlls into clibs53/socket and clibs53/mime folders.
I used Dependency Walker to help with this. If anybody wants further details in the future please leave a comment.

Cannot find the reference specified-Visual Basic 2013

I've got a new system. I am trying to connect to and run the system through a 64-bit Windows 7 PC. The company sent me a Visual Basic project for that. It uses .NET framework 4 and Windows Form Applications. The target CPU is x86.
In the References tab, next to three of the COM references there are "The system cannot find the reference specified" statements. When built, the project gives the namespace errors and warnings because of these objects. The other references work fine. I've then seen those .dll files in the debug folder. I think they are generated by the company before sending me. They also exist in the bin\debug folder.
I've removed the three from the references list in the project and tried the following separately:
1) In the project, refer to the .dll files that exist in the debug folder. (Seems a fake way, but removes all the errors when the project is built. When debug, it gives the "Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID ... failed due to the following error: 80040154" error.)
2) Copy the .dll files in the debug folder to C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder, then register through regsvr32 "name.dll" in the console as admin. This way, I get the ".dll was loaded, but the DllRegisterServer entry point was not found" error. (In the regedit window, the registry editor cannot find the ID's of those references that are seen in the project properties in VB.)
3) Do the item (2), but with the C:\Windows\System32 folder instead of SysWOW64. The same error when registering.
4) Changed the solution platform to x86 and tried the items 1,2, and 3. Still the same errors.
Do I have to register these dll files? And, am I supposed to register exactly these dll files that exist in the debug folder? Or are they supposed to be generated after build by referring to some 'missing' type libraries in the references tab? I don't have these type libraries, though.
All suggestions are welcome ASAP. Thanks in advance.
You have three Interop dlls for your project, correct? These dlls just allow you to use a COM dll without having to talk directly to the COM dlls yourself.
Referencing the dlls in the bin/Debug directory should be fine, since those are probably the correct dlls that the project was built with. However, you will want to move them to another folder before continuing.
What you need to get from the company that sent you the project is the original COM dlls and their dependencies, if any. Usually an interop dll is called Microsoft.Phone.Interop.dll where it is performing interop with Microsoft.Phone.dll. Microsoft.Phone.dll needs to be registered on your computer using regsvr32 and then you just need a reference to the interop dll.

what does a DLL contain? What is the difference between a Debug DLL and Release DLL?

I have a Windows Service (a Release Build), I replaced a DLL built in Debug mode and tried to start the service. It has thrown an error Could not load file or assembly 'Name' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format but when I replace the DLL built in Release mode the service started successfully. My Question is why is there a difference between a DLL built in Debug mode & in Release mode. What is the difference.
The biggest difference between these is that:
In a debug build the complete symbolic debug information is emitted to help while debugging applications and also the code optimization is not taken into account.
While in release build the symbolic debug info is not emitted and the code execution is optimized.
Also, because the symbolic info is not emitted in a release build, the size of the final executable is lesser than a debug executable.
and The DLL file normally located in the bin dirctory is the compiled source code and unless u dissasemble it , you will not be able to modifiy it.
You need the source code then you make changes to the source code and then complile it to a new DLL.
The difference is that the debug build includes extra data needed for debugging (symbol names, etc) and is linked to use debug versions of dlls (usually the runtime dll).
The latter is the one causing problems for you.
If you need debug information try to use log files with release builds instead of running debug builds on site.

What exactly is the "Multi-threaded Debug DLL" Runtime Library option doing in VS 2008?

I have a solution in VS 2008 that creates a DLL. I then use that DLL in another application. If I go in to the DLL projects property pages and change the following configuration for a DEBUG build then the built dll no long provides the desired functionality. If I change it back and rebuild the DLL, then the DLL does provide the correct functionality:
Property Pages => Configuration Properties => C/C++ => Code Generation => Runtime Library
If set to "Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd)"
then everything works as it should. I get the correct functionality from the DLL
If set to "Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)" then the DLL does not function runtime errors or anything, it just doesn't work (The DLL is supposed to plot some lines on a map but does not in this mode).
So the question is, why does using the /MDd flag result in correction functionality of the underlying code, while /MD results in incorrect functionality?
A little background...somebody else developed the DLL in C++ and I am using this DLL in a application.
All DLL's/debug code generation must match across everything that uses them. There may be another referenced library or object or dll or some code in there that is built using the wrong options; or specific options for an individual element that override the global project options.
The only way of figuring it out is to meticulously check all of the options for each file, checking the included and referenced libraries (.lib and .dll) and object files. Check the linker options too.
The reason why it doesn't work is probably because the debug version adds extra guard blocks around memory to allow detection of errors.
I had similar problems. My application which "used" a 3rd party DLL crashed when its runtime library was set to "Multi-threaded DLL (/MD)", but worked when its runtime library was set to "Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd)".
It has something to do with passing std::strings and std::lists across the DLL interface.
Our guess was the low level definition of these types was somehow different in the two runtime libraries.
We solved our related problems using this rule...
The DLL and the DLL user must be build using the exact same runtime library.
The main difference between the two options is in the libraries that your code will be linked at later. for the debug version for example this will include LIBCMTD.LIB and a few others. if your library is going to be built as debug the you should always link with MDd. failing to do so will result in lots of unresolved external linker errors at best. and sometimes the code compiles normally but crashes at runtime. if this happens in then a catch can easily hide the error. I guess you should make sure you build setting is correct. for more detailed information check this.

My DLLs are strong named, but WSPBuilder reports they are not

Created by Carsten Keutmann
GPL License 2007
Install and deploying [MYDLL]
Unable to deploy solution
Inner exception(1): This solution contains one or more assemblies targeted for the global assembly cache. You should use a strong name for any assembly that will be in the global assembly cache.
I had the same issues but what worked for me was to delete all the files in the bin and obj folder and then rebuild the WSP.
In my case, I was getting some strange errors (can't remember the exact message) when using Delay sign only option for one project.
I have found the problem, but not the solution, it seems the project I have which is really a 12 hive, is also set to output a class library, this class library is getting included in the WSP.
So... I need to ensure the bin folder is really excluded from the build process.
I set the value in program files but no reaction yet...
Now going to restart the server...
Later: Ok - the fix is to restart the server, for some reason this helped
I'm experiencing the same issue, one solution, multiple projects, the one failing to compile is using an object from another project.
I've tried clearing the bin & obj folder, as well as restarting the server. I think I'll copy the files dll to the gac using gacutil instead.