Jet engine (Access) : Passing a list of values to a stored procedure - vba

I am currently writing a VBA-based Excel add-in that's heavily based on a Jet database backend (I use the Office 2003 suite -- the problem would be the same with a more recent version of Office anyway).
During the initialization of my app, I create stored procedures that are defined in a text file. Those procedures are called by my app when needed.
Let me take a simple example to describe my issue: suppose that my app allows end-users to select the identifiers of orders for which they'd like details. Here's the table definition:
Table tblOrders: OrderID LONG, OrderDate DATE, (other fields)
The end-user may select one or more OrderIDs, displayed in a form - s/he just has to tick the checkbox of the relevant OrderIDs for which s/he'd like details (OrderDate, etc).
Because I don't know in advance how many OrderID s/he will select, I could dynamically create the SQL query in the VBA code by cascading WHERE clauses based on the choices made on the form:
SELECT * FROM tblOrders WHERE OrderID = 1 OR OrderID = 2 OR OrderID = 3
or, much simpler, by using the IN keyword:
SELECT * FROM tblOrders WHERE OrderID IN (1,2,3)
Now if I turn this simple query into a stored procedure so that I can dynamically pass list of OrderIDs I want to be displayed, how should I do? I already tried things like:
CREATE PROCEDURE spTest (#OrderList varchar) AS
SELECT * FROM tblOrders WHERE OrderID IN (#OrderList)
But this does not work (I was expecting that), because #OrderList is interpreted as a string (e.g. "1,2,3") and not as a list of long values. (I adapted from code found here: Passing a list/array to SQL Server stored procedure)
I'd like to avoid dealing with this issue via pure VBA code (i.e. dynamically assigning list of values to a query that is hardcoded in my application) as much as possible. I'd understand if ever this is not possible.
Any clue?

You can create the query-statement string dynamically. In SQL Server you can have a function whose return value is a TABLE, and invoke that function inline as if it were a table. Or in JET you could also create a kludge -- a temporary table (or persistent table that serves the function of a temporary table) that contains the values in your in-list, one per row, and join on that table. The query would thus be a two-step process: 1) populate temp table with INLIST values, then 2) execute the query joining on the temp table.
autoincrementing id
QueryID [some value to identify the current query, perhaps a GUID]
myvalue one of the values in your in-list, string
select * from foo
inner join MYTEMPTABLE on foo.column = MYTEMPTABLE.myvalue and MYTEMPTABLE.QueryId = ?
[cannot recall if JET allows ANDs in INNER JOIN as SQL Server does --
if not, adjust syntax accordingly]
instead of
select * from foo where foo.column IN (... )
In this way you could have the same table handle multiple queries concurrently, because each query would have a unique identifier. You could delete the in-list rows after you're finished with them:
P.S. There would be several ways of handling data type issues for the join. You could cast the string value in MYTEMPTABLE as required, or you could have multiple columns in MYTEMPTABLE of varying datatypes, inserting into and joining on the correct column:


Using table variables in Oracle Stored Procedure

I have lots of experience with T-SQL (MS SQL Server).
There it is quite common to first select some set of records into a
table variable or say temp table t, and then work with this t
throughout the whole SP body using it just like a regular table
(for JOINS, sub-queries, etc.).
Now I am trying the same thing in Oracle but it's a pain.
I get errors all the way and it keeps saying
that it does not recognize my table (i.e. my table variable).
Error(28,7): PL/SQL: SQL Statement ignored
Error(30,28): PL/SQL: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
I start thinking what at all is possible to do with this
table variable and what not (in the SP body) ?
I have this declaration:
What on Earth can I do with this tc now in my SP?!
This is what I am trying to do in the body of the SP.
) z
V_CAMPAIGN is a DB view, tc is my table variable
Presumably you are trying to update a subset of the V_CAMPAIGN records.
While in SQLServer it may be useful to define a 'temporary' table containing the subset and then operate on that it isn't necessary in Oracle.
Simply update the table with the where clause you would have used to define the temp table.
UPDATE v_campaign z
SET z.status_id = 4
WHERE z.column_name = 'a value'
AND z.status <> 4
I assume that the technique you are familiar with is to minimise the effect of read locks that are taken while selecting the data.
Oracle uses a different locking strategy so the technique is mostly unnecessary.
Echoing a comment above - tell us what you want to achieve in Oracle and you will get suggestions for the best way forward.

