I can't seem to find a way to do this. Basically I want to do this in pseudocode:
printfn "starting an external script"
launch Script1.fsx
printfn "Finished"
printfn "I am Script1 running"
So the output window should show (after running MainScript.fsx):
"starting an external script"
"I am Script1 running"
Basically the launch Script1.fsx is the method I don't know how to implement.
Thanks in advance,
You can use ProcessStartInfo to start a new process. You need to give the path to fsi.exe, and use your fsx file as an argument. You need to set UseShellExecute to false to have the result in your interactive shell.
For example:
let exec fsi script =
let psi = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(fsi)
psi.Arguments <- script
psi.UseShellExecute <- false
let p = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(psi)
exec #"c:\Program Files\Microsoft F#\v4.0\Fsi.exe" "foo.fsx"
How do I get a DSC script resource to wait until the code has completed before moving on?
(The code is invoke-expression "path\file.exe")
I am using powershell version 5
and am trying to get DSC setup to handle our sql server installations.
My manager has asked me to use the out of the box DSC components.
i.e. no downloading of custom modules which may help.
I have built up the config file that handles the base server build - everything is good.
The script resource that installs sql server is good.
It executes, and waits until it has installed completely, before moving on.
When I get up to the script resource that installs the sql server cumulative update, I have issues.
The executable gets called and it starts installing (it should take 10-15 minutes), but the dsc configuration doesn't wait until it has installed, and moves on after a second.
This means that the DependsOn for future steps, gets called, before the installation is complete.
How can I make the script resource wait until it has finished?
Have you tried the keyword "DependsOn" like that ?
Script MyNewSvc
GetScript = {
$SvcName = 'MyNewSvc'
$Results = #{}
$Results['svc'] = Get-Service $SvcName
SetScript = {
$SvcName = 'MyNewSvc'
setup.exe /param
while((Get-Service $SvcName).Status -ne "Running"){ Start-Sleep 10 }
TestScript = {
$SvcName = 'MyNewSvc'
$SvcLog = 'c:\svc.log'
If (condition) { #like a a running svc or a log file
Else {
WindowsFeature Feature
Name = "Web-Server"
Ensure = "Present"
DependsOn = "[Script]MyNewSvc"
Invoke-Expression doesn't seem to wait until the process has finished - try this in a generic PowerShell console and you'll see the command returns before you close notepad:
Invoke-Expression -Command "notepad.exe";
You can use Start-Process instead:
Start-Process -FilePath "notepad.exe" -Wait -NoNewWindow;
And if you want to check the exit code you can do this:
$process = Start-Process -FilePath "notepad.exe" -Wait -NoNewWindow -PassThru;
$exitcode = $process.ExitCode;
if( $exitcode -ne 0 )
# handle errors here
Finally, to use command line arguments:
$process = Start-Process -FilePath "setup.exe" -ArgumentList #("/param1", "/param2") -Wait -PassThru;
$exitcode = $process.ExitCode;
I was attempting to convert PowerPoint files to PDF using PowerShell and was able to do so. However, I am trying to take this one step further and select the 'Minimum Size (publishing online)' option through the script.
Is there a property that needs to be set for this to happen? I'm guessing it is the $ppQualityStandard variable but not exactly sure.
EDIT: This is what I am using currently:
function ppt_to_pdf ($folderpath, $pptname) {
Add-Type -AssemblyName office
$ppFormatPDF = 2
$ppQualityStandard = 0
$p = New-Object -ComObject PowerPoint.Application
$p.Visible = [Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState]::msoTrue
$ppt = $p.Presentations.Open("$folderpath\$pptname")
$ppt.SaveCopyAs("$folderpath\$pptname", 32)
$p = $null
I suspect you need to use .ExportAsFixedFormat rather than .SaveCopyAs.
It takes, among other parameters, Intent as type ppFixedFormatIntent, which can be either:
ppFixedFormatIntentScreen (=1)
ppFixedFormatIntentPrint (=2)
There's a host of other parms. To learn more, start PPT, go into the VBA IDE and press F2 for the Object Browser and search for ExportAsFixedFormat
I want to know how to interact with shell from Mono and I can't seem to find very much information about this. For example, I want to return the output of "ls" and stick it into a variable - Is this even possible?
