I'm a R-newbie, and I was wondering if it is possible to create objects of own classes. When I read the "help(class)" it did not seem that classes like in Java are possible. I mean I want to have a class with methods, private variables and a constructor. For example it could look like this:
className <- class {
# private variables
var1 <- "standardvalue"
var2 <- TRUE
# Constructor
constructor (v1, v2) {
var1 <- v1
var2 <- v2
# Method 1
function sum() {
var1 + var2
# Method 2
function product() {
var1 * var2
In my main programm I want to create an Object of this Class and call it's functions. For example like this:
# Create Object
numbers <- className(10,7)
# Call functions of the Object
numbers -> sum() # Should give "17"
numbers -> product() # Should give "70"
Is something like this possible? So far I did not fine any example.
Thanks for your help.
Yes, there are (at least) three OO systems to choose from in base R:
plus additional OO-like frameworks contributed via CRAN packages such as proto.
Please do some googling for S3, S4, ReferenceClasses, OO, ..., possibly starting at rseek.org. All R programming books cover this too; my favourite is Chambers (2008) book titled "Software for Data Analysis".
If you come from java and therefore are used to private and public attributes and methods I'd advise you to use the R6 package. See this link. A trivial example of a person class taken from the documentation is this:
Person <- R6Class("Person",
public = list(
name = NA,
hair = NA,
initialize = function(name, hair) {
if (!missing(name)) self$name <- name
if (!missing(hair)) self$hair <- hair
set_hair = function(val) {
self$hair <- val
greet = function() {
cat(paste0("Hello, my name is ", self$name, ".\n"))
Here's how you can create an instance of this class:
johnDoe <- Person$new("John Doe")
Note that unlike java methods are invoked using the $ operator after the object.
Got this class:
class Mass-lb is Mass {
method new(Rat:D() $value = 1.0) {
I have created aliases like this:
class Mass-lbs is Mass-lb { }
class Mass-pound is Mass-lb { }
class Mass-pounds is Mass-lb { }
class Mass-pnds is Mass-lb { }
But I'd prefer to do something like this:
my #lb-syn = < lbs pounds pound pnds >;
for #lb-syn {
EVAL 'class ::("Mass-$_") is Mass-lb {}';
This throws an error:
Name ::("Mass-$_") is not compile-time known, and can not serve as a package name
PHP has a built-in for creating aliases: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.class-alias.php
I couldn't find anything similar for raku.
In RakuAST there's a class that you can call to create a new type. But that the RakuAST branch hasn't landed yet.
Until then, your approach using EVAL is valid, you just need to make it a bit simpler:
class Mass-lb { }
BEGIN "constant Mass-$_ = Mass-lb".EVAL
for <lbs pounds pound pnds>;
my $mlb = Mass-lbs.new;
Make sure the aliases are created at BEGIN time.
No need to subclass, you can use a constant for aliasing.
Since constants are our by default, they're visible outside of the EVAL.
Alternatively, you could use raku Physics::Unit and Physics::Measure...
use Physics::Unit;
use Physics::Measure :ALL;
# define a new custom Unit
Unit.new( defn => 'lbm', names => <Mass-lb Mass-lbs Mass-pound Mass-pounds Mass-pnds> );
say GetUnit('Mass-lbs').names; #[Mass-lb Mass-lbs Mass-pound Mass-pounds Mass-pnds]
# use the Unit in a Measure
my $mass = ♎️'42 Mass-pnds';
say $mass; #42Mass-lb
say $mass.^name; #(..Mass) ...class name
# convert to another Unit
my $kgm = $mass.in: 'kg';
say $kgm; #19.05087954kg
# convert back
say $kgm.in: 'Mass-pound'; #42Mass-lb
# raku Rats mean that the back conversion is identical
say $kgm cmp $mass; #Same
# with % or abs Error
my $mass2 = ♎️'42 Mass-pnds ±3%';
say $mass2; #42Mass-lb ±1.26
say $mass2.in: 'kg'; #19.05087954kg ±0.5715263862
More info at github Physics::Unit and Physics::Measure...
so I am using express within a node-app. As my app is getting bigger I want to put my routes into extra files. I seem to be able to get hold of the bugDB if I just get rid of the intermediate get object. But I can't access the bugDB in the inner object. Any suggestions? Maybe there is even a more nice code pattern for how to accomplish this more elegantly.
I would appreachate your help. Thanks in advance. (As I am not a native speaker I couldn't find others with a similar problem, if you know how to phrase the question better, please show me the way :) )
class BugsRouter
constructor: (#bugDB)-> // instance-variable with databaselink
allBugs: (req, res)=>
console.log "db", #bugDB // this gives me undefined
// is "this" in the get context?