display passed parameter in an ssrs report even if there are no associated records in the database

I need to create an SSRS report that is passed a list of parameters and return all the parameters, even if there are no records associated with the parameter. I have posted below of what I am trying to accomplish.
Passed parameters: 12388501, 1238853, 1238858, 123885900, 12388573
And would like the final report to look like the example below:
The parameters passed in this example are Account Numbers. How can I get the Account Number to display as a record even though it is not contained in the database?
I am using SQL Server 2012 database, SSMS for development of the query and will ultimately create the report in SSRS.
I hope my wording of this question makes sense. If there is anything missing in my query please let me know and I will provide it. Thanks in advance!
Step 1: Split your string into rows of a table. My understanding is that Erland Sommarskog is regarded as an authority on handling lists in SQL Server: Arrays and Lists in SQL Server 2008
Using Table-Valued Parameters (revised in 2012. He has a page devoted to the broader topic/earlier SQL Server versions at Arrays and Lists in SQL Server.) There are other methods for splitting strings into table-valued parameters via user-defined functions, etc. that may perform reasonably well for small lists similar to what you have here.
Step 2: using that table-valued parameter that you've populated from the splitting of the string parameter, form your query like the one below. The INNER JOIN in the first SELECT will give you only those records that match an AccountNumber in your inline table and the LEFT OUTER JOIN with the WHERE clause in the second SELECT will give you only AccountNumber values that don't exist in myTable. You can substitute other values for the NULL values I've stubbed in as long as they match the data types of the corresponding fields in myTable.
SELECT mt.AccountNumber,mt.LastName,mt.FirstName,mt.ContactNumber,mt.Address,mt.City,mt.State,mt.Zip
FROM myTable mt JOIN #t t ON mt.AccountNumber = t.AccountNumber
SELECT t.AccountNumber,NULL LastName,NULL FirstName,NULL ContactNumber,NULL Address,NULL City,NULL State, NULL Zip
FROM #t t
LEFT OUTER JOIN myTable mt ON t.AccountNumber = mt.AccountNumber
WHERE mt.AccountNumber IS NULL

Using local variable for "IN" criteria condition with SQL Server [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
SQL : in clause in storedprocedure:how to pass values
I'm using MS SQL Server 2005, and trying to basically script a 2-step process:
Query a table for a list of IDs matching certain criteria
Update a field in that table, where the ID is in the list of IDs returned by the first
With the catch being that steps 1 and 2 might be separated by a considerable time delay and executed in different sessions. Essential the list of IDs used in #2 is historical data: the values which #1 returned at a past point in time.
What I've attempted to do is write all of IDs from #1 into a varchar(8000) in "##, ##, ##, ##," format (this part is working great), and then use that string like:
UPDATE table SET field=newValue WHERE (id IN (#varcharOfCommaSeparatedIDs))
But this is giving me a syntax error, stating that it cannot convert that varchar value into whatever is needed (the error message is being truncated)
Is there a way to do this without putting the entire SQL command into a string and executing that (using EXEC or sp_executesql)? After years of avoiding injection attacks I have a somewhat instinctive (and perhaps irrational) aversion to "dynamic SQL"
If you're passing the values around between SP's on the SQL Server, I highly recommend storing the values in tables...
- Temp Tables (#mytable)
- Table Variables (#table)
- Real Tables
In SQL Server 2008 onwards you can have table valued input parameters...
If you're passing the values in from an app, the dread comma-separated-string is indeed useful. There are many answers on SO that give Table Valued Functions for turning a string into a table of ids, read to be joined on.
ON =
Just write it out to a table.
IF EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM Database.dbo.MyHoldingTable)
DROP TABLE Database.dbo.MyHoldingTable
SELECT <fields>
INTO Database.dbo.MyHoldingTable
FROM <other table>
WHERE <conditions>
Then, later:
UPDATE OtherTable
Set Column=NewValue
WHERE ID IN (SELECT id FROM Database.dbo.MyHoldingTable)
Also note you could also use an INNER JOIN on your table instead of a IN clause if you prefer.