Here's what I have so far:
var proc = new Process();
proc.StartInfo.FileName = "ls";
proc.Start ();
proc.Close ()
It is possible to get the shell output. Please try the following -
Process p = new Process();
p.StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("/bin/ls", "-l")
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
UseShellExecute = false
//The output of the shell command will be in the outPut variable after the
//following line is executed
var outPut = p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd();
I have a .net application that successfully runs Powershell commands that it pulls from text files- until I tried doing one that is more complicated and contains an if condition. The script works correctly from a PS console but in .NET I only know how to pass in a string for the script, which after reading the file, it adds extra stuff like vblf and even if I take it out, it won't work. Is this even possible?
.NET Runtime Error: Server was unable to process request. ---> The
term 'False' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function,
script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or
if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
.NET code:
'Grab Powershell script from text (.ps1) file
strScript = File.ReadAllText(ScriptFileName)
'inject the arguments into the script
strScript = InsertArguments(strScript, Arguments)
'Open the runspace and create a pipeline if it's not already open
If psRunspace.RunspaceStateInfo.State = RunspaceState.BeforeOpen Then
End If
Dim MyPipeline As Pipeline = psRunspace.CreatePipeline()
Dim psResults As Collection(Of PSObject) = MyPipeline.Invoke()
Powershell Script, stored in ps1 file:
new-mailbox -name $argument1 -DisplayName $argument1 -UserPrincipalName $argument2 Room -DomainController $argument5
if ($argument4 -eq "False") {
Set-CalendarProcessing $argument1 -BookingWindowInDays 400 -DeleteSubject $false -AutomateProcessing autoaccept -AllBookInPolicy $false -BookInPolicy $argument3 -DomainController $argument5
} else {
Set-CalendarProcessing $argument1 -BookingWindowInDays 400 -DeleteSubject $false -AutomateProcessing autoaccept -AllBookInPolicy $true -DomainController $argument5
When this script is read in, here is a substring of what gets pulled into strScript:
-Room -DomainController mcexdct1" & vbLf & "if (False -eq "False") {"
Fixed it by changing the PowerShell script from this:
if ($argument4 -eq "False") {
to this:
if ("$argument4" -eq "False") {
It works with quotation marks around it. I guess the "junk" I was seeing in the script string (like vblf) is normal- I don't work with reading from text files that much.
In ClearCase, you can list the content of a directory using "cleartool ls".
My question is how can I do the same thing using CAL (ClearCase Automation Layer). The reason I prefer the COM API is because I won't have to parse the output of "ls".
So far, I am able to get the VOB and the View successfully, but I didn't find any method for listing the content.
My code so far:
IClearCase cc = new ApplicationClass();
CCVOB vob = cc.get_VOB("\\VOB-name");
CCView view = cc.get_View("ViewTag");
Thank you for your help.
I wrote VonC's answer in C# for those interrested.
string[] files = Directory.GetFiles("View path here", "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories);
foreach (string file in files)
CCVersion ver = cc.get_Version(file);
catch(Exception) {/*the file is not versioned*/}
May be this is a good start:
Set CC = Wscript.CreateObject("ClearCase.Application")
Set DirVer = CC.Version(".")
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Folder = FSO.GetFolder(DirVer.Path)
Wscript.Echo "Files under source control: "
For Each File in Folder.Files
On Error Resume Next
Set Ver = CC.Version(File.Name)
If Err.Number = 0 Then
Wscript.Echo Ver.ExtendedPath
End If
The idea being to use ICCVersion methods to try accessing the version of a file. If it does not return an error, it is indeed a versioned file.
Now I know the file is versioned, how can I remove it (rmname).
Do not use RemoveVersion():
Removes irretrievably the version (equivalent to cleartool rmver)
WARNING! This is a potentially destructive operation. Because CAL does not prompt the user for input under any circumstances, there is no confirmation step when RemoveVersion is invoked. Invoking RemoveVersion is equivalent to running cleartool rmver with the -force option.
Instead use the RemoveName from the ICCElement interface.