#bugDB.allDocs {include_docs: true}, (err, response)->
res.json 200, response
module.exports = BugsRouter
BugsRouter = require "./routes/BUGROUTER"
bugsRouter = new BugsRouter(bugDB)
console.log bugsRouter.bugDB # this is working
app.get "/bugs/all", bugsRouter.get.allBugs
Sub-objects don't work like that. When you say this:
class C
f: ->
Then p is just a plain object that happens to be a property on C's prototype, it will have no special idea of what # should be inside f. And if you try to use a fat-arrow instead:
class C
f: =>
then you're accidentally creating a namespaced class function called f so # will be C when f is called. In either case, saying:
c = new C
is the same as:
c = new C
p = c.p
so f will be called in the context of p rather than c.
You can get around this if you don't mind manually binding the functions inside get when your constructor is called:
constructor: (#bugDB) ->
#get = { }
for name, func of #constructor::get
#get[name] = func.bind(#)
This assumes that you have Function.bind available. If you don't then you can use any of the other binding techniques (_.bind, $.proxy, ...). The #get = { } trick is needed to ensure that you don't accidentally modify the prototype's version of #get; if you're certain that you'll only be creating one instance of your BugsRouter then you could use this instead:
constructor: (#bugDB) ->
for name, func of #get
#get[name] = func.bind(#)
to bind the functions inside the prototype's version of get rather than the instance's local copy.
You can watch this simplified demo to see what's going on with # in various cases, keep an eye on the #flag values to see the accidental prototype modification caused by not using #get = { } and #constructor::get:
class C1
f: -> console.log('C1', #)
class C2
f: => console.log('C2', #)
class C3
constructor: ->
#flag = Math.random()
for name, func of #get
#get[name] = func.bind(#)
f: -> console.log('C3', #)
class C4
constructor: ->
#flag = Math.random()
#get = { }
for name, func of #constructor::get
#get[name] = func.bind(#)
f: -> console.log('C4', #)
for klass in [C1, C2, C3, C3, C4, C4]
o = new klass
Live version of the above: http://jsfiddle.net/ambiguous/8XR7Z/
Hmm, seems like I found a better solution after all:
class Test
constructor: ->
#testVariable = "Have a nice"
Object.defineProperties #prototype,
enumerable :true
day: => #testVariable + " day"
week: => #testVariable + " day"
console.log (new Test()).get.day()
This allows me to call (new Test()).get.day() the way I wanted.
Live version at: JSFiddle
I'm having trouble understanding the difference between / reason for, for example, immutable.Map.transform and immutable.Map.map. It looks like transform won't change the key, but that just seems like a trivial variation of the map method. Am I missing something?
I was expecting to find a method that applied a function to the (key,value) of the map when/if that element was accessed (rather than having to iterate through the map eagerly with the map function). Does such a method exist?
You can do exactly that with mapValues. Here is the explanation from the docs:
def mapValues[C](f: (B) ⇒ C): Map[A, C]
Transforms this map by applying a function to every retrieved value.
f - the function used to transform values of this map.
returns - a map view which maps every key of this map to f(this(key)). The resulting map wraps the original map without copying any elements.
Although extending classes of the collection API is not often a good idea, it could work like this:
class LazilyModifiedMap[A,B,C](underlying: Map[A,B])(f: (A,B) => C) extends Map[A,C] {
def get(key: A) = underlying.get(key).map( x => f(key, x))
def iterator = underlying.iterator.map { case (k,v) => (k, f(k,v)) }
def -(key: A) = iterator.toMap - key
def +[C1 >: C](kv: (A,C1)) = iterator.toMap + kv
If you only need the interface of PartialFunction, you can exploit the fact that Map inherits from PartialFunction:
val m = Map(1 -> "foo", 2 -> "bar")
val n = m.andThen(_.reverse)
n(1) // --> oof
I have been looking into scala primarily on how to build DSL similar to C# LINQ/SQL. Having worked with C# LINQ Query provider, it was easy to introduce our own custom query provider which translated LINQ query to our own proprietary data store scripts. I am looking something similar in scala for eg.
val query = select Min(Close), Max(Close)
from StockPrices
where open > 0
First of all is this even possible to achieve in scala using internal DSL.
Any thoughts/ideas in this regard is highly appreciated.
I am still new in scala space, but started looking into Scala MetaProgramming & Slick. My complaint with Slick is i want to align my DSL close to SQL query - similar to above syntax.
There is no way to have an internal DSL (with the currently release) that looks exactly like the example you provided.