How to efficiently SELECT rows from database table based on selected set of values

I have a transaction table of 1 million rows. The table has a field name "Code" to keep customer's ID. There are about 10,000 different customer code.
I have an GUI interface allow user to render a report from transaction table. User may select arbitrary number of customers for rendering.
I use IN operator first and it works for few customers:
I quickly run into problem if I select few thousand customers. There is limitation using IN operator.
An alternate way is create a temporary table with only one field of CODE, and inject selected customer codes into the temporary table using INSERT statement. I may then using
This works nice for huge selection. However, there is performance overhead for temporary table creation, INSERT injection and dropping of temporary table.
Do you aware of better solution to handle this situation?
If you use SQL Server 2008, the fastest way to do this is usually with a Table-Valued Parameter (TVP):
DECLARE #Codes AS CodeTable
INSERT #Codes (Code) VALUES (1)
INSERT #Codes (Code) VALUES (2)
INSERT #Codes (Code) VALUES (3)
-- Snip codes
FROM #Codes c
INNER JOIN Trans_Table t
ON t.Code = c.Code
Using ADO.NET, you can populate the TVP directly from your code, so you don't need to generate all those INSERT statements - just pass in a DataTable and ADO.NET will handle the rest. So you can write a Stored Procedure like this:
#Codes CodeTable READONLY
FROM #Codes c
INNER JOIN Trans_Table t
ON t.Code = c.Code
... and just pass in the #Codes value as a parameter.
You can generate SQL such as
SELECT * FROM TRANS_TABLE WHERE CODE IN (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)
and re-use it in a loop until you've loaded all the IDs you need. The advantage is that if you only need a few IDs your DB doesn't need to parse all those in-clauses. If many IDs is a rare case then the performance hit may not matter. If you are not worried about the SQL parsing cache then you can limit the size of the in clause to the DB's actual limit, so that sometimes you don't need a loop and other times you do.
As you have to pass the IDs somehow, IN should be the fastest way.
MSDN mentions:
Including an extremely large number of values (many thousands) in an IN clause can consume resources and return errors 8623 or 8632. To work around this problem, store the items in the IN list in a table.
If you still can use IN and the query is to slow, you could try to adjust your indexes like using some covering index for your query. Looking up random values by the clustered index can be slow, because of the random disk I/O required. A covering index could reduce that problem.
If you really pass limit of IN and you create a temporary table, I don't expect the creation of the table to be a major problem, as long as you insert the values at once (not thousands of queries of course). Choose the method with the least overhead, like one of those mentioned here:
Of course, if there is some static pattern in your IDs you could select by that (like in SPs or UDFs). If you get those thousands of IDs out of your database itself, instead of passing them back and forth, you could just store them or use a subquery...
Maybe you could pass the customer codes to a stored procedure comma separated and use the split sql function mentioned here:
Then declare a scalar table where you insert the splitted values in and use an IN clause.
CREATE PROCEDURE prc_dosomething (
#CustomerCodes varchar(MAX)
DECLARE #customercodetable table(code varchar(10)) -- or whatever length you require.
SET #customercodetable = UTILfn_Split(#CustomerCodes) -- see the article above for the split function.
-- do some magic stuff here :).

