How to disable SystemC runtime warnings? - systemc

I have successfully compiled a SystemC application that I use in order to simulate a CPU when running on a general architecture.
Well my problem is just that, when running the application in order to create the VCD file, the SystemC kernel plots me some warnings.
I get some warning, something like this:
Warning: (W206) vector contains
4-value logic In file:
In process: process.processname # x ns
Well... the message itself is not important... I put it here just to let you understand better tht this is a warning message thrown at RUNNING time.
Given that I print several important messages during the execution, I would really like not to have these verbose messages by SystemC. How to let this happen?

To disable all warnings:
sc_report_handler::set_actions (SC_WARNING, SC_DO_NOTHING);
To disable the "vector contains 4-value logic" warning, but leave other warnings enabled:
sc_report_handler::set_actions (SC_ID_VECTOR_CONTAINS_LOGIC_VALUE_,


Warnings issued during compile phase of stan

I get two warnings at the cpp compile phase with all the stan programs that I submit.
C:/Larry/R/win-library/3.4/BH/include/boost/config/compiler/gcc.hpp:186:0: warning: "BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES" redefined # define BOOST_NO_CXX11_RVALUE_REFERENCES
cc1plus.`exe: warning: unrecognized command line option "-Wno-ignored-attributes"
Since I don't get these warnings in submitting other Rcpp programs, I suspect that they are generated in the course of gc++ compiling of the Stan program. They seem to be harmless, but they are disconcerting. I see many other messages on Stack Overfkiw that include these warnings, but I have not found any explanations of them, nor ways to correct what is producing these warnings.
I am running R 3.4.3 and RStudio 1.1.383 in Windows 10 with Rtools I'd be grateful to anyone that will explain these warnings to me and what I have to do to correct them.
Don't worry about either of those.
The first is telling you that it redefines that Boost thing, but it is redefining it to what it was already set to.
The second is avoidable if you take -Wno-ignored-attributes out of the CXXFLAGS line of your ~/.R/Makevars file. It applies to a different compiler or version or something and is being ignored.

SIGSEGV in optimizated ifort

If I compile with -O0 in ifort, the program can run correctly. But as long as I open the optimization option, like -O, -O3, -fast, there will be a SIGSEGV segmentation fault come out.
This error occurred in a subroutine named maketable(). And the belows are the phenomenons:
(1) I call fftw library in this subroutine. If I comment the sentences about fftw, it'll be ok. But I think it's not the fault of fftw, because I also use fftw in some other places of this code, and they are good.
(2) the fftw is called in a loop, and the loop can run several times when the program crashed. The segfault does not happen at the first time of entering the loop.
(3) I considered the stack overflow, but I don't think so now. I have the executable file complied by others long time ago, it's can be executed in my computer. I think that suggests it's not due to the system stack overflow.
The version of ifort is 10.0, of fftw is fftw-2.1.5. The cpu type is intel xeon 5130. Thanks a lot.
There are two common causes of segmentation faults in Fortran programs:
Attempting to access an element outside the bounds of an array.
Mismatching actual and dummy arguments in a procedure call.
Both are relatively easy to find:
Your compiler will have an option to generate code which performs array bounds checking at run time. Check your compiler documentation, rebuild your code and rerun it. If this is the cause of the problem you will get an error message identifying where your code goes awry.
Program explicit interfaces for any subroutines and functions in your program, or use modules so that the compiler generates such interfaces for you, or use a compiler option (see the documentation) to check that argument types match at compile-time.
It's not unusual that such errors (seem to) arise only when optimisation is turned up high.
Note that I'm not suggesting that optimisation causes the error you observe, but that it causes the error to affect the execution of your program and become evident.
It's not unknown for incorrect programs to run many times apparently without fault only for, say, recompilation with a new compiler version to create an executable which crashes every time.
Your wish to switch off optimisation only for the subroutine where the segmentation fault seems to arise is, I suggest, completely wrong-headed. I expect my programs to execute correctly at any level of optimisation (save for clear evidence of a compiler bug, such things are not unknown). I think that by turning off optimisation you are sweeping a real problem with your program under the carpet, as it were.

How to build CGAL with tracing enabled (esp CGAL_NEF_TRACEN)

I am trying to debug an assertion failure exception I get with the CGAL library. CGAL has well placed debug and trace statements all over the library, which I can use to understand what's happening in my case. However despite many efforts I could not find the right compile time flags that will enables those debug and trace messages. I am especially interested in the trace messages printed with the CGAL_NEF_TRACEN macro. I have tried to compile with the cmake option -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug, but to no avail. I don't have much experience with cmake. Please let me know if you know how to do this.
Got the answer on cgal-discuss mailing list. Compile a debug version and set the global variable debugthread to 0.

how to debug SIGSEGV in jvm GCTaskThread

My application is experiencing cashes in production.
The crash dump indicates a SIGSEGV has occurred in GCTaskThread
It uses JNI, so there might be some source for memory corruption, although I can't be sure.
How can I debug this problem - I though of doing -XX:OnError... but i am not sure what will help me debug this.
Also, can some of you give a concrete example on how JNI code can crash GC with SIGSEGV
OS:SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64)
vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (11.0-b15) for linux-amd64 JRE (1.6.0_10-b33), built on Sep 26 2008 01:10:29 by "java_re" with gcc 3.2.2 (SuSE Linux)
The issue stop occurring after we disable the hyper threading, any thoughts?
Errors in JNI code can occur in several ways:
The program crashes during execution of a native method (most common).
The program crashes some time after returning from the native method, often during GC (not so common).
Bad JNI code causes deadlocks shortly after returning from a native method (occasional).
If you think that you have a problem with the interaction between user-written native code and the JVM (that is, a JNI problem), you can run diagnostics that help you check the JNI transitions. to invoke these diagnostics; specify the -Xcheck:jni option when you start up the JVM.
The -Xcheck:jni option activates a set of wrapper functions around the JNI functions. The wrapper functions perform checks on the incoming parameters. These checks include:
Whether the call and the call that initialized JNI are on the same thread.
Whether the object parameters are valid objects.
Whether local or global references refer to valid objects.
Whether the type of a field matches the Get<Type>Field or Set<Type>Field call.
Whether static and nonstatic field IDs are valid.
Whether strings are valid and non-null.
Whether array elements are non-null.
The types on array elements.
Pls read the following links
Use valgrind. This sounds like a memory corruption. The output will be verbose but try to isolate the report to the JNI library if its possible.
Since the faulty thread seems to be GCTaskThread, did you try enabling verbose:gc and analyzing the output (preferably using a graphical tool like samurai, etc.)? Are you able to isolate a specific lib after examining the hs_err file?
Also, can you please provide more information on what causes the issue and if it is easily reproducible?

How to suppress "DWARF2 CFI reader: unhandled CFI instruction" error in valgrind output?

I'm quite new in using valgrind. I'm running tests for my C library. I've tryed to run it under valgrind and got some very valuable info about possible errors in my code. One thing that bothers me is beginning of every valgrind session is full of messages like this:
DWARF2 CFI reader: unhandled CFI instruction 0:22
IIUC it's unrelated to problems in my code and I'd like to disable them to simplify analysis of other errors. I've read valgrind help but can't find the proper command-line option.
Can you provide me some hints?
Support for these DWARF3 operations have been added. Just update to the current version of valgrind, available at