Using a macro I still had from this answer, the closest I could get (relatively fast) was:
select(Min(StockPrices.Open), Max(StockPrices.Open))
A real solution would take quite some time to create. If you are willing to do that you could come quite far using macro's (not a simple topic).
If you really want the exact same syntax I recommend something like XText that allows you to create a DSL with an eclipse based editor for 'free'.
The code required for the above example (I did not include the mentioned macro):
trait SqlElement {
def toString(): String
trait SqlMethod extends SqlElement {
protected val methodName: String
protected val arguments: Seq[String]
override def toString() = {
val argumentsString = arguments mkString ","
case class Select(elements: Seq[SqlElement]) extends SqlElement {
override def toString() = s"SELECT ${elements mkString ", "}"
case class From(table: Metadata) extends SqlElement {
private val tableName = table.name
override def toString() = s"FROM $tableName"
case class Min(element: Metadata) extends SqlMethod {
val methodName = "Min"
val arguments = Seq(element.name)
case class Max(element: Metadata) extends SqlMethod {
val methodName = "Max"
val arguments = Seq(element.name)
class QueryBuilder(elements: Seq[SqlElement]) {
def this(element: SqlElement) = this(Seq(element))
def from(o: Metadata) = new QueryBuilder(elements :+ From(o))
def where(element: SqlElement) = new QueryBuilder(elements :+ element)
override def toString() = elements mkString ("\n")
def select(args: SqlElement*) = new QueryBuilder(Select(args))
trait Column
object Column extends Column
object tables {
object StockPrices$ {
val Open: Column = Column
val Close: Column = Column
val StockPrices = StockPrices$
And then to use it:
import tables._
import StockPrices._
select(Min(StockPrices.Open), Max(StockPrices.Open))
That is an admirable project, but one that has been embarked upon and which is available in general release.
I'm talking about Slick, of course.
If Scala / Java interoperability is not too much of an issue for you, and if you're willing to use an internal DSL with a couple of syntax quirks compared to the syntax you have suggested, then jOOQ is growing to be a popular alternative to Slick. An example from the jOOQ manual:
for (r <- e
select (
T_BOOK.TITLE || " abc" || " xy"
from T_BOOK
leftOuterJoin (
select (x.ID, x.YEAR_OF_BIRTH)
from x
limit 1
asTable x.getName()
where (T_BOOK.ID <> 2)
or (T_BOOK.TITLE in ("O Alquimista", "Brida"))
) {
how dows this work in R...
I am using a package (zoo 1.6-4) that defines a S3 class for time series sets.
I am writing a derived class where I want to override a few methods and can't get past this one:[.zoo!
in my derived class rows are indexed by timestamp, like in zoo, but differently from zoo, I allow only POSIXct values in the index. my users will be selecting columns all of the time, while slicing series only occasionally so I want to offer obj[name] instead of obj[, name].
my objects have class c("delftfews", "zoo").
how do I override a method?
I tried this:
"[.delftfews" <- function(x, i, j, drop=TRUE, ...) {
if (missing(i)) return(NextMethod())
if (all(class(i) == "character") && missing(j)) {
return(NextMethod('[', x=x, i=1:NROW(x), j=i, drop=drop, ...))
but I get this error: Error in rval[i, j, drop = drop., ...] : incorrect number of dimensions.
I have solved by editing the source from zoo: I removed those ..., but I don't get why that works. anybody can explain what is going on here?
The problem is that with the above definition of [.delftfews this code:
z <- structure(zoo(cbind(a = 1:3, b = 4:6)), class = c("delftfews", "zoo"))
# generates this call: `[.zoo`(x = 1:6, i = 1:3, j = "a", drop = TRUE, z, "a")
Your code does work as is if you write the call like this:
z[j = "a"]
# generates this call: `[.zoo`(x = z, j = "a")
I think what you want is to change the relevant line in [.delftfews to this:
return(NextMethod(.Generic, object = x, i = 1:NROW(x), drop = drop))
# z["a"] now generates this call: `[.zoo`(x = z, i = 1:3, j = "a", drop = TRUE)
A point of clarification: allowing only POSIXct index values does not allow indexing columns by name only. I'm not sure how you arrived at that conclusion.
You're overriding zoo correctly, but I think you misunderstand NextMethod. The error is caused by if (missing(i)) return(NextMethod()), which calls [.zoo if i is missing, but [.zoo requires i because zoo's internal data structure is a matrix. Something like this should work:
if (missing(i)) i <- 1:NROW(x)
though I'm not sure if you have to explicitly pass this new i to NextMethod...
You may be interested in the xts package, if you haven't already taken a look at it.