Operation must use an updatable query. (Error 3073)

I have written this query:
UPDATE tbl_stock1 SET
tbl_stock1.weight1 = (
select (b.weight1 - c.weight_in_gram) as temp
tbl_stock1 as b,
tbl_sales_item as c
b.item_submodel_id = c.item_submodel_id
and b.item_submodel_id = tbl_stock1.item_submodel_id
and b.status <> 'D'
and c.status <> 'D'
tbl_stock1.qty1 = (
select (b.qty1 - c.qty) as temp1
tbl_stock1 as b,
tbl_sales_item as c
b.item_submodel_id = c.item_submodel_id
and b.item_submodel_id = tbl_stock1.item_submodel_id
and b.status <> 'D'
and c.status <> 'D'
tbl_stock1.item_submodel_id = 'ISUBM/1'
and tbl_stock1.status <> 'D';
I got this error message:
Operation must use an updatable query. (Error 3073) Microsoft Access
But if I run the same query in SQL Server it will be executed.
I'm quite sure the JET DB Engine treats any query with a subquery as non-updateable. This is most likely the reason for the error and, thus, you'll need to rework the logic and avoid the subqueries.
As a test, you might also try to remove the calculation (the subtraction) being performed in each of the two subqueries. This calculation may not be playing nicely with the update as well.
Consider this very simple UPDATE statement using Northwind:
UPDATE Categories
SET Description = (
FROM Employees
It fails with the error 'Operation must use an updateable query'.
The Access database engine simple does not support the SQL-92 syntax using a scalar subquery in the SET clause.
The Access database engine has its own proprietary UPDATE..JOIN..SET syntax but is unsafe because, unlike a scalar subquery, it doesn’t require values to be unambiguous. If values are ambiguous then the engine silent 'picks' one arbitrarily and it is hard (if not impossible) to predict which one will be applied even if you were aware of the problem.
For example, consider the existing Categories table in Northwind and the following daft (non-)table as a target for an update (daft but simple to demonstrate the problem clearly):
CREATE TABLE BadCategories
CategoryName NVARCHAR(15) NOT NULL
INSERT INTO BadCategories (CategoryID, CategoryName)
VALUES (1, 'This one...?')
INSERT INTO BadCategories (CategoryID, CategoryName)
VALUES (1, '...or this one?')
Now for the UPDATE:
UPDATE Categories
SELECT T1.CategoryID, T1.CategoryName
FROM Categories AS T1
SELECT 9 - T2.CategoryID, T2.CategoryName
FROM Categories AS T2
) AS DT1
ON DT1.CategoryID = Categories.CategoryID
SET Categories.CategoryName = DT1.CategoryName;
When I run this I'm told that two rows have been updated, funny because there's only one matching row in the Categories table. The result is that the Categories table with CategoryID now has the '...or this one?' value. I suspect it has been a race to see which value gets written to the table last.
The SQL-92 scalar subquery is verbose when there are multiple clauses in the SET and/or the WHERE clause matches the SET's clauses but at least it eliminates ambiguity (plus a decent optimizer should be able to detects that the subqueries are close matches). The SQL-99 Standard introduced MERGE which can be used to eliminate the aforementioned repetition but needless to say Access doesn't support that either.
The Access database engine's lack of support for the SQL-92 scalar subquery syntax is for me its worst 'design feature' (read 'bug').
Also note the Access database engine's proprietary UPDATE..JOIN..SET syntax cannot anyhow be used with set functions ('totals queries' in Access-speak). See Update Query Based on Totals Query Fails.
Keep in mind that if you copy over a query that originally had queries or summary queries as part of the query, even though you delete those queries and only have linked tables, the query will (mistakenly) act like it still has non-updateable fields and will give you this error. You just simply re-create the query as you want it but it is an insidious little glitch.
You are updating weight1 and qty1 with values that are in turn derived from weight1 and qty1 (respectively). That's why MS-Access is choking on the update. It's probably also doing some optimisation in the background.
The way I would get around this is to dump the calculations into a temporary table, and then update the first table from the temporary table.
There is no error in the code. But the error is Thrown because of the following reason.
Please check weather you have given Read-write permission to MS-Access database file.
The Database file where it is stored (say in Folder1) is read-only..?
suppose you are stored the database (MS-Access file) in read only folder, while running your application the connection is not force-fully opened. Hence change the file permission / its containing folder permission like in C:\Program files all most all c drive files been set read-only so changing this permission solves this Problem.
In the query properties, try changing the Recordset Type to Dynaset (Inconsistent Updates)